• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
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Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


In this universe, Discord never pretends to be Grogar, so Twilight is rushed into the position of ruling Equestria. Tired of always heeding to the public’s demands, she snaps and turns to Midnight Sparkle, only fully trusting Starlight. When Starlight offers herself in the place of the Royal Sisters, she must adjust to her new life and a new Twilight. Though maybe with some goodness and love, Starlight and Twilight just might be okay(Parody of Beauty and The Beast)

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 51 )

In this universe, Discord never pretends to be Grogar,

So does this mean Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis never appear in this story?

Cozy and Tirek are definitely not appearing, Chrysalis is still out there but we’ll see what happens with her.

I really like this story so far, I can't wait for more! It's been so long since I read an interesting twilight/starlight romance story

Wait really? I’m pretty sure half my content is TwiStar.

I haven't seen most of your stories wiredly, I'll check it out, I really like this one though

Thanks. What do you like about this one?

I like how the entire reason she turned evil was for her own desire to be happy and i as a reader, I personally thought that her main desire was to have starlight which is super sweet and im a sucker for cute romance, I also like the conflict with the princesses because it makes sense twlight would react that way, this story has alot of potential with the romance and the conflict, reading this I quite easily started to picture alternate scenarios and options twlight can take and how other characterswould react, also it has that beauty and the beast vibe that I kinda like ngl and I really like the ship twlight x starlight which is the reason I clicked on this, lot of potential and the reader can throughly enjoy how it could possibly turn out so yeah, I really like this so far!

They blame twlight for starlight getting hurt? Honestly seems they are just looking for reasons why they can rescue starlight even if twlight hadn't done wrong by her yet

It wasn’t that Twilight did anything wrong, it was because they were worried for how long Starlight would be safe with this new version of Twilight, and now that fear is increased thanks to what happened.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “She’ll get over them eventually. It’s not like she was ever that close with my old friends.”


Interesting story. Really like it. Added to my following list. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

An update!
And what's with Trixie lol, what she being devious about? 🤨

(Parody of Beauty and The Beast)

Who is going to be Gaston? Or is this not a parody of the Disney version?

No one really is playing Gaston’s role, Trixie’s comes close though.

But that's how they got into not really listening to their friends. Twilight tried to tell them she didn't want this but they didn't take it seriously.

Pretty good. Can't wait for the rest.

Hm..this is quite interesting so far. Frankly, I don't even think Twilight got enough time to prepare in S9, and her transition to leading an entire country just felt out of character for her. I have always felt like the conclusion of FiM was rushed, and it's nice to see that you have addressed that in this story. I will be sure to read the rest, because so far it is amazing.

I will be the first to say this was a pretty fun chapter to read. Twilight calming down when she saw her friends (especially Starlight) again before getting angry when Celestia and Luna returned kind of reminded me of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, where Anakin (as Darth Vader) tried to console Padme on Mustafar, only to choke her in rage when Obi Wan appeared. I know you almost certainly didn't know about that, but it is an interesting coincidence nonetheless.

Anyway, I will continue reading this, and I will comment on each chapter that I read.

Well, this has been quite a riveting chapter to read. Something tells me that none of Twilight's former friends (Trixie especially-I don't get the deal with her) seem to know Twilight as well as they thought they did. They are under the impression that Twilight would somehow mistreat her. In reality, Twilight wouldn't even mistreat or harm her own worst enemies, in this case Celestia and Luna. Midnight seems to be quite a bit more reserved compared to Nightmare Moon in MLP:FiM S1, not really having a desire to rule with an iron hoof as opposed to wanting to show her independence in a time where she was wrongly forced into a position that she had no desire to be in. Ironically, Starlight and Luna seem to be the only ponies who have any semblance of understanding this. In the end, this will be a time of growth both for Twilight and for Starlight.

This chapter was really interesting. It seems that Twilight, despite being in her Midnight Sparkle form (which you didn't mention) is actually starting to be more emotive around Starlight. I hope that this will result in them improving their relationship long term, as I think they make for a great pairing. It's honestly why I love your stories so much, Starlight Fan!

Well, now we know what happened to Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek. Honestly, the one benefit of Twilight turning into Midnight is that she likely has better security for her Tartarus prison than Celestia or Luna ever had. Perhaps this helps prevent the war for Equestria caused by those three stealing Grogar's magic bell. Either way, I am glad you acknowledged them, Starlight Fan. It answers the question of 'if Discord never got those three to partner up, and they never stole the bell, where did they go?'. And, as always, it's nice to see Twilight defending a friend. It really helps to build up her rather innocent intentions in the story, even if her actions are more than a bit extreme due to her being Midnight Sparkle.

Love the heartfelt comments for this chapter. They were quite fun to read 😄

Anyway, once again I think that Trixie blows things out of proportion. Sure, I know that she is concerned for her friend, but I think she is being a bit too protective here, acting as if, without her, Starlight can't fend for herself. I wonder when Trixie will learn that Starlight can take care of herself in this situation. Not only that, but she is arguably better able to defend her than Trixie herself is.

Regardless, this is a really fun story so far.

Well, now, unbeknownst to Trixie it seems she is the real villain of this story. Honestly, I really enjoy this, and I am excited to read the final chapter of this amazing story. It is nice to see how Starlight is trying to get Twilight to reform, and it seems that Twilight really does want to reform but she fears that her actions would result in her getting forcefully removed from power and thrown into prison if she lets up. And it seems that is exactly what Trixie wants to do. Sure, I know that Trixie's intentions are pure, as she genuinely wants to make sure that Starlight is safe, but at the same time I think she is letting her hatred of Twilight (as she views Twilight as competition for Starlight) to get the better of her. Hopefully she won't let her hate go too far. And I really hope that Cadence and Shining Armor don't harm Twilight.

Anyway, this is amazing. Such a shame it has to end so quickly. Can't wait for the final chapter, Starlight Fan!

This is a really nice conclu---wait a minute...this doesn't feel like a proper conclusion. Will there be more to this story?

If there is, I am all for it. I know it has been over a month since this story last got a chapter, but good stories take time to make, and I am willing to wait as long as it takes to see this story get completed. Hopefully it doesn't take too long, though, as this has been a wild ride all the way through.

Nice to know that Starlight is starting to realize her love for Twilight, as well. That's a really nice development from this chapter. Hopefully this will help their relationship improve in future chapters.

Now I am all caught up! I have written one message for each and every chapter of this story. Hopefully Starlight Fan will respond to a few of them, as I would love to talk with that author more often. They are an amazing writer, after all.

The story is currently not complete. There’s still much more to go over.

Are you still working on the next chapter? I am curious about when you plan on releasing it. After all, I have loved this story so very much.

Yes. I will eventually finish this story but I do recommend looking at my most recent story: I Can’t Lose You.

Ah yes the atrocity that was the sister's retiring. Thanks season 9 writers, y'all were the best /sarcasm.

Can't say I didn't feel like Twilight here when I heard about this development. She's completely justified in being so mad.

I like the concept thus far.

Lol doofy Cel and Luna.

Pin em to the wall, Twi.

A bit fast of a chapter, (I think the fight could've been a bit more elaborate)

Really didn't expect Twi to let them take Starlight.

Fun chapter.

Twilight wants Starlight to be with her willingly. Why would you assume they wouldn’t be allowed to take her?

Wait, why did Twilight limit Starlight's magic?

That seems a bit... pointless?

Also why spoil that Twilight is gonna recover? I mean I guess since it's based on beauty and the beast we now that already huh? Lol.

Cel and Luna are going to be Ishtar in this aren't they? (FGO reference sorry I had to.)

Short chapter.

Lol Discord, the Lord who loses his power at the drop of a dime. Pull yourself together man.

Is Tempest part of Twilight's guard in season 9? I still haven't watched it. (Too scared at how bad I know I'm gonna hate it)

You didn’t watch season nine? Uh… that’s not a good idea if you want to keep reading How Much Do You Love Starlight Glimmer since I’m covering Discord.

But no, I just added Tempest for the sake of it.

Starlight telling Twilight that she's not a princess, princess, is still one of my favorite moments in the show. (It's true Twi sorry, you're not Cel or Luna)

Chrysalis wth was the plan here? You heard Twilight went psycho and defeated both princesses so you attacked her castle? Well you got what was expected.

REALLY expected Twilight to kill Chrys here, and I think it was Justified. She was literally beating Starlight to death. All I'm saying is I would've ripped the bug queen's head off.

You dare come to my castle and batter my mare? Yeah not happening.

Remember, Chrysalis didn’t think she’d rule Equestria at this point with Twilight having such an iron hoof and given she failed to Celestia’s more peaceful rule, all she really wanted by now was Starlight to suffer a painful death.

Why not just play the family card? I mean reasoning through Cadance and Shining seems smarter than anything else.

Well I'm sure they'll find a way to screw things up.

Lol Trixie is Gaston or what? Where are the voices of reason?

Tia, Luna... Where the heck are you?

This one is kind of hard for me to buy. I don't think Shiny would be able to move against his baby sister so easily, especially not for Trixie and Sunburst.

It is interesting tho.

Remember, Cadence and Shining Armor are only going through with this so long as they don’t have to seriously hurt Twilight, and given they have to think about the safety of Equestria, this is the only reason they are agreeing on this.

I think this is probably the strongest chapter emotionally. I like the sentiments here a lot.

Great job so far.

How come you found it so full of raw emotion?

Because it's Starlight coming to realize her feelings and expressing them.

Pretty convincing in that aspect.

I would've thought that evolved. I want her here no matter what. I want her here willingly. I want her to do whatever she wants. Etc.

No worries I know most of what happens. I'm not completely oblivious. That's how I know I don't like It.

Right I just have a very family centric Shining in my mind.

Yes I am aware of that whole thing. Not the specifics but the whole who he was and like discord bringing the villains together and such. For Twilight's "sake"

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