• Published 8th Jan 2022
  • 559 Views, 9 Comments

Sunset Hunter - Marezinger Z

Hunter finds himself in one of the positions he's feared the most when another agent begins targeting Sunset. The threat becomes even more grave once he learns just who has her in their sights.

  • ...

Part 4

Sunset quietly directed them to her safe house about four miles away. Hunter was able to tell that she was still in mild shock over everything that had happened; she quickly sat in a metal chair and laid her head in her hands without further word. Her Equestrian self wanted to comfort her, but knew that she couldn’t at the moment; instead, she joined Hunter who had set himself to her laptop.

“What are you doing?” She asked quietly.

“I need to find out just what happened to him,” He looked over at the other Sunset. “What can you tell me about that sword?”

Sunset slowly lifted her head. “Not much. He found it on some auction site overseas and had it shipped to a nearby address I had access to; he told me he wanted a weapon that he was familiar with to help me. I was so wrapped up in tracking you two..." She sighed. "I didn’t really pay attention to what he was doing; I figured he had it under control. He had the sword for a while before we fought; it didn’t do anything to him or show any signs of supernatural activity.” She looked to her other self. “Until her blood got onto it anyway.”

“Okay.” Hunter began working. “At least the evil entity was nice enough to give his name this time around,” He glanced back over at Sunset. “Usually that’s a bitch and a half to…”

“Stop joking around!” She fiercely shouted, voice quaking with upset.

Hunter slowly sighed as he typed. “Just because I joke, doesn’t mean I don’t take what I do seriously.” He explained. “That’s the part about me that you underestimated.”

“Sunset,” Sunset slowly walked over to her. “Whatever you think of us, we do want to help, and we will.” She smiled as best she could. “I meant what I said, I don’t want to be your enemy; I don’t want to fight you at all.”

Sunset looked up at her younger self. “He said you were a Pony, that you’re peaceful and kind.”

Sunset took that with a grain of salt. “Yes, but I wasn’t always like this; I used to be… more like you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sunset eyed her.

“You… remind me of myself, before another Pony showed me true friendship after seeing the literal manifestation of all my anger and contempt for the world.” She let out a long sigh. “I know what Hunter went through, which means I have an idea of what you went through; and knowing what happened to your family… it’s clear that anger and contempt is in you too.” She shrugged. “But I can at least admit that you use it to try and protect your world, which is more than I can say for myself.”

Sunset absorbed the words of her otherworldly self. “I suppose this is the part where you try to convince me we’re the same?”

“No, we’re not the same.” Sunset shook her head. “Not at all; we have some similarities like all counterparts, but at the end of the day we’re completely different people with different lives, pasts, goals and dreams.” She took another step closer. “We do have one thing in common though, it’s clear that we both love our Hunters; that’s enough common ground to at least be amicable.”

Sunset lowered her head again with conflicted emotion. “I guess we do.”

“I think it’s great that you love him so much,” Sunset continued. “Love can conquer anything, even your hatred of otherworldly creatures it seems; but it’s also nice to have friends.”

“Agents don’t have friends.” She countered.

“I used to think that.” Hunter came in. “Live it actually; and you know what… it’s a complete crock of shit. I have loads of friends now and it has changed everything about my life, for the better; you might not like me, but I know your life better than anyone else. So from one agent to another, you should give it a shot.” He stood from the little desk. “Now, want to know what happened to your admittedly handsome boy-toy?”

“You found something?” Sunset looked back at him.

“What is it?” The other Sunset asked as she stood, eyes now filled with determination.

“Ulf Backe, which translates to ‘wolf breaker’ and is totally going to be the name of my metal group after I retire, is a legend in his own right.” Hunter began. “Think Genghis Khan, just further north.”

“Vikings weren’t really known for conquering.” Sunset noted. “They were pillagers, they traveled and took from others to bring back to their homes.”

“Very true,” Hunter nodded. “Which is why ol’ Ulf wasn’t very popular. He took from other Norsemen and tried creating his own Nordic city-state. This led to a kind of civil war that saw a unification of many different villages to finally get rid of him. His army was completely killed off and he was slain with his own sword which was said to have been crafted by Wayland the Smith.” Hunter tapped the side of his head. “He was beheaded, the sword jammed into the blood-soaked soil and his head was impaled on the blade.”

“That’s… unpleasant.” Hunter’s Sunset said with a disturbed breath.

“Legend has it that while his head sat on that sword, he spoke his last words.” Hunter continued. “Swearing that one day he would lift his sword again to continue his conquest.” He shrugged. “That last part might be a bit exaggerated, but we’re going off of legend here.”

“So when my blood got on the sword, it brought him back.” Sunset surmised.

“Which means we know what to do.” Hunter went to his fellow agent. “You and I have all the expertise and firepower needed to destroy that sword and save him.”

Sunset slowly nodded. “Then let’s get to work; if he causes any kind of severe damage or casualty…I won’t be able to protect him from the fallout.” Her hardened face washed over in distress. “I… I can’t lose him; he’s all I have.”

“You won’t.” Sunset assured. “We’ll get him back.”

“Sunny.” Hunter took her shoulder. “Jump on social media platforms and see if anyone has posted pics or video of him around the city; they’ll pick it up faster than the police will.”

“I’ve got weapons and munitions here we can use,” The other Sunset offered, regaining her composure. “Enough to split between us.”

“Aw, and I didn’t get you anything.” Hunter smiled as he followed her; he watched as she removed sheets from trunks and stated popping them open. "Listen, I know I said some pretty shitty things back there, but I just needed to get you worked up and emotional so I could win."

You were just exploiting my... weaknesses." She bitterly admitted. "I would have done the same if given the opportunity."

"Yeah, I know." Hunter nodded. "Doesn't mean it felt good though; I never knew my parents, so I can't imagine what it was like to have them taken from you. But on one hand, at least you had the chance to know them."

"Grass is always greener." Sunset quoted hollowly as she stood and looked at him.

"Point is," Hunter began with a light smile. "All our lives were shit in one way or another; but we found the strength to become the agents we are today. There was a lot in your file to be impressed by too, you're one hell of a soldier in your own right."

Sunset managed to at least accept the compliment between combatants. "I admit I did underestimate you; I thought your behavior and unorthodox tactics made you a disgrace, but it actually makes you far more dangerous than I gave you credit for."

"Like I said, I take protecting Susnet seriously." Hunter stepped up to the trunks. "I can tell you take protecting Hunter seriously too; I know how I'd feel if I lost Sunset, so let's go make sure that doesn't happen to you."

She quietly accepted and the two began arming themselves. As they worked, Sunset paced the room and began scanning through the accumulated notifications on her page; she soon came upon a video clip that was less than an hour old and had already received hundreds of re-posts and comments. She watched the clip to hear a voice clamoring about a crazy guy brandishing a sword down by the beach. “Hunter?” She called.

“Find anything?” He asked as they jogged over.

“He’s at the beach, looks like the marina.” She detailed.

“He’s looking for a ship.” Sunset concluded as she readied her QTA-11.

“Well that’s just cliche.” Hunter noted. “Better get there before he finds his sea legs.”

Loading up in Hunter’s car, he rushed them down to the location pinned on the video. In such an open area of operation, Hunter had to take them well past the crowds and along the way they could see first responders arriving at the scene to investigate. Knowing they didn’t have much time, he parked in as quiet a spot as he could find and they got out to survey the area.

“Better mask up.” Hunter suggested as he slipped on a ski mask.

“Obviously.” Sunset did the same. “By the way, we destroy the sword without harming Hunter. If you so much as graze him, I’ll kill you myself.”

“I won't harm a hair on my head.” Hunter chuckled as he looked to his own Sunset. “Sunny, get as many people as you can out of the area and try to stall the police if you can.”

“I’ll do my best,” She looked the two of them over. “Good luck.”

The other Sunset watched her sprint off; Hunter noticed and hummed in interest. “Does it make you feel better seeing that she isn’t some dangerous creature?”

“Shut up and let’s get to Hunter.” She ignored his words and began moving in; knowing his aim, they made their way to the marina and began inspecting the rows of piers that were lined with private vessels. At pier fourteen, they found their target sinking a speed boat in disgust.

“Are there any ships here fit for a warrior?” He muttered.

“If you’re looking for a battleship, the U.S. military tends to hog those all to themselves.” Hunter called his attention.

Ulf looked back and shook his head at the sight of them. “You two again?”

“The possession is getting worse.” Hunter noted, seeing that his counterpart's facial features had begun to distort and his eyes now burned with the same red magical aura as his sword.

Ulf pointed the tip of his weapon at them. “I at least give you praise for wishing to die in battle.”

“No one is dying,” Sunset readied her rifle. “I’m destroying that sword and sending you back to whatever hell you came from.”

“Ah, it seems you found your fire, girl.” Ulf laughed. “Very well, maybe this time you’ll be worth my effort.” He slashed the air and sent an aimless wave of magic at them.

Hunter tossed a flash bang as he and Sunset went in opposite directions; unaware of the modern weapon, Ulf was blinded by the flash and stunned by the sudden noise. Hunter fired at the blade of the sword, but the bullets were burnt up before impact by the powerful magic emanating from the cursed weapon. “Shooting the blade directly is useless!” He yelled over to Sunset.

“I’ll try the hilt!” Sunset answered as she went prone. “Distract!”

“On it!” Hunter continued moving away from Sunset’s position.

“Running!” Ulf leapt into the air and came crashing down in front of Hunter. “You are a coward.”

“I prefer to think of it as strategy, thank you.” Hunter tossed his weapon aside and pulled a combat knife from his hip. “But if you want to go toe to toe.”

“A puny blade, don’t you think?” Ulf scoffed.

“Maybe, but I don’t have to compensate for anything Mr. Two-hander.” Hunter smiled.

“Your tongue is sharper than your skill, boy!” Ulf rushed in with a solid swing.

Hunter forward rolled beneath the swipe and got to his knees in time to block his backswing; blades locked, he pushed into him further and gripped his wrist tight to hold his dominant arm still. They both instinctively broadened their stances to gain stability; Hunter rolled across Ulf’s right side and locked him in a rear naked choke. In response, Ulf flipped his sword upside down and stabbed it at Hunter’s foot; forced to give up his footing to dodge, Hunter pushed him forward and they fell to the ground. Ulf rolled onto his back and pinned Hunter against the ground, but Hunter took his wrists and forced them upward giving Sunset a clean shot at the hilt of the sword. A series of carefully aimed shots rang out, the last of which striking the ruby resting in the pommel. A surge of magical energy spewed outward and Ulf reacted with a pained shout; he rolled away and guarded himself as Hunter rose to his knee.

“Don’t like taking it in the jewels, huh?” Hunter panted.

“Damn you, boy…” Ulf growled. “You will not best me.”

“You might have been a badass in your time, but you’re out of your element.” Hunter rose to his feet as Sunset ran up beside him.

“I saw the reaction,” Sunset too dropped her rifle and pulled out her own knife as well as her sidearm. “Close range and shoot the ruby.”

Hunter drew his sidearm as well. “Sounds like a plan.”

“You dare act like you’ve won!” Ulf rose once more and readied his sword. “Were it not for this weak body, I…”

“Hunter is not weak!” Sunset shut him down. “He’s a more honorable man than you’ll ever be; and I want you out of his body now!” She ran in with Hunter following; Ulf found himself backing up and parrying as the two skilled soldiers assaulted him with a mixture of close quarters combat techniques and handgun fire. With each exchange, either Hunter or Sunset would send a round into the ruby with each impact causing Ulf to wail in pain. As he faltered in his stance, Hunter weaved under a blind swing; taking his wrist and shoulder he hyper-extended his sword arm and offered Sunset an open shot. After firing twice more into the ruby, Sunset side kicked the sword from his hand and it stuck into the sand alongside the walkway. Sunset caught his body as it went limp while Hunter pulled two hand grenades from his belt and tossed them next to the sword as soon as the pins were pulled. They both took the weakened Hunter’s body and sprinted away, diving into the sand as a massive explosion reduced the sword to pieces that scattered across the area.

Sunset scrambled to her knees and pulled her Hunter with her; ripping off her mask, she held him steady and cradled the back of his head. “Hunter!?” She called. “Hunter, wake up… please.”

His eyes slowly began to open and his dry mouth quivered. “S…Sun…”

“It’s me, Hunter.” Her face washed over with a joy that was rare for her. “I’m right here.”

“I…” Hunter focused in on her with weak and sad eyes. “I… attacked you…”

“No, it wasn’t you.” She assured. “It was the sword, but we destroyed it.”

“We..” His eyes slid over to see his human counterpart looking down at him.

“Hey there, sunshine.” Hunter made a dry laugh. “You slept through the fun part.” He laid his hand on her shoulder. “We need to get somewhere safe, head back to the car and I’ll find Sunny.”

“What about the sword?” Sunset looked up at him.

“Normally I’d want to collect the pieces, but we don’t have the time.” He shook his head. “Besides, I’m ninety nine percent sure that in cases like this the thing has to be whole for it to be a problem.” He smiled as he held up the ruby. “So I’ll just hang on to this part here.”

Sunset nodded and got Hunter to his feet, collecting her rifle as she spurred him along while Hunter went to collect his own weapon and find his Sunset. Within the half hour, the docks were filled with police who were investigating but finding little more than bizarre metal fragments and spent bullet casings. The pair of Sunsets and Hunters managed to flee the scene and make their way to the back of a superstore parking lot to collect themselves. The Equestrian Sunset ran into the store to get some water while her counterpart sat in the back with her still dazed Hunter.

“Sunset… I am so sorry,” Hunter looked at her dimly. “I only wished to aid you and…”

“I don’t care about any of that now,” Sunset stopped him, pulling him against her. “You’re you again, that’s all that matters to me.”

He smiled at her embrace, doing his best to return it; as he sat back, he looked to his other self. “You… you helped save me, why? I tried to kill your Sunset.”

“Because I knew it would piss you off.” Hunter answered with a laugh.

Hunter laughed into a cough as Sunset rubbed his back. “Yes, it does.”

A knock on the rear door sounded as Sunset appeared, she pulled it open and passed in two bottles of water. “Here you go, ice cold from the cooler.”

Sunset took them and unscrewed the tops, giving one to Hunter who was quick to begin downing it. “Easy,” She warned as she looked to her human self with softer eyes. “Thank you.”

“Of course,” Sunset smiled. “I’m just glad everyone came out of this unharmed.”

“Jump in, Sunny.” Hunter rocked his head towards the passenger seat. “We’ll get back to the safe house.”

“Right.” Sunset closed the rear door and hopped into the front.

Hunter took them back to Sunset’s safe house and once inside they were able to shed their gear. As he rejoined his Sunset by the table, they looked over at their other selves as she inspected his body for any injury.

“Hunter?” Sunset laid her head on his shoulder.


“Do you believe what Twilight said?” She asked. “About us being destined to be together?”

“Ah,” Hunter sighed as he ran his hand up and down her arm. “I don’t believe in destiny or fate, but I also don’t believe in coincidence; let’s just file it under fucking weird and leave it at that.”

Sunset laughed and nodded. “So what now?”

“Well,” Hunter began as he saw them start to head over. “That’s up to them.” He smiled at they approached. “You good?” He looked to his counter.

“Yes,” He nodded. “Sunset told me I had been shot, but being under the magical thrall of that spirit seems to have healed the wound." He surmised. "I am unharmed, save for my pride.”

“You’ll get over it.” His Sunset chortled.

“So what’s the plan?” Hunter asked. “We done trying to kill each other or do we pick up where we left off?”

The human Sunset looked to her Equestrian double. “When I found out that there was a creature from another world with my face, living the life that got stolen from me…” She sighed. “I admit that it clouded all my judgement. I came racing across the globe, off the books and without my superior’s knowledge to hunt you down.” She gestured to her. “And you have the nerve to… not be a monster.” Her hold around Hunter tightened. “Your Hunter said that you were special like I decided mine was, and he’s right. Maybe I need to start rethinking things.”

“And you,” Her Hunter took over, looking to his opposite self. “You’re an arrogant, vulgar and perverted swine.” He smiled. “But… you are also and true and honorable warrior. Thank you for saving me and for being there for Sunset when she needed it most. She is not one to ask for help.”

The human Sunset slowly nodded. “So, to answer your question, we’re done here.”

“So, you keep quiet about my Sunny and I’ll keep quiet about your Hunter.” Hunter offered.

“Agreed.” Sunset nodded.

“Isn’t mutually assured destruction fun?” Hunter smiled over at his Sunset.

“Sure,” She left his side and stepped up to her counterpart. “I hope things do change for you, for the better.” She began, looking to her Hunter. “You’ve got someone that truly loves you, maybe a little too much, but you really should think about opening yourself up to others like Hunter has.” She looked up at her with warm eyes. “I know you said agents don’t have friends, but if you ever find yourself thinking that, then just remember you have two here in Canterlot.” She held her hand out.

Sunset allowed herself to smile and slowly took her hand. “One for sure,” She glanced over at Hunter. “Still on the fence about him.”

“Now that I understand.” Sunset said as they both laughed.

“Come on Hunter, let’s go home.” Sunset helped him along.

“That sounds wonderful, my love.” He laid into her as they walked.

“By the way, she told me about Cloud Dancer.” She began as they started off. “Want to fill me in?”

“Oh…” Hunter stammered. “Well…”

“If you don’t want to, I get it.” She nodded.

“No, it’s just… given my past lied in another world I…”

“I want to know.” Sunset interrupted. “I’d… like to know.”

Hunter smiled as he thought back to his past life. “I’d like to think that you two would have been close.” He started.

Back across the way, Hunter and Sunset watched them go as their conversation trailed off into echoes along the walls.

“All the craziness aside, I’m glad I finally got to meet her.” Sunset noted. “Feels like finding a missing piece of myself.”

“I think she feels the same way now.” Hunter suggested.

They stood in silence for a long minute. “You know, I think I’ll take you up on that vacation trip.” Sunset took his hand, starting the procession back to his car.

“Oh, what about yetis and ghost pirates?” Hunter laughed.

“We’ll fight them,” Sunset said without hesitation. “At least the scenery will be different.”

“I’ll start looking at brochures.” Hunter squeezed her hand tightly as she pulled out her phone to begin letting everyone know that the danger was over and they were on their way home.

Author's Note:

Sunset's human counterpart is something I've been looking forward to dealing with and I hope this story is a satisfying answer to the mystery.

Comments ( 6 )

A bit rushed, compared to the rest of the series, but not bad.

I really enjoyed this story from start to finish and I look forward to the next installment in the near future. :)

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you liked it; I was really happy with how it turned out. I like to work with holes that the show leaves open in their own canon, and I think this is one of the biggest ones they left for EQG.

You're very welcome. Oh yes, it gives us writers limitless possibilities of "What If" scenarios to work with. :)

Human Sunset almost happened for real...

This was actually super fun and, the best part, outside of the first chapter's reference... totally feels standalone.

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