• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 360 Views, 2 Comments

Parental guide book for villains - Futters2468

The life of four villains is completely changed when an unexpected package arrives

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An unpleasant surprise

Our story begins in grogars lair. A place ex royal Guard Raptor Glow never thougt he would find himself, especially with his newborn baby, yet here he was surrounded by the four most dangerous villains in all of equestria.

"You told us you wanted to make a deal with us?" Grogar sat in the middle of the big dimly lit room, in front of him something that looked like an eye. On his left Tirek, the magic stealing centaur, stood his arms crossed he clearly didn't get his needed sleep. Eventough the centaur wasn't even close to his former size, Raptor still felt uneasy, after all he experienced first hoof what Tirek was capable of, back then he stood on the front lines of the battle against him, trying his best to keep him away from the princesses, to no avail. Next Raptor noticed the former king of the Crystal Empire, Sombra, who was sleeping on a big throne made of black rocks. from Time to Time he quickly woke up before resuming napping. The last member was chrysalis, ex queen of the changelings. She was barely noticeable in the dark, the only thing that signaled her excistence were th two glowing green eyes that followed Raptor everywhere, observing his every move very carefully. He felt like Chrysalis was just awaiting the perfect moment to strike.

"Yes." His years of working as a guard taught him how to keep his cool in every possible situation.

"Well then Speak"

"I am ready to give you all of my magic" Tirek suddenly didn't look so tired anymore "all my love" sharp fangs appeared under the vibrant green eyes "and everything i know about the princesses and the Elements" Sombra immediatly woke up and grogar looked at him pleasantly surprised.

"What can i do for you?" Raptors heart started to speed up and his mind was considering leaving. Was he really going to betray everything he ever believed in, everything he ever hold dear to his heart? Then he looked back at the newborn foal he had on his back.

"All that will be yours if" Everycreatures attention was on him "if you raise my daugther" the room erupted into awkward silence. Tireks mind was full of questions, he didn't knew how to ask, Sombra blinked rapidly, Chrysalis felt incredibly offended, she was a queen not a foalsitter and grogar was absolutely flabergasted.

"That is the weirdest thing anyone has ever asked me in my long, long life, so i would like you to elabroate some more" The father of Monsters slowly collected himself.

"There is not much to really tell. I will give you everything i have, take my life if you will, aslong as you will give this foal everything she needs to be a healthy and responsible mare, no price is too high" Chrysalis suddenly jumped out of the dark in front of him. she charged her horn with magic and threw him on the ground.

"Who do you think you're talking to! If you honestly think we would even consider something so idotic you are gravely mis-"

"Let him go Chrysalis" Grogar looked into his eye.

"By all due respect Grogar. We are not particularly good at being parents. i would cause chaos whenever my parents put me in charge of my treaturous brother, chrysalis children willingly abandoned her" A hiss warned tirek to be more carefull of his words "And Sombra hates Children!" The Kings Face changed in utter disgust.

"Raptor i want you to listen to me now, because i am going to say something very important. We will take your child on as our own, but for that we will take all of your memories, your love and your magic. Do you agree to these conditions?" Just as is minions wanted to argue with grogars decision, he taped their mothes shut.

"Yes. I do"

"Then give me the child and chrysalis you can start taking his love" Raptor looked at his daughter for the very last Time, then he let Grogars Magic levitate her into the goats arms. More time to think about his decision he didn't have, because chrysalis was already having a feast on his love. He slowly felt all his love fading, then his magic and finally he forgot everything that just occured. The unicorn, who at this point was basically just an empty husk was teleported back into his house in Manehatten.

"What is your plan with this!" All her thankfullness for getting delicious love, dissapeared the moment she realized the foal in Grogars arms.

"Calm down Chrysalis, that fool has just given us important wisdom, that could prove extremly useful in getting our revenge, all for us playing parents for a few years. how hard can that be?"

"Please don't jinx it" tireks tiredness, which flew away at gaining extra powers, appeared again

"i have a better question how do you plan on raising this... thing" Sombra pointed at the fast asleep foal

"I'm sure chrysalis can help you"

"Altough i was an amazing Mother Lord Tirek!" the centaur rolled his eyes "I don't think ponies are supposed to be raised the same as changelings"

"Well you will figure it out, but first she needs a name"

"Can't we just call her the foal? Names create attachment"

"This foal is going to be living wth us for at least eighteen years! You are not going to call her the foal Tirek! Now think of something, i need to watch these memories" Before anycreature could say anything grogar was gone leaving them alone with the foal placed next to the eye. For a while all three just stared at it, all of them questioning their live choices.

"Let's just call her 001" Chrysalis observed the foal carefully she had a light pink coat and a white mane with blue stripes that looked terrible.

"Please just because she looks horrendous, doesn't mean we have to give her a horrendous name, how about crystal?"

"No Sombra definetly not, Tirek?" The centaur was looking at it all curled up. She looked very cozy, suddenly inspiration hit him.

"Cozy Glow"

"That name sounds absolutely terrible, but somehow very fitting for a pony"

"It seems we have done the impossible Chrysalis come to an agreement." They all continued to stare at Cozy. Just as they were about to think that just maybe this wasn't going to be so bad afterall, cozy started to cry louder than a train.

Sombra put his hooves on his ears "THIS IS WHY I HATE CHILDREN!"