• Member Since 15th Jan, 2022
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Evil lurks, seeking a host that will plunge the world into eternal darkness. Finding a vengeful Tirek, they join as one, and begin wreaking havoc on Equestria. With all the princesses now under Tirek's control, who can save the ponies from this awful fate? Discord might be able to help, that is, if he weren't cursed to be a patchwork doll.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 151 )

Ooo~ another story!

After loving Mark of the Soul, I'm super excited for what you have in store. I really like the premise so far. Reading the summary, I was wondering who might have turned Discord into a doll and I like the choice of Starswirl. It feels in-character for him to jump to his own conclusions and believe he knows best. The logical option would be to consult Twilight or Celestia about the escape of a 'dangerous individual' but Starswirl really was a stubborn character who thought his way was the right and only way. So, this beginning is well characterized and realistic in the context of the world.

I also enjoyed the despaired thoughts of Discord as he is flown away. (And how he's the most dissapointed about the thought of never seeing Fluttershy again. :fluttercry:)

And... we've jumped right into more trouble with Tirek in the first chapter!

So far, I'm loving this story and I look forward to seeing how this plays out! Good luck!

This is so crazy. I was thinking that there was a lack of fluttercord llately and to reread "Mark of the Soul" again to fill the hunger.

But now you have a new one, with Dicord turned into a plushie (which honestly is a brilliant form of poetic justice) that needs to be kissed?

Not sure if taking him to a carnival is the best move... You'd think they'd take him to Tartarus or something. But! It's a good way for a pony who knows Discord to find him!

And to prove that the kissy kissy magic spell isn't as impossible as one would think.


Very intrigued by the villain as well. I'm excited to see where your imagination and good writing will take us this time!

Though, I'm curious about the EQ Girls tag... I know there is a plush in one of the movies but at first I totally was afraid it would take place in that world...

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my new story and leaving such a glowing comment. It brought me lots of joy! I'm so glad it was believable that Starswirl would attack Discord without finding out why he was wandering free. You'd think he would consult the princesses on the matter but... he's always been the assume and attack first type to me. I really hope you love where I take this!

Awww, I'm glad I could fill your Fluttercord needs! Geekcat's story of the doll Discord in the Equestria Girls world was one I really loved and I wanted to see if I could make it happen in the pony verse. I won't leave a bunch of spoilers but I will say in some way Equestria Girls will play a role in this. I'm going to try to update at least once a week. Tartarus would have been a great place to send him but, in order for plot to move forward, I thought a carnival would be best. I'm rather excited for the villain I've spun into this tale. I hope you stick with me!

Aww, Fluttershy's excitement is so adorable, and so is Discord's total admiration for her.
I can just imagine her being so flustered once she realises that it was Discord the whole time. :rainbowlaugh:

And the villain! Ooooh man, they made quick work of that. I'm interested to see how Equestria fends for a time without the EoH and without Discord.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks, Marina Stars! I really love your comments. Fluttershy is definitely going to find out at some point in the future and its going to be very interesting. I'm glad my villain is intriguing you! He really is a nasty piece of work! More to come soon!

Well that escalated quickly.

But I am obsessed! The stakes are high with a very real and very powerful threat. ... and it's coming fot the EoH.

I love the single-mindedness of Discord, similar to the season six Finale with the Changelings. Theres a threat to Equestria but who cares about all that? Not him! It's Fluttershy he is worried about. He would do anything and everything to protect her and only her. I find it sweet that he loves her so much he would do anything for her.

I wonder how they will a.) Realize that Discord is missing in the first place, and where he's gone. And b.) Find out how to break the curse (especially with two of the pillars gone.)

The odds are stacked entirely against our heroes and I am loving it! It seems completely plausible that all could fall and evil triumph, but with so much contempt between the dark Alicorns, I can't help but wonder if that could lead to their downfall.

Thank you for commenting!

I decided to go with the sudden escalation because I wanted to emphasize how quickly things can turn from being completely normal to catastrophic uncertainty. Most of this story is going to be the ponies working through the terror Tirek has caused and coming up with a plan to overthrow him. Adversity is such a fun subject matter to have characters experience. And of course the romance of Discord and Fluttershy is mixed in to add additional chaos and good fun. I'm having a lot of fun writing this one. Though horrible, the dark alicorns bring me a lot of excitement. Whether or not they'll bring about their own downfall depends on if Tirek can keep them in line.

A major escalation, true, but honestly, that just makes it more believable with the show's pace. Cartoons always escalate quickly.

Thank you, Tater. I'm really glad it was believable with the show's pacing. Hopefully you'll like what comes next.

The plot thickens!

I loved a lot of the chaotic touches you had here, especially the mixing bowl lamp. I always love when an author comes up with their own ideas for Discord’s magical creations, rather than just copying what the show has done already. And you had a lot! (Loved the dust bunny mention though! Love those guys!)

I also liked your line of thinking for how to get Discord's mobility back. Two negatives making a positive is a mathematical fact that actually makes it quite the plausible explanation, at least in my view. I honestly wasn't expecting a change yet, but I'm glad it happened. I think it fits with the pace we talked about before. If you had waited too long, then Discord's situation would have gotten a bit dry.

And now that Discord can move again, I am begging you to please consider using physical gags since Discord will now be very floppy in movement, enough to give the girls excuses to tease him as a "klutzy draconequus". That would be SUCH a good callback, that would fit the situation perfectly! AND it would drive Cordy absolutely bonkers! :rainbowlaugh:

(No pressure at all though and it won't affect m enjoyment, but the scene in my head was too amusing to not share it!)

Thanks for another great chapter!

Oh man, Discord is hopeless! I find it so cute how highly he thinks of Fluttershy and how happy he is around her. I also really enjoyed all the chaotic touches, as well as seeing all the ideas he gets and files away for later. (Almost makes me want a one-shot of Discord going through the washer....)

And the first layer of the spell is broken! Look at that! I love how his first concern is making sure he talks to Fluttershy about it, apologize for any accidental infringement on privacy and all around make sure she is okay. He may be far from perfect, but it shows just how much he respects Fluttershy.

Amazing as always!

I teased the idea of keeping Discord immobile but the plot wouldn't have progressed how I wanted. I'm glad you liked the two negatives make a positive fact.

Haha, I might have a gag or two mixed in. We'll have to see. You are right, though; it would drive Discord nuts!:rainbowlaugh:

You know, I have to give all credit of the idea of Discord going through the washer to GeekCat's Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension, a drabble series I would highly recommend for any Fluttercord readers. I'm glad you liked my other chaotic creations. It's fun teasing your brain with all the odd things Discord can come up with. For someone who can rip the very fabric of reality, anything goes.

As you've mentioned before, the world could be ending and Discord's only concern is Fluttershy. :yay: I love exploring the respect and relationship between these two. They're so much fun to write!

And... they're going to go back through the mirror and everyone's been captured by Midnight. (Hopefully not! But I wouldn't be surprised.)

Spike noooo!
Chaos? Yes!
(Smol) Fluttercord moments!?! Horray!!!
And how to break this curse has been revealed at last! Great to see Starlight so accepting.

(Sorry this comment is all over the place. My brain is fried, but I enjoyed this chapter and the progressions to the story. Hope my scatter-brained thoughts make sense! Lol)

I'm glad you're still enjoying it and, don't worry, I was able to dissect what you were trying to say. Thank you for your comments! They're always welcome and appreciated.

I've always loved how you never do what I expect. Most people wait until the very end to make the confession and have Cordy turn back.

But I want to say I may have an inkling of why that isn't the end of the climax here. I'll keep it in my head and see what happens.

Also, I love your strategic use of Mirror Fluttershy, but explain that while he finds her attractive, it's okay; they're still different 'Shys, with different histories and unique qualities and he feels fond of one and loves another.

Amazing job!

I must admit I was uncertain to read this story at first, for I'm not fond of Equestria Girls, but now that I've reached this point, I've got to say that I'm hooked and excited to know what happens next.

The Fluttercord is really sweet; I really was hopping for Discord to stay as a plushie much longer, but even out of the curse, the limitations he was put in, and his reaction and thought process felt on point. Even Sunset's mistrust and the mirror girls reaction toward the situation.

I'll be keeping an eye and see what this story have in stock. :pinkiesmile:

Happy to keep you on your toes! Thank you for seeing what I was trying to establish between Discord and Mirror Fluttershy. I didn't want anyone to suspect there's going to be some kind of conflict of interest or a fight between the Fluttershys for Discord. That's not the purpose of this fic. But I did want to show that Discord and Fluttershy will always care for and respect each other because there is a unique tenderness they will always feel towards the other, no matter what dimension they come from.

Thank you for giving my story a chance, despite the Equestria Girls tag. I'm happy to hear that you want to know what happens next; that's definitely a confidence booster for me so thank you very much!

It's funny, originally this story was going to be VERY different and I was going to have Discord stay a plushie for most of the fic but my brainstorming evolved into this spectacular patchwork of ideas that all seemed to stitch together in a wonderful way and completely transformed my original thoughts for Plushie Discord into this beast of a fanfiction. Maybe one day I'll write what I'd originally had in mind (it was going to be a lot shorter and nothing but a ton of Fluttercord fluff) but for now I'm just going to focus on sharing this one until it's done.

I'm glad that everything seems to feel likes its weaved well together, despite all that's going on. There's a reason why the story is called Discord's Patchwork Adventure; it's a jumbled mess of a bunch of different situations I'm throwing this poor draconequus and his friends into. Discord is so much fun to write and I look forward to sharing the other scenarios I have in store for these wonderful characters.

Sweet chaos.... what?

This story has been so unexpected, and I'm loving every moment of pure chaos that comes with it. This is the kind of all over the place that works. Because lest be honest, we're dealing with Discord here. Nothing should go as expected.

When Tirek set the two on eachother to fight, I was on the edge of my seat and I was genuine afraid for what Discord might accidentally do to Fluttershy since both are acting purely on the instinct to kill. I was wondering how they'd get out of this, how the heroes might possibly get there just in the knick of time, I was even preparing for the worst possible putcome here. but no. The moment he just... stops.
It's Legendary. It was the last possible solution I would have seen coming but it made sense and everyone else being confused made it even better. Then Discord just... picks her up and he's like 'it's mine now' and runs away. Idkw I find it so amusing. it's like a dog finding a stuffed animal. You know youll never get it back. And I love it.

Pure chaos.

This has got to be one of the best comments you've left me. Thank you so much! I know the unpredictability is extreme throughout the story but I'm so glad that you say that it's the kind that works. That means a lot! This whole adventure is supposed to be all over the place. Still, I'm glad that its flowing in such a way that it is believable.

The whole Discord attacking Fluttershy scene was honestly super fun for me to write. The fact that I kept you in suspense as to how it was all going to work out is a major win for me as a writer. I'm so grateful that you share your reactions! And Legendary? You have me blushing! :twilightsheepish::yay: Haha! You're right; Discord definitely had some rather possessive vibes when carting her off. Very dog-like indeed.

There's still plenty of chaos to come! In many shapes and forms.:pinkiehappy:

I really went from panic, to confused, to surprised, to concerned in like 5 minutes reading the last paragraphs lol.

Glad the plan worked at least for the part of getting Midnight Sparkle toward the girls. I'm anxious to know what will happen to her and how they'll need to carry the rescue of the princesses and Discord and Fluttershy.

And regarding Discord and Fluttershy, what a twist xd where have they flown to? what will happen to them if they are in an animalistic state? how will they turn back into themselves? so many questions that I hope can get their answers in the future. Keep going please!

I'm happy to spark so many different emotions, haha. As to how things will go with Midnight... well, you'll see what happens in the next chapter. Discord and Fluttershy... nope, no spoilers. You'll just have to wait and see. :trollestia: Thank you for your comments and for reading!

I'm basically with Marina Stars here. Oh man, you really highlighted the "patchwork" part of the adventure in this one! The good thing is that you justify it with logical outcomes. It's not like new writers that end all their sentences in exclamation points and just have Discord do and say whatever he wants because RANDOM and who cares about his actual storyline or character development?!?

So basically our favorite chaos dude goes from stuffed animal, to his OG self, to raw animal, and Fluttershy is a pony to bat pony while her human counterpart, who is also the Reader of the Secret Note, is coming with the rescue team.

The last part was honestly the best. We get a scene that is basically a horror beast genre that is basically a dogfight, to what Marina basically perfectly described when Discord and Fluttershy decided, "Wait, you're kinda hot, let's mate instead of kill each other".

I also really like that even in their animalistic forms, the still have echoes from their true relationship? Discord being bigger and stronger and wilder, and Fluttershy totally fine with that as long as she is respected and let's him carry and protect her pike the queen she is... Very nice!

Honestly, the way Tirek is "infecting" them makes me think of the black poison goo in Fern Gully...

Also, did I ever thank you for finding a way to fit 'klutzy draconequus' back when he was a doll like I wished? It was awesome, thanks for that!

Definitely excited for the next patch of this wild adventure!

Edit: P.S. Discord shouting, "You've convinced me, I'll take her!" while shoving money in Tirek's hands like he was just adopting a pet from a shelter instead of saving his beloved from half a dozen villains was hilarious.

Thank you so much, Tater, for your wonderful comment. I am so grateful that even though there is so much happening, you can follow what is going on and the logistics of it make sense. This story has a lot of chaos! The part where Discord and Fluttershy fight each other was honestly one of the most fun to write. I wanted to establish that even as animals the core of who they are is still the same, including the feelings they have for one another.

Haha, I never thought of it as thick as the goo like in Fern Gully but it's pretty similar.

And you're very welcome; you actually helped inspire my writing with that suggestion so thank you very much! Any other suggestions or thoughts, I'd be welcome to hear. You might help influence me again.

Thank you for saying that you found the part hilarious where Discord shoves the money in Tirek's hands. I originally imagined Discord being upset to see Fluttershy as Flutterbat but then I thought, no, he'd totally find her attractive and that's how that little humorous scene got put into a rather serious situation. And I loved writing it!

First: I love cordy. He feels different enough from Discord but he's still very Discord. If that makes sense. And, again, love how ever version of Discord will readily protect every version of Fluttershy. Loved Cordy's whole personality and story. Pretty clever.

Now Amity... just wow! I loved that whole encounter and just that depiction of pure peace and love that Amity displayed. I would really love to know what inspired that scene and that conversation because it feels very familiar to me (not in a I've seen this in media before kindof way. Its a different kind of familiar.) Like, I know what would have inspired me personally to write something like that, or with similar themes. But I'm curious about your inspiration?

Now we've got a human Discord! Didn't see that coming. I always have a hard time picturing them in stories, but it's fun that you are basically throwing out all the versions of everyone without hesitation. All the Discords, all the ponies, all the everything!

Is the Fluttershy metal head thing canon? I haven't watched all the EQG stuff.

Anyways what a fun chapter! And the first half was really sweet, and Amity I imagine as all white with diamond sparkly hair. After all, white reflects all the colors! And I like how she was the one to help Twilight forgive herself and realize she is still worthy.

You enjoy making higher beings in your stories, don't you? Hehe.

Was Cordy the one Discord called...? Almost forget he made a phone call!

Cordy was not originally planned but he was one of those ideas that sparked in my brain and would not leave me alone so I thought, what the heck, and wrote him into the story. I am glad that he's different enough from Discord to be his own person because that's what I was hoping for when I wrote him. His past and his life choices are very different from Discord's but they are similar in mannerisms and love of chaos. More will be revealed about him as the story goes on.

As for Amity, her character is interesting. To answer your question, I think the inspiration for her was based off of mentors I've had in real life (including my mother), mentors from other published books (Gandalf, Dumbledore, Aslan, etc.), and The Last Unicorn (when it comes to her looks and the grace and majesty she has). The meat of the conversation, I think, was based off things I've learned in my life from other people as well as religious teachings I follow. I've learned over the years that mistakes don't define you, that you choose who you want to be despite your faults, and that you are still worthy of good things. It just made sense to me that Twilight, who feels horrible and lost right now, would need a figurehead to remind her of her worth, that she does still deserve to be part of the magic of friendship. Who better to remind her of that than the Spirit of Order and Harmony herself? Great question! I hope I gave a good answer.

Human Discord was something I always wished to see in EQG but never got to see; I have littles that I take care of that are obsessed with MLP and EQG so I've seen practically everything. I'm glad you like him. He's been a fun addition to write and, after looking at a bunch of different fanart concepts from others, I chose bits and pieces to figure out what he'd look like for my story.

Fluttershy as a metalhead is canon, haha. It's just a little blip of a clip but it's there so I thought I'd run with it. Besides, it gives her a little more character depth.

I'm glad you like Amity and her role so far in the story. Haha, yeah... I do like creating higher beings. It's just so fun exploring the ideas of other spirits. We've got one in the MLP verse; why not more? That's my thought on it anyway. Who knows, maybe we'll see other higher being OC's of mine in this story... You never know with this patchwork fic.

Yes, Discord called Cordy. Nice to have another Chaos Lord in your back pocket should things not work out, right? Thanks for your comments!

Oh that's awesome! So cool that you've had great role models and mentors throughout life! Truly its a wonderful thing to know, and i thought that whole scene was done so beautifully. As someone who's religious, that's exactly how I feel God is to us. I know it's not a common view as many see him as distant or even vengeful, but I know he is truly very loving (or whatever higher power you believe in, its clear you see them as benevolent and loving) it's so cool to see someone inspired by that love, among other things. So, thank you for sharing!

Thank you and you're welcome. I'm glad that the scene touched you so much. I too believe in God and have always felt that He is kind and loving. The mentors in our lives really play a role in influencing the choices we make. I'm grateful to have been influenced by several good people that have taught me many things. I know Twilight already has Celestia as a mentor but she's not available and I thought it would be rather special for the embodiment of all the Elements of Harmony to remind her of her worth. That and Amity has a role to play throughout the story. I felt this was a good time, after mentioning her in past chapters, to introduce her.

Yet another exceptionally entertaining and well-written chapter! First off, love the sibling dynamic you gave Discord and Amity; it definitely works and now I actually feel sad for Amity absorbing herself into champions. Is your concept of Mother Nature in this world too, like in Mark of the Soul?

"This is an absolute dumpster fire," he muttered.

"I'd like to think of it as a patchwork adventure," she teased. Discord scowled, shooting her an annoyed glance. "Too soon?"

Ahhh! She said it! :derpytongue2: Nice!

I really expected Amity to talk to Fluttershy too. I imagine she's really traumatized over eating meat. Though I imagine she won't be shocked that Discord is an omnivore. "Discord, you have fangs. I know." I look forward to seeing her tackle that demon and conquer it. Because it's the same issue everyone else had. She wasn't her true self. But still. Honestly, she's probably in more pain from that than the physical damage Discord gave her.

This next parts are gon' be GOOD! I know it. I've already made some scenes in my head of what you might do. And of course, when Discord will be forced to lay his heart out for Fluttershy to see, and whatever else she needs to know.

I'm excited!

You, my friend, clearly have siblings.

Seeing Discord and Amity interact was the perfect blend of caring for and teasing eachother. The whole scene was heartwarming in its own way. Certainly reminds me of me and my older brother.

Truly enjoyed this chapter, as always!

And a good final chapter for me, but I'll be back for sure! See you when it's all over!

Guilty, haha. Siblings are wonderful.
It was a lot of fun giving Discord a younger sister. Hooray for the perfect blend of sibling teasing and caring! That's what I was aiming for. I'm glad you got to read this one as the last before the next chapter in your life. This is the turning point in the story. And, when you come back, you won't have to wait every week for a new chapter! Have fun and enjoy the next step in your life's journey!

I feel bad for Amity too. It was a lot of fun giving her some time these past couple of chapters to show that even though she can't really interact with Discord the conventional way siblings do, she's still very much there. Because she's spread between the Mane 6, he's naturally drawn to wanting to be their friend and being part of their lives in some way. As for whether or not Mother Nature will be here from Mark of the Soul... :raritywink: It's a VERY high possibility. :pinkiehappy:

It would have been a missed opportunity if I didn't plug in the title during that conversation. :rainbowlaugh:

Poor Fluttershy will have the issue of drinking the blood of an animal addressed. You know, that would have been wonderful for Amity to talk to her but I honestly didn't think of that possible conversation when I wrote the chapter. There is someone else she talks to though. I hope you enjoy that conversation; I believe it's coming up next.

I'd say this chapter is the turning point for this story. There's still much more to come! I look forward to any and all future comments you leave, Tater. I seriously love every single one of them!

How come Cadence didn't get her body transformed in the cover art?

It was all the honesty and angst a reader could want with dollops of kisses and cuddles and I just wanna squeal and read it all over again.

You really are great at showing how Discord just works as a reformed friend of everyone and how far he could have gone if the writers could have just been good and consistent with his progress...

Love how Discord and Cordy interact too. I really want to know more about how they differ from each other in personality, both those two and the Shys...

I'm excited to see how it all unfolds from here, and what is left to be told, what secrets are left to tell. Clearly, not all the baggage has been unpacked.

P.S. The scene where Fluttershy encourages him to touch her until they're both calm was such a beautiful moment of their relationship. Well done, my friend.

If you look, you'll see subtle differences with Cadence. Her hair has a wave to it, similar to what Celestia and Luna's usually does, her pupils are slits like the others, she has fangs, and her crown is black and red. If I hadn't been trying to fit all the characters on the page, I would have been able to show a little more of her differences.

Thank you so much, Tater!! One of the fun things about fanfiction is being able to dive in deeper with the characters of the shows we love. I'm truly grateful for your compliment concerning how I write Discord. I really wanted to be sure to express that while his relationship with Fluttershy is blooming into something more, he still desires -and is trying- to be friends with the others.
Hopefully I'll be able to show a little more of how Discord and Cordy differ. They're honestly pretty similar to each other; more so, I think, than they may realize.
Well, I have to have some secrets he's still hiding away; gotta keep the drama moving! :twilightsmile:
I'm so glad you loved that part! It was one of my favorite scenes of this chapter. The moment was pretty vivid in my mind and I'm really happy that I was able to write in a satisfactory way.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. They're always a joy to read and to respond to!

awaiting further installments; this is good!

Thank you very much! I post a chapter every Saturday.

This was a much needed chapter and I honestly wish the show had done the same with the ponies trying harder with Discord (and more of the vice versa too instead of always having him make the same sneaky decisions).

And as always, love the emphasis of friendship here even with all the romance in bloom. They're so lucky to have each other! ♡

Haha to Discord being stuped by Twilight's warmth towards him! And Fluttershy too! Hoo, I wish that had been in an episode top! :rainbowlaugh:

This is still amazing so far!!!

Ooh, you write romantic kissing a little TOO well, my friend. And flirting. Oh that was something else! Good stuff right there, good stuff. But it was meaningful and deep rather than mindless desire, and that makes all the difference! I love all the teasing mixed in, especially on Fluttershy's part. It makes sense though, seeing as how she is pretty much a biologist/zoologist and she can see these things from a scientific viewpoint, and talk about them that way. And therefore shock Discord's mind to bits when she talks about it so casually.

I love it!

And I like how you handled the Changeling kingdom too and how you made their being put in jail very logical while keeping Thorax in character. And awww, loved to see how worried he was about Spike! Such a good boi worried about another good boi...

Sorry if this review is incoherent, I am writing this at 2:18 AM...

But I am loving this, keep going!

Thanks Tater! I feel like it wouldn't be Friendship is Magic if there wasn't a progression of friendship throughout the fic - especially when it involves all the characters. I wished that Discord's friendship with the others would have improved as the show progressed but, as you said, the writers decided to stick with Discord's sneaky ways. Oh well; that's why we have fanfiction. To have fun and write what we want.

Romance is a guilty pleasure of mine to write. I try my best to keep it tasteful, however, since love is a very special and serious subject for me. It should be respected and that's why I don't write romance that immediately gives into desire. Romance with depth and honor between characters is so much more meaningful that romance based off of lust or shallow need, in my opinion.

Even though Fluttershy is a very reserved and quiet pony, she has a lot of layers and she can be bold every now and then. I thought it would be fun to display some of that boldness in her teasing towards Discord to show her confidence in their relationship.

The changeling kingdom was a fun little part to write. I absolutely love Thorax and Spike's friendship! It's so cute! It would have been a missed opportunity if I hadn't put it in there.

As always, looking forward to every review you decide to grace me with (even the ones written in the late night hours).

I really wish this story got more reviews and attention. This chapter just testifies to now much planning you did with this story. I honestly feel like I'm reading a canon 'adult' version of this show

Love how you wove Tempest into this! You weren't kidding with the whole patchwork thing. You included all of the things. But it works so well!

Thank you for your kind words, Tater. I'm honestly surprised and saddened that this story hasn't received as much feedback or attention as I was hoping for. I appreciate your comments!

Tempest wasn't exactly planned in my original outline. She sort of just decided to wiggle her way into the plot so here she is. I also found the idea of her being a spy believable, given her previous background. I think she would be a huge asset with the knowledge she gained from living within evil circles.

I’m sorry for the wait! But here’s my review of what I think is the best chapter yet (because I’m way too into flutter cord for my own good).

Let me make a list of what I particularly liked.

  1. I like that Fluttershy still hasn’t totally gotten over how terrible this situation has been for her, especially in regards to how she has had to expose such raw parts of herself to those who had no right to witness such things. While talking it out certainly helped, she had her control taken away from her in a lot of ways, and that’s the best way to feel powerless, victimized, and ashamed. So I like that the subject is still an issue for her and it’s still an ongoing process for her.
  2. I love the sensitive way you wrote about Fluttershy’s natural yearnings. It’s described in a way that women like me love (when the fact that it HASN’T happened but they want it is somehow more exciting), but it isn’t too explicit. It’s more emotional and romantic. Yes, please!
  3. I didn’t know I needed a description of Discord curled up in a basket like “a strange dog happily nestled in his bed” until now. It is a picture so pure and adorable that my face is clear, my crops are watered, etc.
  4. I love how Discord pretty much had to painfully tear himself away from her as their intimate moment grew more intense. He was emotionally numb for way too long and now it’s overkill. She will kill him, lol.
  5. The way you have Discord react to being in a relationship to Celestia is how I imagine him reacting to any rumor of him being with a creature he would never consider that way. I love it! Pretty much the way he laughed when Fluttershy tried using ‘the Stare’ at him.
  6. A little food for thought. I completely understand why Discord would be afraid that she wouldn’t want a relationship with Discord after finding all of this out. But what I find even more interesting is that Fluttershy actually seems to be a little bit of a hypocrite here. She gets so angry at him for not believing the depth of her love for him, but earlier, was she not doubting how long he’d want to be with her? That he’d somehow change his mind or fall out of love with her? Now, I don’t mean to say this as a crticism, per se. I think all these reactions make sense, given their personalities and histories. Fluttershy worries about how others see her, but she’s always confident in her thoughts of others. She always has more faith in others than herself. Discord, however, usually has more faith in himself, and isn’t used to having faith in others. So he’s still trying to figure out trust, while Fluttershy is essentially reverting back to being less confident because she hasn’t encountered this situation before. So it all makes sense, but I’d love to see a moment where, once the dust has settled, Discord perhaps addresses with her that she can have faith in him too. But, it’s possible that just talking about it has made it clear enough for her. But if that’s true, then Discord probably also just needed to hear her say, ‘I won’t leave’.
  7. I love how she’s confident at first that she wants to be immortal, but decides to take more time to consider it once Discord points out all the losses she’ll have to face after Ascension. It’s not a light decision to be made. I’m glad how thoughtful both of them are being in this, and supportive about it. #relationship goals
  8. And my favorite part! It is DEFINITELY the scene when Discord takes out his heart and puts it back in. It’s so… I don’t know, I just feel like it has so many layers of meaning in it, it’s more than just the simple obvious metaphor, which is that he takes it out so he can think with his head and not his heart. But he isn’t completely devoid of emotion now; he isn’t a robot. He chuckles at her reaction to the news of how easy it would be to make her immortal. He’s able to reaffirm how he feels for her so she doesn’t have room for doubt. He doesn’t have his heart in place, but it’s not like he has no knowledge of his feelings. His own feelings are his own personal truth, so he can still speak of them. He turns more matter-of-factly, but he isn’t cold and his personality isn’t gone. And as soon as he sees that she needs to see how he truly feels, he still wants to comfort her and show her his feelings. So he very simply asks her to give him the key so he can use his heart again. I LOVE that. It’s not like he doesn’t love and care for her anymore when he clears his head. He just says things as they are and thinks more clearly. And as soon as his heart is back, then he’s able to express them to their full capacity. But they were never gone.

Love, love, LOVE that concept!!! Brilliant!

What an amazing chapter. I loved it so much I read it twice. One to process, and one so I could write this review with a refresh, but I enjoyed it immensely each time.

I’m trying to spread the word on this story. I’ll keep working on that too. I’d love for you to get more reviews, you deserve more!

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