• Published 10th Jun 2023
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Flurry Heart's Story: My Big Fat Pink Wedding - AleximusPrime

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are preparing for their wedding, but not all is as it seems and Flurry Heart starts to wonder if there is another changeling invasion underway.

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7. The Invasion Begins

Discord hovered in front of a floating table outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, sipping some liquid that glowed like a radioactive chemical. Once he was finished with it, he started munching away the porcelain cup. Angelica Bunny hopped on some staircase mushrooms next to him and offered him a plate full of floating cookies.

“Why thank you, Angelica,” he said happily, as the cookies floated over to his hand. “I’m guessing the I-do’s have been made by now. You know, maybe I’ll drop by the reception just to congratulate Pinkie and Cheese. Still doesn’t feel to right missing out on…oh…AAAGGHH!!!”

Suddenly, Discord’s body seized up and he shook violently. His magic sense was going haywire so badly; it caused everything around him that he created with his chaos magic to disappear. He dropped to the ground and continued flailing about. He finally sat up with his hand on his head and groaned. Angelica rushed over to him and started squeaking frantically.

“Angelica…I…I haven’t felt power like that in years. But who could possibly be…oh dear. Flurry was right. I think it’s…her.”

Angelica whimpered as if to add to what he was saying.

“Yes. Queen Chrysalis has returned.”

In Ponyville, the changelings wasted no time in terrorizing the village. Ponies that had evacuated the town hall ran screaming through the town, telling others to leave and escape the invasion. Some ponies exited their homes with suitcases and bags to get out before the attack would escalate, but too many changelings had already begun swarming everywhere and wrapping them in cocoons for harvesting. Flurry and all her friends looked on at the town hall from a distance, as Queen Chrysalis emerged, laughing maniacally.

“FOOLS! Your efforts are futile! The Swarm has returned and its Queen reigns supreme! Go now, my children! Let none stand in your way!”

Her stinger glowed brightly and shot several tiny eggs out. The eggs hovered around in the air, glowing. They cracked open to reveal changeling larva, which quickly evolved into adults. These new changelings had a color scheme similar to Chrysalis’s, longer horns and wings, and a lower jaw that could split into mandibles like hers. They shrieked and hissed loudly and quickly began to cover buildings in green slime and webs from their mouths. Chrysalis flew high into the air to watch her minions do their work. She giggled delightfully and continued to monologue about her success.

“At long last, my work is done. No changeling has ever gained this much power before. I will remake Ponyville into the new changeling kingdom, and no one can stop me this time, not even the Elements of Harmony!”

Down below, Flurry and all her friends were hiding behind some bushes. They had no idea how to react.

“We’ve lost. This is all my fault,” Elytra lamented.

“Elytra, we’ll find a way. We’ve got to,” Buttercream said, trying to comfort the changeling.

“STORMY!” shouted Thunderhead, holding Misty Blitz and Lightning Flash in his arms, as he came running in with Tex and the Cakes.

“Daddy? Where’s Mommy?” Stormy asked.

“I lost track of her in all the commotion. I hope she got out okay.”

“That wasn’t her, Thunder,” Flurry said. “Rainbow Dash has been kidnapped and replaced with a changeling. Applejack too.”

“Wait, Mom is gone?!” Chip shouted.

“M…Mommy? Her too?” Flashy asked, as tears formed in his eyes.

“They took Applejack? Oh, they’re in for it!” Tex said, snorting out of his nostrils.

“And Mommy! Just wait till I get those changelings!” Stormy grumbled.

“It’s okay, everypony. I know where they are,” said Elytra.

You know where they are? Wait, who is this changeling?” Thunderhead said, glaring at Elytra.

“It’s okay, Thunderhead. Everyone, this is Elytra. She’s with us. She just defected,” Flurry explained.

“She was imprisoned with me and Flurry. We’ve trusted her this far,” Buttercream added.

“So why didn’t you tell us before?” Tex asked.

“I’m sorry. What was most important was getting Cheese out of here so the Queen couldn’t get the kiss, but we were too late. We had to get here first, but now we’re going to have to find the others.”

“So where’s our mom then?” Chip demanded.

“The drones put Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy way out near the Ghastly Gorge. Spike and Princess Twilight are to the Northeast. The Pillars were put in this cave at the base of Canterlot Mountain, but I’m not sure how we’ll get them out. The caves were sealed.”

“What about the Teachers?” asked Pound.

“I sadly can’t tell you. Mother didn’t even trust me with that information. Their location must be top secret. If they had the Elements, this would be an easy win.”

“What happened to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” asked Thunderhead.

“Them too. Anyone who ever wielded the Elements.”

“Including my parents,” Flurry added.

“Your parents too? Geez, just who did they not take? Is Discord even here still?” Pumpkin asked.

“Last I knew, they didn’t touch Discord. I talked to him yesterday and he was using his powers. I guess it would’ve been too difficult to catch him.”

“Why doesn’t Discord step in?” Annie asked.

“I don’t think he can at this rate. My horn might not be working, but I can feel the power coming from Chrysalis and I haven’t felt such powerful magic since Tirek and Scorpan a few weeks ago.”

“Well we’d all better get out of here,” Mr. Cake said.

“He’s right. This town isn’t safe anymore,” Mrs. Cake added.

“Uh…Pinkie?” Pound asked.

They all looked over to see Pinkie and Maud staring at the rubble that was once the Ponyville Town Hall.

“Guys, I’m sorry, but I have to go find Cheese. He’s got to be in there somewhere,” Pinkie told them.

“Then I’m coming with you. I’m not leaving your side, Pinkie,” Maud told her.

Pinkie smiled and hugged her sister.

“Thanks Maud. I wouldn’t want you in harm’s way, but I could use some help.”

“Pinkie, are you sure?” Pumpkin asked.

“He’s the love of my life. I’m not letting him go no matter how dangerous it is out here.”

“You guys go ahead, but we need to get the kids to safety,” Buttercream said, leading everyone away from the area.

“Pinkie, be careful!” Flurry called to her.

“I will,” Pinkie told her as they all ran off.

She turned back and carefully made her way towards the rubble with Maud.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wreckage, several Pinkie clones had pulled Cheese out from underneath some wooden boards. Thankfully, he hadn’t been scratched because tons of them had piled up on him to protect him. The explosion came from a burst of energy that Chrysalis emitted after transforming, and she used her own powers to protect herself from falling debris. This kept Cheese and the Pinkie clones from getting seriously injured since they were right underneath her when it happened, but some debris still managed to scatter. He was conscious, though barely able to move.

“Pinkie…” he moaned, trying to open his eyes.

“It’s okay, Mr. Sandwich. We’ll help you out,” said one clone as the others joined in.

“How do we get his energy back?”

“Yeah, she drained all his love.”

“Will he be like this forever?”

“Probably not. Remember what Princess Cadance did for Shining Armor?”

“Yeah, but we don’t have her around here.”

“Oh yeah. You’re right.”


“Hey, I have an idea!”


“Hold on, I’ll be right back!”

One Pinkie clone zoomed off towards Sugarcube Corner and returned a few seconds later with a huge caffeinated beverage and a swizzle straw.

“Thought I’d make one of our sugariest concoctions from Sugarcube Corner: the Double Chocolatey Mega Mocha Java Chip Espresso 3000, complete with whip cream, chocolate chips, chocolate drizzle and cookie crumbles on top!”

“Oh yeah! That thing always woke us up in the morning after really long parties!”

“Well you’d better give it to him before we drink it instead!”

The Pinkie clone with the drink put the straw in Cheese’s mouth and patted the side of his face to get him to sip it. He was still able to see and understand, so he complied and put his lips over the tip of the straw. He took one sip, and then another, until he started drinking the blended coffee drink so fast that his eyes widened slowly and his fur stood up on end like he had been zapped. The clones stood back and watched, as he floated in the air with his legs wobbling. The remainder of the drink fell to the ground, and one of the clones stretched her arm in to pick it up to finish. Cheese’s hair poofed outwards and then retracted, as he landed on all fours. He breathed heavily with his eyes opened wide.

“UGH! Pink…Pinkie? What happened? Where’s Pinkie?!” he asked.

“Mr. Sandwich, we saved you just in the nick of time!”

“Yeah, we weren’t about to let our…well, the original Pinkie’s fiancé get hurt by that dumb Chrysalis!”

“Do you feel better now?”

“I feel…I feel fine, but I gotta know where the real Pinkie is! If we can’t finish this wedding, we have to get out of here!”

Over on the other side of the building, Maud and the real Pinkie Pie were unaware of Cheese being safe and out of view. They continued to call for him, but he could not hear her on the other side with all the commotion going on in the background. Nevertheless, Pinkie continued searching.

“Cheese! It’s me! Pinkie Pie!” she cried, lifting boards of wood.

Suddenly, Chrysalis landed on a large board in front of her, laughing.

“YOU! YOU MONSTER!” Pinkie screamed, as she lunged for the changeling queen.

“Pinkie!” Maud shouted.

Chrysalis stood still and activated her magic with her horn, causing it to glow a fiery orange. Pinkie froze right in front of her, surrounded by the aura. Maud started running towards Chrysalis, but was also frozen in place.

“You idiots! Did you really think you could take on a goddess?!” Chrysalis barked at them.

“What did you do to my Cheese?!” Pinkie demanded.

“Hahaha! You’re fiancé is buried in this rubble! Looks like your precious little wedding was bound to implode right from the start!”

“No…no, he’s alive! I’m going to find him!”

“Oh like I even care. I already have what I needed anyway. Now be gone with you both!”


Chrysalis threw Pinkie and Maud behind her and flew off to oversee the invasion. On the other side, Cheese was still talking to the clones when they all heard Pinkie’s screaming getting closer and closer. They all looked up to see her and Maud flying towards them. Maud landed safely on the clones while Pinkie continued soaring through the air.

“PINKIE PIE?!” Cheese called.

The clones all scattered as she hurdled towards Cheese. He was smiling at first but then his eyes widened in shock. He did not expect she would land right where he was standing. Pinkie plopped right on top of him, causing him to flatten like a pancake under the weight of her hefty posterior. She had the wind knocked out of her and lay on the ground for a moment to catch her breath. She sat up, feeling dizzy. After she regained her composure, she looked around to see all her clones and Maud staring at her.

“Wha… where’s Cheese?”

Maud and the clones all pointed their hooves to the spot on the ground Pinkie was on. She looked down and saw she was sitting on top of a large, two-dimensional graphic that was shaped like Cheese as if he was splattered against a wall. It took her a split second to figure out this was Cheese. She stood up and used her mouth to pick him up by one of his hooves. She swung him around in the air like a rug having the dirt knocked out. After a few swings, Cheese bounced back into his three-dimensional form and fell to the ground.

“Cheese! Wake up! It’s me!”

Pinkie put her arms around him and watched as he slowly opened his eyes. He started to smile and touch her face.

“Pinkie? Wait…hold on!”

Cheese’s face then turned angry and skeptical.

“How do I know you’re the real Pinkie Pie?”


“I thought that was you in the wedding earlier, but that was still Chrysalis! She acted like you so well!”

“The changelings know how to read memories now, so they tricked us all,” said Maud. “Cheese, I promise you, this is my real sister.”

“I…but…then how will I be able to tell?”

“I don’t know how I else I can prove it to you, Sweetie, but it’s me,” Pinkie said.

Cheese looked down and put his hoof on his chin. He though hard about something and then looked back up to speak to Pinkie.

“There’s only one way to prove it’s you: sing How Did I Get So Lucky with me. The last time I asked you to sing it, you refused and got all worked up, but now I know that wasn’t you and Chrysalis obviously hates that song. If you sing it, that’ll be proof enough for me.”

“Oh, that’s it? Well that’ll be easy!”

A smile returned to Pinkie’s face and she cleared her throat. She carefully began to sing the first verse to the song she and Cheese wrote for each other in preparation for this event.

Verse 1


When I was just a filly

Had no idea I’d be

The luckiest girl alive

I just wanted to party

Make others feel my joy

Then one day you arrived


The moment I first saw you

I knew you’d change it all

And oh boy was I right

You helped me find my passion

Helped me find my laugh

No wonder you're the love of my life


Cheese and Pinkie:

How did I get so lucky?

How’d this happen to me?

You were sent from above me

Luck had nothing to do with it

Now I see

We were meant to be

Pinkie and Cheese stared deeply into each other’s eyes while holding hooves. They smiled and quickly embraced each other.

“Pinkie! It really is you!” Cheese cried.

“Cheese, I’m so sorry about all of this! I had no idea our wedding would be ruined! Now that horrible queen took my place and you actually kissed her! How are we ever going to-”

“Shhh. Sweetie Pie, the real Twilight Sparkle wasn’t the one doing the marrying, so it wasn’t a legitimate marriage. We were all fooled.”

“Yeah. You’re right.”

“How long were you gone?”

“She came the night before last night and knocked me out. Maud, Flurry and Buttercream rescued me. We had some help from a changeling girl that wants to betray the queen.”

“Maud, is this all true?”

Maud nodded her head, while some of the Pinkie clones joined in.

“It’s true,” Maud answered. “Look, I don’t mean to rush you two, but we have to get out of here if we can try. The changelings are closing in fast.”

“How though?” Pinkie asked. “The whole town’s already been taken over.”

“Well no matter where we go, I’m not leaving you, Pinkie, even if we can’t finish our wedding,” Cheese told her.

“Me neither,” she replied.

Pinkie and Cheese hugged each other one more time before Maud and the clones all turned around to face some oncoming changelings. Thankfully they were the less-powerful, common, black and green drones. Chrysalis had already gone elsewhere and would be no issue for them at the moment. The clones ran forward and began tackling the changelings or trampling them on the ground. There were still tons of clones left and some were already elsewhere in town, fighting back and keeping the changelings busy. Maud continued using martial arts and digging up rocks to throw at oncoming drones. Pinkie and Cheese stood back to back. While Pinkie used her Party Arm Cannon on some of the changelings, Cheese lifted his sleeve to reveal a small device wrapped around his hoof. He pressed a button, and the sound of a tank could be heard in the distance. More changeling drones flew in to attack, so Maud stood in their way, kicking them in the faces. One fell down in behind Pinkie and she sat on top of his head, giggling as he wriggled to get free. The tank sound grew louder, and Cheese’s “Party Tank” appeared on the scene. He hopped on top of it and began blasting some of the changelings out of the sky with confetti from the turret.

“You wanna call off our wedding, we’ll call off your invasion!” shouted Cheese.

“That’s right! No evil queen and her ugly bug army are gonna take away our love!” Pinkie added as she winked to her fiancé.

Elsewhere in town, Flurry and the others were creeping through the back alleys to get to the Everfree Forest.

“Alright, let’s make a dash for it,” Flurry whispered as they waited for changelings to fly by.

They all rushed towards another alley across the street, not expecting any changelings to see them. Unbeknownst to any of them, General Scutellum was already following close behind. He flew overhead and landed in front of them. The children all shrieked and Scutellum hissed at Flurry.

“SCUTELLUM!” she shouted.

“Thought you could get away that easily, little princess? You will all make valuable slaves for my queen! And you, Elytra, you will pay for your treachery!”

“I got him, Flurry!” Stormy boldly said, as he flew in front of her. “So you’re General Scuttlebutt, eh?”

“My name is Scutellum, you little maggot!”

“Whatever, Skeleton! Just try taking on all of us at once!”

“Stormy, now’s not the time to be brave!” Thunderhead firmly said, pulling his son in.

“Haha! Listen to your father, for we changelings are far more powerful than you know!”

Several other changelings with varying body types flew in around Scutellum. He buzzed his wings loudly and took to the skies where they all began using their shape-shifting powers.

“Now, my brethren! COMBINE!!”

Green flames crept up their bodies as they transformed into various insect body parts. Six at the bottom formed the legs; the one in the center formed a body; two on the side formed wings; and Scutellum formed a head with antennae and large mandibles. They all magnetized together and combined to form a gargantuan creature that was far more hideous than a standard changeling. It resembled a giant beetle with a spikey exterior and some glowing orange cracks like the ones on Chrysalis’s new body. It landed on the ground and roared at them all. Everyone scattered except Stormy, who stared in shock at the monstrous combined form of the changelings.

“That is both horrifying and awesome at the same time,” he said, before being whisked away by his father.

The combiner chased after all of them, shooting a huge beam out of its mouth and slashing nearby lanterns with its legs and mandibles. They could not make it to the exit they were aiming for, so they tried taking another route that would lead to the Everfree Forest, but at this rate, the combiner would just follow them.

“Should we split up?!” Buttercream asked.

“That might be a good idea!” Flurry said.

Just then, a huge portion of the side of a building landed in front of all of them, blocking their path. Everyone with wings refused to fly over and abandon the others, so they were cornered with no time to escape. The combiner landed on the ground and slowly walked towards them.

“HAHAH! PREPARE FOR EXTERMINATION, FOOLS!” the beast said with multiple voices.

Suddenly, two beams shot right at the creature’s face. It turned its head and growled. Everyone looked to the direction the blasts came in and saw Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst running in. Trixie then leapt out from a nearby overturned cart and threw a round object at the monster’s feet.

“SMOKE-BOMB!” she shouted, as the object exploded into a thick cloud of mist.

The combiner groaned and turned around, confused. Starlight and Sunburst ran around it, blasting it with more beams from their horns. Trixie’s beams were not as capable as theirs, but she used one to distract the creature. They were all still wearing their wedding attire but moved about with agility, directing their blasts with ease. Everyone watched, as the three unicorns battled the monster. As the mist began to dissipate, Starlight levitated herself with her magic to confuse the combiner. Sunburst slid underneath it and fired a blast at its underbelly while Trixie leapt on top of it and shocked it with an electric spell that Starlight taught her. Green fire crept all over the monster’s body and it separated into Scutellum and his minions once again. They were temporarily subdued by the electricity and could not get up.

“Starlight!” Flurry called.

“Everyone link arms! We’re getting out of here!” Sunburst told them as they all complied.

Scutellum just started opening his eyes when he saw them all disappear before him in flash. He got up and shook his head around violently.

“What?! Impossible!” he shrieked. "Get up, you fools! Find them!"

Author's Note:

The tune to "How Did I Get So Lucky" (first verse and chorus) can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H79t1TZ97OvL4UfDbus3oYe8uodRswlU/view?usp=sharing