• Published 5th Sep 2022
  • 7,277 Views, 137 Comments

Harmony Among Fillies - IsakeiAnon

Like all bronies, Anon wishes to go to Equestria. He was hoping to show up a little later in the show's timeline, however. And also as an adult. And male. Aw well, Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns won't know what hit them! And neither will Anon.

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Can (You) Feel the Sunshine?

Author's Note:

Does it brighten up your day? :trollestia:

Meh, I get the sense I’m going to struggle to write chapters longer than 2k words in the future. Oh well, read away folks!

“Princess Celestia, Princess Celestia! Tabloid Tales of the Equestrian Confidential! Is it true that the explosion was due to a deceleration of war by a foreign power?”

“Princess Celestia, Bemused News of the Canterlot Chronicle! Is it true that the explosion originated from one of your students at your School for Gifted Unicorns?

“Princess Celestia, Flim Skim of the Flim-Flam Fable! Are there any plans to compensate the poor unicorns whose horns may have been negatively impacted by the recent explosion?”

“Princess Celestia!”


“Your highness!”

Oh sweet her. Celestia was starting to suspect she should wait for a bit of the frenzy to die down before going public with the identity of her newest student. “My little ponies, a moment of your time please! Now, I am aware of the damage done to my School for Gifted Unicorns. Unfortunately, the fall semester will be pushed back a few days to accommodate repairs." There. That should allow Anonymous some time to get her affairs in order, as well a moment of peace.

"However, I have found that there was no intentional foul play at hoof. Merely an unforeseen consequence of an experimental new spell gone wrong. I can confirm that instead, this spell is intended to help unite and guide all ponies in peace and harmony. As we speak, I'm sure that there are those among you who have felt today's surge of magic transform deep within your hearts. Instead of the surge you all initially felt, you can now feel that magic transform into the very memories and emotions of those near and dear to your hearts."

"Got the music in our hearts, we're gonna blow this thing apart..."

Sunset Shimmer shook her head. Why was she imagining all these weird songs?

“So does this mean you’re adopting me or what?”

Oh, right. The foul-mouthed little interloper who blew up CSGU with her weird friendship song. The entrance exam had to be moved to a different wing of the school, with the faculty having to calm down all the panicked students. Princess Celestia had to return to Canterlot Castle to order to calm down the rest of the rattled citizens, but the father of the explosion maniac had to stay at the school to discuss admission for a newly appointed student of the Princess. For Anonymous, those new ‘personal student perks’ meant being teleported alongside Princess Celestia so that somepony familiar with the castle would give her a private tour. For Sunset, her newest student ‘perk’ meant that she was stuck foalsitting.

“Because I’m not sure what what our family trees would look like at this point. I guess dad would be cool with adopting you if you wanted to, but I don’t know what your family would say about it.”

Research partners her left flank, the little filly had already taken to heart those damned friendship lessons the Princess had been trying to drill into her head lately. Princess Celestia thought that little filly was capable of teaching her that nonsense. Princess Celestia looked so damned happy when the filly finally stopped swearing and accepted becoming another personal student. Princess Celestia looked at the little filly like she was being reunited with her long lost-

“Hey Shimmer-sis, what’s your family like anyhow?”


“Fuck, was that too mmf?!” Ahhh, the good old Sound of Silence spell. Already, the day was looking up again.

“Okay, you foul-mouthed little brat! We’re going to establish how this-“ Sunset waved her hoof around them both, “-is going to work out. The Princess may think your silly little stories are all that, but I’ve dedicated my life to the mastery of magic, real magic, and your little fluke won’t change my destiny!

Anonymous attempted to reply, but no sound came out. She then blinked before raising an eyebrow at Sunset. Seriously filly? You can’t undo this spell yourself? With a sigh, Sunset undid her silencing spell on Anonymous.

“Your ‘destiny’?” Celestia above, what an annoying voice. Now to really shut it up.

“To become the best of the best, of course. To be known as the strongest, smartest Unicorn in history, surpassing even the current greatest Unicorn of all time, Star Swirl the Bearded!” Then I’ll be able to stand beside Celestia herself as her equal!

“Shouldn’t be too hard. Star Swirl was a total dumbass.”

What. “What?” Anonymous had enough shame to shut her mouth up after that, but it was far too late. “Explain. Now.”

“Well, Star Swirl’s knowledge of magic centuries ago would be limited compared to what we now know. I mean, it’s not like the guy invented teleportation, right?”

Hmm. Both points were true. A surprisingly competent thought process, for a filly anyways. “And really, how often do those spells get practiced nowadays? What you should really focus on is revolutionizing how magic itself works!” Wait, what? “Sure, there’s plenty of things you can do with what Star Swirl alone has got, but I bet even he had his unfinished spells, right?”

“I…suppose those aren’t inaccurate claims.” That was her own end goal, after all. Becoming somepony who would challenge the definition of magic itself to redefine what it meant to be a pony. “But one has to know all about magic before they can really change it. Is that why you blew up the school? You wanted to use those Harmony stories to change magic?”

A smug grin was her response. “Actually, it was a little fluke after all! I just didn’t want to fail the exam.”


“This school is supposed to be for magic, right? Then passing the exam meant making up a brand new spell. Otherwise, why would you bother going to the best magic school in all of Equestria?”

Hmm. Sunset could see the logic in that. She could even respect that, Celestia forbid. “I suppose you don’t lack ambition.”

“I do lack that, actually. My ‘destiny’ is to have fun magical adventures, that’s it.”

She was now officially taking back her respect. “Seriously? You’re telling me you just want to live out your dumb stories?”

“Even dumber. What do you think my Cutie Mark means?”

Aside from having nothing to do with this conversation? “I’m dying to know.” She wasn’t.

“It means reality can be whatever I want.” Okay, just what was up with this filly? Nothing about her was normal! “Just like your Cutie Mark means you want to be like Celestia.”


“I mean you both have sun Cutie Marks, meaning you clearly look up to her so much you feel threatened by me-“ she did NOT “-so now you want to set the record straight as Celestia’s favorite.”

“Y-you don’t know what you’re talking about! You are not a threat to my position!” She wasn’t!

“Right, I’m not. And I don’t want to be. I just came to this school to do my own thing, you know?” Not really, no. “That said, if you do want to work together, why the fuck not?”

“I don’t need to work together with anypony. I-“

“No one needs anything. Why the fuck not?”

“Quit swearing.”

“Not an argument. Why the fuck not?”

“I will recast the silencing spell permanently.

“I will write you songs. Why the fuck not?”


"SUNSET SHIMMER!" Oh, horseapples.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Oh shit, you're fucked!"


Oh shit, I'm fucked. It's all fucked, six ways to Sunday and back. Ha, sun. I just wanted to do cool magic shit. Now I have to tolerate pre-reform Sunset until she runs off to become the cooler post-reform Sunset. I guess her spin-off is canon. Am I in it?

"I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN THE TWO OF YOU." Be glad this is story isn’t rated 18+ Princess, I guarantee some of the other anons would have tried to seduce you immediately. And also Sunset. At the same time. Is herding canon?


I raised my hoof. No shitting myself involved, I swear. "YES ANONYMOUS."

"I don't have a room yet, Princess." Again, I absolutely did not shit myself, right there and then.


"ANON E. MOUS!" Never mind.

"Please be gentle."

UNBELIEVABLE. She was being sent to her room as if she were the foal! She, the sole student of Princess Celestia! Now she didn't even have that! That damned filly! She would show her! She'd show them all!

“Hey Shimmer-sis, what’s your family like anyhow?”

That...that wasn't...


The walk of shame was never a fun one. Especially when you just realized your fun little hallucination may actually be your new reality. Knowing the future was my only real advantage, and I’ve somehow immediately derailed it to the point where I have no real clue how this dumb fucking timeline is going to turn out anymore. That really sucks, because Friendship is Magic didn’t exactly have a timeline that could be changed for the better. Much. Hopefully I didn’t screw it over any harder than Starlight Glimmer did.

"You are very lucky you need to say your goodbyes, young filly. You would have been grounded from seeing your friends for a long while otherwise." I have friends?

Aw fuck, I jinxed it. Feel free to guess who my two best friends are, and which ‘village’ we apparently grew up in.

"Anon! Are you and Mister Nito alright?" Well, the voice was younger than I was expecting. But the familiar looking orange unicorn colt and his more familiar looking mother walked up to us. Dear Princess Celestia, why?

"Hey Sunburst, Miss Flare." We are definitely skipping a couple of chapters. Didn't I just now get isakei'd to Equestira? Why the fuck am I already friends with main and/or side characters? Was anonfilly now driving my car on Earth? No wonder I crashed.

"My goodness Mister Nito, Miss Anonymous, did you feel that fearsome explosion? And the faculty are saying it's nothing to fear, my word! Why, I have half a mind to pull my little Sunburst here out of a school like that! They clearly aren’t as impressive as everypony says if they can’t have a decent plan for some madpony blowing up their academy!"

"Actually, that explosion was me, Miss Flare. I blew myself up. Dad, tell them I'm not lying.” At this point, I wish I was.

"It's true Miss Flare, Princess Celestia herself came by and told us it was nothing to fear."

Aw hell, didn't we end the gaping last chapter? This reaction was already old. Thankfully the sun milf got over it.

"I...do not have a plan for this. You spoke with the Princess Celestia?"

Dad (maybe?) scowled. "Anonymous got into a swearing match with the Princess' personal student right in front of her. Anon, who at Sire's Hollow did you even overhear saying those words?"

Mercifully, Sunburst the Wizard was finally starting to process the conversation. "Anon, you met Princess Celestia!" And I'm totally using you to avoid the interrogation, Sunny. It was the town baker who said fuck in front of three little foals by the way. I recall them all being said by accident, but the man wasn’t exactly quiet.

"Yeah Sunny B, I'm getting tutored by both her and Sunset Shimmer directly."

More gaping. Yeah I get it guys, I hit the fanfiction escape fantasy jackpot. Then out of fucking nowhere, young little Sunburst fucking jumped and neighed and galloped around. Like a little horse. Get it?

"Wow Anon, this is amazing! You're going to learn so much under Princess Celestia! Like Clover the Clever's Compendium of Clever Communication! Or Mage Meadowbrooks' Eight Enchanted items! Or-"

Wow, this guy is a huge fucking magic nerd. Celestia's School is going to be breeze between me, him, and-

-aw shit. I should have probably remembered this sooner. Sorry Glimglam.

"Hey Sunburst, since we're both staying in Sire's Hollow a little longer, how's about we tell our best friend Starlight the good news?"

"Oh right! She's feeling awfully sick though, remember? She got so sick, she started crying." Yeah, I remember damn well why she was crying. Time to go stop a cult.