• Member Since 30th Jan, 2016
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"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)


It is said that in times of danger, heroes will come together to face the rising tide of evil, and fight back to preserve the light. These heroes can come from the strangest of places.

This is the story of one such hero. Although he appears to be Sprout Cloverleaf, you may be surprised to learn his true origins...

Part of the Rebirth of Magic continuity. Tags will be updated as the story continues. Written as part of 40 years of My Little Pony.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 98 )

Another well done start to the first chapter of this story. Really liked the Hypocritical Humor in the start of "Sprout's" narration as well as the reflections on the flashbacks to the time in the human world before arriving in Equestria and becoming "Sprout".

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

He’s only a mama’s boy

And he's got a bit of an ego on him too.

In fact, that may be a bit of an understatment.

The fact he named his war machine after himself is a bit of a giveaway IMO.

Well that’s vague of him with his Cleveland size ego.

Funny you picked a Big Mac emoji, seeing as Sprout sorta resembles him.

If so, that's one heckuva fall for the Apples.

Another well done chapter. Again, the confusion concerning waking up in a pony's body is pretty understandable, but I like how quickly "Sprout" tried to reassure that citizen as well as that dialogue with "Hitch" from "Sprout's" point of view. And it sounds like he is at least going to try not to become the main villain of this story (which is good because Opaline and "the Striped One" already have that covered unknown to him).

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Hey there. Again, you did an excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Really appreciated "Sprout's" inspection of Canterlogic and trying to talk to Phyllis by pointing out the flaws in her equipment and exploiting her bigotry, even if it didn't work. And it looks like the actual main villains are about to strike.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Im glad make your mark FINALLY SHOWED WHAT HE'S BEEN UP TO!
And hey jimmy ...THERES TWO JIMMYS!?!

But I soon got an answer to my own question as to what I was meant to be doing. There was a sudden energy surge, and a voice, the same one I had heard earlier, spoke up to me. "Well, you're still here. Transporting lots of people between dimensions is a lot of work. But one more can be moved. It may just take a little bit more power!"

Who is this mysterious voice?
Faust? Nah they seem too Gandalf-y
Nope that's an issue

And then it spoke. "Well, it looks as though the meddlers got here before me!

Missing a closed quotation mark.

Apologies. I must have missed this during editing.

Again, really good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Definitely appreciated the kind of stuff "Sprout" resorted to in order to escape that giant robot monster before finally finding the means to beat him. And yeah, the fact he was able to tear through a unicorn trap that easily WAS pretty unnerving (given how much of a pounding one of those traps took in "Tell Your Tale's" "the Unboxing of Izzy"). And, yeah, as for the others, yeah he DID mean "Hitch" and "Sunny", but also five others beyond them. And, yeah, that IS going to be a lot of paperwork.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

As the title for the chapter suggests (Jimmy came up with this idea) Bullet Hell games were a draw for this one.

Again, a really good job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter/phase set-up. Definitely liked the nod about the reason police procedurals focus so much on the more exciting parts of police work as "Sprout" was going through the paperwork. As well as the reflections on "the Striped One". Of course, we have a reason to include the "Danger" song from the movie and I did appreciate the mental note concerning doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

Definitely looking forward to seeing which one of the other three stories being worked on right now is going to get five more chapters.

Of course, the words this time around carry a rather different meaning.

Remove the number from the chapter title of the story. It isn't needed.

Frick. Must of copied and pasted it by mistake. :/

Will get to doing it. :P

Fellow Oregonian chortling like crazy here. 🤣 And revisiting these familiar locations, it's no wonder my friend really likes writing about local legends from this area. 😅

Whoa. Excellent start on the second phase of this story. REALLY loved the effort going into the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Absolutely appreciated "Sprout" reflecting on Canterlogic's budget and realizing it doesn't have enough budget for proper vehicles and weapons for war (which is probably, along with Phyllis paying for the damages Sprout caused in the actual movie AND covering Sprout's legal fees, is very likely the reason Canterlogic went bankrupt in "Make Your Mark"). Also appreciated "Sprout" reflecting on the places he could go to raise the money needed to equip the other ponies to fight the actual villains, realizing that he would need to go to one of those places. And the talk to Phyllis about it was another beautiful detail.

Of course, some time after the villains are beaten and the magic is restored, there could be some negotiations to convert Canterlogic into a television studio a bit earlier than in canon to produce shows that promote unity (such as a talk show to give all three of the Pony Types a place to talk over their issues and provide the resources to help work through those issues, a cooking show and a "tech show" that focuses on producing and demonstrating technologies that help out all three pony types equally). But that's for MUCH later on.

Anyway, REALLY looking forward to more of this.

Another really good job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. VERY MUCH appreciated the reflection on the work "Sprout" was going to as far as finding a vehicle for the trip to FIllydelphia (as well as the argument with "Sunny" concerning the environmental stuff [obviously before "she" left with "Izzy"]). And, yeah, I can relate to the frustration of being stuck behind somebody who was driving MUCH too slow for too long. And, yeah, the arrival in Fillydelphia was also well done.

Most certainly looking forward to more of this.

Hey there. Have to say that you did a really good job, once again, on the characterizations, exchanges, world-building and future chapter set-up. REALLY loved "Spout's" reflections on the military statues and dedications (of course, I admit that I was half-expecting "Sprout" also seeing an additional statue of a pony Expy of Rocky Balboa for added humor, but only HALF), the greater detail of the "epic battle" the actual Sprout mentioned (from the Earth Ponies' viewpoint anyway) as well as the recall of the places that were mentioned in G4 and the places that weren't. Also liked the explanation of the situation in Maretime Bay to the military higher-ups.

VERY much looking forward to more of this.

Another great job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up in this chapter. Definitely appreciated "Sprout's" reflections on the lack of service stations, making the use of other places for rest stops necessary as well as the frustrations concerning the name of the bill and Phyllis's stubbornness.

VERY MUCH looking forward to more of this.

This new chapter is so cool! Can't wait to see what happens next.

Here's a song that will make you do whatever it takes. Enjoy!


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