• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 452 Views, 13 Comments

My Dearest Twilight - Uz Naimat

Twilight, I know we’ve been good friends for a long time now. Perhaps now might be the time to ask you out on a date? I love you so much. Yours, Nighty.

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Always and forever, Nighty

My dearest Twilight,

Let me start this letter by saying: I love you. I know, I know. It’s probably the corniest and cheesiest statement in all of Equestria, but what can I say? It’s how I truly feel about you.

Remember the first time we met?

We were just little kids on our first day at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. You stood up there in the front, your tail wagging excitedly, and your entire body was practically radiating happiness. I stood at the back, nervously checking my list to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. And as I was trotting forward with my head buried in my checklist, I bumped into you. I fell down, scattering my books and scrolls all over the floor. You apologized and I did, too.

Then you demonstrated your incredible magical talent. I had never seen a filly that young perform telekinesis with such skill and precision. I stared in awe as you picked up all my books in your magical field and set them in my saddlebag. You were always so good with magic; your three-star cutie mark was proof of that. I knew I liked you from the very start.

Remember our second year, where we participated in the school’s Hearth’s Warming play?

You played as Princess Platinum while I went as a unicorn extra. I wasn’t afraid of the spotlight, strictly speaking, but I wasn’t a big fan of it, either. We saw each other at rehearsals all the time. We decorated the classrooms and the halls with the rest of our friends and teachers. Looking back now, I regret not gathering up the courage to talk to you then. We could’ve been friends sooner.

You always approached me, though. “Night Light, do you need help with these garlands?” “Night Light, can you tell me if my lines sound okay?” “Night Light, have you seen my copy of the script?” You were always so helpful and kind, making an average colt like me feel so special. I always loved that about you.

Remember when I got my cutie mark?

Third year. I was the only remaining blank flank in our class. Around that time, Ms. Lilly had his big exam prepared for us. ‘Magic and its Effects on the Night Sky’. You were scared and felt unprepared, so you asked for my help, as Astrology was the one subject I really excelled at. The two of us, we stayed in the library for hours on end after class. Books and scrolls strewn across the floor. Late in our study session, you asked me to demonstrate the moon-reading spell. I told you I couldn’t do it and it was beyond my abilities.

But you would have none of it.

“You are an amazing student, Night. You can do anything you put your mind to. You’ve got this.”

You believed in me. You had faith in me and gosh darn it, I should have faith in myself. I looked into your bright blue eyes and felt a surge of confidence. I turn to face the moon through the large window, concentrated and successfully completed the spell! And then BOOM! Two seconds later, my cutie mark appeared! Two crescent moons, one yellow and one white.

Twilight, I never would’ve gotten my cutie mark if weren’t for you. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

You were elated, of course. So was I. We jumped and screamed for joy. You hugged me. I hugged you back.

Called me Nighty for the first time.

Remember your fourteenth birthday?

Our friendship was growing. We were having lunch together and while, yes, we had our own friend groups, we still hung out together after school. The city park, the Canterlot Library, Donut Joe’s - all hold a special place in my heart as locations where we have significant memories. So to commemorate this, I decided to do something special for your birthday.

It was summer break after our fourth year at CSGU. My parents and I were headed to Luna Bay for a relaxing one-week vacation. I had convinced my parents to let you come with us. And you were excited, of course. It was your first time outside Canterlot. Mine, too. And it was unforgettable.

We had a lot of fun at Luna Bay. But what truly caught your attention were the bungee jumps offered to tourists near the cliff. Years later and I can still remember your bright blue eyes sparkling with delight when you were told you could try it. When we landed on the ground after our bungee jump, I was shaking like a leaf, while you were jumping up and down, wanting more.

I feel like a new side of you was unlocked that day. Every semester break that followed, every weekend that followed, you’d insist on doing a thrill-seeking activity. High-speed sleighing down the hill in winter. Ziplining across a canyon. Explore that cave nopony dares go into. And everytime you completed those activities, you’d be so happy. Seeing you happy made me happy.

Remember our final year project?

Sixth year at the School for Gifted Unicorns. And per Princess Celestia’s orders, all final projects were be in done in pairs. Naturally, we chose each other. And we had decided to use magic - improve existing spells or create ones - to help the elderly of society, in honor of your grandmother’s recent passing. When we arrived at the nursing home, we saw all the elderly ponies lounging around? And what were they playing? Bingo.

A new side of me was unlocked that day. You helped me develop my passion for bingo, for charts, for organization. You have this uncanny ability to help ponies grow and become more than who they currently are.

Our friendship is strong, Twilight. But it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Our first Summer Sun Celebration in third year - where we first met Princess Celestia - I had embarrassed you by mentioning the secret you had confided in me. I’m truly sorry for that. Then in our fifth year, rumors spread around the school about the exact nature of our relationship; it distanced us and we stopped hanging out. In the weeks leading up to graduation, we also had a huge fight over where our paths would be taking us.

Yet despite all these hiccups, our friendship remained and we are, to this day, inseparable.

You’ve always been so good to me - to everypony, really. You believed in me when no one else did, you had faith in my abilities when I didn’t have any in myself, you made me discover a new side of my personality that I didn’t know existed and you helped me get my cutie mark. The happiest memories of my life are those with you, Twilight. Whenever we did a school project, whenever we ate lunch or whenever we spent any time together. I don’t know where I would be today, who I would be today, if it weren’t for you. You’re the most amazing pony I know.

We’re good friends, you and I. But could we be more than just friends? I’ve always felt like our relationship was never meant to be just friendship, it was meant to be something else. Romance, perhaps?

Let me reiterate what I said at the beginning of this letter: I love you, Twilight Velvet. I love you in a way that friends can’t. That friends shouldn’t. So if you feel like taking things to the next level, I’d very much like it. ‘Cause now that we’re both adults with our own jobs and own lives, we could try dating. Dating - as in boyfriend and girlfriend. But I won’t impose. If you feel like that we’re better off as friends, I’ll respect it.

You mean the world to me, Twilight. More than you’ll ever know.

Always and forever,

Comments ( 13 )

Sweet sentiment, though I can't help but feel that this would have worked better as a montage of the described scenes as they happened. Presenting this as a letter, especially a romantic one, feels weird in-universe. "Hey, remember all these treasured moments you were there for? If not, I'm going to give detailed overviews of each, as though for a hypothetical audience unfamiliar with our lives together."

The base idea is sound, and given what we know about him, even the approach works for Night Light. It just doesn't feel like you're realizing the concept to its fullest potential. In all, thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.


First of all, thank you so much for the comment!

Sweet sentiment, though I can't help but feel that this would have worked better as a montage of the described scenes as they happened.

I considered doing this. Really, I did. But then I realized I wanted to explore this story format to the fullest and have it all be a letter. And there’s a second reason for that, too. I wanted to explore Night’s feelings as these events unfolded.

The base idea is sound, and given what we know about him, even the approach works for Night Light. It just doesn't feel like you're realizing the concept to its fullest potential.

I know. But this is just a short story and it’s pushing my comfort zone enough as it. Romance, letter format, Night and Velvet - I haven’t written any of these things before. But thank you for the criticism; I’ll keep it in mind if I ever decide to write something similar.

That was a good story.

Really love the way you wrote this. I can believe this is how Twilight Sparkle's parents met each other and fell in love. :twilightsmile:

Cute, and as was said by 11383007, this really feels like something that could have happened in canon.

I can picture Twilight Velvet screaming "YES!!" right after reading Nightlight's letter. Twilight Sparkle's adorkableness had to come from somewhere:rainbowlaugh:

Thank you for the compliment! :twilightsmile:

I'm about to submit a Night Light and Velvet story myself but this is just so cute. I wonder if I should pick a different pair. This is very well done.

Thank you so much for the compliment!


I mostly agree with FanOfMostEverthing, but I will say that having chosen of your own free will to constrain yourself in a very narrow zone, you've done very well. Good origin background for the Parents Sparkle. Cheers!

Thank you for the review!

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