• Published 15th Aug 2022
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All That We Become: A Normal Little Girl - Marezinger Z

First steps and first hurdles await Cozy Glow as she begins her life at a new school.

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A Normal Little Girl

“Normalcy is something that is often taken for granted,” Scorpan began as he set a comb to Cozy Glow's mane. “Creatures tend to think of normalcy as boring, uneventful and meaningless; while that can be true in some ways, normalcy also brings comfort, stability and peace of mind.” He gently worked her curls to give them extra bob. “Now you, and most certainly my brother, have lived far from normal lives. To you, normalcy is as foreign a subject as mountain climbing to a sea serpent; that lack of stability has left you both with many fears and reservations about integrating with the world, but I can assure you that finding normalcy is far easier than existing only in the chaotic world of villainy.” Scorpan took some fresh, cherry red ribbon and tied a bow in her mane. “There we are,” He smiled. “Now, are you ready for our appointment with the headmaster?”

Cozy Glow rolled her eyes upward to see her new bow. “Do I really have to go to school?” She asked with a hint of sourness.

“For a filly your age, that is most definitely normal.” Scorpan reminded.

“But I already know a lot of stuff,” She defended. “I’m smart.”

“That you are, my child.” Scorpan agreed. “But you are learned in things that… are not fully conducive to a civilian life.” He countered. “School is not only about learning history, mathematics and literature; it is honestly where we learn how to be a part of the world at large, how to form bonds and make friends the right way and to learn the nuances of social interaction.” He set his claw to her head. “That is where your education is sorely lacking; you have been many things so far, but a normal little filly has never been one of them.”

“Alright.” Cozy Glow conceded.

“Good, now let’s be off.” Scorpan headed for the door. “Our meeting is within the hour now.”

With Cozy fluttering along at his side, Scorpan began walking her into the heart of the city where Mariner Elementary resided. It was recess when they arrived and Cozy looked out at the colts and fillies running around and playing; the equipment as well as the main building itself showed how long standing and weathered the school was, no doubt from the salty sea air. Still, as lowly as it seemed, Cozy sensed the same quaint energy that the entire city seemed to resonate with. Entering the main foyer, Scorpan met with the mare in the front office and was directed to the headmaster’s office further in the back. The door was open, and the older, balding stallion beckoned them to enter.

“Hello, Scorpan.” He greeted. “And this must be Cozy Glow.”

“Indeed.” He motioned for Cozy to introduce herself.

“Hello.” She quietly waved.

“Please, sit.” The headmaster entreated; as they sat across from him, he gave Scorpan an sincere but honest smile. “I spoke with the education board and presented Cozy Glow’s case and situation to them; as you can imagine, some do have their concerns given little Cozy’s… history.” His eyes turned to the filly who slumped a bit in her chair. “But the majority vote was that she be allowed to attend school here, thanks mostly to having you as her guardian.”

“I see,” Scorpan nodded. “That is good news though,” He rested his claw on Cozy’s head, perking her up. “I understand their fears, as I am sure Cozy does; she may be young, but she is worldly.”

“And does she share that sentiment?” He looked to the quiet prospect.

“Yeah, I do.” Cozy said stoutly in her own defense, feeling Scorpan’s eyes fall on her for her tone. “I mean…, yes sir.” She corrected. “I know what I did, I know how it makes me look, but I… I don’t want to be that anymore.”

“Very well,” The headmaster nodded. “I am happy to hear that and welcome you to Mariner Elementary.” He produced a series of forms. “I’ll go ahead and have you fill out her registration and she can begin attendance the following week.”

“Thank you.” Scorpan nodded humbly, glancing over to Cozy.

“Thank you.” Cozy Glow did the same.

They spent the early afternoon filling out paperwork, being oriented on the curriculum and going over what would be expected of Cozy. After the lengthy but positive first step, Scorpan took Cozy Glow out for lunch as he had promised. The Dock, a long standing and rustic diner, had become a familiar safe spot for Cozy since coming to the area. Its owner was Sand Dollar, an old Pony whom Scorpan knew as the first creature to welcome him into his establishment and happily serve him a meal when he began his new life in the port city. Apron clad, he came out and greeted them as Cozy flew over and plopped herself on one of the stools.

“Heya kid,” He greeted with his usual smile. “The usual?”

“Yep!” Cozy eagerly proclaimed.

“Perfect, got some fresh corn bread that just came out of the oven.” Sand Dollar glanced over at Scorpan. “How about you?”

“I am fine, my friend.” Scorpan assured. “Just letting Cozy get some lunch, we just got her all signed up to begin school.”

“Oh?” He returned his eyes to the filly. “Excited?”

“A little, I guess.” Cozy bobbed her head.

“Ah, you’ll be fine, sharp girl like you.” He assured as he headed back into the kitchen.

“It is alright to have reservations.” Scorpan added as he sat beside her.

“It’s not like I’m scared or anything.” She toned insistently.

Scorpan chuckled and nodded. “Or course; but if you were, that would be alright too.”

A bowl of chili and some fresh cornbread quickly took Cozy’s mind off of school; with her stomach full, she perched on Scorpan’s shoulder as he started for the docks so they could await the end of Tirek’s shift. Just as Tirek had become well known by the captains and traders that came and went from the docks, so had the little filly that all had come to know as his friend. Having earned the affectionate nickname of ‘Little Bit’ from the blue-collar types, she was always warmly greeted by the workers and sailors. The pair headed to main office and found the usual traffic of creatures checking in and out as their deliveries were made. A few moments later, the door opened behind them and a familiar Hippogriff captain known as Tailwind entered.

“Scorpan!” He spread his talons with a smile.

“Tailwind, how have you been?” Scorpan moved to the side of the room as he joined them.

“The wind has been great as of late, best thing a Captain could ask for.” He grinned and tussled Cozy Glow’s locks. “And how’s our Little Bit?, word is you’re starting school.”

Cozy Glow eyed him in a bit of shock. “Geez, the grapevine around here sure is short.”

“Tirek has been talking about it a lot,” Tailwind informed. “Everyone thinks it's great news.”

“It’s just school…” Cozy Glow shrugged. “Not as cool as what you all do.”

“Hey now,” He pointed a talon at her. “You listen to me, ain’t a one of us who doesn’t wish they could go back and get a proper education. We’re blessed to lead the lives we do, but we’ll be hauling heavy loads and sleeping out on the ocean until we keel over. You have a chance to be something better, something special; you should take that seriously and be thankful for the chance.” He smiled. “We’re all rooting for you, Little Bit; work hard make something great of yourself.”

Cozy Glow smiled in return. “Thanks… I will.”

“Atta girl,” Tailwind chuckled, turning his attention to the front desk. “Sea Salt, sign me off so I can get back to my ship; crews probably already breaking into the rum casks.”

As he moved to the front, the door opened again and Tirek entered. He saw Cozy and his brother, looking at them with expectant eyes. “So, how’d it go?”

“She starts next week.” Scorpan informed.

“Alright,” Tirek gave Cozy a reassuring smile. “I imagine you’re not completely thrilled, but that’s good news.”

“Everyone seems happy to hear it.” Scorpan added.

“Heh, what? I’m not allowed to brag about our future scholar.” Tirek laughed.

“Wow, no pressure.” Cozy Glow narrowed her eyes as he headed up the desk.

“You can handle it, you took over a school once, do you honestly think you can’t handle attending one?” He reminded.

“I…” Cozy Glow twisted her lips in pause. “That is a good point.”

“Good to see your confidence growing, albeit not exactly the best of inspirations.” Scorpan noted.

Tirek signed himself out for the day and the three of them headed back out into the streets. Cozy left Scorpan’s shoulder and moved to Tirek’s, quickly settling once again.

“So, what should we do this weekend?” She asked. “I want to have some fun before I go back to having homework.”

“Well, I had told Chrysalis you may be starting school soon, but she said she was wrapped up with some things at the hive.” Tirek began. “Perhaps we should pay her a visit for a change.”

“Ooh!” Cozy Glow toned excitedly. “Good idea.”

“She’ll be happy to hear the news,” Scorpan began, holding his chin in afterthought. “Well, on the inside at least.” He added with a chuckle.

“In the meantime,” Tirek continued. “Tell me what all that headmaster had to say?”

As they headed home, Scorpan and Cozy filled him in on the details of their meeting and what things would be like moving forward; the brothers making sure to maintain the positivity about what she was doing while they discussed. By the end of the day, Cozy had made more of a turn towards being enthusiastic about her academic future. The following morning, after a big breakfast, Scorpan saw them off as they started their trip to the Changeling Hive. Taking the train to the closet stop of Sire’s Hollow Station, they hiked the remainder of the way through the still evolving terrain surrounding the once barren hive.

Having been informed by the scouts of Tirek’s and Cozy Glow’s approach, Thorax headed out to meet them. He excitedly dove from the sky and landed before them. “Tirek, Cozy, welcome back.” He greeted.

“Thorax.” Tirek nodded in return.

“Hey, when are we going to be able to take the train all the way here?” Cozy asked, pulling a twig out of her hair. “That walk through those woods is lousy.”

“Quite a complaint considering you weren’t the one walking.” Tirek glanced to his shoulder, eyeing her.

“Actually, I have been working on that.” Thorax motioned for them to follow. “A station here is definitely a goal, but you’d be surprised how many permits and contracts you need to do that. Mom had the hive completely cut off from the world for so long that I’ve been having to learn all the Equestrian treaties, trade policy and law from scratch.” He led them into the hive and to one of the high terrace gardens where he knew his mother tended to relax in the afternoon. They found her amongst the unique wild blossoms with a cup of tea held in her magic. “Mom, you’ve got company.” Thorax called.

Chrysalis turned; a bit surprised at her visitors. “Tirek, Cozy Glow, rather unexpected to see you here.”

“Good to see you too.” Tirek chortled.

“I’m going to be heading off after I see to a few more things.” Thorax noted as he took to the air. “If you guys need anything, Pharynx will get it for you.”

“Yes, thank you.” Chrysalis waved as he took off with eager speed.

“He seems even more bubbly than usual.” Cozy observed.

“That would be thanks to his successful courting of his treasured Dragonlord.” She informed. “He’s been like this ever since he got back, and he’s been rushing back and forth between here and the Dragonlands nearly every other day.”

“Young love, eh?” Tirek asked with a smirk.

“More gross stuff.” Cozy rolled her eyes.

“I’m going to laugh when you come running to us about your first little crush.” Chrysalis grinned at her smugly.

“Don’t hold your breath.” Cozy returned the look.

“I will admit though,” Chrysalis carried on. “Seeing him able to be so in love without needing to literally deprive another of it… it does make me appreciate the evolution they’ve undergone more.”

Tirek chuckled to himself. “Feeling inspired to… get back in the game, as it were.”

“Ha,” Chrysalis laughed. “Your turn to not hold your breath.” She sat and observed them. “So, what has brought you all the way here?”

“Cozy wanted to visit while she has the free time,” Tirek began. “She’ll be starting her schooling as of next week.”

“Ah, well done.” Chrysalis offered. “I’m glad they were willing to accept you so quickly.”

“Well, a lot of that has to do with Scorpan.” Cozy admitted. “That’s… what makes me kind of nervous.”

“Really?” Tirek glanced to his shoulder at her. “You didn’t mention that before.”

“I didn’t want him to know.” Cozy continued. “I don’t want to mess up… if I do then it goes back to him.”

“I see.” Chrysalis acknowledged, more surprised at the scope of her consideration in the idea.

“Hearing that would make him all the more confident in you.” Tirek noted.

“Yeah?” Cozy rested her chin on her hoof.

“I wouldn’t worry too much,” Chrysalis added. “The surest way to trip is to stare at your hooves while you walk.”

“What the heck is that supposed to mean.” Cozy asked.

“She means just relax and don’t distract yourself worrying about what could happen.” Tirek simplified.

Chrysalis hummed in thought as she looked up at the spires of the hive. “I think what frightens you the most is your lack of control now.”

“My control?” Cozy repeated questioningly.

“The three of us were schemers, manipulators… puppet masters.” Chrysalis continued. “We felt most comfortable and confident when we were in control. Now, we lack that complete control. Tirek works a regular job now, with others who are his equal and others he must answer to. I am no longer a Queen; I abide by my son’s rule and walk the world as a mare expected to follow the laws and customs of the land.” She gestured to Cozy. “Now you, you will be a student at a normal school; the key word being normal. That is what we are now, and although not a bad thing… it can be frightening at times.”

“That is a fair point,” Tirek agreed. “Some moments I’ve found myself concerned about things I never once imagined I would ever have.”

“Yeah,” Cozy nodded. “That’s what I feel like sometimes.”

Tirek laughed. “That’s okay, you can always talk to us about it; we know exactly how it feels.”

“It is a tradeoff, as all things are.” Chrysalis elaborated. “For all my new restrictions, just as many new things have presented themselves to me. I have no regret about my decision.”

“Same here,” Tirek concurred. “My worries are nothing a few drinks at the bar won’t cure.” He looked to Cozy who rolled her eyes as he laughed.

As long as a weekend always seems, they eventually come to an end and the inevitable first day of school came for Cozy. She was up early, Scorpan making sure she ate a nice breakfast before they headed for the school grounds. As they approached the main entry, Scorpan set his claw to her cheek with a confident smile.

“Alright, just focus on getting settled in and make sure to be polite and respectful.”

“I will.” Cozy nodded as she adjusted her new backpack.

“I shall return at three.” He waved as she fluttered in alongside other young ponies. She headed to the classroom to which she was assigned; as she walked the halls, she was actually relieved that none of the colts or fillies seemed to be paying attention to her. She thought about how odd that relief was, where once she craved attention to a nigh maniacal degree, she now hoped that no one would even recognize her. Following a pair of fillies into the room, the teacher quickly spotted her and beckoned her over.

“Hello, Cozy Glow.” The middle-aged mare greeted with a warm smile. “I’m Mrs. Leeward; before class starts, would you like to introduce yourself to your new classmates?”

Deep down she didn’t want to, but she knew it would be the normal thing to do. “Okay.” She nodded.

“Wonderful,” The teacher stepped from around her desk and cleared her throat. “Class, a moment before we get started for the day.” The students all turned their eyes forward, finally realizing that there was a new filly in their midst. “This is Cozy Glow, she’ll be starting attendance here as of today.” She looked to Cozy Glow.

“Um, hello.” She waved. “It’s nice to meet all of you.” Random responses came from the students.

“I expect you all to welcome her kindly.” The teacher added. “Go ahead and take your desk, Cozy.”

“Okay.” Again she nodded and went to one of the few remaining empty little desks. Mrs. Leeward simply went into the day's lesson and Cozy quietly sat and listened. The current topic was math, which Cozy was comfortable enough with to easily answer questions when she was called upon; enough so to make a good first impression. After two hours, they broke for first recess; she headed out into the play yard and was quickly approached by another pair of fillies from class.

“Heya,” The lemon yellow coated girl waved as they ran over, her wiry white mane bouncing wildly as she hurried along.

“Hey,” Cozy greeted in return.

“I’m Morning Glory, this is my best friend Tea Leaf.” She laid her hoof to the olive-colored unicorn at her side, a leaf shaped broach in her light brown mane.”

“I guess you know my name already,” Cozy noted with a light smile.

“Cozy Glow, right?” Morning Glory recalled. “You want to play with us?”

“Sure… whatcha playing?” Cozy asked as she began following them.

“Since there’s three of us now, we can do jump rope.” Tea Leaf suggested.

“Good idea,” Morning Glory hurried towards the equipment barn, returning with a long rope in her mouth. Tea Leaf took one end of the rope in her magic and stretched it out as Morning Glory offered Cozy the other end. “I’ll go first.”

“Sure.” Cozy hovered at an even height and matched eyes with Tea Leaf, they began to work the rope in unison and Morning Glory quickly jumped in and began skipping; after about ten rotations they began to speed up until the rope caught Morning Glory’s hind leg. The little filly huffed and puffed as she stepped from the rope.

“Whew… out of practice.” She panted.

“Your turn, Cozy.” Tea Leaf motioned for her to swap.

“Alright… haven’t done this before so…” She mentioned as Morning Glory took over the other end of the rope.

“That’s okay, you’ll get the hang of it.” Tea Leaf encouraged.

The girls began spinning the rope and Cozy made it two rotations before the rope caught her. Not feeling too fond of failing she offered to swap out, but the others kept encouraging her to keep going. At her fourth attempt she started to get the rhythm and began cheerfully bouncing. After about fifteen rotations the rope was about to catch her, but she began flapping her wings and hovered above the spinning rope.

“Hey,” Morning Glory giggled through the rope in her mouth. “That’s cheating.” She mumbled. The three of them began laughing as they let the rope fall, just in time to hear the old-fashioned bell being rung to call them back.

With the initial discomfort out of the way, Cozy went back to class in good spirits. The day played out in formatted fashion, and she spent lunch as well as final recess with Morning Glory and Tea Leaf; the two fillies introducing her more formally to some of the other students they were close with. Final bell came faster than expected and as Cozy headed out the main door with the others, she saw Scorpan waiting along the main path.

“Scorpan.” She waved and flew over to him.

“Well, you seem in good cheer.” He noted. “How was your first day?”

“It was pretty good.” She noted.

“Bye Cozy!” Morning Glory called as she and Tea Leaf headed for the main road where their own parents were waiting.”

“See you tomorrow!” Tea Leaf added.

“See ya!” Cozy turned in the air and waved back.

Scorpan laughed. “New friends already I see.”

“Uh… yeah,” Cozy turned back. “They’re nice.”

“Let us go meet my brother and you can tell us all about it.” Scorpan suggested as he started out for the main road.

“Okay.” She eagerly flew alongside him.

Once joined by Tirek, Cozy detailed the events of her first day; both brothers were pleased and relieved to hear the enthusiasm in her voice as she recounted everything. As soon as they were home, Scorpan started on dinner while Cozy headed to her room to do her homework which consisted of some math worksheets. After dinner, once Cozy had retired to her room to relax before bed, Tirek and Scorpan headed out into the workshop.

“First day in the books, without incident.” Tirek noted.

“Indeed,” Scorpan nodded. “For a creature so little and with so turbulent a past, she is course correcting with more ease than I imagined.” He thought back to the start of all this. “But I believe her youth is her greatest ally in all this.”

“How so?” Tirek asked.

“You mentioned before that after your battle with her she seemed to lose her maliciousness.” Scorpan recalled. “I think in some ways she was forcing herself to be the way she was. You and Chrysalis had a lifetime of experiences that slowly shaped you but her… she almost seemed to be a villain because she felt she had to be… or was supposed to be.” He sighed with a light shake of his head. “All speculation, but I think what we’re seeing now is the real her; and being so young, it is easier for her to find that true self once again.”

Tirek chuckled. “Well, I’ll leave the philosophy of the matter to you. I’m simple enough to just be glad it’s working out.”

Scorpan laughed in return. “Sometimes that is best.”

The second day went smoothly for Cozy Glow as well, repeating the same things with a few more steps ventured than before. She felt much more comfortable now and received a visit during the day from the headmaster to congratulate her on her successful start. On her third day, during first recess, a pair of colts came running up to her as she played with Morning Glory and Tea Leaf.

“Hey, Cozy.”

“Um… hey,” Cozy looked between them.

“What do you want, Haywood?” Morning Glory asked with some attitude. “We’re playing.”

“We told our parents about you,” He began. “She said she recognized your name.”

“What?” Hearing that brought a sharp pang of anxiety to Cozy’s chest.

“Yeah, she said you're some kind of villain.” His eyes belied more excitement than concern at the fact. “Is that true?”

“I…” Cozy stammered.

“That’s so cool!” The other boy added. “Did you fight anypony? Do you have like... a cool costume or something?”

“Is that true, Cozy?” Morning Glory asked.

“No!” Cozy shouted. “I mean… I’m not… I don’t do that stuff anymore.”

“Whoa,” Haywood muttered. “So, it is true? Wow.”

Some other colts and fillies who were nearby wandered over and into the conversation.

“Wait, that stuff is real?” One of the fillies asked.

“My dad was talking about it too,” Another colt added. “He said you even fought with Princess Twilight.”

As the chatter rose, Morning Glory saw the panicked look on Cozy’s face and quickly stamped her hoof down to silence them. “Hey! Back off!” She commanded.

“Hey, don’t tell me to back off!” Haywood snapped back. “I was just asking a question.”

“Hey Cozy?” Another colt called. “What did you do?”

“Did you really get sent to Tartarus?” Another asked. "What's it like there?"

“I said knock it off!” Morning Glory stepped in front of her new friend, but Cozy quickly took to the air and flew off, speeding back inside the school and hiding. She huddled in a corner of the hall, tears welling up in her eyes as her mind began flooding with worries and fears. “Cozy!?” Morning Glory’s voice rang out through the empty hall.

“Where’d you go?” Tea Leaf’s voice followed.

Cozy couldn’t bring herself to answer, she just shook in her spot until they finally came upon her.

“Cozy.” Morning Glory sat beside her. “It’s okay, I made them leave.”

Cozy looked up at her with a weak sniffle. “Th… thanks.”

“Is that stuff they were saying true?” Tea Leaf asked.

Cozy slowly nodded. “Yeah. But I’m not like that anymore, I promise.”

“Whatever, we don’t care about that stuff.” Morning Glory assured. “We like you.”

“Yeah,” Tea Leaf concurred. “You haven’t done anything bad to us.”

“Girls?” A teacher’s voice came from down the hall. “Are you okay, what’s wrong?”

“Cozy was…” Tea Leaf began.

“It’s nothing!” Cozy Glow quickly flew up in front of her. “I’m… I’m okay. I just tripped and hurt my hoof.”

“Oh,” The teacher looked to the other girls. “Do you want to see the nurse?”

“No, I’m alright now.” Cozy landed and patted her hooves on the ground. “See.” The bell began to ring and she quickly started back to the classroom, Morning Glory and Tea Leaf following after her. Cozy kept quiet the rest of the day, her two new friends staying by her as they found a quiet corner for lunch and final recess. At three, she hurriedly left and made a beeline for the safety of Scorpan who was quick to see her distress.

“Cozy, what’s the matter child.” He raised his claw to her back as she stuck to his shoulder.

“Can we just go home… please.” She weakly muttered.

Scorpan knew she wouldn’t open up till she felt safe again, he took her straight home and sat down with her at the table. “Tell me what happened.”

“Everypony knows about me now.” She looked to him with hurt eyes. “A bunch of the other students talked about me to their parents and they recognized my name, they all started asking me about what happened and I tried to tell them I don’t do that stuff anymore and…”

“Cozy,” Scorpan took her hoof, seeing how frantic she was growing. “It’s alright.”

“No, it isn’t!” She blurted out in sudden tears. “Now that they know about me it’ll spread, and I’ll get in trouble and the Princesses will come and take me away again!”

Scorpan was struck by her assessment and quickly took her into his arms. “No child, no… no one is going to take you away.” He sighed as she sobbed into his chest.

Tirek had expected to see Cozy and his brother after work as usual, when they did not show he quickly headed back as well. As soon as he was through the door he headed into the main house and found Cozy sitting with his brother, eyes red and damp.

“Brother, what happened?” He headed over and looked down at her. “Are you alright?”

Scorpan raised his claw to him and pet Cozy on the head. “Why don’t you lay down for a bit, I will come get you when dinner is ready.”

“Okay.” Cozy quietly flew towards her room.

Scorpan let out a heavy breath and returned his attention to his brother. “It seems that some of the parents recognized her name when their children told them about her being a new student.”

Tirek let out an interior growl. “I see.”

“She said the students started asking her about her past and she got scared, fortunately her two new friends were there for her.” He looked to the hallway. “I underestimated how traumatized her experience left her, she was terrified that her past would get her in trouble and that she would be taken from us.”

Tirek absorbed the news bitterly. “Chrysalis and I have talked to her about such things, I thought she was surer of things.”

“She may have honestly believed she was.” Scorpan assessed. “This seemed more like a panic attack.”

“I… I keep forgetting she’s just a child.” Tirek admitted.

“She isn’t just a child, brother.” Scorpan noted. “She has had many experiences that even most full-grown creatures have yet to have; processing those things on an emotional level for her must be so difficult, for in that aspect she is indeed still just a little filly.”

“What… should I do?” Tirek asked.

“Just talk to her,” Scorpan answered. “It may seem you say the same things in repetition, but she needs to hear them as many times as she needs to until she truly believes it.”

Tirek nodded and laid his hand to his brother’s shoulder. “Thank you, I’m not sure I’d be able to do this without you here.” He headed for Cozy’s room, finding her on the bed; he settled on the mattress and gently took her chin in his two fingers. “Finally learning the hard lesson of infamy I see.” Cozy Glow wiped her nose with her hoof and looked up at him, not saying anything. “You got scared, that’s alright; don’t beat yourself up over it.” He offered. “My brother is right, you’re going to process all this completely differently from Chrysalis and I and that’s alright too. Don’t feel you have to put up a brave face just to seem strong; worry when you need to, talk when you need to… and cry when you need to.”

Cozy crawled forward and nestled against his side. “How do I make them stop talking about me?” She asked meekly.

“You don’t,” He said honestly. “Your past will forever be a part of you but that doesn’t mean you have to let it define you. You’ve done nothing wrong, and you’ve been allowed to be at that school; as long as those two things are true then you can be sure of yourself.” He gently laid his hand on top of her head. “Besides, it sounds like your new friends stand with you.”

“Yeah,” She nodded.

“Don’t let this discourage you, stay strong and keep moving forward.” He continued. “There will be those that will have their say about it, but your actions will speak louder than their words; and if anyone does try to come after you, they will have to get through me first.”

Cozy smiled to herself at the reassurance. “Thank you.” Her little body went still as the mental and emotional exhaustion claimed her; Tirek sat with her until dinner time and again until she finally went to bed for the night.

The next morning, both Tirek and Scorpan walked her to school; hoping the worst was over they found a gathering of adults speaking with the headmaster on the front stoop of the schoolhouse. Cozy shrank, knowing that this was about her, but the brothers fearlessly approached the scene with her.

“What seems to be the matter, headmaster.” Scorpan asked, seeing the parents eyeing them.

“I am sorry, Scorpan,” He apologized. “Some have voiced their concerns about our arrangement.”

Scorpan looked to the gathering. “I see.”

“We know you Scorpan,” One of the stallions began. “But that doesn’t mean we can just overlook something like this. When my daughter told me that Cozy Glow was attending here, well… you can understand my concern.”

“I do.” Scorpan nodded. “But I can assure you that little Cozy is no longer like whatever sensational stories you’ve heard.”

“Sensational?” One of the mare’s repeated. “She manipulated children, held ponies captive and it took the heroes of Equestria to bring her to justice.” She looked to Tirek. “And him, he was even worse. I don’t want creatures like that anywhere near my children.”

“Please,” The headmaster interrupted. “I interviewed Cozy myself and heard in her own words her desire to just live in peace. I do not deny the severity of her actions, but I do believe the sincerity of her words.”

“Her words are her favorite weapon.” Another stallion spoke up. “My brother’s son was at the school of friendship; her word doesn’t mean a thing to me.”

“This is something that frankly we, as parents of students here, should have had more of a say in.” Another mare suggested.

“Cozy has been granted a second chance from the Princesses themselves, is their say not final?” Tirek asked with growing frustration.

“Brother.” Scorpan set his arm to his waist to block him from advancing.

“Hold on now everyone,” The headmaster said with a hard breath. “In front of the children is not the place for this.” He went to Cozy and smiled down at her. “Cozy, go ahead inside and get to class.” Cozy looked to Scorpan and Tirek who nodded in agreement and she hurried past the mob and into school. “Now, please come with me, all of you.” He took the gathering into the empty lunch hall and closed the large double doors behind them. “Now, as it was said, the Princesses gave their blessing for this as has the school board with understandable concerns of their own. Still… I won’t outright ignore your own concerns, but I believe that her guardians should be able to defend their side of things.” He looked to Scorpan. “I would like to call a PTA meeting; in that forum I will hear what you all have to say but I will also let them have their own.”

Scorpan nodded. “That is fair.”

The headmaster looked to the gathered parents who slowly agreed with the idea. “Very well, tomorrow at dusk we will convene; in the meantime, I won’t allow anyone to interfere with Cozy Glow’s time at this school.” With that, he excused the gathered ponies and they as well as Scorpan and Tirek left the grounds for the time being.

In the classroom, Morning Glory and Tea Leaf saw how down Cozy looked and come first recess they were quick to catch up with her.

“Cozy, you okay?” Morning Glory asked as they matched pace with her.

“All your parents want me gone.” She said shallowly. “So no.”

“Not all of them, mine don’t.” Tea Leaf noted.

“Yeah, I told my mom and dad you were nice.” Morning Glory added.

“Really?” Cozy looked between them.

“Adults are just dumb sometimes.” Morning Glory said matter of factly.

Cozy let out a small laugh as they headed out to the playground; they headed over to a group of familiar faces to find a game to play. “Hey Mossy.” She waved to another filly she had become familiar with. “What are you guys playing?”

“Um…” The little filly looked around unsurely. “Sorry Cozy, my mom said she didn’t want me playing with you.” She quickly headed off with two of the others.

“Hey!” Morning Glory yelled after them.

“Don’t, it’s… okay.” Cozy Glow stopped her.

“No it isn’t.” She refuted.

“Tirek said I can’t help what others think or say, I just have to keep being me.” Cozy said with reluctant acceptance.

“Forget them.” Sawdust, a colt that had joined their circle, quickly waved them off. “I think you’re cool having done all that stuff.”

“Thanks,” Cozy smiled. “But I’m not like that anymore, I really don’t want anybody bringing it up.”

“Let’s just play,” Tea Leaf recommended. “We can play hide and seek.”

“Yeah,” One of the other fillies eagerly agreed. “I’ll be it.”

Cozy just focused on her new friends and let the rest of the day play out as normally as possible. At the end of school, she hurried out to Scorpan under the gazes of some of the other parents picking up their children.

“Did you have a good day, Cozy?” He asked.

“As much as I could,” She settled on his shoulder. “All I can do, right?”

“Indeed.” Scorpan began walking towards the docks. “I’m sorry you had to endure that this morning.”

“That’s what it’s like for us though, right?” She asked listlessly.

“In some ways, yes.” He nodded.

“But Morning Glory and Tea Leaf said they don’t care about what I did, they like me like I am.” She continued with a higher degree of optimism. “I just want to focus on that.”

“As you should.” Scorpan raised his claw and laid it over her back. “The headmaster wishes to call a parent teacher meeting tomorrow evening, in order to address these concerns from the other student’s families. Tirek and I will defend your new course in life and do what we can to put them at ease.”

Cozy thought about that for a silent minute. “I… want to go too.”

Scorpan let out a trouble breath. “Well… it is a meeting for we adults, I…”

“I don’t care.” She said stoutly. “I want to defend myself; I’m not going to be scared of them.”

Hearing the willful tone in her voice he could only nod in agreement. “Very well.” He smiled. “I know this is hard for you, all of it… but I am very proud of your desire to face it, as is my brother.”

“Thanks.” She smiled at the praise.

Cozy went through the following day in anxious anticipation of the coming evening, but not with the gnawing fear that had plagued her before. Scorpan and Tirek once again asked if she was still intent on going with them to which she quickly reaffirmed her intent. Returning to the school as the sun began to set, they headed into the auditorium where dozens of parents were already gathered along with the headmaster and Cozy’s home room teacher. They were quickly approached by an earth pony couple who offered them a friendly smile.

“Hi, we’re Morning Glory’s parents.” The mother introduced. “I’m Vera and this is my husband Crestfall.” She looked down at Cozy. “We wanted to be here to make sure that everyone knows how Morning Glory feels.

“Thank you,” Scorpan tipped his head. “We appreciate that greatly.”

“Would you like to sit with us?” Crestfall asked. “It’d be nice to know you’re in a safe spot.”

“That it would.” Scorpan said graciously, they followed them to their end of the assembled seating and waited as the headmaster stepped before the rows of chairs.

“That seems to be everyone.” He began. “Now, we’re here this evening because many of you have voiced your concerns over the board’s, as well as my own, decision to allow Cozy Glow to attend this school. Given her reputation, I am certain you have all heard varying stories about her but I want to make sure you all know the exact facts so you are not misunderstanding her situation.” He gestured over to the trio of former villains. “Yes, Cozy Glow was involved in the incident at Princess Twilight’s school of friendship; she did indeed capture members of the faculty and influenced the children. However, she did not harm the children there, in fact her wish was to befriend them all in her own admittedly twisted way. But that was due to her own misunderstanding of just what friendship was. She was stopped by the Princess and her friends and was imprisoned in Tartarus alongside Tirek. She went on to engage the Princesses and their friends two more times, the third of which saw her defeat aided by Tirek himself who had already ceased his villainous ways and was already here in this city. Following that defeat, the Princesses allowed Tirek and his brother Scorpan to bring her back here so she could finally begin her own, long journey of reform.” He looked across the rows of ponies. “That is where we are now; Cozy has relayed her desire to reform and so far has been proving to adhere to that desire.”

Mrs. Leeward stepped up alongside of him. “I’m Cozy’s home room teacher. I can attest that she has been a fine student for the short time she’s been here; polite, respectful and understandably a little reserved given her circumstances. While I know all the facts about her past, I have seen no trace of that villain in Cozy in my time with her.”

“If I may.” One of the mares spoke up.

“Please.” The headmaster motioned for her to come up.

“A lot you know me already, for those that don’t my name is Topaz and I have three children at this school. Now, I can hear about promises and desires as much as anyone; and I do believe in second chances, but this would be her fourth. How many times does a creature have to pose a threat before we make the logical assumption that change just isn’t going to come. I would understand is she stole, or demonstrated some violent habits from a poor upbringing, but we’re talking about a creature, a filly no less, that was so dangerous it took the Princesses to stop her. I think we’re well beyond the point of letting bygones be bygones and allowing her to be around our young ones.”

Murmurs came from the crowd in response to her words. A stallion stood and slowly joined Topaz. “It isn’t just that, my son thinks it’s… awesome that he gets to go to school with a former villain. Children are impressionable and thinking that Cozy is somehow cool seems dangerous to me. She shouldn’t be seen as some type of celebrity and just her past alone is enough to encourage similar behavior if she’s seen that way.”

The headmaster looked around again. “Does anyone have anything to say against these concerns?”

“I do.” Vera quickly made herself know.

“Please,” The headmaster called her forward.

“My name is Vera, my little girl attends and she happens to have become friends with Cozy Glow.” She stated without hesitation. “We’re always worried about our children, and I understand that, but we don’t give our kids enough credit these days. They aren’t as naive and innocent as we were when we were that age; my daughter is a little spitfire and she’s not dumb, she knows who Cozy was and she doesn’t care. She just sees a girl like herself who plays the same games and does the same homework.”

“But she isn't the same.” Another mare stood and called the room's attention. “I found myself feeling sorry for Cozy when I heard her story, but I realized I was doing that because she’s a filly. But she isn’t just a filly, your daughter hasn’t enacted grand schemes and plotted against Equestria; she hasn’t been locked up in Tartarus or waged war against our very society. 'She’s just a filly' isn’t an excuse for me and seeing her that way is blinding proper judgement.”

Tirek kept his eye on Cozy as the back and forth continued, noticing that the words against her piled up faster than the ones for her. Still, he saw that it wasn’t breaking her; she smiled when someone had something kind to say and took criticism of her with willful acceptance. As things began to wind around to their time, he leaned over to his brother’s ear. “Admittedly, I just want to yell at them; I hope you have your silver tongue on.”

Scorpan smiled lightly. “Well, I will admit in return that things are moving the way I imagined; so, I took the liberty of seeking some assistance. And if my scheduling is still as keen as it always has been, it should arrive soon.”

“What assistance?” Tirek asked, receiving no direct answer.

The headmaster had the last of the ponies who wished to speak return to their seats. “We’ve heard a great deal, but I feel it's time that Scorpan and Tirek have a chance to say what they have to say in return.

“A moment, please.” An elegant voice came from the far doorway, drawing the room’s attention with audible shock as Celestia entered the auditorium with Starlight Glimmer at her side.

“Pr… Princess Celestia?” The headmaster quickly offered her a small bow as did Mrs. Leeward.

“Starlight?” Cozy Glow’s eyes widened at the sight of the mare she had imprisoned as part of her first plot.

“That’s some assistance.” Tirek noted.

Celestia and Starlight approached the headmaster, the Princess looking to the crowd. “Everyone, I was asked here tonight to offer my own words on Cozy Glow; but as I thought of what to say I began to feel that you all might take this as some kind of royal decree or order. While I did make the ultimate decision to allow Cozy Glow into Tirek and Scorpan’s custody, that does not change the fact that this is your city, and you have every right to question or worry about that decision. So, I decided to bring another to speak in my stead, someone with intimate knowledge of not only Cozy but what she deals with in this time of transition.” She looked down to Starlight. “Starlight, if you would.”

“Sure thing,” Starlight nodded with a confident smile. “My name is Starlight Glimmer and not only am I acting head mare at the school of friendship I’m also the one that Cozy had imprisoned.” The gathered parents registered their intrigue at the information. “But I’m more than that, I’m a former villain too; and what I almost did to Equestria eclipses anything Cozy has done. I was where she is right now, I was horrible and hardly deserving of another chance at anything… but I was given one anyway. Princess Twilight took me in and worked with me to get my life turned around.” She bobbed her head in thought. “It wasn’t quick or easy, and even after as far as I’ve come, I still deal with not only my own knowledge of my past but other’s knowledge of it too. I was judged, sneered at, missed out on opportunities because of fears about me; but I didn’t let all that stop me and now I have a career I love, more friends than I ever thought I’d have and the chance to help children who may be dealing with the things I went through to keep them from repeating my mistakes.” She walked down the line, finding Cozy beside Scorpan and Tirek. “Give her the same chance; you don’t have to forgive her, you don’t even have to like her, but don’t treat her like some kind of monster and keep her from moving forward.” She looked back to the crowd. “Reform isn’t a one creature job; they have to want it, but more importantly other creatures have to let them, because if you keep treating them like villains then all you’re doing is making sure they’ll always stay one.”

The headmaster stepped forward again. “That is very true, and Cozy has most definitely made it clear that she wants this.”

Scorpan lightly pushed Cozy forward. “I think now would be the best time to say your peace.”

Cozy flew up and out to the center of the room, landing beside Starlight and the headmaster and facing her critics bravely. “I do want this.” She said surely. “I like my class, I like my teacher, I like my new friends Morning Glory and Tea Leaf, I like… me.” She smiled lightly. “I like this me better than the one before, I want to go to this school and keep going to the diner and see all the creatures down at the docks.” She looked over at the brothers. “I want to stay with Scorpan and Tirek.” Her eyes returned to the parents. “I know a lot of you don’t like me, but please don’t take all this away from me.”

The crowd sat silent at the heartfelt plea; the headmaster looking them over with fairly confident eyes. “We can take a simple vote to see where we stand, how many of you truly want her removed from the school?” He scanned the seats but not one pony raised their hoof. “Well then, I think we have our answer.” He looked down at Cozy who smiled brightly as those who were already in favor applauded the decision.

“That was well said, Cozy Glow.” Celestia approached her. “I am so pleased to hear those words from you.”

“Yeah, you’re on the right track.” Starlight added.

“I can’t believe you came to defend me.” Cozy looked up at Starlight.

“Not being able to give you the chance to change would spit in the face of everything Twilight has taught me.” She explained. “Happy to do it.”

Scorpan and Tirek came to join them. “Thank you for answering my call, Princess.” Scorpan graciously thanked.

“Of course, Scorpan.” Celestia smiled. “I am as committed to Cozy’s reform as the both of you are, I will always do what I can to aid in the matter.”

“Thanks, Princess.” Cozy flew up to Tirek’s shoulder.

“So, who’s up to celebrate?” Starlight asked.

“Actually…” Cozy began with tired eyes. “I just want to go home.”

“Another time, then.” Celestia offered. “Take care, let me know if there is anything else I can do.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Scorpan tipped his head.

Celestia lowered her wing around Starlight and the two of them vanished in golden magic.

“I’m glad this is over.” Tirek reached up and laid his hand over Cozy Glow as they headed for the door, finding her already asleep. “She must be exhausted after all this.”

“But hopefully now she will have only pleasant dreams with some of her fears put to rest.” Scorpan noted. “By the way, she was given an assignment for the weekend. She is to put together a diorama of a place of her choosing, alongside an essay about said location.” He gestured to his brother. “I have some backed up jobs since this all began, so I will be busy; meaning you’ll have to assist her.”

“A diorama?” Tirek turned up his nose. “I don’t know anything about… crafts.”

“Then you can learn alongside her, always more growing to be done, brother.” He laughed as Tirek growled at the idea.

Comments ( 6 )

Another good story as always! Not gonna lie though, I'm really eager to see an update to the promised reunion on elder island for Aurelian and the others. Keep up the great work!

This was really well done. It was an excellent follow up to the previous story and telling about the fall out of everyone else finding out Cozy Glow would be going to school among them. The reactions seemed really genuine and I loved the surprise of having Celestia and Starlight at the end there giving their support. This story was another 10/10. Great job!

Thank you. I'm glad the scenario came off as genuine, I wanted the reactions to be understandably realistic but not overblown.

I nominate Tartarus for being diorama'd :moustache:

That would be cute. The students would love it and the teacher would rightfully be a bit disturbed. :rainbowlaugh:

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