• Member Since 19th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Stalin with Da Spoon

Greetings, I am comrade Stalin, a man with swag and a giant spoon who smokes weed, here to make fan-fictions like dumb shitposts, random crossovers, and references. Enjoy the show, and stay swaggy.


It was supposed to be another simple and run of the mill switch-a-roo, where Black Spy thinks he has beaten White Spy once again, but gets the tables turned on him as always. This time however, the tables were turned on both of them, and they're both stuck in a magical technicolor world! Not only that, but this world actually has... Morality, peace, and order? That's impossible! And for once, the two spies finally agree on something, something of utmost importance that has to be done. This world is far too peaceful...

It's time to go MAD and show these friendly little ponies some true mayhem! And maybe kill and sabotage each other while they're at it...

Based on the MAD Spy Vs. Spy Tv Show.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 87 )

Like for the crossed over franchise alone.

How ironic. I've been rewatching clips and commercials of Spy vs Spy on YouTube, playing an emulator of the Gameboy game, thinking about writing a crossover fic of my own for this site, only to find a Spy vs Spy crossover the moment I signed in. It's almost as if you read my mind.

Does the Grey Woman appear in this story?

Ayo, the MAD man actually did it, he made the thing.

I didn't know Spy vs Spy has a TV show. I've only ever seen the comics.

Ironic, I thought it was only a TV show.

I wonder how Equestria will handle 2 spies who constantly kill each other.



There is also a video game about Spy vs Spy. Only playable on PS2 and the old Xbox.

There is an older game, for systems like the C64 and Apple ][.

I never knew about it. Thanks for letting me know.

The two spies looked to each other, before looking back at the confusing pink little pony that was currently smiling up at them. And as they looked back to each other, they nodded and shook hands, before pulling out their tommy guns and aiming them at the strange technicolor horse.

Oh, they dun GOOFED.

REALLY good job on the first chapter of this story. I have read several of the "Spy vs. Spy" comics in Mad Magazine and seen pretty much all the animated versions on YouTube. I can honestly say that this was a VERY in-character method of bringing them to Equestria. Of course, in a way, it would still be "Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy" given Bon Bon/Agent Sweetie Drops's secret agent backstory. And given that several of the ponies have a range of abilities at least equal to the Spies' entire arsenals, this should definitely be interesting (particularly since Twilight DOES have SOME experience with A human world given her visits to Sunset Shimmer's adopted universe, so she MIGHT recognize SOME of the weapons).

And, yeah, I could certainly see Chrysalis disguising herself as the Grey Spy/Grey Woman to manipulate both the spies into doing her dirty work for her.

And, on another note, the Spies attacking the Ponies as well as each other is also an intriguing possible nod to their Cuban prototype "the Sinister Man" (who was created by the Spies' creator, dressed very similarly to the Spies and even had the same viciousness, but was just cruelly messing with everybody who crossed his path rather than having a set rival). But that could be overthinking it.

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to more of this.

It seems that they love Mountain Dew as well.

From this point onward I shall use Spy voice lines to describe each chapter and or events.

*reads some* teheh... *reads some more*... hahaha.... *reads the rest* Bwahahah!! *rolls off couch due to laughter* haha... ouch. So worth it though. So very much worth it.

oh, i'm gonna love this story
the sense of humor here is very Zero Punctuation

Again, an excellent job on the characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Definitely liked the Spies teaming up temporarily against the Timberwolves with their handguns before recovering the rest of their arsenals and their reflections on their surroundings just before they encountered (and got defeated by) Pinkie Pie (with embarrassing ease at that).

Definitely looking forward to more of this (especially the sort of comically brutal shenanigans they are likely to at least TRY to deliver unto Chrysalis [particularly because Chrysalis might be one of the comparatively few in Equestria nasty enough to actually deserve it]).

"Bow before your new ruler, bird nosed bipedal monkeys!"

I recall renting the Xbox game of Spy vs Spy at a Hollywood Video where the store clerk at the counter told me that he thought the two spies were mosquitoes, due to their pointed faces.

They might be cartoon characters with all sorts of crazy shenanigans they can pull out of their hats, but so is Pinkie Pie...

*reads title*




Again, very good job on the action, characterizations and future chapter set-up. So, in addition to sending the Spies to Equestria, the portal also caused them to end up time-travelling to the very start of the show. But, yeah, their antics trying to backstab each other at the bridge were VERY in-character (as was the acknowledgement that death is only a very minor annoyance to BOTH of them since they BOTH have infinite lives]) and now they encountered Nightmare Moon. Definitely appreciated the reflection on Nightmare Moon's name and issues (in reverse order).

VERY much looking forward to more of this ESPECIALLY the Spies' second run-in with Pinkie Pie and FIRST run in with the rest of the Mane Six .

HA! Ah i'll admit the Black vs White Spy sketches were always my favorite part of Mad TV when I watched the show, and i'm really loving how things are going so far.

I could see the two causing so much chaos and serve as great potential recurring antagonists or wild cards in the world of Equestria.

White snickered to himself as he watched the rope bridge fall into the abyss, until he noticed Black Spy wasn't falling with him, as he turned around to see Black right behind him, who was currently waving before pointing down as White's feet, before he looked down to a bundle of rope with it's end tied around his right ankle, and said bundle of rope was rapidly decreasing. Before he could even do anything, he was promptly dragged into the dark abyss by his ankle and screamed as Black snickered to himself, as he ran over and listened for the faint indicator his rival took the plunge...

I always liked the shorts where it first appears that one spy has the upper hand only for the supposed loser do a complete turn around and pull an upset victory over the attacker. And the fact that it's my favorite of the spies who gets to win in this scenario is what makes it so satisfying.

And fearing it might be aimed at them, they decided to put their plan into motion... And shove the moon horse right into it's path.

Poor Woona. She has no idea just how much trouble she's in with those two at her flanks. :pinkiecrazy:

Wait... this is the start of the series. Discord hasn't changed yet. An unchanged Discord is going to meet the Spies.

*hauls rear for the nearest 100 gigaton-rated bunker*

Out of my way! Its the APOCALYPSE!!

Again, excellent job on the characterizations, action, humor and future chapter set-up here. Definitely loved how the Spies' reacted to not just Nightmare Moon's story, but also the job offer. And, yeah, I could see the Spies' shenanigans causing something akin to the hazards the Mane Six went through in canon (particularly the rocket launcher causing the rockslide and the two of them messing with the Manticore and Steven Magnet). And, yeah, given that this is the SECOND time Pinkie Pie has made things extremely difficult for them in the same day/night, I could see where they would both end up developing an especially nasty vendetta against her (to the point of actually hating her MORE THAN they hate each other).

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

Yes! My headache is gooooone!!!

This story has cured it!


* pokes his head out of the bunker*

Yeah, definitely full-on vendetta material. Maybe The Pink Horror would be interested in a lifetime supply of frying pans? Excellent for blocking bullets, surfing bomb blasts, and dropping on nefarious critters noggin.

*pulls his head back in and slams the hatch shut*

Loving this, and i'm quite eager for more. I can't wait to see how the Mane Six first real meeting with the Spies will play out.



I'm really looking forward to the update. Take your time of course, but it would be sad if this one goes dark forever.

And fearing it might be aimed at them, they decided to put their plan into motion... And shove the moon horse right into the giant orbital rainbow friendship laser of death's path. Before she even had time to react, she was enveloped by the rainbow's energy, however the two spies found themselves being pushed back by the energy of the beam, before they were sent flying through a window out of the castle and into the woods, screaming all the way.

Such trustworthy generals...

Hey, she'd do the same for to them.

Looks like the Spies are blasting off again!:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah. I could certainly see that being a quite welcome running gag. All those two need now is a Meowth Expy. :-D

But, seriously, those two continuing to make trouble for the Mane Six or their families and other friends only for Karma to bite them in the rears is a rather welcome pattern (though perhaps they actually COULD get in some wins against villains worse than themselves [someone along the lines of the Rogue General from the 2005 game's story mode] to allow them to properly show their skill without hurting somebody that did nothing to deserve it but was just in the wrong place at the wrong time). And, on another note, I could see Discord recognizing the Spies straight away from being a huge fan of MAD Magazine and MAD TV. As well as the Spies' shenanigans causing enough chaos to release Discord BEFORE the Crusaders' field trip.

Hey there. Once again, an excellent job on the action, humor, characterizations and future chapter set-up. So the Spies tried to boobytrap the main hall of the Castle of the Two Sisters only for the group to dodge the traps and the Spies to get clobbered by their own traps. Well, all that did was make the Mane Six's victory over Nightmare Moon look more respectable and well-earned. And, yeah, the Spies unknowingly did their temporary boss a favor in trying to save their own hides because the Elements brought out her more benevolent alter-ego (though, yeah, the Spies STILL got clobbered and sent flying). I'm guessing the next chapter will be around the time of either "the Ticket Master" or "Applebuck Season" (and, in the latter case, could be the reason Mac got injured in the first place).

Anyway, really looking forward to more of this.

Its okay you two. Against a normal foe they would worked. But you were up against Plot Armor so failure was a given.

Now, excuse me while I laugh like a loon until my cats and dog decide I've lost my marbles again.

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