• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


All I want is to be remembered. Not for what I've done, but because I tried to be better.


For months now, Twilight Sparkle has been working on an esoteric magical construct. Out of ideas, she asks Rarity for help testing it, but the consequences of tampering with new magic changes more than just their own lives.

Cover art is by Gor1ck, edited by me.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 35 )

Absolutely incredible work. Absolutely incredible interpretation of Twilight as The God of the Old Testament and Rarity as Jesus, which is especially apropos for the Element of Generosity. I could analyze all the connections all day, and you've given me a lot of fascinating stuff to think about.

:moustache: To save them from themselves?
:facehoof: So I'm the evil one...
:duck: Not quite - They said something about cake
:trollestia: Cake! Gimmy gimmy gimmy
:twilightangry2: I didn't make the monkeys or the Circus
:pinkiehappy: I did!

That's the same God. What are you talking about.
Have you read the Bible?

Exactly, "consubstantial with the father"



Just for clarification I have a different theology so referring to them separately is valid in the context of this story 😇

There are branches of the Abrahamic faiths that consider them to be independent entities.

Possibly the best religious derived story on this site.
It suggests but doesn't scream it.

I think you accomplished what you intended, dear author. Certainly for the most part. Nicely done.

Are you referring to the Arian heresy?
Cause Arius got punched in the face by St. Nicholas and I think that's hilarious

Comment posted by Asimov_Law deleted Oct 16th, 2023

Never thought I'd wake up to a budding debate on my simple story lol.

I'm LDS (Mormon). I'm probably heretical to many traditional branches of Christianity and the base assumptions in this story reflect that. Besides, the textual implication that Twilight Sparkle == Elohim is probably high-tier blasphemy already. We're way past the nature of the Trinity.

So: This is a My Little Pony fanfic and not meant to be taken as a serious seed for theological discussion. You're free to believe differently, but please don't use my story comments to tell people they're wrong in their own beliefs.

Besides, the textual implication that Twilight Sparkle == Elohim is probably high-tier blasphemy already.

It's probably so far beyond the pale that it just becomes farcical. Nobody could seriously believe it, so the churches wouldn't bother. The Trinity? That's a bit too close to home for some.

I love this

Eh, allegories are fine.
Besides, Jesus says him and the father are one, despite being separate.
Basically they are separate persons while being the same entity that is god.
In the story, this could have been reflected by twilight and rarity sharing a soul or something.

I know it can be confusing for some, but I hold bad blood for them or you. Just want to correct things.

P. S. I think fluttershy being the holy spirit in that trinity would be really cute.

They have just as much evidence for their position on the issue as do you. Remember that of the three main groupings, only one has Yahweh and Jesus as the same being in any way, shape or form, (the other two have the positions of "Jesus was a prophet, not divine," and "if he existed, Jesus was a rabble-rousing rabbi at most").

I apologize, I was trying to be funny but I suppose I didn't convey that well.
You do bring up an interesting point though.
I am a devout Catholic, therefore I believe Catholic tradition to be correct and true, therefore I believe all other faiths to be false. This applies to every religion, every faith believes all others to be false.

Yeah, text is difficult to convey joking or sarcasm unfortunately. All good though.

I'm typically of the opinion that all religions have at least some elements of truth in them; It's just how much and what particulars, that are the points of disagreement. So I like to explore various angles of belief and play with dogma because it's interesting to me to see how someone else arrived at a different (but theoretically valid) interpretation with the same information.

I still (usually) think mine is the most correct of course. But there's at least something worth understanding in the rest.

Good story. Really needs a continuation. Because Rarity was in the machine for three days that men's 24 hours is about a decade of time. Her second trip was a set up for her Return.

Which means those within the construct are awaiting the Second Coming.

Jesus Christ, it's Jesus Christ.

that is a lot of jargon. is it, like, a neural network?

I happen to know what some of those words mean and it is breaking my immersion like a mf

woah... humans?

Good job with the techno-magic jargon, 'tis most fun.

I have very little explanation for the genesis of this story.

You don't gotta explain nuttin to nopony, the allegory is clear enough without explanation. And explanations just make things worse.

I fully share that same viewpoint--all religions have some element of truth (or at least shared truths) to them and it's worthwhile working to understand how and why those differing faiths reached where they are now when all, presumably, working off the same base material.

Of course, it might help that I'm LDS (Mormon) myself...

...but still. :derpytongue2:

I like to joke that Jesus was a street magician with the greatest hype man who ever lived.

This is absolutely fascinating. Wish I had a specific bookshelf to put it on.

EDIT: wait a second....fire, Old Testament God (Twilight)'s underling.....is Spike Lucifer?! That's. Woah.

This is a super interesting allegory. I like the idea that every religion has some element of truth to it, and that means that someone from every religion can interpret and gain something from this story in their own way. I feel like this story expresses some of the intuitions I've found from Buddhism, like the sensation of being "outside looking in" through your own body at the world around you. Rarity is outside, looking into the simulated universe through the eyes of a human. Very unique story, and I'm glad I stopped to read it!

I've had my suspicions after Rarity said they fear Twilight. After the "thirty years" comment I was almost certain.

But the parents names were a direct answer.

Well written, does not suggest too much or too little till very end, doesn't overstay its welcome. Definitely the best fic I've read this month, at least.

This fic reads a hell like the star trek TNG episode, The Inner Light. One of the best fics and one of the best TNG episodes.

If you gaze into the magical abyss for too long, the magical abyss will gaze back.

While not the most bizzare, this is definitely one of the most unique fics I have ever read.
Is nice. Good job, word-smith.

that is some bomb cover art, who da artist?

I somehow forgot to credit. Bad me, very bad. It's an edit of an unrelated piece by Gor1ck


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