• Member Since 6th Feb, 2014
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Autum Breeze

a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back

Comments ( 43 )

Nice! Even though I consider myself a fan I was floored to learn Spike and Shampoo had the same VA. I honestly never paid that much attention to the cast. Even more suprised to learn Kuno VA was the same as the original mid 90s dub of Yamcha from Dragon Ball (first 13 episodes only - Pilaf Saga).

I haven't even read it yet, and I like it. Not enough Ranma x MLP fics out there.

Let’s be entirely fair. Becoming Ranma Saotome and having an instinctual/subconscious understanding of their abilities dropped right into their head is far from the worst outcome. Crud, people would literally kill for that deal.

If I’m being completely honest with myself I’d probably do it too. :applejackunsure:

Hmmmm...This is good so far

you clearly haven't watched a single episode of Ranma 1/2.

Watched? It got an anime adaptation?

Edit: yes! I went searching and found the answer! Now in the middle of episode 2.
Ranma was my first introduction into manga and is still my favorite

Looking forward to more. Also sorry to hear about your dog

You probably want the Anthro tag here.

I bet Rarity would go gaga over our protagonist trying to make clothes that would automatically change according to his gender at the moment.

I blink, before my blood rans cold. I don’t remember what I was last doing? I… I don’t even remember where I was or… or who I was.

That is both a curse and a blessing in this situation, admittedly more of a curse but not all terrible :applejackunsure:

I stare at the paper for several seconds, the meaning of what I read slowly processing through my brain… before I feel a pit of rage flare up within me, my face morphing into a snarl and I shred the letter.

...yeah, I would probably do that too :moustache:

And, talk about contradictive!

Says he choose me for my tactical way of thinking, that says I need a list of the abilities they gave me because I’d be too stupid to remember them?

Not to mention they asked you to sign the contract in your name... the same name they have made it impossible for you to remember with their meddling, truly this being is a genius beyond mortal compare :moustache:

Try as I might, I can’t remember my real name. Whatever the being who sent me hear did, it erased my real name from my mind, leaving only Ranma in its place, so, Ranma it’ll have to be.

And then expected you to sign a contract in the name you don't remember :trixieshiftleft:

As I do, she gets an odd look of recognition in her eyes, but doesn’t elaborate when I ask.

Interesting :trixieshiftright:

Heh, another Ranma story. We need more wild horse~ In other news, please update your other stories i want to read more on Ashland's Sunset

Ranma is technically already in Equestria. As are Shampoo and Ukyo.
(Same VAs as Snails, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer)


people would literally kill for that deal.

Yeah...I'm getting a strong "woe is me having awesome handed to me" vibe from this. Going to Equestria is already a wish-fulfillment proposition in the first place, and having Ranma's body and power set is another wish-fulfillment fic on top of that. Nothing particularly wrong with wish-fulfillment fics, but stapling "oh no!" on top of it is eyebrow-raising.

Also kind of weird that the protagonist is somehow acting surprised that the Jusenkyo curse is part of the deal. Yes...of course it would be. The gender swapping is one of Ranma's most defining traits. And unfortunately I'm guessing that this is probably going to turn out to be yet another "woe is me, blessed with awesome" angle. I'm reluctant to judge this fic based on others, but every Ranma fic I've read on the entire site (so far) has turned out to be from somebody with gender issues, and the gender-swap is wish fulfillment for them.

“When ya first met us, ya thought Ah was a filly. Everypony does. Ah don’t look like a colt. Never have. When I was born, the doctors didn’t even realize Ah was a colt at first.”

Only chapter two and we already have somebody reaffiming that "it's ok" so yeah, looks like this is going to be yet another one of those fics.

@Autum Breeze:

There nothing wrong with wish-fulfillment. Most fanfics are to at least some extent, but please be aware of common mistakes made by others using this same premise you're using,. because it looks like you're headed down that same road. It very quickly becomes incredibly tiresome listening to someone whine and complain about being handed everything they want. Imagine somebody crying and whining, "oh no, somebody gave me a million dollars and a hug, my life is terrible, pity me!" "Oh no, my perfect dream waifu loves me forever and all my financial concerns in life have been forever solved and I have all these totally awesome superpowers! Oh no! Oh no! How awful!" Would you pity them? I don't think you would. But you might be angry at them for complaining about having something you'd be thrilled to have.

That sort of story just doesn't make for an entertaining read. The psychology of it is based on a deep-seated belief that it's somehow "not ok" have have/be/do what you want, so the wish-fulfillment has to be reframed as bad in order to justify itself. It's pretending that something good is bad "no, really!" so that you can allow yourself to have it.

Is painless easy sex-swap whenever you want it your wish? Ok fine, no problem. Write a story about that if you want. But Ranma is one of the most beloved characters in the history of anime, and I imagine that an awful lot of entirely straight guys would take his deal in a heartbeat, and human-in-Equestria stories are already wish-fulfillment to begin with. You might have a hard time portraying this as some sort of horrible experience, especially if it's your own personal fantasy too. For that matter, also keep in mind the added difficulty of being a girl somehow being bad in a world like Equestria...that is fundamentally matriarchal to begin with.

Also, please understand the source material. Basically nobody in Ranma had a problem with his curse...except Ranma. Ranma's curse was difficult for Ranma because he had such a masculine personality.

Genderswap has a long history in fiction, with entirely popular and mainstream modern depicitons at least since the 1950s and as a trope it probably goes back literally thousands of years to at least Ancient Greece. But it traditionally has been a comedy trope. Someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger crossdressing or becoming pregnant is funny because it's so contrary to our expectations. Somebody who wants to be girl becoming a girl isn't funny. It's wish fulfillment.

Again, wish fulfillment is fine...but pretending that wish-fulfillment is bad, does not make for a very entertaining story. Keep in mind also that Ranma was a harem anime about people of both sexes constantly throwing themselves at him and fighting to be his fiancee. Again, nobody knew who about it had a problem with his curse...except Ranma, because he was so hyper-masculine. Consider those episodes where he was absolutely furious over being a girl and being treated like a girl, and consider the ironic juxtaposition of that fury with his willingness to embrace the benefits of being a girl, like for example when he would deliberately become a girl to score free treats.

Are you able to place yourself in the mental framework of becoming a girl being bad because of how completely masculine you are? Because that was Ranma's worldview.

This story you're writing doesn't have to be a 1:1 retelling of Ranma. But as a writer, please ask yourself if you understand why Ranma was such a fun and entertaining show, or whether you're latching exclusively onto the genderswap angle as some sort of personal wish-fulfillment. Because "woe is me I've just been given something I would desperatly love to have, how terrible!" does not make for a fun story.

makign Luna Genma made this story a flat NO for me. very OOC

De seguro quería que lo firmara como Ranma Saotome :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :facehoof:

No es lo peor pero tampoco es lo mejor, estoy seguro que la magia, alguien rápido como R-Dash y fuerte como B-Mac podrian derrotar a Ranma, pero la primera tiene más posibilidades que el segundo, no olvidemos sus artes marciales

Comment posted by MurderP0n7 deleted May 18th, 2022

Probablemente... o se lo tomara como un desafío tan bien hecho que si en una semana o menos logra hacerlo, deja de ser diseñadora de ropa :v

Por ahora va bien, esperare los siguientes capítulos

I don't think she ment Luna IS a Genma expy. But pulled one thing he had done and got Ranma here into an arrange marriage. And that's it. Genma is used as a verb lol

Kind of reminds me of Infamous Second Son, where the main character gets the power to absorb every power he comes across, which is literally the best possible thing that could happen to a person in that universe, but the game has to frame it as a curse by causing the main character's own arrogant actions to get his entire village killed at the beginning of the game.

I guess I don't have room to talk myself. i only found out about Ranma 1/2 (both the anime and the manga, anime first) a little over 8 years ago when i randomly stumbled on a youtube video featuring a scene from the second movie.

I only have season 1 and the two movies so far and the former literally only because a DVD rental store had been having a closing down sale and was liquidating all their stock, with season 1 (minus disc 5) just happening to be among said stock, along with volume 1 of the Clamp Cardcaptors dub from the 90s, but that's neither here nor there :twilightsheepish:

I do, however, have season 3 on order in the mail and am very much looking forward to getting that

If you think that's shocking, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie's VAs are in Ranma too :raritywink:

Oh, please don't tell me this mean Twilight's this universe Akane...

Hmm, interesting premise. I've seen a few Ranma in Equestria fics before, but never one as an SI. I'm curious to see how things will go from here. Especially exactly what it was about Ranma's story that AJ recognized?

Below are some typos for your editing pleasure: :twilightsmile:

*knowledge that I’m not Ranma freaking Saotome - knowledge that I’m now Ranma freaking Saotome
*honestly one bit flaw about Ranma ½ I never - honestly one big flaw about Ranma ½ I never
*being a mare of mare like in appearance - being a mare or mare like in appearance
*preferably as the old me instead - preferably as the old me instead

AYO?! This bomb dropped in front of me and I got blasted! ..Nice

I like this story so far, I've always liked Ranma 1/2 and if you had to take of any fictional character's body and keep all their abilities then Ranma Saotome would be the one I'd pick. I don't see why so many people dislike this I'm of the side of don't like don't read the only time i would ever down vote a story would be it had such bad grammer and spelling it looked like a Chinese novel that was machine translated. I get that some people might be equivalating Twilight to Akane but come on it's Twilight she isn't gonna beat him like akane does for every little slight she is just angry because of being engaged against her will.

Hmm, heh, so you're not just dropping Ranma in the world, you're also making the world lean more into the harem comedy trope eh? Seems like it'll be fun! Also, yeah, I'm curious to see the reasoning behind why they're trying to force an engagement... Much less why AJ seemed to know about it beforehand if her comments were any indictation.

More typos for your editing pleasure: :twilightsmile:

*of myself, expect I’m boy type - of myself, except I’m boy type
*I didn’t know you blood could run - I didn’t know your blood could run
*way to the kitcghen, Apple Bloom - way to the kitchen, Apple Bloom
*or socks mod today. - or socks mood today.
*odd mixture or tired and amused. - odd mixture of tired and amused.
*She’s wearing isn’t wearing anything fancy - She isn’t wearing anything fancy
*sweatshirt, black short, with black - sweatshirt, black shorts, with black
*right now, we Princess Luna and my - right now, why Princess Luna and my


I only have season 1 and the two movies so far

You can probably torrent the entire show if you look around. It's one of the original "classics" that brought anime to the US before it became mainstream popular, right up there with Robotech, Akira, Nausicaa, Orange Road, etc. It predates the web of course, but even just plugging it into a google video search I find 3+ hour episode marathon videos of it on youtube that nobody's bothered to issue copyright strikes against. It's 30+ years old.

Do be aware that the later seasons aren't nearly as good as the earlier seasons. It wouldn't be a terrible mistake to stop watching after season 3 or 4.


Second Son, where the main character gets the power to absorb every power he comes across, which is literally the best possible thing that could happen to a person in that universe, but the game has to frame it as a curse

Sounds a bit like Rogue from X-men. But her situation was framed plausibly as a curse, because it prevented her from touching anyone, which led to self-imposed social isolation and the inability to have romantic relationships.

Hoo boy.

Luna channeled Genma.

At least Twilight isn't violent maniac.

Suddenly, a sparkle enters her eyes and she claps her hands together excitedly. “Oh, but, this is perfect. Tia will be most pleased.”

Is that a hint of mischief I see in your eye :trixieshiftright:

“Right,” Applejack says absentmindedly, before muttering, “Sweet Celestia, she’s gonna be floored when she finds out.”

It certainly promises to be an eventful meeting :trollestia:

She must’ve thought I wouldn’t hear her, but I did. “When who finds out what?”

Twilight... or maybe Rarity, should be a pretty interesting challenge for her to make you a wardrobe :moustache:

It’s that I was taken from my home, had all my main memories repressed

Or completely removed :trixieshiftleft:

His bright green eyes with slitted black pupils light up when he sees the orange mare. “Oh. Hey, Applejack.” His eyes turn to me and his expression blanks for a moment, before he deadpans and facepalms. “That explains it.”

It does doesn't it :trollestia:

The dragon boy just shakes his head and indicates for us to come inside. “You’ll find out.”

Gonna be pretty hard not to :trollestia:

“Just wait til you open the door,” he says, sounding an odd mixture or tired and amused.

I do believe I would be Spike in this scene :moustache:

She whirl around, her face filled with anger, pointing at me. “Explain to me, right now, we Princess Luna and my parents are making me have an arranged marriage with you?!”

Hmmm maybe, did you ever say something along the lines of never being interested in dating a stallion or mare? :trixieshiftright:

Twilight’s caste?

Think you want Castle here.

She whirl around, her face filled with anger, pointing at me. “Explain to me, right now, we Princess Luna and my parents are making me have an arranged marriage with you ?!”

I am a bit surprise her parents agreed with Luna's plan though. And I am certain it would be a reason for me to laugh at.

Yeah, it was a lot like X-men, actually. Basically, having superpowers was outright illegal and made you be treated as an automatic terrorist. As soon as you get the power to turn into smoke, the game mechanically forces you to phase through an easily-climbed-over cyclone fence in front of a news crew after you were begged not to show off your powers. I have never hated playing a videogame protagonist more than Delsin Rowe.

It wouldn't be Ranma 1/2 without (multiple) arranged marriages.

It seems at least one of your concerns has been addressed in chapter 2

Ah. Yes. Ranma’s other curse. The completely nonmagical one that is thrust upon them by the will of the universe. That they shall always have troubles of the marital kind. :rainbowlaugh:

Not bad, but you really need an editor. There's a lot of errors and you repeat stuff multiple times.

I'll follow for now and see where this goes.

I have never really understood, why displaced characters think it is a good idea to insult let alone threaten their respective ROB. After all they would not insult a person threatening them with a gun or someone physically stronger than them in their day to day life. And yet they decide to do so with beings capable to transform them and transport them into a different world. It is as if they just ask to be turned into a slave to the Drukhari or experience an equally horrible fate at the fickle whims of a godlike being with only their status as the protagonist/ main character protecting them.

Me gustó la historia

Ok, you are horrible HORRIBLE person! You can't just leave and make us wait for the next chapter on a cliffhanger like this! :pinkiegasp:

I will never understand the trope of people becoming characters then appearing In equestria

When he/she mentioned that he/she was given the curse, that also includes having arranged marriages piled on without warning.

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