• Published 30th May 2023
  • 298 Views, 7 Comments

Prosthetic Path - Element of Malice

As technology advances so do hopes for the future. A simple prosthetic combining technology and magic brings a new future and path for those that need it.

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Chapter 1

My name is Tempest Shadow. For years I fought my way up the ranks of the Storm King’s army; eventually becoming his most loyal soldier. Longer still, I have had a near lifelong disability in the form of a scar on my forehead; a broken horn that has constantly reminded me of my daily tribulation.

Thinking back now, I realize my mistake going down the road I did. I’m not sure what I was thinking running away from home as a foal and the choices that led me to work for him. Eventually, the Storm King promised to give me a working horn if I helped him take all Equestrian magic for him. He didn’t hesitate to toss me aside like garbage once he got what he wanted. I was such a fool to believe his lies.

I think it’s ironic, though, because had I not done those… those awful things… my war crimes, I wouldn’t have met Princess Twilight Sparkle and she wouldn’t have suggested this new opportunity, this new path for me.

I awoke no differently than I normally would, but I noticed that my body did feel much stiffer and I didn’t want to move. My head throbbed and my mind was foggy, but I felt a strange rush of excitement as I realized my prosthetic unicorn horn had been successfully grafted.

For years I had struggled with my damaged magic, unable to fully control or focus it. The incident with the Ursa Minor had left me forever scarred and disfigured, but this new technology promised to restore what was lost.

I lifted my hoof to feel the bandages covering my head, my heart racing as I thought about what might lie beneath. The vibrations of my new horn traveled through my skull amplifying the sounds of the soft whir of machinery. Tiny motors whizzing as I adjusted the pressure on my hoof, carefully feeling the wrapping around my horn.

I heard a door open, but my eyes were covered by the wraps from my recent surgery. “Good morning Tempest, I’m glad to see you’re awake.” The voice belonged to the doctor I had spoken to who was in charge of performing the operation.

“I assume the surgery was a success?” I asked, still feeling the lingering effects of the drug used to sedate me.

“Seeing as this is the first horn replacement operation that has been performed, all I can say is only time will tell.” I could hear the sincerity in his voice. He didn’t want to provide me with false promises but he was confident in his work. “Now then, let’s unwrap your bandages and see how your new horn is doing.”

I felt the pressure around my head loosen as the bandages came undone; it wasn’t long before I could see the light through the fibers. Thankfully the doctor was kind enough to delay removing the last layer to allow my eyes time to adjust to the brightness in the room, although it still took me a moment to fully open my eyes. The world around me blurred as I slowly blinked and adjusted to the dim light of the hospital room.

Once the bandages were off a nurse entered the room, her kind eyes filled with relief as she saw me. "How are you feeling?" she asked me gently.

I blinked, trying to clear the lingering fog from my mind as she spoke. "I feel… different."

The nurse nodded, smiling sympathetically. "It takes time to adjust. But we've seen very promising results with these new prosthetics. I have a feeling you'll be back to your old self in no time."

I offered a faint smile, feeling grateful for the nurse's reassurance. "Thank you," I whispered.

As the hours passed, my strength slowly returned and I began to test the limits of my new prosthetic despite my doctor telling me not to push myself. I could feel the power of my magic coursing through my body and I worked tirelessly to master control over my newfound abilities.

Though I would never forget the pain of my past, I felt a sense of hope for the future. With my prosthetic horn firmly in place, I was ready to take on the world once again; stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Soon after, the doctor entered the hospital room, carrying a clipboard and a small device in his magic. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my eyes closed as I focused on channeling my magic. I could feel the hum of my new prosthetic horn as it responded to my will. I smiled, feeling a sense of pride in my accomplishment.

"Good morning, Tempest," the doctor said, smiling kindly as he approached my bedside. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling… better," I replied hesitantly. "But I'm still getting used to this new horn."

The doctor nodded in understanding. He raised the small device and aimed it at my forehead, a soft blue light emitting from the end.

"This is just a routine check to make sure that your prosthetic horn is functioning properly," he explained. "Ready?"

I took a deep breath, then nodded. The doctor pressed a button on the device, and a sudden burst of light erupted from my forehead. A wild bolt of magic lanced out, hurtling toward the doctor’s head with a fierce intensity blasting a hole into the wall behind him.

The doctor’s expression surprisingly remained calm, despite his near-miss, as he jotted down some notes on his clipboard. "Don't worry, Tempest, that wasn’t your fault," he said sympathetically. "It's not unusual for some prosthetics, especially these new ones, to be considered a little… temperamental." It could have been my imagination, but he appeared to be trembling a bit. That was understandable seeing as my new horn had nearly blown his head off by accident.

I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. I had hoped that my magic would be more under control by now, but it appeared that there was still so much work to be done. "I'm sorry," I said, blushing. "I didn't mean to...do that."

The doctor gave a shaky smile. "It's alright. We just need to make a few adjustments." He made a few more notes on his clipboard and adjusted the settings on his device. "Alright, let's try this again."

This time the magic bolt was more controlled and the doctor was able to get a better reading on my prosthetic horn. Over the next half hour, the doctor worked closely with me, making adjustments to the settings and running tests to ensure that the prosthetic was functioning properly.

Despite the initial mishap, I felt a sense of relief at having another check-up completed. With each passing day, I was growing more comfortable with my new horn and the increased control over the magic that it afforded me.

I had been warned that my new prosthetic horn was an experimental design and as such there were still some kinks to work out. I had been hopeful that the initial adjustment period would be short-lived, but as the days wore on, I found myself growing increasingly frustrated with the unpredictable nature of the technology.

One morning I had been practicing my levitation spell, trying to lift a small flower off of the bedside table for the third time in a row. I could feel the magic building within me, the hum of the prosthetic horn growing louder as I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Suddenly, the flower exploded into a shower of sparks and petals, sending tiny fragments flying across the room. I groaned, gritting my teeth and shaking my head in frustration.

"What am I doing wrong?" I muttered to myself.

The doctor, who had been monitoring my progress, entered the room, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Is everything okay, Tempest?" he asked, eyeing the shattered remains of the flower.

"No, it's not," I replied, my voice filled with frustration. "This horn is supposed to be an improvement, but it's still acting wild and untamed. I can't seem to control my magic like I used to… when I was a foal."

The doctor nodded. "Yes, we're aware of some of the… challenges that come with this particular design." He paused and pondered for a moment, then spoke again. "I'm afraid the best course of action at this point is to just keep practicing. The more you use your prosthetic, the more you'll learn how to control it."

Tempest sighed, feeling defeated. "But what if I hurt someone? What if I can't get it under control?"

The doctor smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Tempest. You're one of the strongest unicorns I've ever met. If anyone can master this technology, it's you."

The words were just what I needed to hear and I felt a renewed sense of determination rise up within me. I spent the next several days working tirelessly, practicing spells and channeling my magic through the prosthetic horn.

It was a slow process, but over time I began to notice a difference. The magic became more controlled and I was able to replicate some classic spells with a newfound precision.

It wasn't perfect, but I knew that I was making progress and that was enough to give me the hope that I desperately needed. Sometimes innovation means pushing the boundaries and experimenting, but with patience and perseverance, technology can be refined into something truly remarkable.

I had been working hard to get the hang of my new prosthetic horn. Although I had made some progress, I still experienced the occasional mishap and it was beginning to weigh on me.

One afternoon the designer and creator of my prosthetic horn paid me a visit. He was a tall, thin yellow unicorn stallion with a curly mane and a kind smile. He had been working on developing this technology for years, and he was both proud and humbled to see it being put into use.

I greeted him warmly and followed him over to a small table where they could examine the horn.

"It's persistently been giving me some trouble," I admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into my voice.

The designer nodded sympathetically. "That's to be expected. After all, we are pioneering a new piece of technology and we're still working out the kinks."

He reached up and unscrewed the horn from the mounting on my forehead and brought it in front of his eyes to examine it. As it was pulled free, I flinched at a sharp cold sensation that spiked from my forehead and down my neck. It was more unexpected than it was painful. “Sorry, I should have mentioned that it might feel a bit weird when it’s removed.” The stallion said apologetically. “Could you describe what it felt like?” He asked as he began checking the internals and the magical components that made it work.

“Like ice water being poured on my head and running down my spine.”

“Okay… I’ll make a note of that.” His response sounded like one who wasn’t listening even though they were. As he worked, he explained some of the features of the horn. The primary reason for its design to be removable was so that it could easily be cleaned and maintained. It also had a few built-in safety features, such as a failsafe that would shut it off if it detected any dangerous fluctuations in the magic, but I would need to see a specialist after that happened to avoid damage to the device, or myself.

"I think I see the problem," the designer said after a few minutes of tinkering. "There's corrosion near the connection which is causing the energy to spike at unpredictable intervals. It's a simple fix, fortunately."

He made the necessary adjustments and replaced the horn on my forehead, accompanied by a quick sharp pinch as it connected to my magic again. I could immediately feel the difference.

"It feels much smoother," I noted, surprised and relieved as I started levitating a piece of broken pottery from earlier.

"That's the goal," the designer said with a smile. "We want it to feel like an extension of your own magic with no hiccups or interruptions."

I grinned, a sense of relief washing over me. "Thank you. I feel a lot more confident with it now."

"It's my pleasure," the designer replied. "And please, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further issues. We're committed to making this technology work for you."

Several weeks had passed since my horn had been adjusted and I had undergone several more testing sessions. With each session, the mishaps occurred less frequently and I was gaining more confidence in using my horn.

Finally, the day came when I was released from the clinic and allowed to travel on my own. Excited to put my new horn to the test, I decided to pay a visit to Twilight Sparkle, who had originally suggested the surgery in the first place.

As I traveled through the city, I noticed that many of the ponies I passed were staring at me. Some looked amazed, while others looked apprehensive or even frightened. I tried to ignore the stares, but it was hard not to feel self-conscious.

In one such encounter a unicorn foal looked starry eyed at me in wonder and awe. Although the moment was shattered when she turned and said, “Mommy, I want my horn to be as cool as hers!” That was swiftly followed by an apology before the mare dragged her foal away. This interaction left me feeling an uncomfortably high level of self awareness.

I had not been this self conscious about my appearance for years. Feeling utterly exposed and on the brink of losing my remaining confidence, I looked around to see if there was something, anything, that could salvage the situation. That’s when my eye fell on the best possible, solution I could find.

When Twilight answered the door she smiled ever so briefly before the look of surprise dominated her expression. “ Hi Temp…est… uhm… why are you wearing that?” The alicorn’s eyes struggled to tear themselves away from my recently acquired accessory.

Giving an embarrassed chuckle I pulled my stylish wide brim hat down to cover my face a little more than it already was. “I bought it on pure impulse and nothing more.” To my relief, Twilight was kind enough not to bring it up. Instead, she invited me to enter into the castle. “I do appreciate how helpful your friend Rarity was when I was purchasing it, but… it’s a bit more than I asked for.”

But even with the hat on, I found my mind still wandering to the reactions of the other ponies. Finally, I blurted out my concerns to Twilight. "I know it’s not like me to wear… hats,” I took it off and tossed it aside with my magic. When I looked back at Twilight and saw her staring at my horn it wasn’t like the other ponies in public, it wasn’t so unnerving. “The way everypony is staring at my horn. I know they're just curious, but it just makes me feel so uncomfortable."

Twilight nodded sympathetically. "I think I understand how you feel. I felt similarly when I turned into an alicorn and got my wings. But remember, you're doing something amazing here. You're pioneering a new kind of techno-magic, one that could change the lives of so many ponies. You should be proud of that."

I smiled, feeling a little reassured. "Thanks, Twilight. I guess I just need to get used to this new attention."

"I agree that it will take some time to get used to, but something’s telling me you didn’t come here to just to talk about your new hat." Twilight said.

My lips pulled back into a small smile as I felt my cheeks grow warm, why did I buy one that flamboyant? “Yeah. If it’s not too much trouble… now that have a better functioning horn I’m wondering to if you could maybe… Well, let’s just say I had a late start to learn how to cast spells. Obvious reasons aside, could you perhaps make some time to maybe help me catch up with what what I missed out on in learning about magic, like for example… teleportation?”

I could tell by the way Twilight looked back at me, she knew I was still nervous about my appearance. Regardless she smiled and nodded. "You have all the support you need here. And who knows, maybe we can even work on a few other spells that will also help you feel more confident in public."

Princess Twilight wasted little time setting appointments for personal magic lessons, inviting me in and by the end of the week she was teaching me to effectively use magic again. Before I knew it, new spells were thrown at me faster than I could learn them. Tricks such as making wind blow a little harder to advanced telekinesis that used an actual spell matrix for lifting things far heavier than groceries or books. Things I should have learned as a foal were now being taught to me in my middle years like I was an invalid… I guess I was until now. I already had the power but what I was lacking in was the control.

The prosthetic was put to use daily until I’d learned a half dozen advanced spells to Twilight’s liking. I could now do simple things from lifting a small boulder to casting fireworks again, only this time with control. Some would make sound, others would only be sound. The breeze spell was useful on hot days and the create raincloud spell was a nice trick to help cool down, too.

A month passed before I decided I’d learned enough from Princess Twilight and I took my leave with a farewell party from Pinkie Pie and the others. I would use my magic for good, I would use my combat skills to help any creature in need. With my new horn and magic skills, I; Fizzlepop Berrytwist, will make the world a better place.

Author's Note:

I had to scramble to finish this story in time for the Cyberpunk Equestria Contest, so it was admittedly a little rushed.
In my defense, these last few weeks had been a freaking joyride!:pinkiecrazy: I took an unscheduled flying lesson and kissed the pavement, winning me a free ambulance ride, and as a bonus prize, I received a fractured and dislocated shoulder and an additional fracture on my nose.

I found out my insurance provider updated their systems and because of that, I needed to reset my auto pay that I haven’t been paying them since last February of this year.

I also got a free vacation from my job that I only just got A week prior to my accident, my towel rack fell off the wall, I fainted in the shower, there was a surprise fire drill (my shoulder is still fractured, and I’m on the fifth floor) when I was at Panera their drink machine was leaking, and I didn’t see the puddle until I looked down at my flip flops… there’s more, but I think you get the point. But what really takes the cake were the notifications I received about the campus I’m staying at having a major fire, and from what I read multiple buildings were affected, but thankfully not the dorm building.

Anyways, I would like to give credit to Mocha Star for providing editing services and the suggestion made by Bronycommander

Comments ( 7 )

I had always thought it would be interesting if Tempest's old friends had gotten into prosthetics research - that far from having written her off as broken (or even to atone for making Tempest think that they had), they had dedicated their lives to developing the remedy that she had been desperately searching for. The "Tempest's Tale" comic had Glitter Drops in a completely different career, but Spring Rain is still unaccounted for...

Twilight could have used as opportunity to teach ponies about this new technology and how much it help tempest.

I honestly think there's  a lot of potential in here. A first person perspective story about Tempest undergoing experimental surgery to cure her maiming? Gold. Unfortunately as you admitted in the fic, it's rushed. It also feels a bit too...smooth(?) for 'ol Fizzy, challenge wise that is. The word "Prosthetic Horn" noticeably came up a lot as well when you could alternate every now and then with "My horn" (perhaps even use that as a meta narrative example of her becoming more comfortable with it).  I do feel you were onto something though with the self-consciousness scene, and delving into her mind at that level over a longer period would really make this shine. Make me *feel* the rage she has that this isn't an insta-cure, the shame when she can't even do the simplest of things. I want the little victories of a simple spell mastery paired with the existential fear that she's tied forever now to a machine.

Overall I enjoyed it, but it has the potential in it to be great.

I’m glad that you liked the potential that my story has in it. I say this quite often, but it’s just as accurate every time I do: ‘I tell stories better than I write them.’ And as you read in the Author’s Note, I had quite a series of unfortunate events. As a result, I was just trying to at least make it to the deadline and word count required for the contest it was for. Perhaps in the future, assuming I gain more confidence in my writing abilities, I might revise this story. Currently, when it comes to storytelling, I prioritize the idea of what I want over the presentation of the concept, so I need to improve my presentation skills.

Hopefully that all makes sense. :twilightsheepish: I know what I’m trying to say but I struggle with getting it out right.

This is a nice little story, a good glimpse at a life. Cover art's good too.

This was nice to read.

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