• Published 5th Apr 2022
  • 474 Views, 23 Comments

A Fearful Joke - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Starlight must confront her worst fears before she can find a way to save her friends from the evil plaguing Equestria.

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Chapter 4: Fear of What’s To Come

Later in the evening, Joker and Scarecrow were hiding in a cave within the Everfree Forest. They laid out all their chemicals and weapons on the ground after they chopped down some wood. As they assembled their arsenal, they noticed that the sun was setting.

“It’s been a long day already?! I must’ve lost track of time! Oh well, sleep is overrated anyway,” Joker waved off.

“That’s perfect. Because once the night falls, we will make our final move on them.”

“I wouldn’t be so hasty if I were you, ‘Crow. The welcoming committee isn’t so welcoming to...uninvited guests. Some of those ponies don’t even know a good joke even if it bit them in the face! Oh wait...it kinda did. Hehehehehe!”

“Very funny, Joker,” Scarecrow sarcastically replied. “But you are unfortunately correct. The Scepter of Healing will no doubt be under heavy security after today’s events. That’s why I suggest we perform some...less ethical methods of negotiation.”

Joker raised his eyebrow. “Ethical? Since when is ‘ethical’ part of our villain description?”

“If we could capture one of them and threaten them, then they will surely release the scepter to us.”

“Hmm, now that will be fun. Who did you have in mind, hm? Oh, oh, how about we get that pink pony? She’s no Harley, but she’s twice as annoying as Mad Hatter,” Joker suggested, frowning at the thought of Pinkie.

“Remember that unicorn who fought us earlier?” Scarecrow reminded.

“Huh? Oh, yes! That pony would give Bat-brain a run for his money...if he actually is that rich.”

“She’s the only one who had the guts to fight us off. That makes her a very special target for us. I want to know her fears, her secrets, her flaws, her history, everything. If we could strike the ones closest to her, we can get her,” Scarecrow planned, eyes glowing.

Then the Joker wickedly grinned. “Way ahead of you, Crane. I happened to come across that wagon of the blue horse who was talking to the purple one earlier. I left a little surprise for her."

“Of course you did. I will look forward to breaking that unicorn...slowly,” said Scarecrow, evilly chuckling.

As Celestia was setting the sun down and Luna raising the moon, the alicorns reunited with the rest of the group in the throne room. Luna stood before Batgirl as she looked up and down at her. "So then...Batgirl...my sister has informed me of your rogue adversaries and their plan, yes?"

Batgirl nodded.

"If what you say is true, then we must act fast and make sure our kingdom does not fall in their hooves."

"You mean hands?" Batgirl corrected.

"Y-yes, hands.." Luna stammered, looking at her puzzled.

"The rest of you must rest for now. We will increase security of the city on every side, and I will keep this scepter safe where it should be," Celestia commanded.

"But where exactly? Those creeps know where you live and know where to get it!" Starlight shouted. Then she cleared her throat with a look of nervousness. "Um, with all due respect, Princess."

"I understand your concern, Starlight, but rest assured that it will be in safe keeping in a place where neither of them will be able to locate it," Celestia calmly replied.

"In the meantime, make sure you keep Ponyville safe at all costs. All of Equastria is counting on us," advised Luna.

"Don't worry, princesses. We won't let you down!" Twilight assured.

"You can count on us!" Rainbow added.

"Hopefully, ya won't be sprayed with gas again," Applejack muttered.

"I heard that, AJ. I don't even want to think about that!" Rainbow groaned.

Once the group departed from the castle, Starlight and Trixie slowed down behind them. Twilight noticed they soon stopped walking with them. "Are you two okay?"

"Yeah, uh, we decided to just teleport back home since, you know, Trixie is afraid of the dark and stuff," Starlight nervously grinned.

"No, I'm not! The great and powerful Trixie is never afraid of the--!*poof*" Starlight already teleported them both off Canterlot.

"Uh, good night?" Twilight said, arching an eyebrow.

The unicorns reappeared before Trixie's wagon. "A little warning next time?"

"Sorry, Trix. Now listen to me carefully: Joker and Scarecrow will come back and will terrorize Ponyville and Canterlot again. You have to stay put in the wagon until they're gone. It won't be safe for you out here," warned Starlight.

"Stay here?! The great and powerful Trixie will never fall prey to their traps!"

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you stood your ground? Or didn't cower before Scarecrow?" Starlight asked, giving her an unamused look.

Trixie's determined look fell as she thought back on her actions, causing her to blush in embarrassment. "I see your point."

"Look, I just don't want you to get hurt out there, okay? You're my best friend, and I don't want to lose you to those creatures. Do you trust me?"

"*sigh* Yes, I do. Trixie always listens to her best friend!" Trixie sadly smiled. After they shared a brief hug, Starlight got back inside the Castle of Friendship.

Then Trixie entered inside her wagon and breathed in and out. "Well, at least I'll get some sleep. By the morning, nothing will catch Trixie by surprise!" At that moment, she noticed a random envelope on the floor.

"Huh? What's this?" She grabbed it with her magic and opened it up.

Suddenly, blue gas was sprayed on her face, causing her to cough violently. She then started to feel dizzy and exhausted, making her lose her balance. "What...is...*cough* thiiiiis?" she mumbled. She fell on the floor unconscious before she could hear footsteps outside and a sinister laugh.