• Published 15th Jan 2022
  • 805 Views, 43 Comments

Winter Storm Izzy - StormLuna

Maretime Bay generally has good weather year round but when Izzy comes to town to visit Sunny, she brings something unexpected with her. She brought in something that was completely foreign to the town.

  • ...

Izzy's Wintry Mayhem

It was a calm January day in Maretime Bay, the sun was shining, the winds were calm and everypony was out and about tending to their normal business. Sunny Starscout was among them, out selling her smoothies but she had a short day planned as her best friend, Izzy Moonbow, was coming into town to visit.

She was down by the sheriff's station when she ran into Hitch with a smile on her face, "Oh hi Hitch." She saw that he had some critters with him and added, "And it looks like you have the whole gang with you."

Hitch sighed, "I know, they just won't leave me alone. It is like I'm a magnet for them." He paused for a minute before adding, "So what's up?"

Sunny replied, "Oh just selling some smoothies before Izzy gets here. You know how she is, she wants us to go have fun the moment she gets here."

Another pony was standing in the area and chimed in, "Well that pony is trouble. The tribes may get along but I still don't trust those unicorns."

Sunny glared at him, "Come on Sprout, what could she possibly do wrong? If I need to remind you, she did help get that trolley back on the tracks that you knocked off with that thing you destroyed my house with."

This was one thing that Maretime Bay had not forgiven him for and still threw it in his face from time to time, that not only did he destroy Sunny's house but that unicorns helped restore some things to normal. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Ugh, must everypony remind me of that?"

Hitch commented, "You know Sprout, you caused a lot of damage with that thing, ponies aren't going to forgive you any time soon." He then turned to Sunny and asked, "So what do you have planned."

Sunny became sad, "Well we plan on visiting my dads grave before" she became more enthusiastic "going through some of my dad's old books and artifacts. I'm hoping to get Izzy more interested in Ancient Equestrian history."

Before Hitch could reply ponies began running and a chilly northerly wind began to blow. Sunny's eyes grew wide as she asked, "What in the world is going on?"

The ponies continued to stampede to the south end of town as clouds were rolling from the north and something that Maretime Bay almost never saw began to fall, snow. Hitch gasped, "What the....it almost never snows here and that wind, it is never that cold here."

They then heard some singing, "Gonna be, gonna be my storm! Gonna be, gonna be my storm! Gonna be, gonna be my stooooorm!"

They all knew the source of the singing the moment they heard it. Hitch gasped, "Izzy? Is that really Izzy?"

Sunny replied, "It is but why in the world would a storm be accompanying her."

Sprout commented, "I told you that those unicorns can't be trusted! She probably created it and is going to freeze us all!"

Sprout then took off to the south while the other two waited by the sheriff's station waiting for Izzy to arrive. Once she got into the center of town, a full blown blizzard had arrived with ice cold winds. Izzy's horn was glowing bright as she embraced Sunny, "Hi Sunny, do you like it?"

Hitch and Sunny both were in a state of shock that Izzy would ask such a question about something so unnatural. Hitch yelled, "No, let's get inside where it isn't so cold." He then turned to Izzy and yelled, "And don't bring it inside with you!"

Izzy powered down her horn and the three raced inside. Once they got inside Hitch gave her a glare, "Izzy, why would you bring a storm with you and more importantly, how did you even create it?"

Izzy laughed, "Well it is January and I thought you guys could use a taste of Bridlewood weather!"

Sunny sighed in frustration, "Izzy, I know you likely didn't mean any harm with this but this town is not prepared for this kind of cold! Pipes will be bursting all over town before too long!"

Izzy felt truly bad for what she had done. She apologized, "Oh no, I didn't know that would happen. I'm so sorry!"

Sunny did want to know something else about her storm, "So where else have you buried in snow?"

Izzy got a sheepish grin on her face, "Well I walked in the area of Zephyr Heights and they got buried. Luckily nopony knew it was me though."

Hitch put his hoof up to his face, "You know only Bridlewood is prepared for this kind of weather! Their pipes probably busted just as ours will."

Sunny asked, "Izzy, do you know how to stop this storm? Can you just fire some magic from your horn and end this?" She looked outside and saw that there was near zero visibility and probably at least six inches of snow. She added, "And the sooner the better!"

Before Izzy could respond they heard the pipes burst in the sheriff's station. Hitch groaned, "Oh great, the pipes burst." He turned to Izzy and added, "And after you end this storm, you're going to use your magic to fix every single burst pipe in Maretime Bay and then apologize to the town."

As Izzy headed outside, the winds became stronger and they picked her up and threw her off to the south. Alongside her was the town's trolley, the same trolley that she had helped get set back on the tracks. Once Izzy landed, she got behind a building, flared up her horn and sighed, "I hope this works!"

Izzy then fired a bolt of energy skywards, causing the storm to begin to subside and ultimately for the skies to clear and the winds to stop. Izzy looked around and took in everything that she was responsible for. She saw that there was at least a foot of snow in some areas but then the snow began to melt rather quickly which led to another problem, flooding.

She held her head low and sighed, "Ugh, why did I do this? Why did I think this would be any fun at all?" She then cast another spell that surrounded the town and caused the water to evaporate away rather quickly. Once she headed back towards the sheriff's office, she noticed the trolley laying on its side. She levitated it back up onto the tracks and sighed, "Well that's taken care of, now for everything else."

Once she returned to the sheriff's station she found Hitch and Sunny standing outside, both glaring at her. Hitch asked, "Izzy, could you go in there and take care of those pipes? The water is already an inch deep in there!"

Izzy headed in there and was able to quickly able to fix the pipes and boil away the water. Once she got that taken care of and headed back out Sunny asked, "Izzy, how were you able to just take care of that so quickly? You did it like it was what in Ancient Equestria would be called your special talent."

Izzy replied, "Well once we got magic back I wanted to do something more than just unicycling so I kind of figured it out." She then became more enthusiastic, "Did you know that we don't have to study really hard to do things like they did in Ancient Equestria because I sure didn't!"

Hitch replied, "I didn't but Sunny, could you and Izzy go to the town square while I go and let everypony know it is safe and to gather there." He then turned to Izzy and added, "Then you will apologize and fix every last broken pipe in Maretime Bay."

Sunny led Izzy to the town square and sighed, "I can't believe you'd do this Izzy! You could have set relations between the tribes backwards to the point where nopony will trust unicorns again."

Izzy wasn't quite sure how to react to this. Ever since meeting her, she had seen the generally happy side of Sunny but this time she saw a side of Sunny that was frustrated with her and perhaps even a bit angry. She held her head low as they arrived in the town square waiting for the citizens of the town to arrive.

Once everypony gathered in the town square Hitch headed to the center of it and said, "It is alright everypony. The storm has been taken care of and as you can see, the snow and flood waters have been taken care of." He then turned to Izzy and asked, "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

Izzy stepped forward and nervously held her head up and began, "I'm sorry everypony, I didn't mean for it to happen. I just thought it would be fun for you guys to experience the same type of January weather we do in Bridlewood."

Sprout was in the crowd and yelled, "I knew you unicorns were nothing but trouble, I knew this whole friendship thing....."

Hitch cut him off, "Sprout, just let Izzy finish."

Izzy continued, "Please don't hold any of this against any of the other unicorns, they didn't even know about me going to do this."

Sunny added, "Listen everypony, Izzy is rather unique but I know she won't do this again, I promise."

A pony in the crowd yelled, "Ok but my water pipes burst and my house is flooded with water. It is going to cost me a lot of money to fix the damages caused by her storm!"

Hitch was quick to try and calm her down, "Look, we had a similar problem in the sheriff's station and Izzy has strange magic. She fixed the pipes and took care of the water and I told her that for doing this, she has to fix everypony's pipes and get rid of the water."

Sunny added, "Everypony, raise your hooves if your pipes burst and Izzy will come take care of the problems."

A large majority of the community raised their hooves and Sunny finished, "Well Izzy, it looks like you're going to be busy for a while."

Izzy nodded and then began to go and take care of all the problems she had caused. She could feel a great amount of anger from many of the citizens but a few were thankful that she fixed the problems she caused and were even thankful that she could so easily do so. One mare even asked her if she would consider moving to Maretime Bay to take care of things like this since it was so easy for her.

Four hours later Izzy had righted all the wrongs she had caused and said, "Well Sunny, well Hitch, everything is taken care of."

Sunny replied, "Well good but now we're going to Zephyr Heights and there you will do exactly what you did here. You will apologize, fix things and hopefully convince the pegasi that none of the other unicorns were behind this."

Hitch added, "And I'm thinking if I go with you, this will be easier." He then turned to Sprout and added, "And Sprout, while I'm gone please, please, please don't try and start a war."

Sprout grumbled, "Oh fine!"

The three then took off towards Zephyr Heights so that Izzy could do the same for them that she did Maretime Bay. Convincing the pegasi that the unicorns weren't behind it was a bit more difficult until Queen Haven was able to convince everypony that Izzy did indeed do this alone and that no other unicorns were involved.

After fixing everything in Zephyr Heights, the two headed to Bridlewood, which was covered in snow like it always was in January. Izzy sighed, "I'm sorry you two, I didn't mean to cause so many problems."

Sunny replied, "Izzy, I'm not going to say it is ok but think of this as a learning lesson for you. You had a lapse in judgement and then you learned from it."

Hitch then added, "You know, I'm sure the historians will want to remember this event." He then began to laugh, "How about we call this Winter Storm Izzy!"

Izzy protested, "But then everypony will remember me for all the wrong reasons!"

Sunny tried to reassure her, "Izzy, it won't be so bad and besides, as long as there is never another Winter Storm Izzy, history won't portray you as so bad."

Izzy replied, "Alright." She then became a bit happier and added, "How about I take you two to Alphabittle's and treat you to something for causing so many problems."

In unison the two agreed, "That sounds good, let's go."

This was something that Izzy was going to try and keep secret from Alphabittle and the other unicorns because while the pegasi and earth ponies did forgive her, she knew that those of her own tribe may not do so easily since it could have easily set relations among the tribes backwards, and maybe caused them to lose their magic again.

Comments ( 43 )

I like this.

Yep. I think it's safe to say we all saw this coming.


I threw this together in about an hour and had a hell of a lot of fun doing it. Now they need to name a hurricane Fluttershy!



I shared this on my Facebook and in a couple of group forums here.

You actually wrote a story about Izzy bringing a winter storm with her. I approve, and I like it! I wonder why the thought of writing one never crossed my mind?

Sunny added, "Everypony, raise your hooves if your pipes burst and Izzy will come take care of the problems."

A large majority of the community raised their hooves and Sunny finished, "Well Izzy, it looks like you're going to be busy for a while."

When I first read the first line, I was thinking the exact same thing Sunny said, so it got an extra chuckle out of me to see Sunny say what I was thinking.:rainbowlaugh:


I've been considering doing this ever since I heard about Winter Storm Izzy and then today I decided I'd just do it....and I had fun doing it.

"Come on Sprout, what could she possibly do wrong?

I know that Maretime Bay is not Ponyville, but we don't know if it will become Ponyville 2.0 yet. So, Sunny don't say stuff like that!

*sighs* Some mares just need to learn the lesson. :facehoof:


That is the classic, "Trust me, anything can go wrong." Line in G4.

I heard about winter storm Izzy on the news tonight. I can’t help but wonder at the timing of this fanfic. It would be an awesome episode for the show this fall.


Well I figured the timing on this would be perfect. I used a similar method when writing "Cozy Glow Drives Tirek Nuts" timing. I had a ton of fun writing this, probably the most fun since I had writing that Cozy Glow story.

Hitch put his hoof up to his face, "You know only Bridlewood is prepared for this kind of weather! Their pipes probably busted just as ours will."

Well, I dunno...Zephyr Heights is far enough up that mountain that I imagine it can still get pretty cold up there during the winter...and there is evidence to suggest Zephyr Heights is located around Canterlot was, and it got snow in the winter, so...

Sunny became sad, "Well we plan on visiting my dads grave before" she became more enthusiastic "going through some of my dad's old books and artifacts. I'm hoping to get Sunny more interested in Ancient Equestrian history."

You meant Izzy?

Sunny powered down her horn and the three raced inside. Once they got inside Hitch gave her a glare, "Izzy, why would you bring a storm with you and more importantly, how did you even create it?"



You're welcome


True, I decided that for this story I would have it be just Bridlewood that got the colder weather.

I fixed the mistake you pointed out, thanks for letting me know about it. That happens to me sometimes. I'm glad you liked this.

To be fair, I could relate to Izzy here. If you used to live in an area that snowed every Christmas, and then go to someplace that doesn't, it is horribly depressing.


To be honest, it would be a dream come true for me to live in a place where it is 60-70 degrees every Christmas....I get where you're coming from though.

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

This feels like a commentary on Arctic blasts... and I'm kind of here for it.


Well this is a one shot so there won't be any more chapters.


If that is you saying you like it, thanks.


Do you think the story will do better with that one?

I lay good odds Alphabittle already knows about "Winter Storm Izzy" as a certain Pegasi Queen, has probably already sent him word XD


That isn't something that crossed my mind, but of course Izzy would hope that she didn't.


I could see Alphabittle being frustrated and maybe a bit irked but I don't think he would be really mad at her....now for the big question, are the unicorns still superstitious now that they have their magic back....and is mayonnaise still a forbidden word?

Supersticious about magic? No. Mayo being Taboo? Most likely since we dont know WHY it was Taboo in the first place lol


Maybe it made some unicorns sick in the past and thus even saying the word is taboo. Maybe we'll find out at some point.

I am currently dealing with Izzy. 40mph wind and torrential rain. And a back line that looks... potentially tornadic. At least to my eyes which have watched Doppler radar for 30 years. Several lines of intense storms, very narrow. As they come ashore, they could start spinning due to friction with land and create vortices.

Yep, she made her way to me a couple hours ago. It started as snow, but it's shifted to rain and all the snow has been drowned out already. Fun.

11122624 The bad storm lines stayed just off the coast. They did develop some twists, so I wouldn't be shocked if they made some waterspouts. Here, we just got one final blast of straight-line winds that knocked a bunch of dead branches down, then it began to calm down.


Well I'm glad to know that the worst of it stayed off the coast. I guess Izzy can't be blamed for death and destruction in our world.

*harsh boop*, No! Bad Izzy!

Recorded and will be an audiobook soon.


Let me know when that happens, I'm looking forward to it.

This was a fun and cute story! :pinkiehappy:

"Twilight damn it, Izzy!"

"My bad."

How I think the story is just from the description.


Think Twilight would be frustrated by what Izzy did?

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