• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 253 Views, 4 Comments

The quest to find the perfect gift - Akataja

This year Twilight Sparkle wants the perfect Hearts Warming Eve for her parents and she needs the help of her friend Rarity

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Chapter 2

Rarity hadn’t told Twilight where to go, it was some kind of secret and a little pleasure to her, watching Twilight working her brain on that. She was the cutest pony when she tried to figure out a riddle like that.
The look on her face was priceless when she found herself in front of a familiar mountain.

“Wait, I remember this place.” Said Twilight and thought a little. “This is the mountain where Celestia send us to deal with that dragon!”

“Exactly darling, we are looking for magical and powerful hair and dragons - especially the full grown - are powerful, teeth, scale… even excrement.”

“Wait, dragon feces are powerful?”

“Indeed darling, potently powerful… also they are the only ground for dragon grass to grow, the favorite food of the golden antelope.”

“Ah! And this antelope has the hair we are looking for?”

“Exactly! We just have to go up there and wait in the dragon's formal cave for one to show up.”

“What do you mean by that? Wait for one to show up?” Twilight asked confused.

“Oh! Right, the golden antelope is invisible and only becomes visible when it's eating, so there could be hundreds of them around us without us noticing, we have to wait there and wait for them to acclimate to us and show up.”

“And how long might that be?”

“I have no idea, no one does! Most ponies don’t even believe they really exist.”

“Wait, what?”

“No worries darling, I am very sure we will be successful. This is one of the few places in equestrian with dragon grass, without dangerous dragons, the best place for a golden antelope.”

Rarity gave Twilight a gentle nudge to make her move forward. Twilight took a deep breath and moved on, she trusted her friend and this gift for her parents was important. So the two ponies were walking on that path to the mountain. Rarity was glad her fashionable boots were able to keep her hooves warm and cozy. She enjoyed the sound of the snow under her boots while walking next to her beautiful purple princess.
She used the upcoming cold winds as a welcome chance to walk very close to her, so close she could feel the feathers of her alicorn wings at her side and they flanks touching.

“We should warm each other.” Rarity said with a smile.

“I don’t remember its being so cold out here.” Twilight answere, with the most cute little blush around her pony nose. “I should use a spell to protect us from the cold.”

“Ouh no darling, please don’t use your strength up for that, also I really enjoy these intimate moments with you.” As Rarity spoke she leaned in and her horn gently touched Twilights.

Twilight shuddered and blushed even more “ouh… okay.” She said in a surprising shy manner.
It was a very nice walk, the cold didn’t bother rarity, her clothing was perfect for these temperatures, and she could enjoy the scent and the feeling of the nerdy princess.

The way up was easy, there was not much climbing to do and the magic and wings of Twilight cleared every difficult part of the way. As a small avalanche threatened the two ponies Twilight just needed to make a protective little shell, and when there was a small abyss, she made a bridge with her magic. Rarity was more and more impressed of her princess, she allways was said to fall easily in love, but this here was way more intense than ever before!

The sun was setting as they arrived at the formal dragon cave and Rarity was right, the inside was covered in weeds! It seemed like dragon feces were really potential! Twilight was fascinated, she used her magic to grab her notes and scrabble down as much as she was able too.

“It looks like normal weed, dandelion, daisies, glee and nettles, but” Twilight paused to sniffle the air and Rarities eye were glowing because it looked to cute “the scent is different. I would really like to try it but it grows exclusively on dragon feces and that sounds horrible!”

“Don’t worry” said Rarity as she passed Twilight and used her scissor to cut off one of the daisies “a lot of yummy plants grow on a pile of excrements.” She gently put the flower into Twilights mane and smiled at her, while Twilight got the most cute blush.

Now they had to wait. Twilight used her magic to make a campfire and build up her tent.

“Oh no!” Rarity said with a gasp, nearly fainting with one hoof to her forehead and both eyes closed, doing her best act “It seems like I forgot to pack a second sleeping back. I think we have to share the large one I packed instead!” She opened one eye carefully to see how Twilight react.

Twilight Sparkle just had put her notes away as she looked over to Rarity and answered “That’s no problem, I could use my magic and-“

“No!” Rarity shouted and interrupted Twilight. There was a short break, silence, Rarity had to come up with a good explanation “Because when you use so much magic it could chase away the antelopes. Also if we share one sleeping back we can warm each other and it is way more comfy, trust me.” The last words were spoken while Rarity looked deep into Twilights eyes.
Twilight blushed again and got so distracted that she broke the pencil she was holding with her magic and the wood they had piled up lighted up. Rarity had to chuckle, it seemed like she still had it. “Alright, now let’s sit down and wait.”

The two ponies sat together, with the warm fire from behind and the green cave in front of them. Rarity leaned to twilight and closed her eyes for a bit, she just enjoyed the situation. The fresh wind brought the scent of the weeds over to them and it mixed up with Twilights scent, the scent of a grown mare, her apple flavoured shampoo and a more simple note, the scent of old books. First it was strange, but Rarity learned to like it, a lot. After a few minutes Twilight had to yawn and stretched her wings, as she fold them back she put one around Rarity. The white unicorn had to smile, these feathers felt nice to her. She snuggled close to her with a smile, was it okay to take this a bit further? Or would she scare her off? No! It was better to play safe.

Rarity shuddered as a cold wind came up.

“Are you okay?” asked Twilight

“It’s just a bit cold in my neck.” Rarity answered
“Don’t you have a scarf?”

“Oh! You are right, but it seems like I have forgotten to pack it, I am so clumsy today!”

“You are right” Twilight had to think a little “no problem, we have the scarf I made for my parents, right? It’s big enough for both of us.”

She used her magic to get the scarf from her bag and put it around herself and Rarity. They snuggled up together while the light blue magic of Rarity gently pulled the scarf a bit tighter, so they have to be very close to each other. It didn’t take long and Rarity had enough confidence to go a bit further, she started to rub her horn to Twilights, very gentle and slow. The first touch seemed like an accident, but then rarity continued, the feeling of the pulsating magic inside the horn was so thrilling! Twilight gulped and moved her head a bit away, but rarity just moved with her.

“R-rarity…?” Twilight asked, her noise was a bit scared.

“It’s too much?” She asked back “Im sorry.”

“N-no. It’s just, that I never did something like that.”

“Do you want to learn about it?” Rarity asked back, looking directly in Twilights eyes.

There was a short silent moment, in which Rarity could have sworn she felt not only her heartbeat, but how the small snowflakes outside of the cave hit the ground. But then Twilight answered: “Yes.”

Rarit didn’t need more, she leaned in and put her lips on Twilights. She kissed with her deeply and could feel how she was shivering, she felt her heart beating in her chest while Twilights Wings spread wide the moment she tasted the light cherry flavour of Rarities lips. First the princess was way to excited and confused, she just let it happen, the sensation of these soft lips on hers and the taste and the scent, she needed some time before she had enough focus to put her wings around Rarity and pull her close. Ever since Twilight had become a princess she felt her power was raising and her body changing, but right now she felt weak like a foal and somehow it felt really good. She liked it, it felt so real. She knew something really special was going to happen when Rarity gently pushed her down, onto the sleep back. Rarity was ontop of her, belly to belly, as she nuzzled to Twilights chest floof.

All of a sudden Rarity looked up, with a slight blush, but the blush of Twilight was way stronger.

“Is that…?” Rarity asked, she wanted to look behind herself, but right now she just wanted to look at Twilights face. Twilight was too ashamed, she could only nod. “Wow, Darling, seems like your body is really changing. Should we stop here?”

“No, I want this and I want it with you, Rarity.”

They lips met again in another deep kiss. They didn’t notice the animals with golden hair around them, as they were sure that these two were all busy with each other they let them alone, so these two had the evening in front of the warm fire for them self.