• Published 23rd Sep 2022
  • 1,247 Views, 17 Comments

Evening Glow - Lunaria

Cozy Glow finally feel content, her life back on track again. A visit from Princess Twilight brings back uncomfortable memories though, and sometimes you have to face the past head-on. ...no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Mother and Daughter

Chapter 4
Mother and Daughter

"Come on, at least give it a try mom," Cozy spoke with a huff.

Chrysalis glared at her in response. "This is stupid."

Cozy just rolled her eyes at her. "You can't just lounge at home all day."

"Sure I can, it's not as if I have anything better to do with my time. Also, don't call me that."

This time Cozy huffed. "Oh it's not as if I want to, but last I checked you," she said while throwing her hoof towards Chrysalis. "Insisted on this arrangement for your cover."

Chrysalis frowned, it had seemed like a good idea at the time; mostly because it bothered Cozy. "Yes, well, that does not mean you need to call me that."

"You made your bed, now you get to sleep in it. Plus, Tirek insisted that I'd not let you chicken out, so get on with it."

Cozy put her hooves on Chrysalis' flanks and pushed her forwards towards the building they were standing in front of. She yelped and swore as she almost collided with the door. As she got her bearings, she turned around and hissed at Cozy, who had put on one of her characteristic fake smiles. It hadn't been long since they moved here, yet Cozy's growth spurt had started to kick in, she was almost as tall as a full-grown mare, even if she wasn't quite as well rounded.

Cozy knocked on the door a few times before opening it and pushing inside, gesturing for Chrysalis to follow. Chrysalis grumbled under her breath and followed on in, she could get through this stupid interview Tirek had set up for her; they wouldn't want her anyway. Besides, why did she need to work anyway? Only Tirek and Cozy needed to buy dumb pony food; this was completely unfair.

She closed the door and took in the practically empty lobby, though she could clearly hear foals laughing and whining somewhere close by. The walls were painted a bright blue with crude approximations of the sun and clouds painted on. Somehow the daycare looked exactly as drab and foalish as she had imagined it would be.

They weren't alone for long, as in walked a tired looking mare, in her front hoof she carried what made for a changeling nymph these days. Chrysalis had to hold back the bile in her throat just from seeing the thing. Cozy took the initiative and walked over to the mare, greeting them with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Cozy Glow, and this," she gestured at Chrysalis. "Is my mother, Fleeting Heart. She's here for that job interview the big scary centaur booked last week."

"Oh, hello. It's a pleasure," the mare waved to the both of them with her free hoof.

Chrysalis elected to not respond, leaving the two ponies to talk to among themselves. Instead she studied the nymph, something was wrong with it... well, more than the usual wrong that is. It looked malnourished, almost as if it hadn't been fed properly. That didn't make much sense, she turned and studied the mare that supposedly worked here. She could taste a light hint of fear surrounding her, but her strongest emotion was relief.

"What have you been feeding him anyway?" Chrysalis spoke as she walked up to the mare, completely interrupting the conversation she hadn't been part of.


Chrysalis rolled her eyes and picked up the nymph. It was a queen's duty to care for her brood, even if they had mutated into freaks. She tapped into her personal reserve and used a connection that had been lying dormant for years. She pushed trickles of love into the small creature, the effect was immediate; its eyes widened and it turned its full attention towards Chrysalis and reached towards her with it's arms.

"As I said, my mom has some experience with changelings," Cozy said to the daycare worker.

Chrysalis ignored them and kept pushing the emotions through the link, she didn't stop until she felt that the nymph was full. As a force of habit she deposited them on her back when she was done, the young changeling quickly got comfortable and curled up to sleep.

"He was quite malnourished," Chrysalis said, turning to the mare, only just now noticing that they were staring at her.

"What?" She asked in annoyance.

Looking at the daycare worker, she was a brown earth pony with a gray and yellow mane tied up into a bun. Chrysalis glanced at Cozy, who was giving her a knowing smirk; she knew something that she didn't.

The daycare worked finally gathered her wits again and took a step forwards, staring at the nymph before turning to Chrysalis. "You're hired," she practically yelled.

Chrysalis recoiled back in shock. "What?"

"We have had several changeling families lately come in with their foals-"

"Nymphs" Chrysalis corrected.

"Right, nymphs. Anyway, they have come in with them asking us to take care of them the same way we care for foals. We can't just turn them down, but none of us have any idea how to care for them. Not to mention we are understaffed as is what with the town growing. You have no idea what a life saver you'll be."

Chrysalis recovered from her shock when she noticed Cozy giggling under her hoof at her. "But, what about the interview?" She asked in the vain hope that this wasn't happening.

"I have seen all I need to see, you clearly know how to care for changelings; something none of us here currently do. How did you learn that anyway?"

"I..:" She wasn't prepared for this.

"Oh, that's simple. Mom here," Cozy said while walking over and dragging her wing across Chrysalis's side. "Was one of the first ponies to go and visit the changeling hive when they opened relations with Equestria. She's practically an expert, well, as much as an expert as a pony can be."

She could hear the smugness in Cozy's voice, and she was giving her that look again. That filly was way too good at wrapping ponies around her hoof.

The mare looked at Chrysalis with wide eyes. "Really? Then we are so lucky to have you Ms.Fleeting."

"Yeah, congratulations mother, now you don't need to be bored lounging at home all day anymore."

She had to hold herself back as to not start hissing at Cozy.

"Relax kid, you don't need to get this worked up about it."

Cozy turned around and glared at Tirek, who was sitting comfortably in his chair reading a book.

"I'll relax when this is over with!" The frustration clear in her voice.

"He's right you know," Fleeting said as she walked down the stairs.

"Oh shut it, I don't want to hear that from you of all changelings. If this was Thorax you'd be sitting and spiking the tea leaves with poison at this point."

Fleeting let out a growl while Tirek only chuckled.

"She's right you know," Tirek said, a smirk on his face.

Fleeting just huffed and walked over to the foyer. "Whatever, you can deal with this moody foal then Tirek; I'm heading to work."

"Enjoy your meal," Tirek replied.

Cozy had to refrain from rolling her eyes. "How can you two just be so casual about all this?"

Fleeting elected to not reply, instead heading out the door and closing it behind her with a light slam.

Tirek just flipped to the next page in his book and kept reading. "It's because it's your mess, not ours."

Cozy huffed. "So much for sticking together," she said while turning her gaze elsewhere.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Barely," Cozy rolled her eyes and returned to pacing around the room.

She should have expected this day to come eventually, yet somehow she wasn't ready for it. She knew she had agreed to it those scant few months ago, but she had really hoped to put all that stuff behind her by now. Yet as with everything else in her life, things had elected to come back and bite her in the flank.

She had barely made four laps around the room when a series of knocks came from the front door. She gulped and slowly made her way over, opening the door. Beyond the portal stood the pony she both expected and dreaded to meet again: Evening Glow.

"Hi... Evening," all of the assertiveness was gone from her voice.

The mare was smiling and took a step forwards, gesturing with her hooves. "Hi Cozy."

Cozy nodded and Evening proceeded to hug her, an act which Cozy slowly but surely returned.

"So, field day, huh?" Cozy asked.

Evening giggled. "Something like that. But they think I might be well enough to move out soon."

Cozy smiled genuinely. "That's great news."

She released the hug and gestured for her to come inside, before closing the door behind them. They made their way to the living room where Evening froze on the threshold, her pupils shrinking.

"Whoa, you're... bigger than I expected."

Cozy could hear Tirek chuckle as he put down his book on the table. Cozy just rolled her eyes, he wasn't that big, not anymore anyway.

"Evening, meet... dad, I guess."

Evening snapped out of her stupor and walked over, raising her hoof. Tirek quickly accepted the gesture and shook it.

"And you must be Evening Glow then, the one responsible for this menace," he reached down and ruffled Cozy's mane with his free hand.


Evening giggled while Tirek shot Cozy a smirk; all she could do was huff. She gestured for Evening to take a seat while she herself walked over and flopped on the couch, taking up most of it.

"I'm glad, you know," Evening started after having gotten comfortable. "That there was someone there for Cozy," she looked away in shame.

"Think nothing of it, she's been there for me as much as I have for her."

"Maybe so, but. I know now about what condition I have, I have for years, really. But I didn't really consider the consequences of it until they stared me in the eyes."

Tirek rubbed the back of his head. "Sometimes... it's hard to fully grasp things without an outside perspective. I think we are all faulty of that to various extents."

Cozy groaned. "We don't have to talk about the past, you know."

A light smile graced Evening's lips. "Perhaps, but I still hurt ponies, ponies close to me. And that is something I want to make right."

"A valiant notion," Tirek added before shaking his head. "It's true that we can't change the past, but making up for it is something one can strive for, even if it might not ever be achievable."

Evening nodded, before turning to face Cozy, licking her lips. "I'd... I'd like to be a part of your life again Cozy. I know I missed out on so many years and much of your foalhood, but... you're still my daughter to me, even if you have found somepony else to fill the spot of mother for you."

Cozy let out a deep sigh, she had expected this. She reached up with her hoof from the lying position and waved it in the air. "Sure," she said with practically no commitment.

Evening frowned and her ear drops. "I..." She didn't finish.

Tirek coughed. "Don't be rude Cozy, you should know this is just as hard for her as it is for you."

Cozy growled. "Well, what do you want me to say? I'm fine with it, it's just... ugh."

It was like she was a foal again whenever she looked at Evening; like she was back there and had to take care of her. Just looking at her reminded her of all the things she had to do, all the awful lies she had to commit to.

"I can go... if you want," Evening said, tears her eyes.

"...no," Cozy began. "I do want to move past it all," she sighed and sat up properly. "It's just hard."

Evening just nodded, not looking even remotely better. Cozy sighed again and got up, walking over and wrapping her hooves around the mare, holding her close.

"Maybe it was better Chrysi wasn't here for this," she awkwardly chuckled. "She'd have hated feeling all of this."

"Probably," Tirek said, Cozy couldn't see him from her position, but she'd bet on him smirking.

Eventually Evening recovered. "Who's Chrysi?"

"Oh, pff, it's what I call Fleeting, old habit."

Evening chuckled lightly, still not entirely there yet. "That's not even close to her name, you'll have to tell me the story."

Cozy could feel a light blush oh her cheek and looked away, meeting Tirek's gaze. "Maybe one day I'll tell that story, it's how the three of us meet."

"It's a wild one," Tirek chipped in.

"That would be nice," a light smile reaching Evening's lips.

Cozy walked back over to the sofa, patting the spot next to herself as she sat down. Evening seemed a bit surprised but headed over and sat down next to Cozy.

"So, getting to move out soon? That must be exciting," Cozy pondered.

Evening nodded slowly. "Yeah, but also a bit frightening, to be honest."

It was a bit weird hearing the mare right next to herself. "Frightening?" Cozy raised her eye.

"Yes, I know that... someone will be assigned to me to help me with the assistance I need, in case I have an episode. But I will be on my own for most of the time, which is a big change from always being surrounded by ponies."

"I guess you'll need to make a few friends then," Cozy awkwardly chuckled.

"Yes... and, I was hoping to start here," Evening glanced to Tirek before meeting Cozy's eyes again.

Cozy sighed, she could do this; just old habits, right? She reached out with her wing around Evening and pulled her close, causing the older mare to lean on her. "And we'll happily have you... even if I'm not feeling very comfortable with it right now:"

Evening closed her eyes with a smile on her face, a light purr of contentment escaping her lips. Cozy frowned, it all just felt so awkward. It was much easier to just fake being friends with ponies. Thought it was also a lot less rewarding if she thought about it.

"Oh!" Evening suddenly snapped to attention. "I went back to our old house in Cloudsdale before coming here."

Cozy tensed up. "Oh?"

"I... I don't think I plan on keeping it. If things work out I'll be moving down here instead. I'd ask if you were interested in taking over it, but I'm pretty sure you aren't," Evening chuckled.

"No, not really."

That house had too many memories, and not many of them were good. The few good memories that she had of the places had been soiled by all the troubled ones. Cozy glanced about the room, this was home now, and that was fine. It was cramped for the three of them, sure; but it still felt just perfect.

"Maybe Cozy could help you find a place, it's in her line of work, after all," Tirek chuckled.

Evening turned her head to look Cozy in the eyes, she had to restrain herself from rolling them.

"I work in construction, mostly in overseeing the work and planning. I don't really have a hoof in anything beyond that."

Evening smiled. "It's not the field of work I would have thought you to be into."

Cozy shrugged. "Me neither, to be honest. But I'm good with managing ponies, planning, and getting things done. So I guess it sorta fits, even if the stuff we work on is itself not anything I have passion for."

Cozy tensed up as Evening put a hoof through her mane and lightly brushed it. "The important part is that you're happy with it."

Cozy let out a breath and relaxed, her posture slumping. "Yeah, it's keeping me busy enough."

A light smirk reached her lips. "Did we ever tell you about where Fleeting works?"

Evening shook her head, causing Cozy's smirk to widen.

"Well- she's actually taking care of foals at the local daycare."

The day had gone well despite everything, Cozy reasoned. The three of them had been sitting there talking away the entire day. Well, the two of them, really; Tirek didn't say much.

"Will you be fine on the way back?" Cozy asked, the two of them standing in the front yard as the sun was slowly turning the sky red.

Evening nodded. "There's someone waiting for me in town to help me get back."

Cozy smiled and hugged the mare. "I could fly with you to the train station if you want?"

Evening chuckled and hugged back. "That'd be nice, but unnecessary. Besides, I'm not supposed to fly."

"Oh, right."

That made sense, locking up in the air could prove fatal. She felt stupid for even suggesting it now, Evening had to miss the feeling of flying terribly.

"Gotten comfortable with the idea of having two mothers yet?" A voice cried from above.

Fleeting came in for a landing next to them, a smirk on her face. She could feel Evening tensing up, she was probably doing the same.

"Ugh, you're horrible."

Fleeting chuckled. "If you don't want to put up with me you could always move out," she stuck out her tongue at Cozy.

Cozy released her hug and rolled her eyes. Clearly the changeling must have had a good day at work if she was this jovial.

"Well, if you're so into it then," Cozy exclaimed while wrapping her hoof around Fleeting and pulling her close, she chuckled at the changelings sudden discomfort. She gestured with her eyes for Evening to join them, something which the mare hesitantly did.

She could hear Fleeting swear under her breath as she hugged both mares close, a smile spread on her lips; maybe things would work out.

Author's Note:

And this marks the end of the story. It's not a complete story on any of these characters lives, just a tiny window into parts of them. Maybe one day I'll consider writing a sequel, but if so it would be a very different tale. I think there are better people out there when it comes to writing happy family scenarios of these three.

I had fun writing this, it took longer than that other story which I wrote in a fever induced haze one night. I'll probably write up a large blog post concerning Cozy at some point, as this contest proved interesting.

Comments ( 8 )
Perfectly Insane

Thank you for letting me help you on this you wonderful individual.

More like thank you for taking your time to help me. :heart::raritywink:

Yes, the ending of the story is very nice and sweet. I liked this story and would not mind seeing a few more windows from the life of this unusual family.

D'awwww, maybe she too can have a happy ending.

Now they just need to lock Chryssie and Thorax up in a windowless room. Whether they make up or Thorax gets the beating of his life, it'll stop be amusing.

'it right now:"' - it right now."

I really love this story overall! I do like an adult reformed Cozy scenario and this is done really well.

this was so soo beautiful!

This was surprisingly sweet. I like how you wrote Chrysalis in the flashback portion. It really sold the fact that she hadn't gone through whatever character development she went through between then and the main plot.

And Cozy's interactions with her former partners in crime turned a adopted parents really were well done and pretty enjoyable to read. I like how the former villains don't seem to have consciously decided to be all nice for it's own sake, so much as they just seem to have retired and settled down. And have just naturally grown into better people from there without completely losing their "edge". Gives it a bit more believable than in stories where they just do a 180 after one moment of realization.

And Cozy's drama with confronting her mother and by extension, her past, was pretty engaging and heartwarming.

I know it's probably intentional because it's not that important to the story but I am mobile curious what evening glows condition is. I mean I have my guesses but I don't know if that's the one you were going for if you were going in for one in particular.

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