• Member Since 21st Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen Saturday


Just your regular fanfiction writer. Big fan of EaW and Fallout:Equestria. I also have a Patreon!



This story is a sequel to Silverstream gets kidnapped

Technically a sequel, but happens simultaneously with the previous story and does not require reading it or any other entries in the series.

Returning home for a summer break, Yona finds Yakyakistan on the brink of a civil war. While Prince Rutherford wants to open his country to the world and ally with ponies, a group of traditionalist Yaks under Prince Bradford want to return to the traditional isolationism.

As the threat of War of Two Brothers looms over Yakyakistan, Yona finds herself surprised by the stubborn stupidity of some of the yaks she used to look up to. The Student of Friendship faces her greatest challenge at the doorstep of her home, but she has no doubts – she is Yona, and Yona is the best! She will stop this stupid war before it starts!

Prince Rutherford could already feel the incoming headache.

As usual, minor Equestria at War references in names and locations. Knowledge of EaW not required at all to enjoy the story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Yona finds herself surprised by the stubborn stupidity of some of the yaks she used to look up to.

Surprising, considering how stupid Yona herself is... Please respond to this comment.

Yona managed to stop a full on civil war...largely by just going around and telling everybody "war is stupid, don't do it" and then getting the one yak who wouldn't listen to throw himself down a hill.

...we could use a few Yonas here in the real world then. :rainbowlaugh:

"Yona gets to...smash..." (giggity)

Worry not - I always respond to all comments, on every site where I post my stories. Only reason why you had to wait for answer was because I was asleep.

And to answer your comment... my stories are, or at least I try to make them like this, about empowering the characters. I don't like designated comic relief characters, and I don't like it when a character exists only to be stupid/funny. In my stories, every character gets a chance to shine.

Here, we see Yona coming back to Yakyakistan after spending nearly a year in the School of Friendship. No sure if you read the story itself (I only saw you quote the description), but the main theme here is that Yona changed. Not because 'pony superior hahaha', but rather because she took the best of both worlds. She is still a yak, she understands her home, her culture, and still loves it. But she was with her new friends in Equestria long enough to also see some obvious flaws that her home has. And she is using both yak and pony knowledge and culture to try and solve these flaws.

Every character faces different issues, and tries to solve them differently. Gallus faced suspicion. Silverstream faced fear. Yona faces the fact that her home is far from ideal that she thought it was, and has to stand up and try to help. While this story is much lighter then the other ones in the series - especially poor Silverstream - if we look beyond the funny things, Yakyaistan was ready and on the verge of horrible, bloody civil war, and Yona was the only person who could stop it. Even Mane 6 have... questionable success in Yakyakistan, because they are just visitors there, who do not truly understand yaks. Yona does, and with her new perspective from Equestria, can and does fix the problem.

I hope this answer satisfies you :).

" 'Smash', verb, noun. One of the hardest word to understand for outsiders, it is used in yak language to substitute multiple words, generally meaning actions taken by said yak. 'Smash' can mean 'do', 'fight' 'destroy', but can be also used as a sign of pride or expletive. It is also used in romantic situations and some activities that are not covered by this dictionary." - Twilight Sparkle's Dictionary for Students at the school of Friendship, VII Edition, extended, rated E for Everycreature.

So yeah, she gets to smash stupid XD.


Yona managed to stop a full on civil war...largely by just going around and telling everybody "war is stupid, don't do it" and then getting the one yak who wouldn't listen to throw himself down a hill.

...we could use a few Yonas here in the real world then. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh yes we could. Imagine her going around and just telling people, "War stupid. If you want war, you stupid and go down the hill, if you smart you don't want war so stop it".

But she is also smart enough to do to right. She knows how yak thinks, and how to show them they're stupid. And when some yak don't listen, how to make sure he will. Rolling down the hill is a good lesson in humility, and then being spared any punishment (aside from the hilarious humiliation of being easily beaten by 'weak yak girl who was at pony school XD) tends to show others that a) They were stupid yaks, b) Yona is smart yak and is not going to punish others for nearly rebelling, c) War stupid, therefore no war.
And I won't lie, Yona showing chiefs why the can't fight changelings was hilarious. It wasn't even planned, I just came up with it while writing that scene and it was perfect. Only thing missing is bored Discord actually being the table, it would be hilarious to see the Jaki-Clan War Council realize how hopelessly outmatched they are.

There was only one pass between Crystal Kingdom and Yakyakistan, so Yona didn’t worry about losing her way. Besides, she was a yak, she would never get lost in her home! That’s like Princess Twilight getting lost in her huge crystal castle, it couldn’t happen.

I mean for the first time yeah so did Starlight

“But, but yaks are best! Yaks too smart to have war!” She protested. That made no sense, yaks were best and smartest, and war was bad Yaks had to know war was bad, and yaks smart, so war could not happen! Right?

Unfortunately when it comes to Pride and everything yeah

Prince Bradford fell down with a decidedly not-yak scream. He sounded more like that goat merchant she once saw, she remembered he was called Wilhelm. He once fell from the Ponyville bridge into the water, and screamed just like that!

Lol oh yeah that's scream

Well then I would say this was a pretty interesting story and funny one as well so it looks like after silverstream was done with her story it was yona's turn and she was about to go home until she saw what was going on apparently both Yaks side are fighting with each other and basically going to war which yona thinks this is dumb wants to talk with the prince but when she got there Prince Rutherford refuse to listen so she was going to talk with the other prince in the other side and she even talk one of the guys to move out of the way by talking which to learn very well and when she got there she tried to reason with them to not go to war because they're smarter than that so she convinced them what about other creatures who will be another threat when I do like how she tried to reverse psychology on them even though I kind of work but now the prince wants to challenge her which they both did and it felt like yona was in disadvantage but she has an idea and she knows how to play it smart this time instead of charging at him she let him charge at her and then basically Dodge and once he wasn't paying attention he tripped over and fell luckily he's not hurt just only has Pride and it looks like they call it truce wow and Prince Rutherford was either proud or mad at Yona for getting herself in this kind of situation but she thinks there's always another better way instead of fighting and she did I got to say that was pretty good and you did have fun with the story I wonder what the other kids are doing I guess that's another story keep up the good work


There was only one pass between Crystal Kingdom and Yakyakistan, so Yona didn’t worry about losing her way. Besides, she was a yak, she would never get lost in her home! That’s like Princess Twilight getting lost in her huge crystal castle, it couldn’t happen.

I mean for the first time yeah so did Starlight

Can you imagine Starlight just admitting something like that to the students? I'm sure she never told anyone that she got lost in her new home so easily ;).

“But, but yaks are best! Yaks too smart to have war!” She protested. That made no sense, yaks were best and smartest, and war was bad Yaks had to know war was bad, and yaks smart, so war could not happen! Right?

Unfortunately when it comes to Pride and everything yeah

You reminded me of that amazing Mewtwo quote about life (and Meowth's one, as well) from the first Pokemon movie. Thanks you, it's been a while since I watched it.
And yep, pride can easily lead to arrogance. And arrogance is the worst poison, invisible, but deadly.

Prince Bradford fell down with a decidedly not-yak scream. He sounded more like that goat merchant she once saw, she remembered he was called Wilhelm. He once fell from the Ponyville bridge into the water, and screamed just like that!

Lol oh yeah that's scream

I just thought that it's a really fitting, hilarious scream for the mighty Prince of Jakistan, defeated soundly by Yona :).

I got to say that was pretty good and you did have fun with the story I wonder what the other kids are doing I guess that's another story keep up the good work

Thank you! Next story was just published, hope you like it as well.

You reminded me of that amazing Mewtwo quote about life (and Meowth's one, as well) from the first Pokemon movie. Thanks you, it's been a while since I watched it.

Yeah I've been a fan of Pokemon ever since I was a kid and I've always liked that movie and funny enough I was just watching that one before I read the story


Yeah I've been a fan of Pokemon ever since I was a kid and I've always liked that movie and funny enough I was just watching that one before I read the story

Funny coincidence, but it fits this series very well. The themes of forgiveness, and acceptance, are always strong in MLP universe. Part of why I love it so much.

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