• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 651 Views, 31 Comments

Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and the Mane Six Season 2 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After the recent events of Dark Cupid our heroes spend more time preparing for the Grand Galloping Gala while still going to Paris' School and also still fighting akumatized victims but will they win or will they fail find out on this Season

  • ...

Episode 4: The Mime

Author's Note:

Before I start this Episode, I just wanted to say that I've made a list of Youtube Episodes of Miraculous but unfortunately something terrible happened, so if Season 2 is late, you know what happened then, but that's for a while later

The Episode begins with the heroes running off on the roofs as Ladybug's Miraculous beeped a few times

"Sooner or later, we're gonna need a plan B" Rainbow said

"At least we saved the day, only if somebody didn't talk to their best friend!" Applejack said angrily

"Okay, that might've been my fault, I'll be more careful next time" Ladybug said

"Alright then" Applejack said

Then our heroes jumped towards Marinette's balcony and landed on it right before de transforming

"Whew! That was too close for comfort!" Twilight said

"Warn us next time you're gonna do that" Pinkie said

"Yeah, that was a close save" Marinette said

Then the heroes went to the cellar door as Rarity opened it making the heroes walk down it as they then started talking

"What you did for Alya today was very cool, Marinette!" Tikki complimented

"You think? I would've liked to do more, but" Marinette started

"It was on a bad timing" Vinyl finished before Octavia bumped her elbow "What, it's true!" Vinyl said

Just then Marinette's Mom called out

"Marinette! Alya's here!" Marinette's Mom called out

"Don't worry mrs. Dupain-Cheng, I'll just head up" Alya said

Then Tikki went into Marinette's purse as Alya went inside

"You didn't exactly wait very long to tell me the big news" Marinette whispered

Just then the cellar opened up as Alya went upstairs

"Girl, you will not believe what just happened to me!" Alya said unbelievably before the two went upstairs "So Ladybug and her friends had just saved a bunch of workers from a supervillain! There were like a gazillion reporters waiting to interview her" Alya explained before she got too excited "And... That's when it happened!" Alya said

Then Alya picked up her phone and showed the clip as the others watched the clip as Ladybug swings by with a kid before putting it in the mothers' arm before shaking the man's arm with the other ponies telling the news reporters what happened before Ladybug turned to Alya

"Hey! Aren't you, Alya, the girl who writes the blog about me? The... Ladyblog!" Ladybug asked

"Uh... Yeah" Alya answered

"I like your work, it's awesome, keep it up!" Ladybug appreciated

"Your earrings, Ladybug!" Alya said

"Let's go guys, also Ladybug, bad timing!" Rainbow said

Then the heroes ran off with Ladybug following behind

"Ah! Thanks, better get going, bug out!" Ladybug called out

Then the clip ended as the heroes turned to Alya happily

"Uh... That was super..." Marinette started before being interrupted

"Cool, right? Ladybug knows me! My blog! She thinks it's awesome! Awesome! Awesomeee!" Alya called out loud enough that a pigeon flew off

"It seems you're very happy about this" Fluttershy said happily

"Yeah!" Alya said happily

"Still that's... Awesome" Marinette said happily

"Let me go grab my laptop!" Alya suggested

Then Alya ran back down before the cellar closed as our heroes turned to Marinette happily

"Now can I say that sometimes you're so reckless!" Rainbow said

"Sorry about that, Rainbow" Marinette apologized

"Well, at least Alya is happy" Twilight said happily

"You're right, Twilight, I think it made her a little happy" Marinette said happily

"A little, say really" Applejack suggested

"That's true, Applejack, I even saw a bird fly off" Derpy said

"Oh dear, I hope that bird's okay" Fluttershy said worriedly

"Anyway, can I see the video?" Tikki asked

"Okay, but fast" Marinette said

Then Marinette turns around to show the video only to drop it but before it could fall she caught it

"Way to be careful Marinette" Bon Bon said sarcastically

"You thought I was gonna drop it, didn't you?" Marinette asked

"Yes! That was like the dumbest question and thing you could say or do!" Rainbow said angrily

Then Marinette wanted to start the video so she pressed it only for the video to get erased shocking her

"Now you made it worse!" Spike said angrily

"Video deleted?" Tikki asked

Just then Marinette gasps in fright

"I didn't just do that! Tell me I didn't just do that!" Marinette suggested worriedly

"You just did that" Pinkie said before Applejack slapped her on the back of the head making her glare angrily at Applejack only to see Applejack glare back "What, it's true!" Pinkie said

Then Marinette groans in anger, worry and sadness as she curls herself up in a ball

"Okay, you just did do that, but the least is you didn't drop it!" Tikki explained

"That's also true so don't worry, I'm sure it's already fine" Twilight said

"Oh, I really screwed up this time! Akya's gonna kill me!" Marinette said worriedly

"It's not the end of the world, I'm sure Alya will understand, she is your best friend" Tikki said

"Yeah, and so are we" Rainbow said

"You're right" Marinette said as she then stands back up and thinks of what will happen if she tells Alya only for the imaginary Alya to get angry and whack her with her phone while the two run "Uh, on second thought" Marinette started4

Just then Alya opened the cellar as the heroes turned to smile weakly at Alya as Tikki flew into her jacket

"Who are you talking to?" Alya asked

Then Fluttershy secretly freed a pigeon as it landed on the balcony

"Uh, to a..." Marinette started before she saw Fluttershy's pigeon "A pigeon!" Marinette answered before pointing to the pigeon "Say hello to Alya, Jacques!" Marinette suggested

"Say, 'bye bye' Jacques" Alya waved before turning to Marinette "And come down! You've got visitors!" Alya said

Then the heroes went down to Marinette's room where they saw the same man who was in 'Rogercop' and 'Darkblade' with Myléne

"Hi there guys" Twilight greeted

"Hi there guys" Myléne said

Then our heroes went to stand next to each other and Marinette's Mom

"What did yoou say the name of the play is, Mr. Hapréle?" Marinette asked

"Well, it's..." The man started

"It's called 'The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures' starring the most talented, amazingly awesome actor and mime!" Myléne explained

Then Myléne pulls the man to the other side of the room

"Come on, now" Myléne started

"My father! Give it up for Fred Hapréle!" Myléne suggested

Then everybody except Rainbow cheered

"Wait just a minute, he's both a cleaner at our school and a Mime at a stage, right?" Rainbow asked

"Pretty much" Fred answered

"Since when's that legally possible?" Rainbow asked

Then the others shrugged

"Anyway, that's really nice" Applejack suggested

"Thank you very much! Thank you, Myléne!" Fred thanked

"Well, congratulations, you must make your daughter very proud!' Marinette's Mom complimented

"Now all I need is my hat to complete my costume" Fred said

Then Marinette grabs a hat and brings it over to Fred

"Here it is!" Marinette said

"Thank you, Marinette! Saving me at the last minute" Fred thanked

Then Rarity walked over to Marinette and puts an arm around her

"What can we say, she's pretty lucky" Rarity said

Then Marinette smiled at Rarity before Fred went for the hat only to stop as he felt the sort of box and feels between it before opening it and when he did he pulls the hat out of Marinette's hands and puts it on as Marinette then smiled while putting the box next to her side as Fred winked

"Ha! I don't think Myléne was exaggerating at all!" Marinette's Mom said

"You know it!" Twilight said

Then Pinkie went to look at Marinette's arm with a magnifying glass and saw nothing

"That's like the mysterious magic I've ever seen!" Pinkie said

Then Applejack walked over to her while chuckling

"Alright, Pinkie, that's enough, you don't want the magic to go out of control" Applejack said

"Oh, that magic will be useful later" Pinkie said before winking at the camera

"What did you wink at?" Rainbow asked

"The camera over there!" Pinkie answered

Then Pinkie pointed towards a wall as nobody saw a camera which made them confused but decided to shrug it off

"Still, thank you!" Fred thanked

Then Marinette puts the box down

"I fixed the tear in it, I also sewed the pocket on the inside, just like you asked" Marinette explained

"You've done a perfect job, thanks to you, I'll have my good luck charm right here next to me at all times" fred said pulling out and showing the picture of Myléne "A photo of my beloved daughter" Fred said

"Aww, dad" Myléne said

Then Myléne hugged Fred happily

Just then Fred's phone rang as Fred pulled his phone out and started the call talking to a woman

"Hello, Sa..." Fred started

"Fred, where are you?!" The woman on the phone yelled out

"Yes, I had to pick up my hat!" Fred answered

"I need you here now!" The woman ordered

"It's not an excuse! I know the bus is leaving in less than a half hour, I'll be there!" Fred said before stopping the call "That was Sarah, the place director, she's very nervous about the premier, she's ready to blow a fuse! So, I better get going" Fred explained before giving Myléne a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the cellar door "See you tonight at the Eiffel Tower, guys!" Fred waved

"We can't wait!" Alya said

"Love you, dad!" Myléne called out

Meanwhile at the bus station two people were talking together one was an tall red orange haired guy with pale blue eyes, wears a derpy hat, a dark bluish gray dress jacket over a pale green shirt, dark blue jeans, and black dress shoes and a woman with medium height, dark red-orange hair and aquamarine-colored eyes. For make-up, she has light pink blue, pale green eyeshadow, and peach-colored lipstick. She wears square-shaped glasses with brown rims, and she has earrings with, from the top down, round dark blue beads and silver leaf-shaped objects, she wears a light gray turtleneck sweater, a purple vest with three dark brown buttons, dark blue jeans, and dark brown shoes with thick heels. She also has a brown watch on her left wrist

"So, what's his excuse this time?" The tall guy asked

"He had to pick up a hat from a repair shop, at least that's what he said" The woman answered

"Well, he's a very convincing actor" The tall guy said sneakingly

"Actually, he is a great actor, but he's always making excuses for why he's late, why he's" The woman started before the tall guy talked again

"Falls asleep in the middle of rehearsal? Why he has to leave early? Why he's missing parts of his costume? Come on, Sarah! When are you gonna wake up and smell the coffee? But it's up to you if you wanna make the show suffer" The tall guy suggested

"Look, you're his understudy, just be ready to take his place in case something happens, okay" Sarah suggested angrily

"I won't let you down, Sarah" Chris said

"Thanks" Sarah thanked angrily

Then Sarah walked off as the tall man chuckled meanly

Meanwhile back at Marinette's home in the kitchen, Marinette, Alya, Myléne, the colored humans and Spike were sitting together and drank together before Myléne started talking

"Thanks, Marinette, I gotta go, I wanna swing by my house to change before the show" Myléne said

Just then Alya's phone rang

"Hey, that's my ringtone!" Alya said as Marinette grabs her phone and turns the call off before giggling "Gimme!" Alya ordered angrily as Marinette gave it as then Alya checked it before seeing it was her mom that called "That was my mom, I'll call her back later" Alya said before turning to Myléne "Hey, Myléne! You wanna see the most amazerrific video?" Alya asked

"No!" Marinette called out as her friends stared at her making her worry "I mean... You wouldn't want to be late for her dad's premier, would you?" Marinette asked

"Yeah, Marinette's right, I gotta get going" Myléne answered worriedly

"Okay" Alya said putting her phone in her bag "I'll walk out with you and show it to you on the way" Alya suggested

Then the two walked off only for Marinette to jump off her seat

"Wait!" Marinette called out leaping towards the two before sneakingly picking out Alya's phone "Your bag's still open" Marinette said before closing it "All good!" Marinette said as the two girls left "See you tonight!" Marinette waved

Then the two left the room and closed the door as Marinette pulls out Alya's phone in relief as the others walked towards her

"Did you just realize what you have done?!" Twilight asked

"Yeah, I mean, getting Adrien's phone because it was Rainbow's idea was okay, but this, this is next level bad" Pinkie said in anger

"I have to admit she's right" Rarity said

Meanwhile Fred was walking next to Adrien's home towards the bus only for his phone to ring as he starts the call

"Don't worry Sarah, I'm early, I'm just around the corner" Fred explained

Just then a second screen popped up which showed the tall guy

"No, this is Chris, Sarah asked me to call you with a last-minute location change, the bus is picking us up in 10 minutes, in front of the Louvre Piramide" Chris explained

"Really? That's on the other side of town!" Fred said worriedly

"Yes, but, uh... It's closer to the Eiffel Tower" Chris explained

"Well, okay, luckily, I'll just make it on time, thanks for letting me know, friend" Fred thanked

"Sure, will see you there!" Chris said before turning the call off and chuckling evily

Then Fred started running off in worry towards the Louvre Piramide

Meanwhile Myléne and Alya were walking across the streets before they stopped

"I'm off this way" Alya said

"All right, see you later" Myléne waved

Then Myléne walked off before Alya called out to her

"Wait! I have to show you my awesome vid" Alya said as she reached for her phone only to see it wasn't in her bag "Where'd my phone go?" Alya asked confused

Meanwhile in Marinette's room Tikki was shocked

"You stole Alya's phone?" Tikki asked in shock

"Um... I borrowed it!" Marinette corrected before explaining "Look, all we need to do is transform into heroes and film myself during the exact same thing in the exact same place" Marinette explained which made the heroes worried as she explained the last part "And then I'll give it right back" Marinette finished

"I don't know, maybe it's just better to come clean now, you might be digging yourself a bigger hole" Tikki said worriedly

"Yeah, and we don't want Alya to lose you as your friend" Twilight said worriedly

"Also, we don't want anybody to think you're a thief" Fluttershy said worriedly

"I can handle this" Marinette said

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" Tikki said

Just then Marinette's phone rang as Marinette pulls it out of her bag and starts the call

"Hey there, Myléne" Marinette greeted

"Do you have Alya's cellphone?" Myléne asked

Then Marinette thought for a bit before answering

"Alya's phone?" Marinette asked as she then went and grabs it from the table "Ah! There it is! It must have fallen down off her bag! Silly girl" Marinette answered

"Me! I'm here too" Alya explained

"Oh! Hi Alya, you're on speakerphone? Hmm... 'Kay, I'll give it to you later on... At the show, see ya!" Marinette waved before putting the call off

"Is that a lie, now?" Applejack asked

Then Marinette turns around to see her hero friends looking at her deceivingly

"Don' look at me like that, this is all gonna work out! I think" Marinette said worriedly

"Now then, time to transform!" Rainbow said

After transforming with the colored humans and Spike following behind the heroes went towards the Louvre Piramide

Meanwhile Chris and Sarah were still waiting on Fred

"We have to get to the Eiffel Tower for dress rehearsal, if you wait any longer, you'll be jeopardizing the entire production" Chris explained worriedly

Then Sarah sighed in defeat

"You're right, Chris, let's get going, you'll be taking Fred's place tonight" Sarah said in defeat

"I definitely won't let you down" Chris said

Then the two walked inside the bus and took a seat before the bus rode off with Chris smiling evily

Meanwhile Fred was waiting on the Louvre Piramide but nobody came making him worried

"Where are they?" Fred asked before he runs towards Théo and another guy before stopping there "Excuse me, you haven't seen a bus with the poster for 'The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures' on it, have you?" Fred asked

Then Théo shook his head sadly

Meanwhile back in the bus Sarah's phone rang as Sarah grabbed the phone and starts the call as Chris pops up from behind her

"He's got some nerve, calling now? I wouldn't give him the time of day if I were you" Chris suggested

Then Sarah picks up he phone and starts the call as Fred talked

"Sarah, where are you?" Fred asked

"We waited for you, but you never came" Sarah answered

"But I'm on time! In front of the piramide" Fred explained

"What are you talking about? Why would we be meeting there?" Sarah asked

"I don't know! I... I thought the meeting place had changed!" Fred answered confused

"Fred, I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses" Sarah said angrily

"But, Chris said..." Fred started before being interrupted

"I don't care, it's not just this excuse, it's... Every excuse, it's always an excuse,,well, enough is enough, Chris will be the lead tonight at the premiere, at least I can count on him" Sarah said angrily

Then Sarah puts the phone away with the stopped call as Fred falls to his knees on the Louvre Piramide sadly

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair the window opens up as Hawk Moth is seen boasting

"Hmm, an actor who misses his own premiere, now that's a tragedy" Hawk Moth said before opening his hand up as an butterfly flew onto the palm of his hand making Hawk Moth put the other hand on top causing the butterfly to turn into an akuma before he let's it go as it flew away "Go, my evil akuma, let's hand this actor the role of a lifetime!" Hawk Moth ordered

Then the akuma flew into the distance

Meanwhile at the other side of the Louvre Piramide Ladybug was preparing Alya's phone to film as she struggled to put it right with the other heroes helping too as Twilight made some illusions with her magic

"Whew! That was really hard, you know you can do this?" Twilight asked

"Yes" Ladybug answered as then everyone stood at their position and did their thing

"Hey aren't you Alya, the girl who writes the blog about me... The... Ladybl---" Ladybug started

Just then a kitten to pop up as the illusions then disappeared as the phone fell into the trash can

"So, who's gonna get it out?" Rarity asked

Then the others backed off except Ladybug as she then looked around before sighing in defeat

"Fine, I'll do it" Ladybug said in defeat before walking off "That is so... Eww!" Ladybug said in disbelief

"Well, that's your punishment" Rainbow said

Then the others glared as Rainbow shrugged

"Cat's are nothing but trouble" Ladybug said in defeat

"Don't say that about Cat Noir" Pinkie said

"You do know that we know who Cat Noir is, right?" Rarity whispered to Pinkie

"Yes, I do!" Pinkie whispered back

Then Ladybug arrives at the trash can and gets the phone out

Meanwhile on the other side of the Louvre Piramide Fred was still looking down in sadness and defeat

"What did I do? You're going to be so disappointed at me, Myléne" Fred said sadly

Then an akuma flies towards the picture of Myléne and touches it causing Fred to look through the butterfly glasses in anger

"Mime, I am Hawk Moth, I'm giving you the power to make whatever you gesture come to life, destroy this premiere performance! You may be a mime, but they can't silence you! However, in return, you must bring me back Ladybug, Cat Noir, the ponies and Spike's Miraculouses and Elements, so, shall we get on with the show?" Hawk Moth asked

Then Fred smirks before turning into a blond haired man with his skin being periwinkle. His irises are dark grayish blue-violet, and he has black lining around the eyes, with a drop-shaped line below each. He still has the derby hat on his head. He wears a dark gray and white striped shirt underneath a bluish-gray dress jacket with two large black buttons and a dark blue collar. In addition, he wears high white pants with black lining on the pockets, and he wears high black and white sneakers and when he was done transforming he stands up and puts the picture in the hat pocket before slashing a few posters of his show causing all of the posters surrounding him to fall down into pieces as the others could only look in shock and worry before the Mime ran past the guy and slashed the posters he wore into two pieces

Meanwhile the heroes were still working with Ladybug only for Rainbow to hear sounds

"I'll go check it out!" Rainbow said

"Go ahead, and come back as quick as possible to give a report" Twilight suggested

"Will do" Rainbow said as she then flew into the air fast before seeing the Mime slashing all kinds of posters and more "Well, that's freaky, I gotta report this as fast as possible" Rainbow said

Just then a police car rode by before the Mime stopped and smacked the car with a baseball bat as the heroes ran at the scene only to see the car in the air as Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack both used their magic and strength to pull the car down slowly so that the police officer won't get hurt and when it landed the police officer panted in relief

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked

Then the police officer gave a thumbs up as Applejack and Rainbow saw the Mime running off

"I'm going after him!" Rainbow said angrily

Then Rainbow flew off only for Applejack to catch her with her lasso stopping her

"No, we need to do this with the rest of the heroes" Applejack said

Then the rest of the heroes came

"Well, that was frightening alright" Rarity said

Then Fluttershy went to the police officer

"Why don't you go back to the stadium and have the heroes stop the akumatized victim" Fluttershy suggested

Then the police officer nodded before riding off

"Still, it looks like Myléne's Dad's hat" Ladybug said before gasping in shock "Oh no! Mr. Hapréle?" Ladybug called out as the Mime prepared to shoot an arrow "If there's something ticking you off, we can talk about it, you know" Ladybug called out

Just then the fake arrow shot next to the heroes and hit a wall

"Or maybe not" Ladybug corrected

"Run!" Pinkie yelled out worriedly

Then the heroes started dodging arrows with the Mime continuing to shoot them only for Rainbow to catch one fake one and throw it at the Mime who ducked to dodge the arrow

Meanwhile there was another car riding as it is approaching the Louvre Piramide and in it Nathaniel was talking on the phone

"Yes, sir, understood, sir, I'm sure he'll understand, sir" Nathaniel said worriedly

Then Adrien sighed sadly

"My dad's flaking, isn't he? Let me guess, something came up?" Adrien asked

"Yes, but he has reserved the best seats in the house for you, Adrien, front row" Nathaniel explained

"As usual, the best money can buy" Adrien said sadly

Just then Adrien's bodyguard gasped in shock as he stopped the car really fast as Ladybug jumped by with the rest of the heroes following behind

"I'll open the doors!" Rarity said

Then Rarity opened the doors of the car as Twilight turned to them

"Get out of the car and find a place to hide, We'll cover you" Twilight suggested

Then Adrien steps out as Ladybug gasped in shock before before the Mime shot another arrow

"I'll distract him, go, go, go!" Rainbow ordered

Then Rainbow flew towards the Mime before spinning around really fast as Nathaniel, Adrien's bodyguard and Adrien himself ran out of the car before Adrien hides behind a wall while Ladybug and Twilight continued to dodge the fake arrows

"We gotta transform now, Plagg" Adrien said

Then Adrien opens up his Jacket as Plagg flew out

"I thought I was gonna be a spectator, not a performer, what about the show?" Plagg asked

"No time" Adrien reminded

Meanwhile the heroes continued to dodge

"How long can we still hold him off?" Rainbow asked

"I hope Cat Noir comes now" Applejack said worriedly

Just then Ladybug throws her yo-yo at the Mime to which it touched as he dropped the fake arrow and bow as he then made a fake big box which had something in it as Pinkie's knee got pinchy

"Guys, you better dodge, fast!" Pinkie ordered

Then the Mime pulls out a big thing before he prepares it and shoots it as our heroes quickly splitted off in shock right before there was a big explosion on the car

"What in tarnation!" Applejack called out in shock

"That was like a bazooka!" Rainbow said in shock

"This is getting more dangerous by the minute" Rarity said in shock

Just then the Mime pulls out a fake whip and smacks in on the ground

"Why do I have a feeling this also happpened to me in another story?" Applejack asked

"I'm not sure but that's besides the point" Twilight answered worriedly

Just then the heroes got trapped in a whip and were tied together

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked worriedly

"That is so not cool dude!" Vinyl said angrily

Just then butterfly glasses appeared before the Mime's face

"Grab their Miraculouses and Elements, the earrings, necklace and crown! Now!" Hawk Moth ordered

"No way in Equestria are we gonna let that happen" Spike said angrily

Just then the butterfly glasses disappeared as the Mime pulls the heroes closer

"Somebody, save us!" Bon Bon yelled out in fright

Just then a stick lengthened causing the Mime to be pulled away and the heroes to get free as Spike dropped to the groound and kissed it

"Jeez, great timing!" Lyra said angrily

"It's okay, I've got this" Cat Noir said

"Our pleasure, Cat Noir" Ladybug said

Then Cat Noir charges for the Mime only for the latter to make a cell in front making Cat Noir hit it before it locked the heroes in it

"I've got this!" Spike said

Then Spike ran towards it and makes flames in circles causing the cage to disappear

"Apparently, not seeing is believing" Ladybug said

"This is Pinkie Sense all over again!" Twilight said in disbelief

"We can't let him go like that!" Cat Noir said angrily

"For once, I agree with you" Rainbow said angrily

Just then the Mime unlocked the fake car with a fake key causing the cell to go away before he stepped into it and puts on his seatbelt before riding off as Cat Noir and Rainbow then charged for him

"No, wait, don't!" Ladybug and Twilight called out

Just then Cat Noir ran to open the cell only to stumble and trip as his head fell on Rainbow's back causing the two to fall onto the ground

"There, we did it" Cat Noir said

Then Twilight and Ladybug groaned in disbelief

"I wish you did, when he started mimicking the car, the bars disappeared" Ladybug explained

"Yes, and remember once mimes make another thing the first thing they made disappears such as the arrow and bow, bazooka, lasso and cell and possibly the car too" Twilight explained

"We didn't need your lecture" Rainbow said in disbelief

"I was just explaining!" Twilight said in anger

"That was still useful, Twilight" Rarity complimented

"Thanks" Twilight thanked

Then the heroes except Rainbow and Cat Noir ran/zipped off

"Hey! Wait!" Cat Noir called out

"Hang onto me!" Rainbow suggested

Then Cat Noir took a seat on Rainbow's back as Rainbow flew as fast as she could after their friends

Meanwhile our heroes were still running across the sidewalks as Ladybug continued to zip around with Fluttershy flying next to her with Cat Noir following behind before the heroes jumped onto the Mime's car as the Mime turned to look up

"Nice ride, but if I were you, I would have at least made it a convertible" Cat Noir thanked

Then the Mime rode the car faster and knocking other cars to the side as our heroes held on tight

"Hold on, guys, we're almost at the bus!" Twilight called out

Just then the heroes noticed the bus as they all looked in shock and worry

"He's one of the actors from the theater troupe, and he's after that bus!" Ladybug called out worriedly

Then the car moved to the other side causing the heroes to be alone and move forward only to see he wasn't there

"Where is he going? We gotta stop this thing!" Ladybug ordered

Then Ladybug got through the gap of the fake car

"Slam down on the brake!" Cat Noir suggested

"What Brake?" Ladybug asked

Just then the heroes approached two kids making them scream as Rainbow quickly moved them to the side as Ladybug managed to stop the car

"There, they're fine!" Rainbow said as then the two people ran off "You're welcome!" Rainbow called out

"Not bad, for driving an invisible car, course, they'll never believe us if we tell them we just saved their lives" Cat Noir explained

"Yeah, that might seem loco!" Twilight agreed

Just then the Mime made an invisible motorbike and puts an invisible helmet on and tightens it before riding off causing Ladybug, Cat Noir, the ponies and Spike to fall to the ground before standing back up

"He's already off again! We gotta catch up with the bus before he does!" Ladybug suggested as Cat Noir then holds the heroes on the arms "What do you think you're doing?" Ladybug asked

"Good thing you have friends in high places, hold on!" Cat Noir suggested

Then Cat Noir lengthens his stick causing the heroes to fly into the air as Ladybug and Cat Noir then sat on a pole with the earth ponies holding on the pegasi who were flying in the air and the Unicorns were floating with their magic

"I could have done this on my own" Ladybug said

"But we're the Cat-Bug-Ponies-and-Dragon team, remember" Cat Noir reminded

"Bug-and-cat team, you mean" Ladybug suggested before pointing towards where the bus rode "Now drop me off over there" Ladybug suggested

"Get ready" Cat Noir suggested before moving the staff sideways towards the bus as the heroes followed them before they all landed on the bus which shook it a bit as everybody looked up in worry including Chris and Sarah and when the heroes landed they walked towards the edge of the bus and saw the Mime approaching "Where could the akuma be?" Cat Noir asked

"Inside his hat!" Ladybug answered

"How'd you know that?" Cat Noir asked

"I have hidden talents. Trust me on this one" Ladybug suggested as they then saw the Mime riding closer and closer to them as Ladybug threw her yo-yo to two light poles as the yo-yo wraps around them causing the cars to stop in front of it while the Mime stands up on the invisible scooter before jumping through the hole as Ladybug unwraps the yo-yo and pulls it back as the Mime jumps towards her and Cat Noir before it landed on the bus causing the heroes to look at him in shock as Ladybug turned towards Cat Noir, the ponies and Spike

"You guys better distract him" Ladybug suggested

"Gotcha" Cat Noir said

Then the ponies, Spike and Cat Noir ran towards the Mime before Cat Noir landed on the car and pounces to the other as Twilight, Rarity, Vinyl, Lyra and Spike shot fireballs at the Mime while Applejack, Octavia and Bon Bon kicked a few apples which Applejack pulled out for some reason towards the Mime as Rainbow, Fluttershy and Derpy spun as hard as their wings could handle around the Mime with Rainbow being faster before Cat Noir landed on the bus again causing Rainbow to stop and whistle making Fluttershy and Derpy move out of the way as the Mime and Cat Noir started swordfighting while dodging as Ladybug moved towards the Mime while dodging lasers before she reached for the Mime's hat only for the Mime to see it and swing the sword at her which she spun her yo-yo at before the Mime jumped out of the way and just when he was about to hit the ground Ladybug caught him causing him to smack his head against the window causing Chris to look to the window in shock and worry

"Fred?" Chris asked in shock and worry

"The Miraculous! Grab her earring!" Hawk Moth ordered

Then the Mime tried too reach for Ladybug's earring which she dodges by moving to the side and when she was about to fall Applejack and Cat Noir pulled her up

"His hat! Grab his hat!" Ladybug ordered

"On it!" Rainbow called out

Then Rainbow zipped towards the Mime before she gets hit against a board as the Mime then slams a hammer on the bus making an hole in it while Rainbow returned

"There's gotta be a way to distract him" Applejack suggested

"But what?" Rainbow asked

"I'm not sure" Applejack asked worriedly

Just then Ladybug let's go causing the Mime to land on a car causing it to move backwards as Twilight then made a shield causing the car to stop moving and not get broken as the Mime stands back up

"This is the most intense fight I've ever been in" Vinyl said

"Agreed!" Octavia said in agreement

Just then the Mime pulls out a chainsaw and makes a hole in the car before throwing the roof away as he went inside before motioning the person to follow the bus

"We got to get the passengers to safety!" Ladybug said worriedly

"Can I lend a helping paw?" Cat Noir asked

"Yeah, cover me!" Ladybug answered

Then Ladybug ran towards the cellar door with the Mane Six as Spike, Cat Noir, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Vinyl and Octavia stood at the ready

"Hurry up, m'lady" Cat Noir suggested to himself

Then Ladybug pulled herself towards the front entrance while still on top of the bus before Twilight and Applejack held her down as she tapped on the door causing the bus rider to turn towards her before opening the door as the heroes flew in while they still rode

"Stop the bus!" Ladybug ordered

Just then Sarah walked towards the heroes

"Ladybug, girls, what's happening?" Sarah asked

"One of your actors has been akumatized, and for some reason, he seemed to be heading in for your troupe!" Ladybug answered

"And there's one person who I believe should explain it!" Applejack said angrily

"Fred?" Sarah asked in shock

"Yeah and I'm sorry about that, but we're gonna stop him no matter what" Rainbow said

Just then the Mime went up from his seat and prepared to shoot a bow at Cat Noir, Spike and the background ponies before doing so as the heroes all dodged the arrows only for one of the arrows to hit a wheel of the bus causing it to shake widly

"Hang on tight everybody!" Rarity called out

Just then the car moved sideways and was about to hit the Eiffel Tower only for Cat Noir and Vinyl to use their staff and magic to make a shield between a few lamp poles stopping the car in an instant as the heroes let everybody out

"We're here" Fluttershy said still dizzy

"Wow! That was one of the most epic rides! Can we do that again?!" Pinkie asked excitedly

"No!!!" The rest of the passengers and heroes yelled out in anger

"Aww! Bummer!" Pinkie said

A whole minute later Pinkie and Applejack managed to fix the holes in one of the wheels causing it to not be sideways

"There, good as new but I hope you can make it even better with your Miraculous charm" Applejack said

"You know it" Ladybug said before she turned to the passengers who Rarity and Twilight brought back inside "Stay inside and don't panic, we'll get this under control" Ladybug said

Then everybody went inside except Chris who turned to her in worry and anger

"Ladybug, I know why he's after us, I took his role from him, but he can perform instead of me! I don't care anymore! Please, just keep us all safe" Chris said worriedly

"While we are mad at you since you caused him to akumatize you, you explained yourself just make sure you'll be nicer again" Rainbow said

"I will I promise" Chris promised

"Good, then let's go guys!" Rainbow said

But before they could Sarah who also didn't go inside turned to him

"What do you mean you took his role from him? He lost it!" Sarah corrected angrily

"Not exactly, there's something I have to tell you" Chris said worriedlly

Meanwhile the Mime just arrived

"Alright, you two can talk in the bus just get in!" Twilight said

Then Sarah and Chris went in the bus as the Mime jumped onto the roof of it and ran towards the other side before fighting with Cat Noir, Vinyl and the rest of their friends as Ladybug and the Mane Six ran (Or flew in Rainbow and Fluttershy's case) as fast as they could towards Cat Noir and the Mime only for the Mime to pin the seven down as Rainbow then tapped him and when she did the Mime turned towards her giving Rainbow the chance to give a big buck against the cheek causing him to fly onto the ground

"You okay guys?" Rarity asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, also Rainbow I never knew you were that strong" Spike said

"That just means you don't know me well" Rainbow said

"That's besides the point look!" Twilight called out

Then the heroes turned to the Mime who used his invisible lasso to pull Cat Noir towards him and when he was close enough to him butterfly glasses appeared in front of his face

"His Miraculous is within your reach! I want his ring!" Hawk Moth ordered

Then the Mime went for Cat Noir's ring only for Ladybug to throw her yo-yo at him which got the yo-yo wrapped around his arm as Ladybug then pulled it away

"We don't knoow what's made you this violent, but I don't think Myléne would approve!" Ladybug reminded angrily

"Nor would Adrien, Marinette or Alya!" Derpy said

"Or Puppy Spike and his human friends" Bon Bon said

Then Ladybug pulls the Mime towards her and her friends before the Mime makes an invisible bowling ball as he then throws it at the heroes who were then sent flying backwards as they landed on the ground in disbelief

"I've had enough of this mysterious powers, when is he ever gonna stop doing something unexcted?" Octavia asked

"Yeah, he sure brings a whole new meaning to silent but deadly" Cat Noir agreed

"There's gotta be a weakness to him" Vinyl said worriedly

"Aha! Water! But I don't think it's gonna work" Twilight said worriedly

"Hmm" Vinyl thought thinking

After thinking and getting nothing Vinyl turns to Ladybug who had an idea

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called out before a shoe box appeared which she catches as the heroes looked at her worriedly

"A shoebox? Great, there better be some explosive boots in there or something" Cat Noir suggested

"No, I think it has another meaning, something he hates" Twilight corrected

Then Cat Noir started the fight again against the Mime as Ladybug used her thinking vision only to see Sarah's glasses as Sarah went too look outside the bus in worry, the bus lights, the Mime's picture and the Eiffel Tower which made her realize something

"Of course! We have to make him really angry! Blow his fuse!" Ladybug suggested

"You don't think he's angry enough?" Cat Noir asked

Then Ladybug tests the hole as he turns to Cat Noir, Rarity and Pinkie

"Cat Noir, Rarity and Pinkie, you three are good at annoying people, do your things!" Ladybug suggested

"I would never annoy people" Rarity said angrily

"Same I only make happiness and friendship not annoy people!" Pinkie said

"Hmm" Twilight thought before she got an idea as she whispers something in Rainbow's ear "Go ahead do it!" Twilight said

"Fine!" Rainbow said in disbelief before flying over to Rarity "Look Rarity don't you think this suit seems a little oldfashioned?" Rainbow asked

"Of course, why didn't I even think about it" Rarity said in disbelief

Then Rainbow zips towards Pinkie

"Pinkie, don't you think he needs a lecture about friendship and happiness since you're so good at it?" Rainbow asked

"Now that you think about it his feelings seem a little down" Pinkie answered

Then Pinkie and Rarity turned towards Cat Noir who nodded as an agreement

"That is a good idea" Cat Noir said

Then Rarity and Pinkie went towards the Mime and started saying a lot of stuff and since it was together the Mime couldn't understand what they said but he knows what they were meaning so he got more irritated until Cat Noir attacked

"Do your thing now Ladybug!" Rainbow suggested

Then Marinette ran towards Sarah and pulled off her glasses

"Gotta borrow these" Ladybug said

Then Ladybug walked off before grabbing the poster from the wipe plates before putting them on top

"A watch, a magnifying glass, some light" Ladybug thought while going to the lights of the bus before letting the light shine through the two holes as the Mime's poster was seen "Voila! A homemade projector" Ladybug said as she then turned towards the Mime who stopped fighting "Hey, Mime! Nice poster, don't you think?" Ladybug asked

Then the Mime turned towards the poster before it got shocked as she made an invisible sword appear before slashing it on the Eiffel Tower while jumping up only for the Eiffel Tower to move backwards

"Move out of the way!" Twilight called out

Then the heroes and other citizens run out of the way except the Mime who didn't want to listen to her as the Eiffel Tower fell further making the Unicorns help pull the Eiffel Tower up with the Mime helping as well

"Cat Noir do your thing, we'll try to slow the fall of the Eiffel Tower" Vinyl said

"And remember don't let him touch you" Rarity said

"Remember, he can only Mime one thing at a time" Ladybug reminded

"Oh right" Rarity said

"So he's cornered, good thinking, M'lady" Cat Noir thanked

"No worries, anyway let's finish this once and for all" Ladybug said

Then Cat Noir used his staff to lenghten it before it reached the Mime as he pulled the hat off of his head before bringing it to Ladybug who then searched everywhere to where the akuma would be only to find a purple colored picture of Myléne causing her to rip it into pieces before dropping it at the ground causing the akuma to fly out of there as Ladybug swiped her finger across the yo-yo

"No more evil doing for you little akuma" Ladybug said while spinning her yo-yo before throwing it "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug called out before the yo-yo caught the akuma as Ladybug pulled the yo-yo back before catching it "Gotcha" Ladybug called out before swiping her finger across the yo-yo as a butterfly flew out "Bye bye little butterfly" Ladybug waved as Pinkie gave Ladybug the box with the stuff pulled off as Ladybug throws it into the air "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug called out

Then a burst of light appeared fixing everything such as the picture of Myléne, the roof of the citizen's car which caused the citizen to cheer in happiness and the Eiffel Tower which once again got a view of as the Unicorns freed their magic from it before swiping the sweat off

A few hours later the Mime gained a cold blanket on his head as Fluttershy and Pinkie held him on the hooves before he de transformed into Fred and waking up

"What happened? How did I... Get here?" Fred asked

"It's alright, Fred, you're safe now, no akumatized people anymore" Pinkie said

"Agreed" Fluttershy said

Then Rainbow Dash and Applejack helped Fred up before they along with Pinkie and Fluttershy joined their friends

"Pound it!" The heroes cheered

Then the heroes turned towards Fred in worry again as Sarah approached him

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Fred" Sarah apologized

Then Chris approached too

"I'm sorry too, I was so desperate to perform that I lied to you about where we were meeting up" Chris apologized

Then Fred turns towards him and pulls his hand towards him before tapping it in acceptation as Chris returned it

"I'm glad they put their differences aside" Rainbow said happily

"That gives me a good idea for a Friendship Lesson" Twilight said

"Alright off to Marinette's house we go!" Spike called out

Then Spike went onto Twilight before the two teleported off as Ladybug's earring beeped

"Your earrings!" Cat Noir reminded

Just then Ladybug remembered something

"Better get going, come on girls" Ladybug called out

Then the heroes teleported or swung away (Ladybug with her yo-yo of course)

"Such a shame, I could have been your date in the play tonight, just you and me" Cat Noir said

Then Pinkie zipped back worriedly

"Thanks, but we have other plans!" Pinkie said

But before Cat Noir could say anything Pinkie zipped off again causing Cat Noir to sigh in defeat and when she was gone the lights started shining as everything was getting set up making Cat Noir smile warmly

Meanwhile Hawk Moth was still boasting in anger

"The show's not over yet, Ladybug, you just wait, there's still a last act to come when you least expect it" Hawk Moth said

Then Hawk Moth's lair window closed once more

Meanwhile Marinette who just detransformed along with a few of her friends were at the place where they once tried to film a remake of the video as Marinette tried to reach for her phone before she managed to pull it out

"Got it!" Marinette said

Just then Marinette smelled the smell of the phone

"Great, this is way worse than Spike's dragon breath" Rainbow said in disbelief

"Excuse me! I don't smell that bad!" Spike said angrily

A few hours later our heroes arrived at the Eiffel Tower as they went to take a seat with Pinkie having popcorn in her hands

"Anybody want some?" Pinkie asked

"No thanks Pinkie" Rarity thanked

"Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Outside of muffins I like Popcorn!" Derpy said

Then Pinkie gave Derpy another bucket of popcorn as she managed to eat it while being relieved as then Marinette arrived noticing Twilight and Alya waving at her as she then went to sit beside them until Adrien came and whispered in Twilight's ear

"Oh, okay, here you go" Twilight said

Then Twilight tapped Rarity and motioned her to sit at another spot to which they did as Adrien and his bodyguard went to sit between Marinette and Applejack as he then turned to Marinette as Marinette turned to him too

"Ah, hey, you're here too, cool, thought I was gonna end up sitting by myself" Adrien said as if he didn't see her

Then Marinette smiled weakly until Alya turned to her

"Hey, did you bring my phone?" Alya asked

Just then Alya saw Marinette smiling hardly at Adrien and blushing making her sigh in disbelief and laughter before sitting perfectly and when the lights dimmed Marinette turned towards the stage as Chris and Fred then walked towards the crowd and bowed finally starting the show as everybody clapped

"Ooh, this is gonna be fun" Pinkie said nervously

A few hours later after the show Marinette, Alya and the heroes were on their way back to Marinette's home as Marinette could only talk about Adrien

"I don't know which I loved more, the show or sitting next to my sweet Adrien!" Marinette said happily

"I know you do" Rainbow said happily while also being a bit disgusted

"Maybe you should give him a call and ask him out to a movie" Alya suggested

Just then Marinette realized something

"Speaking of calling, there's something I gotta tell you, Alya" Marinette said as the heroes turned to Marinette comfortably while Alya did so too after her "I" Marinette started nervously before Twilight motioned for her to take a deep breath to which she did before explaining "I accidentally erased your Ladybug video on your phone, and then, when I tried to fix the problem, I dropped the phone in the dumpster and now it stinks like bad, like really, really bad and I'm so, so, so sorry, I know how much that video meant to you and I'm the lamest of friends, lamer than lame!" Marinette said pulling Alya's phone to her

Just then Alya laughed which made the heroes shocked as Alya reached for Marinette's shoulders and explained everything

"Chillax, lady, if there's anyone on this earth who knows about your legendary clumsiness, it's me, your BFF!" Alya explained

"And your friends too" Twilight said

"Agreed" Spike said

"So... You're not angry?" Marinette asked

"Well, you should've just come clean and told me in the first place, but no, we're cool, besides, I uploaded the video on to my Ladyblog before I showed it to you" Alya explained

Just then Marinette jumped into Alya's arms and hugged her as the other heroes joined in

"I'm so lucky to have a friend like you! Now that we're good, you probably don't care about the surprise I planned for you" Marinette said while giving the phone to Alya

After saying that Alya got surprised at that

"Screw up or no screw up, you know I love surprises!" Alya said happily

"Okay, you see that theater over there?" Marinette asked while pointing to the nearest theater where they stood as Alya nodded "There's something inside for you, on the stage" Marinette explained

Then Alya went in before seeing Twilight's very own illusion of Ladybug which she managed to have Marinette have her talk as

"Hello! Alya, right?" Ladybug asked as the lights turned on making Alya gasp in shock and happiness "Last time I saw you, I was in a hurry, but I've got a bit more time now if you want to interview me for your Ladyblog" Ladybug said

After saying that Alya gasps in shock

"No... Seriously? Do I? Do I?!" Alya asked herself in happiness

Then Alya ran up the stairs to where two chairs were

"Have a seat" Ladybug suggested

Then Alya and Ladybug went to take a seat on either chair they wanted

"You don't know me, but FYI, this is like the biggest moment of my life!" Alya said excitedly

Then Alya starts recording as Ladybug chuckles a bit

A few hours later after the recording Alya turned her back as the illlusion disappeared as we saw Marinette and Twilight hoofbumping each other

"Alya's lucky to have you as a friend too, you know!" Tikki said in happiness

Just then Alya walked outside of the room in relief as she walked back towards Marinette and the heroes

"Well? Show me!" Marinette suggested excitedly while jumping

Then Marinette went to snatch Alya's phone before Alya quickly moved it out of her grasp

"Only after I put it on my blog! There's no way I'm gonna lose this video!" Alya said

Then Marinette jumped to the other side while Alya changed spots too

"Hey!" Marinette called out

Then the two started running while laughing happily