• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014
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Miller Minus

Cherish the thought.


Fluttershy has a panic attack. In 7 days, she'll save the world.

With Angel's help, of course.

This story was written in the summer of 2018, so whatever season MLP was on back then, that's when this story takes place.

Cover art by Chib-bee

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 34 )

Without reading the story and going off just the cover and description. I’m not even surprised that Angel and Fluttershy would get together.

If anyone is going to fall for an animal, it’s likely going to be the animal lover Fluttershy. (Lover as in she takes immense interest in them. Not romance)


I’m not even surprised that Angel and Fluttershy would get together.

This would surprise me a lot, personally. Also, not what this story is.

Yeah I know. I was speaking before I read the story.

Nice job by the way.

Its not what I expected from the premise but it is quite a good one. I've always been a fan of these sort of bittersweet stories and I think you've done an excellent job in this.

I always appreciate people who write this sort of thing and I'm definitely glad to have read it!

This story is so sweet

Loved the nicknames that Angel gave to Flutter’s friends

This is gorgeous :fluttershysad:

You have such a way with characters, and also with breaking my heart with the things you do to them

Also, the ending is perfect.

Posh #8 · Nov 18th, 2022 · · 1 · Day 7 ·


Angel's proper names for the Mane 6 are perfect 🤣.

Good on character development! And I have to say nice job.

I'm not sure how to feel about this but I am sure that it's well written

frogger! this is so cool

so it turns out that none of fluttershy's friends understand her in any capacity. I am uncomfortable with this

It's good, It's just that the characterization is very different than what I'm used to

The rare "criticism + follow" combination, wow. Thanks for both, I think your grievance is fair.

You might be interested in this fic, iffin you're looking for fluttershy's friends to understand her better. At least, Rarity gets a chance to in that one.

Thanks again!

Plz tell me she isn't ending her friendship with them

This was nice

That was unique, and powerful. Thank you for it.


You have such a way with characters, and also with breaking my heart with the things you do to them

Hi pot, I'm kettle.

What a neat little story, I like it when Angel cares for Fluttershy a lot, he's her little guardian!:pinkiehappy:

Yep, confessing love requires strength, but giving it up needs even more.:applecry:

I also got a little confused when seeing the tags at first sight, but unlike 11425613 , I thought it was pet shipping for the M/M contest, is it weird?

Also, I couldn't help but notice that the "Also Liked" contain a batch of rather "interesting" stories by some interesting authors……

Also, why only post this story now when you finished it a few years ago? Forgot about it or something?(lol)

Man that’s a bit too realistic


Also, why only post this story now when you finished it a few years ago? Forgot about it or something?(lol)

So the first draft of this story was submitted to the writeoff, and afterwards I had plans to turn it into something a lot bigger, but that never panned out. Then a couple days ago a friend of mine showed me some art she made of it (also from four years ago), and I realized I'd never shared this with fimfic, so here it is.

There are some changes from that version, but they're just cosmetic.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts, friendo.

This has always been an idea I've enjoyed toying with mentally - the idea that Twilight WOULD want to help her friends earn alicorn status, but at the same time, just how hard that would be, and the potential consequences it could have on her relationships with them.

I liked how the story hid what it was about, but hinted at it, and then more strongly came out about it on the second to last day, giving away the ending but simultaneously letting us see the train wreck unfold.

Good job!

Well written and I like your approach to mental health.
Though I have to admit that I don't agree with either Fluttershy or Twilight.

For a deeper, slightly rantier look into my opinion on their decisions...

Very interesting to portray angel bunny as a positive influence. A sad story, but well written and beautiful in its own way.

Thoughtful and poignant.

eye no a bout a fair

Got him!

Alright, add that to the "Completed" bookshelf.
What a read! Absolutely loved it!

That was a good story.

This is a good comment

"Angel nodded, frowning. He picked up the stallion’s card, feigned putting it back into his paw, and then slammed it down again, twice as hard."

I don't really understand what this specific interaction is meant to convey. could you please clarify?

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