• Published 29th Jan 2023
  • 373 Views, 1 Comments

The Coming Storm: Rise Of The Storm King And Tempest Shadow - Slippin_Sweetie

From humble to horrible, the fall of Stormo and Fizzlepop Berrytwist and the rise of The Storm King and Tempest Shadow is a tale of vengeance, thirst for power, and tyranny. All in their quest to find the Staff of Sacanas.

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Chapter One: The Pact

The tavern was a quiet murmur as most of the clientele returned to their drinks, ignoring the newcomer, the soft mumble of conversation filling the room. The clink of glasses and shuffling of cards was the only other noise besides the foot traffic outside.

Fizzlepop leaned against the top of the rickety bar, facing the strange Yeti. Out of all the places to meet one of his kind, Klunge Town? She had seen many different types of creatures, but a Yeti hadn't yet been one of them. Frankly, she was just as interested in understanding how he got there as he was in her.

Free drinks didn’t hurt, either. Tapping her hoof to the bar, she signaled to the bartender. “Cherry vodka sour, no ice.”

“So, what exactly do you want to know? If you think I’m going to start doing magic tricks, think again.” Fizzlepop turned back to Stormo, the expression on her face unchanging. Plenty of creatures had come up gawking at her when she first arrived. She put an end to that quickly.

The Yeti laughed, shaking his head, “No, no, I haven’t traveled this far for parlor tricks… I have seen plenty of faux magic and illusions but I seek no trivial trinkets or magic tricks.”

He’d drum his fingers on the bar, “I seek an Equestrian associate to help me to find… something I’m entitled to.” his eyes wandered the bar, noting all of the seedy-looking dredges of society that made its occupants.

“I just need to know if you’re… proficient at magic, but… I’ve noticed you’re… unique compared to what I’ve heard of pony unicorns and what I’ve seen from your Equine cousins from Saddle Arabia.”

Fizzlepop’s face hardened into annoyance, looking away as she tapped her hindleg against the barstool beneath her.

“You mean my broken horn?” She glared at him, expecting some sort of insult. Those who were aware of ponies didn’t hesitate to point out her old injuries. One crackle of her horn was enough to scare them off and remind them that she still had some magic left.

“Precisely.” answered the Yeti with as much grace as a cat with no feet, “Your lack of a horn or ‘broken’ as you put it–” he’d sip his whiskey before sighing.

Fizzlepop blinked at the bluntness of his statement. Most creatures would at least have side-stepped the conversation, if not apologize for some reason, that made the unicorn respect him a bit. A creature that wouldn’t hide his feelings or thoughts was a unique characteristic.

Ponies in Equestria had a tendency to keep their mouths shut because their precious feelings might get hurt. That was less common here in Klunge Town and many other places she had traveled to. Sure, they certainly were more open with their nasty thoughts but were quickly silenced with the right stare.

“... what are you looking for anyways?” Fizzlepop mumbled as the bartender returned with her drink, sipping the tart liquid. No matter where she went, her sweet tooth followed.

“I’m afraid I cannot reveal this to you… yet. I need to know if you’re… what I’m looking for,” the creature shivered at the strong alcohol burning his throat, “But, perhaps if you are… qualified, I can share my knowledge.”

Squinting up at him with uncertainty, Fizzlepop lifted her drink to take another sip. “So, how do you suppose I ‘prove my qualifications’ to you?”

“Well, so far, I wanted to see if you’re intelligent, and so far… you pass my initial expectations. Unlike these creatures,” he raised his voice, “Who are stupid, ignorant fools with brains pickled from the years of drinking cheap mead!”

Stormo cupped his hand over his mouth to amplify his voice further, “I completely agree with you, Fizzlepop; that FAT slack-jawed idiot with the scales does look a bit inbred!”

A set of booming footsteps approached the bar as a large portly dragon loomed over the two with a massive set of sharp fangs and claws. With strong arms and wings from years of combat, no doubt.

“What did you say, freak?” growled the beast.

Stormo turned around, crossing his arms expectantly, “Yes, I was saying you’re fat and inbred, and my friend here agrees. Is there anything, in particular, you want to do about it?”

The Dragon smashed his fist into his palm, “Both of you, outside. NOW!” roared the Dragon as he stomped outside of the bar.

Stormo looked down at the pony, “THAT, my dear. Is how you’re going to prove your qualifications.”

Fizzlepop looked at the Yeti incredulously. “Your test is to watch me kill myself? Why exactly should I play along with your charade?”

Rising from her seat, she grabbed her drink and threw it back, enjoying the burn and the sweet, sour flavor. “What exactly is in this for me?”

The Yeti firmly poked the broken horn atop the mare’s head, “The power to restore you. Unless, of course, you WANT to look like this.” the large creature rolled his shoulders and neck before slugging back the booze.

“I’ll be back, bartender; pour another whiskey for me when I get back!” called Stormo as he marched outside, giving Fizzlepop one last expectant look before exiting outside.

The unicorn blinked, feeling a strange sensation run down her spine. She could… get her horn back? Finally, be whole again?

But how?

Fizzlepop blinked and shook her head, clearing her thoughts. As if that dumb lug knew anything about magic, she was better off just letting him get pummeled by the Dragon.

… although she might not ever have this opportunity again.

… and if he was the only one who could help her, it was best he wasn’t a smear on the ground.

Sighing, Fizzlepop trotted out of the tavern door, expecting the worst.

The giant Dragon paced around the dry desert road as he smashed his claws into his palm, “I’m gonna tear you limb from limb, loud mouths. I hope you’re ready to meet your maker! I’m going to chew you up and spit out your bones!”

Stormo raised his hands as he sarcastically waved them in ‘terror,’ “Oh no, oh gracious, I’m so, so terrified!” he’d slowly look down at Fizzlepop, “Whatever shall we do?....”

Stormo slowly leaned down as he looked her in the eyes, placing his hand on her shoulder, “Remember my little pony if you’re too small– go for the legs.” the massive Yeti let out a thundering roar before leaping toward the Dragon, smashing his large fist into the beast’s face.

The Dragon growled as he stumbled back, rubbing his snout as he felt blood escaping from his nostrils.

Fizzlepop turned and stared at Stormo and his blatant disregard for the danger in front of them. She was stubborn and could put up a good fight, but mocking a fire-breathing dragon? What exactly was this creature on?

“You’re insane.” She hissed before charging ahead, launching herself into the air before giving the stunned Dragon a decisive kick in the face, striking the already tender area.

The Dragon snarled, nearly backhanding the unicorn away, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? ARE YOU TWO STUPID OR SOMETHING!?” the massive creature puffed an enormous breath of fire at Fizzlepop before Stormo quickly scooped up the mare and rolled out of the way.

Stormo quickly shouldered Fizzlepop like a rifle as he’d shove her forward in his hands, “Use your projectile magic; cast some fire or ice magic!”

She wiggled in his grasp, looking down at him with shock and anger. If they weren’t in immediate danger, Fizzlepop would have decked him in the mouth for simply touching her.

“I’m not some sort of weapon you can point at something and fire!” She hissed before doing precisely that. Her broken and cracked horn seemed to light up, letting out sparks that flew in every direction.

When the light seemed to grow brightest, an arch of electricity flowed through the air before striking the Dragon. It wouldn’t kill him due to his thick hide, but the shock would certainly hurt and put the fear of Celestia in him. The Dragon riled in pain as the creature was brought down to his knees, as smoke bellowed off of his body like he was a burnt piece of meat. The Dragon smashed his fist against the dirt as he forced himself up.

The smell of ozone was thick in the air, her horn still crackling with raw magic. “Still want to try me?” growled the mare.

The Dragon snorted fire and smoke from his nostrils, “... Not bad for a pony.” the Dragon stamped as he roared loudly.

Stormo gently placed Fizzlepop down as he patted her on the head, “You made your point, now excuse me.” the Yeti would flick his cape, revealing a sword and scabbard before quickly drawing his blade.

Stormo took a bold stance before roaring at the top of his lungs and screaming, charging forward at the bewildered Dragon. The fact this magicless creature was charging forward at him with a simple iron sword, full of confidence, put more fear into the scalie beast than any magical attack ever could.

Stormo charged forward before jumping upward and then slamming the blade deep into the Dragon’s thick back hide; the creature squealed and screeched in pain before fainting from the sheer agony of having that durable and defensible hide breached.

Stormo stood over the Dragon, breathing heavily, “Yes… yes, I think your magic will do quite nicely. Now be a dear and–” he strained, attempting to pull his sword out of the Dragon’s back, “Hgn, help me get my sword would you?”

Fizzlepop stood still, blinking several times as she tried to process what had just happened. That mad foal nearly got them killed, used her as a weapon, and then attacked a dragon with a mere sword and WON.

She was a little taken aback, to say the least...

Slowly, she would trot up and focus on her magic. Her horn lit up, tiny sparks falling around her as she swiftly yanked the sword out, flying out of her grip and to the ground nearby. Fizzlepop rubbed her head, wincing at the effort, “Now that I am ‘qualified,’ what exactly do you need me for?” her brow was narrowed, staring at him. Fizzlepop didn’t trust him, but she had to admit she was impressed and intrigued by his offer.

The Yeti took his blade, and he flicked the Dragon’s blood into a small vial before tucking it away in his cloak, “Yes, I’m looking for a magical staff called the Staff of Sacanas.” he’d sheath his sword as he hopped off the massive Dragon.

“To enter the Crystal Cavern, one needs to be adept at unicorn magic and have knowledge of the catacombs. I have the knowledge and you clearly have the magic.” Stormo beckoned Fizzlepop toward the tavern, “Come, let’s talk somewhere a bit more comfortable.”

Once settled, the two got their drinks from the horrified rat barkeep, “Y-yew beat uh...”

“Yes, I beat a Dragon with a sword; what’s so surprising about that? There’s a talking rainbow donkey that shoots magic next to me. What else is new?” scoffed Stormo, “Now, as I was saying,” he’d take a swig of whiskey, “The Crystal Cavern is in the lands of Equestria, in some foreign country called “The Crystal Empire,” you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

Fizzlepop grit her teeth at the ‘donkey’ remark, glaring at the Yeti with daggers in her eyes. She only managed to keep her mouth shut by taking a long sip of her drink, closing her eyes for a brief moment to soothe her nerves. Opening them again, she glared at the Yeti before replying, her voice cold and cynical.

“Yes, I’ve heard of the Crystal Empire. It only recently returned,” sighing, Fizzlepop rubbed her forehead, “I assume you haven’t heard of Sombra?”

The Yeti chuckled, “Oh, I’ve heard his name uttered many times. But I seek one of the few treasures he left behind. With the power of the staff, I can wield magic powerful enough to control the ice and snow that buried the great Crystal Empire… and with its power, I can restore your horn.”

Stormo looked down at Fizzlepop, “I can tell you lost something dear to you, not just your horn. But something… more… we together can restore each other to the glory and power we both deserve, join me and I can make you… a god.” grinned the Yeti.

The mare’s eyes widened as he spoke, despite her attempts to keep her emotions hidden behind a mask. If he was being truthful, she could finally be… herself again. Complete. Frankly, the promise of more power didn’t really concern her. All she wanted was her horn back. But how could he promise something like that? How did he even know such a staff was real?

“Forgive me if I have trouble believing you.” Her gaze turned cool and callous, resting her front hooves on the bar. “How exactly do you know that this staff even exists, or if it even works, if it ever did? Don’t tell me you’re relying on old history books.”

The Yeti chuckled, slowly reaching into his cloak as he pulled out an old scroll with a ribbon tied around it, slowly revealing the old Prench writing. The ancient-looking scroll had depictions of Sombra before he was known as a tyrant King, wielding a staff as he controlled a massive howling storm alone.

“It was told that King Sombra created the staff to bully and threaten Equestria into submission with. Threatening to plunge his ponies and the Alicorns into an endless winter the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Windigoes.”

Stormo continued, “A few of his most trusted advisors created this scroll as a sort of guide and map so that if ordered. They can fetch it for the dark one. And if you need any more proof….” he’d unroll the scroll and show off a black hoof mark, “This is Sombra’s signature approving the creation of this scroll.”

Fizzlepop’s eyebrows rose, glancing up at the Yeti before studying the scroll. It definitely seemed to be a genuine artifact, but how did this yeti of all creatures get his claws on it? She rubbed her temple again, trying to absorb this information.

“Alright, let’s assume that it hasn’t been stolen or broken. What then? You’re going to fix my horn, turn me into a god?” She flattened her lips into a line, “What are you going to do with it once you have it, take over the world?”

The Yeti laughed, “Take over the world? Please, I’m going to turn my humble Kingdom into a powerful fertile empire so that my people can prosper and know the joys of the modern era!” the creature pounded his chest excitedly as he sighed, “But as for you, you may do as you please with your newfound power and restoration. I only seek to elevate my clan and people to prosperity.”

Fizzlepop leaned against the bar, considering his words. To be frank, it didn’t really sound like a bad thing if he genuinely just wanted to better the lives of his people. Then again, he could just as easily be lying to her, but she couldn’t deny how tempting the offer was. To finally be whole again, to have the power she truly deserved. If he could grant that to her… perhaps…

“Assume that I am interested in joining you. How exactly do you plan to get us to the Crystal Empire and find this ‘staff’? Do you think you can just waltz in, and nopony will ask questions? You’d stick out like a sore thumb, never mind actually getting there.” She sipped her drink, sighing contentedly, “I assume you can’t fly.”

Stormo grinned, “Fortunately for me, nopony dares venture near the Crystal Mountains where the staff is hidden. Because those fools believe the soul of King Sombra still lurks among the mountain peaks,” he scoffed, “He's dead and gone as far as I’m concerned.”

The Yeti leaned against the bar as he smugly flashed a prideful smile at the mare, ordering the rodent barkeep for another drink as he poshly proclaimed, “Nobody will bother me as long as you are by my side and we keep out of trouble. Which shouldn’t be a problem as long as we obey the laws of the land.” he rubbed his chin and pondered briefly, “Frankly, we should be worried about the trek across the Mysterious South’s desert. If we’re not careful, we’ll die out in the dunes before we even step foot in Equestria.”

Fizzlepop let out a huff, cocking a brow. Maybe that was true, but she doubted she could fend off a group of curious ponies wanting to meet a new ‘friend,’ even with her worst glare. Still, she supposed it was better than nothing. Wandering around by herself really hadn’t done much, but it gave her more time to consider what she was doing.

She didn’t really have a plan or anywhere to go, simply cruising by doing small jobs, just enough to sleep at an inn and get a decent meal. It was steady, something she had done so often she had begun to rely on it. A part of her was hesitant to leave with him and go somewhere completely foreign. But another was excited, finally something she could do, someone she could talk to. Perhaps he was a little… okay, he was a demeaning prick, but he could hold a conversation. And there was the chance to finally get her horn back…

“I’m not going to be your pack mule if that’s what you’re looking for,” Fizzlepop said abruptly, taking another drink before pointing to her glass, the bartender giving it a refill, “But yes, traversing the desert would be suicide unless we were properly prepared for such a thing.”

Stormo scoffed, rolling his eyes as he gave the mare an annoyed glare, “Obviously not; I can just get some goon to carry our things for fifty bits or less if need be.” the Yeti scanned his companion thoroughly. She was witty and intelligent but willing and at least eager to work with him. The less he doubted or felt she’d betray him, the better.

The Yeti sipped his drink as he continued, “Anyway, I will buy us a keg of water, and you can carry it while I carry the rest of our supplies. It’s at least a full day’s walk across, and we need all the water and food we can eat.”

Fizzlepop sniffed and nodded, swirling her glass, watching the cherries bob around in the tinted liquid. At least she wouldn’t be the only one doing manual labor. She didn’t want to get roped into anything that was designed to demean her. She had accepted many jobs before, but now she had the eye for when it wasn’t what it seemed.

“That sounds… acceptable. It would be best if we traveled during the evenings and before the sun rises, so we won’t be attempting to travel in the blistering heat.” Fizzlepop finally took a drink of her glass before setting it down and turning to him. “Are you certain you want to travel through the desert? Given where you come from, it’s not exactly your… climate.”

The monster grinned, clenching his fist bitterly at the uncomfortable truth, “Yes, and that would be wise… I would faint from heat stroke more likely than not,” he sat up and slammed the rest of his drink back, “Well then, so we have a plan. I propose we meet back here at sundown and gather our supplies until then.”

The unicorn nodded, “I will see to it then. And for your sake, if you’re going to be walking around in the heat, wear a hat. It will help keep you cool.” Knocking back the rest of her drink, Fizzlepop hopped off her stool, trotting to the exit, “Oh, and ponies are vegetarian; try to remember that when buying supplies. We can’t process a lot of meat.” She glanced back at him one last time before trotting through the doors.

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