• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 1,049 Views, 46 Comments

Cozy Mark Crusadin' - 5u0myn0n4

  • ...

Chapter 4

Sweetie Belle noticed Cozy Glow was staring at her, and hid the object she was holding behind her.

Cozy rushed over, and pushed Sweetie Belle aside, and took the dusty object from her. Sure enough. It was Grogar's bell.

"Yep! This is it it! It's my heirloom!" Cozy exclaimed. "You MORONS! Only dimwits would use a broken bell as a fire pit!"

Using Cozy's item as a firepit wasn't their brightest move, but that was no excuse for Cozy's rudeness.

"Um, your welcome?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"At last! I'm saved! Hahahaha!" Cozy laughed maniacally.

"That's uh, that's great!" Scootaloo said, clearing her throat and wiping her tears.

The CMC scratched their heads.

"Excuse me, but what kind of heirloom is that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's a um... it's a bell. Doesn't ring anymore. Seemingly.” Cozy said, tapping the bell with her hoof. “But that's okay. It's just an antique."

"Well, that sure is a relief." Scootaloo said. "I'm glad things are finally starting to work out for you, Cozy."

"Huh? Oh, right. Sure." Cozy said, half paying attention to them. "Now if you excuse me, Cutie Mark Crusaders, I have to go. Like I said, this thing's really important, so it's imperative I return it to my associates."

Cozy Glow was in a haste to leave, but her friends were eager to tag along.

"That's perfectly fine. Why don't you take us to see them?" Scootaloo suggested.

Cozy Glow thought again about her hostage idea. Was it worth the hassle? She didn't think it was at this point. The idea of recruiting them seemed more appealing, but now didn't seem like the right time. She might not be able to help it, and the CMCs might get hurt if they got too deep into Grogar's lair.

"Um... I don't think you'd make great friends with them." Cozy said.

"Pssh. We've made friends with just about every creature in Equestria. I'm sure we can-" Sweetie Belle said.

"Look, I asked for a favor, you guys helped me. It's done. Why won't you let me just go?" Cozy asked, growing in aggravation.

"Now hold on a moment. You seem a little too eager to leave so soon." Apple Bloom said.

"Seems a little... suspicious." Sweetie Belle added.

"And what happened to the surprise you had lined up for us?" Scootaloo asked.

"I have to do this! I get you're fillies who've never dabbled in grown up matters. So I can't say I'm surprised you don't understand." Cozy said. "Your surprise will come later. I'll come back for you fillies, but I have to deal with my personal matters alone."

"It's not any of that. We want to help." Scootaloo said. "Right, girls?"

Scootaloo looked at her friends, she was about to speak, but Apple Bloom spoke up first.

"I don't know how to say this without gettin' on yer nerves, but, I'm startin' to think that antique ain't inert." Apple Bloom said.

"What? No it isn't." Cozy said. "I thought you guys trusted me now. What about all the trust we've built up together? Don't you Crusaders trust me?" Cozy asked.

"To be honest, Cozy, you haven't really given us a reason to trust ya yet!" Apple Bloom said. "All you've done is ask for our help, and be vague."

"I see. All that kindness you showed me. All the generosity you expressed. The laughter we shared. I guess it was all a lie! None of it really mattered. Just another trick, more fake signs of affection! So much for loyalty, but I appreciate the honesty." Cozy said.

"At least she remembers what we taught her in the clubhouse..." Sweetie Belle said. "So you're really going to do this? After all we've been through?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Cozy was about to ditch the Crusaders, but they just wouldn't stop yapping.

While they still didn't know what the bell did, Scootaloo remembered a little tidbit she'd learned, but didn't remember where she heard it from. Basically, if you want to get somepony to tell you the truth, you pretend to already know the truth, and they'll simply roll with it. So Scootaloo assumed that that bell was no good.

"So you're just gonna go, and use that bell to take over Equestria? Even after all we've been through?" Scootaloo asked.

"After WHAT? I know deep down you don't actually care about my well being. You just want to reform me so that there's one less villain to worry about. You don't want what's truly best for me, and I'll tell you how I know that! I didn't see you fillies pleading and begging for them not to put me in Tartarus. In fact, I don't recall seeing ANY pony pleading for me!" Cozy exclaimed. "You talk about forgiveness, but if they wanted to forgive me, they sure would've, but they didn't, because they didn't want me. And you three have the audacity to try to reform me just so you can please your higher ups?! GET OUT!!!"

Scootaloo knew she had to say just the right thing as to not lose Cozy Glow. She realized that they both connected when they talked about her own parents, so she just had to dig deeper, but unfortunately, she was quickly outspoken.

"So yer gonna sit here and pretend like yer the victim? Like we wronged you?! Yer the one who started it! We were friends at the very beginnin! You chose to throw that all away! Now yer the one who's guilt trippin' us for not bein' friends?!"

All this bickering only served to make Cozy more angry, the opposite of what Scootaloo wanted.

"You're the ones who turned against me when my true intentions came to light! It didn't have to be that way. I didn't betray you to begin with! I only locked you away when it became clear you were just gonna try to stop my plan!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Bein' friends ain't about letting friends get away with hurting our other friends!!" Apple Bloom shoved Cozy Glow with her hooves.

"Yeah, well-" Cozy started.

"STOP!!!!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"She started it. She's the one who can't help but bein' evil." Apple Bloom said.

"Gee! If you've written me off as purely evil, then why'd you bother helping!?" Cozy exclaimed.

"Because..." Sweetie Belle scratched her head.

"Exactly! Your logic is flawed! You don't even know what ponies are about! You don't even understand your own nonsensical rules!" Cozy ranted.

"Because we believed that you can change!!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Cozy paused and thought for a moment.

"We believed you could change for the better. Rise above this desire for power, and discover something... maybe... realize that... maybe somepony would like you, if you gave friends a chance." Scootaloo preached.

Cozy paused and thought hard. While Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom showed little sign of caring, both before, and now, Scootaloo was very different. Cozy was touched, and she already had an idea on how to use this to her advantage.

"You're right, Scoot, I can change. With this bell, I'm going to change all right. It's going to change me into something magnificent." Cozy said. "I'm taking this bell to the only two creatures close to becoming my friends! And we're going to use this bell to end all of pony kind! And you can't stop me!!"

"So I guess that's our doomsday device hypothesis confirmed." Sweetie Belle said.

"Unfortunately for yer plans, whatever that thing does, we can't risk the safety of Equestria. You have to give it back to us." Apple Bloom said.

"Oh, just go home! You three fillies are WAY out of your league! Since when do you guys save Equestria? What's the biggest villain you've ever defeated? Trouble Shoes? Now get ready to face the ultimate power!!"

The CMC all gasped and took a step back. None of them knew the extent of that bell's power, or what it could do, and they were scared to find out.

Cozy Glow held the bewitching bell at the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

""Let's see how you ponies like friendship being weaponized against you! Now behold! The ultimate power!" she exclaimed.

"And now, prepare to face my powerful wrath!!"

The three CMCs backed away in fear.

These CMC are scared of my inanimate object, dummies. Cozy thought. I'll just scare them off, and be on my way.

Then suddenly, the bell started glowing a faded green glow.

It's actually activating? Amazing. Perfect timing too. Cozy said in her head.

"Tremble in fear of the bell's great power! See, now you shall-HEY!" suddenly, the bell flung forward away from Cozy's grasp.

The glow was not that of the bell, but of the Belle(bad joke).

Sweetie Belle grabbed the Bewitching Bell with her magic, and reeled it in.

"Give that back!" Cozy exclaimed.

"You'll have to take it from us!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Cozy ran after them, but the three crusaders split and ran in different directions to try to throw off Cozy.

Sweetie Belle kept the bell high with her magic as Cozy Glow chased her.

"Apple Bloom, look out!" she yelled.

Sweetie Belle passed the bell over to Apple Bloom who caught it. Cozy diverted her attention to Bloom.

The CMC tossed the bell around and tried to keep it from Cozy Glow.

"It's mine!!!" Cozy exclaimed.

"We tried being nice! But the safety of Equestria comes first!" Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom passed the bell to Scootaloo. She was just short of catching the bell, but she picked it up and held it close.

Cozy Glow slowly approached Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo, friend. Won't you please give me my heirloom back?" Cozy asked in a heavily wimpy tone.


"Please? My friends will be so mad if I don't give it back to them." Cozy said. "You wouldn't want that for me? You know what it's like to let ponies down."

Scootaloo paused, and wasn't sure what the best decision was in this moment.

"It'd mean a lot if you-" *OOF*

"I got her!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"What the?! AH!" Cozy cried.

Suddenly, Apple Bloom tackled Cozy Glow, and pinned her down. Sweetie Belle rushed over to her side.

"Good job distracting her, Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle said. "Now let's see what we can do with this." she said, swiping the bell from Scootaloo.

"Wait, I didn't-" Scootaloo was outspoken by all the commotion surrounding her. From Apple Bloom holding down Cozy Glow while she screamed and struggled, to Sweetie Belle who... was taking drastic measures to this whole situation.

"Get off me!!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Scootaloo, come help! ... Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked for Scootaloo to help pin down Cozy, but she just stood still in place. But it was fine, Apple Bloom was strong enough to hold Cozy down herself.

Scootaloo looked the other way and observed what Sweetie Belle was doing. Sweetie Belle placed the bell onto the ground next to a quarry. She then used her magic to grip a large boulder that loomed overhead on a higher ledge.

"Normally, we prefer not to act first and ask questions later." she said.

"What are ya talking about? I think she's answered enough questions for us to figure out her intentions." Apple Bloom said.

"You got a point there." Sweetie Belle said.

Sweetie Belle put a tighter magic grip on that boulder, and started pulling it.

"Go ahead and drop it, fools! Nothing can break the bell!" Cozy said.

"Oh yeah?! Well, this is a really heavy boulder." Sweetie Belle said.

"Let's put that claim to the test." Apple Bloom said. "Sweetie Belle, proceed."

Cozy didn't know for certain the bell was unbreakable, and she did not want to take that chance. Her eyes dilated as she watched Sweetie Belle nudge that huge boulder closer and closer to the edge.

"NO! STOP!!!! DON'T!!!!! AHHHH!!!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Sorry, Cozy Glow. But this is for your own good!" Apple Bloom said.

"NOO!!!! DON'T DO IT!! PLEASE!! AHHHH!!!!" Cozy kicked and cried and screamed.

While this drama was all happening, the bell was acting quite strange. It started glowing, unbeknownst to any of them.

Scootaloo couldn't help but do anything but just stand around very passively during all of this. Inside, she felt very divided. She could feel Cozy's pain hit her in the chest. Hearing Cozy's crying, it seemed different now. She seemed very distressed. It was very stressful to listen too. Like pulling a tooth out from a child's mouth.

The large boulder made it to the edge, and Sweetie Belle nudged it that last little bit over the edge, and dropped the rock.

"NO!!!!" Cozy cried.
"WAIT!! STOP!!!" Scootaloo exclaimed.
"What the?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.
"AHH!!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

Everypony shut their eyes and looked away.

Everypony opened their eyes. The large rock was still gripped by Sweetie Belle's magic, and hovering just over the bell. Everypony watched and was confused.

"Uh, Sweetie Belle, you can drop the boulder now." Apple Bloom said.

"I don't know what's going on. I can't let go of it. My magic's stuck! And it's just floating!" she explained.

"You can do it. Plant yer feet into the ground!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Okay, WOAH!" Sweetie Belle kicked her legs forward, but fell forward herself, and tumbled head over tail. She was floating just above the ground.

And each time Sweetie Belle pulled on her magic and tried to make it stop, she'd shake the bell, and for the first time, the bell started to glow and ring.

"Your friends sure collected some unusual heirlooms, Cozy Glow!" Sweetie Belle said.

Soon it wasn't just Sweetie Belle floating, objects in the nearby vicinity also floated up, as if gravity nearby had been turned off.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Cozy floated too, thus Cozy was free from Apple Bloom's grip.

"You got your wish, Scootaloo! Now to claim mine!" Cozy kicked Apple Bloom and launched herself towards the bell.

But as to not let Cozy succeed, the fillies followed after her.

"Aft'a her!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Cozy's wings pushed her towards the bell and she grabbed ahold of it.

"I gotcha!" she exclaimed.

But the three crusaders were hot on her trail. Although Scootaloo's wings couldn't provide her with enough lift, they were just enough to propel her through a zero g environment.

The 3 CMCs latched onto the bell as well and crowded around Cozy.

"Get off of me!!" Cozy exclaimed.

"We can't let you do this!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"You have to shut it down!" Apple Bloom said.

"Please! For your own sake!" Scootaloo added.

"What happened to friends first!?" Cozy asked. "Why won't you just let me be!!?"

"The safety of Equestria comes before any one creature!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Equestria, schmetria!" Cozy exclaimed. "What has Equestria ever done for me!?"

"It's not about what Equestria can do for you, it's what you can do for-"

Her speech was cut off, when suddenly, the bell started to glow brighter. It glowed so bright, it was hard for any of them to look at. As it glowed more powerfully, the fillies felt its energy flowing through them. Their eyes and veins started to glow.

"I can feel it! I can feel the power!" Cozy exclaimed.

"I feel it too!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Somepony help us!" Apple Bloom cried out.

The bell glowed so bright, it blinded the four fillies, and was too hot for them to hold onto for much longer. Then, suddenly, as it rang louder, and energy pulsated more, it suddenly expelled a powerful wave of magic, and knocked back all four of the fillies.


The immense shockwave force forced all four of them away with great force.

After the shockwave passed, the anti gravity effect dissipated, and all the objects fell back to earth.


When Cozy Glow had awoken, she was everything she ever hoped the bell could have made her. Her wings were heavier, and she felt an immense feeling of control of the energy that flowed through her. She tapped her forehead, and indeed, she was complete.

She had transformed into an alicorn.

"YOU FOOLS! I was right. Friendship is Power! Now, thanks to Grogar's Bell, I have power. I have all the power in Equestria!"

Cozy Glow laughed.

"I think you mean, we have the power." Apple Bloom said.

"What the?!" she exclaimed, shocked.

When the smoke cleared, Cozy witnessed something spectacular. She was not the only alicorn filly in town.

"OH COME ON!" Cozy exclaimed in irritation.

In front of her stood three powerful alicorns. Bloomicorn, Scootacorn, and Sweetie-corn.

Author's Note:

Who thought the cover image was purely for show, and not something that was going to happen in the story?