• Published 12th Jan 2022
  • 1,018 Views, 7 Comments

The Moment - Forgetful

Sunny and her friends discuss that one pogger moment, I mean totes WTF!

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"Poggers! Heckin Poggers!!" Pipp struggled to flick on her Peg-iPhone 11 as all Tartarus was breaking loose around her.

The sky had totally just opened up as legit waves of heavenly light shot down from above. Engulfing poor Sunny Starscout like a healthy low carb salad wrap and gave her the most adorbs makeover ever.

The once bland earth pony now sporting wings of light, a new horn made of the same gorgeous beam formed atop her forehead like a boss. Pipp could only hyperventilate as the beauty nearly blinded her.

"O-M-Goodness! My BFF Totes got a mad drip ATM and everypony is GTFO right now!" Pipp felt tears run down her cheeks as she struggled to keep her composure while live streaming.

"Ahhhhh!" Hitch screamed at the top of his lungs from the sudden transmogrification.

"Izzy! Izzy is this totes happening!?" Pipp screamed across the open field as the phone pointed in the shocked unicorn's direction.

"Whaaaa!?" Izzy smacked both hooves on her jaws in utter shock, her mouth left open speechless.

The phone passed over Sprout as he fell out of his oversized mechapony door in horror. "Did she just become a Goddess!? Is this The Rapture!?" The stallion lurched forward as a spew of rainbow-colored vomit sprayed across the grass.

"Hitch! She's so heckin beautiful! " Pipp put the sun-kissed stallion back on the air.

"Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhh!" He screamed further as both eyes turned bloodshot red.

Zipp suddenly lifted off the ground as she flew over to her sister in pure awe of the moment hovering just over the camera. "She buc#$%* turned into a $%&# and @#$%." She cursed at the top of her lungs, never noticing she was flying.

"Zipp! You're flying!!" Pipp screamed in a high-pitched squeal.

"#$%* @#$%* #$%&*!" Zipp cursed in absolute shock before pointing a hoof towards Izzy.

"I have magquake!" Izzy could feel her horn burn with hellfire, as a light of judgment shot out of her body in a thunderous boom.

A lightning strike of power zoomed across the dew-ridden grass to engulf Sprout in the justified burn of righteous harmony. Setting the whole open field ablaze in a wildfire, as ponies witness to this monumental moment began to pray and worship their new God.

"And then Sprout exploded into a shower of charred pony bones!" Izzy giggled with a flaunt of her hoof cutely as she took a sip from her Strawberry milkshake.

"I don't think that's how it happened? " Sunny nervously cleared her throat as she sat at the end of the booth within the local ice cream parlor.

Zipp scrunched her muzzle softly confused as well. "I've never once cursed in my life. " She arched a thin brow across the table to the unicorn.

"Of course, it didn't happen! We just want to put on a good show for the ponies!!" Izzy flashed a mischievous little grin.

Pipp nodded in agreement as she pushed away a vanilla milkshake daintily to the side. "Mm-hmm, numbers show ponies remember pogger moments, ten times more often than boring ones!" The pink pony tapped her hoof on the table excitedly.

"Exactly! Sprout, if anyone asks, we executed you, Kay!?" Izzy leaned back on her seat as she yelled to the stallion across the building nursing a sundae.

"I'm being executed!?" He spit the treat out of his mouth in terror.

"Nopony is being executed! If anything Sprout will perform several hundred hours of community service." Hitch stood up calmly as he reassured the patrons of the parlor everything was fine.

"Community service!? Just kill me now!!" Sprout groaned before sinking into his seat like melted butter.

Izzy blew a loud raspberry in dismay. "You're a Pegicorn now, you should act like one!" She slammed a hoof on the table with a sharp snort from her nostrils.

"They were made of light, I don't even have them now!" Sunny pursed her lips as she leaned forward to her friend in annoyance.

"Totes noticed that but didn't want to say anything. " Pipp added her two cents to the conversation.

Zipp nodded along in a silent sip of her caramel milkshake. "What is it? A Super Saiyan mode or something? " She asked as eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"What!? I don't know!" Sunny sighed as her ears drooped in place.

Hitch chuckled under his breath lightly. "Give her some time to process guys, go see Judgement Neigh on me!" He tossed an overstuffed bag of bits on the table.

"I'm never one to turn down a free movie!" Izzy snatched up the bag swiftly.

The unicorn smacked her lips nonchalantly. "Concessions?"

Hitch shook his head annoyed, tossing another smaller bag atop the table. The rest of the group squealed in joy as they galloped off towards the exit, Izzy remaining behind with a serious gaze.

"I want to go large." Her muzzle in a stone-faced expression.

Hitch placed two bits on the table as ears lowered back and eyes narrowed.

"I'll be going now." Izzy snatched the bits and ran away excitedly.

Sunny giggled with a hoof placed on her cheek tenderly. "Very generous of you." She let a warm smile spread across her muzzle lovingly.

"I could tell you needed a moment. " Hitch winked towards the mare as he sipped on his mug of coffee playfully.

"Everything's changing now, it's something I always dreamed of…" Sunny trailed off with a distant look in her vibrant eyes.

"But now that it's here, you're frightened of the future?" Hitch placed a hoof atop her own.

"What if I'm unable to keep the peace? What if I destroy harmony!?" Sunny winced as her ears folded in dismay.

Hitch was quick to run his hoof over her cheek cupping it firmly. "I believe in you, and win or fall, I'll be at your side." He spoke in a tone of reassurance.

"You'll always be first to protect me?" Sunny felt herself relax at the moment.

"I'm the sheriff! It's kind of the job." Hitch chuckled as he jumped out of his seat and held a hoof out to the mare.

Sunny could only blush as her small hoof took his with complete trust. He helped her to her hooves as each shared a lingering gaze. The orange glow of the sun basked over the entirety of Maretime Bay in cozy warmth.

"I heard the sunset on the beach is amazing." Hitch guided his friend out of the parlor protectively as each cuddled closer.

The future might be full of uncertainty, but for this moment things would be just fine.

Sprout watched as they began to leave his muzzle scrunched in annoyance. "I'm serious, just kill me! I hate community services. It's full of boring tasks, and the seagulls don't make it easy either!! They crap and crap and crap…" His voice would ramble on for a while yet.

Comments ( 7 )

Wow. This was awesome and funny!

This was a lovely gift, cutie! :rainbowkiss:

Thank you for making it for a goofy dork like myself. πŸ€­πŸ€“

You're silliness is always welcome in my day.

Squee! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

This story's going on my favourites shelf.

A very poggers story

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