• Member Since 30th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Sunset Plan's to conquer Equestria... Spike is not amused

Anon a Miss was the worst thing happening at Canterlot High, and most of the students were aware that it must be related to Sunset Shimmer.
Spike is coming back to the human world... and he is not happy with it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )

good concept, but unreadable. Like goddamn

Well. It's a fanfic from 2 years ago. And I just did a primary editing.

People still write Anon-a-Miss?

In the Year of our Lord two thousand and twenty three, people still write Anon-a-Miss?

I feel you dude. Lol
The thing is, this was supposed to be in 2021 soooo. It's a two year frozen fanfic. Lol

What did you expect? It's the single worst piece of Equestria Girls media of all time, of course people are still writing alternatives to it.

“Yeah, me too. I want to punch her in the face so hard It would make her travel back in time to last week.” Rainbow Dash was cracking her knuckles, while Spike raised his eyebrow and Fluttershy giggled.

I remember that episode.

I'm more interested in the whole siren thing and which one fell for him.

And that is what takes more interest from me as well XD.
I'm glad you think of that.
I just need to publish the rest of this fiction after editing from 2 years ago, and then I will write the promised prequel of Spike and the Sirens, which is the best of them all.

You have a point, and I wrote it 2 years ago. I'm just launching the chapter because I want to have my memory free from all the works I did. So yeah, better late than never.


And wait until 2024, when the 10th anniversary comes around.

This is pretty funny

And the issue of Spike being a dog being addressed is so good.

Honestly, if I was the CMC I’d call his bluff instantly. Just because my counterpart did something in an entirely different world doesn’t mean I did it so I’d kick back and relax.

Honestly, Anon-A-Miss wasn’t even that bad. My only problem with it was the CMC not having a good motivation. The only reason people treat it as a big deal is because sunset is popular.

Well it was stupid and petty and could have had terrible repercussions for sunset and everyone involved. Bullying isn't a joke.

As a bully victim I can 100% agree and would to hug you for saying that, but the same negativity people give the CMC should also goes towards sunset.

In this case she didn't do anything wrong so of course people are going feel bad for someone trying to be better only for someone to try to tear it down.

I know. I’m just saying that people don’t seem to bring up sunset’s bullying days while cursing the CMC all the time. It just seems hypocritical.

It just she paid by being blasted into a crater and being treated like a leper until after the battle of the bands and even the rainbooms weren't super close to her despite being her friends. The cmcs seems to get off Scott free in the comic not even a little anger at their actions. Or even a little hurt at the pain everyone caused her.

I can understand that, but what I don’t understand is the length that people are willing to go to punish the CMC despite this not being the worst thing we’ve seen. I’ve read fanfics of the cmc being expelled, going to jail, and even being killed. The fact that there aren’t anything like that happening to sunset makes it seem kind of hypocritical.

I guess because people barely saw what she did and all in all what they did see wasn't that horrible. And they never really heard what exactly she did during her rein as queen bee the deamon thing was the worst that was shown and that was over in less than an hour. As for the cmcs punishment people can be pretty hateful especially the stupid kids who don't think that actions have consequences.

If I remember correctly she did something similar to what the cmc did.

What she did was mudslinging and everyone does it during election time so nobody cares. And as for the girls they could have talked with each other solving the problem but chose not to.



The problem related on CMC is that... Everything could have been solved if the CMC just talked... Not to their sisters, but to the friends of their sisters, if you want to have a time alone with someone, talk with the possible distractions.
If they had talked to Sunset about wanting to pass time with their sisters, Sunset would understand.
Everything could have been simple if they could just sit down and talked.

Exactly but instead they became the monster and nobody likes that. Sunset earned her second chance but the cmcs got off Scott free and it feels unfair.

Wait, so her trashing the the auditorium and framing twilight for it was mudslinging? I honestly didn’t know that.

If that was the reason people didn’t like the cmc then I would understand, but it seems to be more than that.

Actually, they did get punished.

I never saw any punishment.

Politicians do all sorts of stuff to win doesn't always make it right but that politics for you

I think they got detention for six months.

So it was allowed?

Without proof sunset did it unfortunately she is allowed to do such things. Politicians break rules as long as they can get away even if it isn't right.

But wasn’t there proof that sunset framed twilight for it?

Unfortunately no sure we saw sunset give her minions a hard time for overdoing the mess but nobody in the school did and without proof they would have nothing but their beliefs in sunset guilt. Twilight did the same thing when she decided that sunset was guilty of splitting the girls up even though she had no proof. Belief and truth aren't always the same thing.

Actually there was. If I remember correctly sunset herself said she had proof, it then revealed that the photos were faked. I don’t know if it’s SOLID evidence, but you can put two and two together.

Also, I might be wrong about this but isn’t framing somebody for something illegal? I’m not really too familiar with the law.

Sunset claim to have evidence of twilight it might be enough for suspicion but they would need more for punishment like a witness or something to prove she did. Of course American schools are supposed to do that but since this is a fictional school they do the right thing better than in the real world.

Do they do the right thing better? How?

Well considering real world schools are a kangaroo court this is better. Sure you have the usual stupidity but sunset might have gotten in trouble with the school for Anon-a-Miss whether she was guilty or not just because of her past and everyone believed it was her.

I actually never knew that. But, if she was going to get in trouble whether she did or or not how is it better?

Because in the fiction world except for the hate from the students the school didn't do anything to her. In the real world she could have been arrested and expelled or suspended. She is lucky that she remained in one piece and was able to continue with her education.

That’s another thing I never understood. Other than the hate from the students nothing really happened to her. Yet people seem to treat it like a big deal. I honestly wish there was fic of CHS being a realistic school.

The fan fictions give a lot more realistic outcomes for the hate and there is one where it starts out with her suicide because Luna tells her to stop Anon-a-Miss.

That’s interesting, but I mean after the fall formal.

After the fall formal she had to literally fix the damage she did during her crown stunt. At least one story thinks because she was homeless was the only reason she got to stay.

a good story but badly told

That’s probably the best way to put it.



Well, it's a fair point.

We need a sequel where Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna try to get their hands on a dress they were jealous at Princess Celestia for, maybe by getting Sunset to request TWO dresses for the two.

Will there be a new chapter coming soon?

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