• Published 12th Mar 2024
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Godzilla: Equestria's Titanic Guardian - Lord Shadow Eclipse

Godzilla wakes up to find himself in Equestria. How will the ponies react to a Titan? How will he react to talking ponies?

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Chapter 3

Ponyville - The Next Day (With the Main Six)

Twilight and her friends were all waiting for the Princesses to arrive to the scene that lay before them. After making a peaceful pact with Godzilla, the massive creature walked over to a large field and laid down there to rest, with the ponies currently looking at his sleeping form. Both Fluttershy and Twilight had been observing him all night, while the others simply camped out with the Royal Army. Twilight and Fluttershy were both flying around Godzilla, observing every feature of him.

"Whoa! These dorsal spikes and long tail must provide some form of defense from the back, while his arms look like they were built for grappling," Twilight noted. "I wonder what he eats?"

"A creature his size would need to eat a lot to maintain bodily function," Fluttershy said. "And since he's from another world, finding a good food source for him would be nearly impossible."

"Still, I'd like to try to see what we could feed him on top of where he came from," Twilight said. "And I noticed that he seems to to experience REM sleep like us."

"I'd like to talk to him more about this King Ghidora guy he mentioned last night. He sounded like he and this Ghidora have a bad history together," Twilight said.

"I suppose we can ask him once he wakes up," Fluttershy said.

"That would be good," Twilight said before hearing her stomach growling. "Before any of that, though, I'd like to grab some food."

"I should eat as well," Fluttershy said.

As they flew back down to the ground and made their way back to Ponyville, Twilight saw that the Royal Carriage was there in front of Twilight's castle, meaning that the Princesses had arrived. Twilight turned to Fluttershy.

"The Princesses are here. I guess they found out about Godzilla," Twilight said. "And I have a feeling that this and Ghidora destroying Klugetown may have brought them here."

"Do you think that the others are here?" Fluttershy asked.

"Y'all got a letter, too?" Applejack asked from behind them.

"No, we just arrived and saw them here. You all got letters?" Twilight replied.

The rest of the Elements pulled out letters with the royal seal on them, providing their answer. Twilight and Fluttershy turned with the rest of their friends and entered the crystalline castle.

Town Castle of Friendship was a beehive of activity. Ponies were preparing one of the larger rooms for a meeting of important officers and government officials, with chairs and tables being arranged in a way to include everyone involved. There were also separate tables to hold snacks and drinks for the attendees. Mayor Mare showed and up and immediately trotted over to the heroines once she saw them.

"Good afternoon, Princess Twilight! I was just about to send someone to retrieve you," Mayor Mare said.

"What's going on here, Mayor?" Twilight asked.

"The Royal Sisters are here to discuss the current situation with the giant creatures with the rest of the world leaders," she replied.

The Elements were surprised to see that the world leaders were taking part in this meeting, but a destructive monster like Ghidora would warrant discussion like this. Twilight looked back to Mayor Mare.

"When does the meeting take place?" Twilight asked.

"In thirty minutes," Mayor Mare replied.

"Good. That should be more than enough time for lunch," Twilight said.

-30 Minutes Later-

Twilight and her friends had returned just in time for the meeting. The Princesses sat at the head of the table and waved in the Elements with smiles. The rest of the world leaders were there and having small talk with each other and the other officials and commanders gathered. The Elements sat closer to the front of the table with Celestia and Luna before Celestia hammered a gavel on the table.

"Alright everyone! Now that we are all gathered here, the meeting can now begin!" Celestia called.

All in the room fell silent now that the meeting had begun. Celestia put on a serious expression as she spoke her next words.

"As I'm sure you've all read about in the dossier, a gigantic dragon-like creature completely destroyed Klugetown a few days ago with a powerful breath attack," Celestia said. "Capper, the only survivor, gave us as much information as he could before being transferred to Canterlot for psychiatric treatment."

Dragon Lord Ember raised her claw in the air to ask a question. "Are we certain that this is a creature that looks like a dragon and is not a true dragon?"

"Mister Capper described the creature as being gigantic with three heads and golden scales, Lord Ember," Luna replied. "I have never heard of a dragon like that."

"At least I can rest easy knowing that it's not one of my people," Ember said.

"Then what is it if it's not a dragon? Some mutated form of Hydra?" Thorax asked.

At that, a Unicorn scientist dressed in a classic lab coat stood up to answer. The scientist gave a small bow and introduced herself to the attendees.

"I can answer that, King Thorax. I am Dr. Telomere, Head of the Royal Science Ministry," Telomere replied. "From what we've been able to observe from the military reports, this is a lifeform not from our world."

"What do mean, 'not from our world'?" Gruff asked harshly.

"I'm saying that a creature like this suddenly showing up along with the other one outside Ponyville doesn't make any sense. And we weren't able to detect any trace of magic when we encountered the creature as it flew away," Telomere replied.

"You actually managed to get close to this monstrosity?" Prince Rutherford asked. "How?"

"I was a part of the extermination attempt on the creature and managed to get a good observation of the monster," Telomere replied.

"Which reminds me of our next point," Luna said before turning to Spitfire and an Earth Pony officer. "Miss Spitfire and Admiral Ironclad, can you give your reports on your attempt to eliminate this creature?"

Spitfire and Admiral Ironclad stood up and gave their reports. Spitfire spoke first.

"Me and the other Wonderbolts were called in to assist the southern base in eliminating a three-headed monster that was destroying towns and cities," Spitfire replied. "We were told to fly around the creature and distract it until the Seventh Air Fleet made its way to the area to destroy it with an artillery barrage. Once they arrived, we joined them on the ships."

"And the details of this attack?" Ember asked.

Admiral Ironclad was the one to respond. He was a stallion of shorter stature, but he had a bearing and gaze that demanded great respect.

"We fired upon the monster for a good six hours until we ran out of ammunition, but nothing seemed to even scratch the monster's hide," Ironclad replied in a deep voice. "Once we had run out of ammunition, the thing... smiled at us."

"It smiled?" Gruff asked.

"Indeed. Then it opened its three mouths and fired a breath attack of some kind. It looked like golden lightning of some kind," Ironclad replied. "The attack destroyed 20 flying warships in mere seconds. I was thoughtful enough to order a retreat before the rest were destroyed."

The room fell eerily silent knowing that the lives of good pony soldiers were lost. From what Spitfire told Rainbow before the meeting, both Soarin and Fleetfoot were sadly killed while Thunderlane had lost one of his wings. Celestia broke the silence by asking the admiral another question.

"What is the Royal Navy doing now?" she asked.

"We have scout ships following the monster from a fair distance and having them report back anything important," Ironclad replied. "The rest of the military is keeping an eye on the second gigantic creature."

That brought the topic of Godzilla on the table, as evidenced by Thorax's question.

"Now that you mention it, what about the second creature that's currently being watched?" he asked. "What do we know about this particular creature?"

General Hardhoof stood up reply. "Me and the Elements have first encountered the creature last night and both Fluttershy and Princess Twilight have managed to establish actual communication with the creature."

That got the world leaders and officials murmuring to each other with surprise. Communication with a creature like this was something they never expected. Celestia banged her gavel again.

"Let us hear what Princess Twilight and Miss Fluttershy have been able to glean from their communication," Luna said.

Both Twilight and Fluttershy stood up. Twilight spoke first. "Well, this creature is willing to communicate with us and doesn't seem to be violent unless provoked. I mean, he hasn't made any attempt to destroy anything since he got here."

"And the creature gave us both his name and the name of the three-headed monster," Fluttershy said. "The one we spoke to is called 'Godzilla'."

"And what about the three-headed one?" Celestia asked.

"That one is called 'King Ghidora', and Godzilla said that he and Ghidora have a long rivalry with each other," Fluttershy said.

Thorax raised his hoof to ask the question that was on everyone's minds. "If these two creatures have a rivalry, is there a chance we can convince Godzilla to fight him for our world?"

"From what I could tell, Godzilla seems to be more than willing to fight Ghidora regardless of whether or not it's for us," Twilight replied.

"Are you sure we can trust this Godzilla to not turn on us once this is all over? We can't just trust a creature like that just because he hates a more threatening one!" Gruff asked.

"I agree with Gruff! There be no guarantee that this Godzilla has good intentions!" Prince Rutherford said. "We need to do something about this other creature here and now!"

"And if we do, how are we going to fight King Ghidora if our greatest asset is dead?" Ember asked.

"Ember's right! Like Twilight said, he could've destroyed the town during his arrival, but he didn't! I move that we should join Godzilla in the upcoming battle against King Ghidora," Thorax said.

The whole room became heated with debate of what to do with Godzilla. Gruff and Prince Rutherford wanted to try to destroy him before he could destroy their lands while Ember and Thorax wanted to form an alliance with Godzilla to fight against Ghidora. Celestia was about to bang her gavel to reign in the discussion when they heard something outside.


A loud roar and the sound of stomping feet came from just outside the castle. Some soldiers ran into the meeting room and spoke directly to Princess Twilight.

"Your Highness! Godzilla is coming right for the town!" he told them.

Everyone in the room got up from their seats and ran to the outside of the building to be greeted by the terrifying sight of the humungous Godzilla stomping towards the town. He was so big that his head blocked out the sun, and he gazed down at the gathered ponies and other creatures down below. Twilight and Fluttershy flew up to his snout and he gazed at the with his bright eyes. Twilight spoke to him first.

"Godzilla, were just talking about you!" Twilight said with a friendly smile. "To put everyone's fears at ease, could you tell them of your intentions here?"

Godzilla looked from Twilight to Fluttershy to the gathered leaders and officials down below. "Well, if it'll make them feel better, I'll just have to be honest and tell them what I plan to do. If I want a peaceful life in this new world, I'll have to stop Ghidora and make sure they see me as their guardian."

The Kaiju King gave his growling reply and Fluttershy turned to Twilight. "He says that he simply wants to live a peaceful life in our world, and will stop King Ghidora regardless. He said that he'll act as the world's guardian as long as the others leave him alone."

Twilight flew back down the ground and relayed Godzilla's message to the rest of the gathered leaders. They all looked up and saw Godzilla looking down at them with kind yet noble eyes. The leaders all looked to each other and even both Rutherford and Gruff gave looks of resigned acknowledgement.

"I suppose we can rely on Godzilla for the upcoming battle," Gruff said.

"He may prove to be a good ally for Yaks," Rutherford said. "Not afraid to say that Yak army wouldn't be able to defeat him."

Everyone else nodded in agreement. Twilight flew back up to Godzilla and told him that the rest of the world's leaders were ready to work with him to bring Ghidora down. Godzilla growled and Fluttershy translated.

"He says that he knows how to track Ghidora down and is ready to fight him," Fluttershy said.

"This is great news! I'll tell the others!" Twilight said.

Now that everyone knew that Godzilla could find Ghidora, the rest of the leaders put on serious expressions. Even both of the Princesses looked ready for a fight.

"We'll support from the side. If he needs help, we'll step in and provide him support," Celestia said. "Let's get ready for a fight!"

Everyone let out an outstanding battle cry. Even Godzilla got hyped up and gave an excited roar. After that, Godzilla felt his heart racing in excitement and anger.

"I hope you're ready for another fight, Ghidora! Because I'm coming for you!" Godzilla thought.


With King Ghidora

The three-headed King of Destruction was finishing up destroying another town when he heard something he recognized all too well. A very familiar roar. Middle smiled in anticipation.

"Well, well, well. Looks like my old nemesis is here in this world after all," Middle said. "And here I thought destroying this world would turn out to be boring."

"Gojira is here?" Left asked. "If he's here, wouldn't that mean that he'll try to protect this world from destruction?"

"If he tries to fight us again, then we'll have to use our new techniques on him," Right replied. "If he tries to stop us again, then we'll be ready for him."

Middle turned to the other heads and smiled. "Still, if the two of us are to battle again, then let's make sure we make an entrance."

King Ghidora flew up into the air until he hit the cloud layer. Using his bioelectrical powers and powerful wings, Ghidora was able to create a humungous storm of rain and golden lightning. Next, he flew off in the direction of the roar he heard. If he could finally kill Gojira, then there would be nothing left to stop him. The whole world would soon fear the King of Destruction!