• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 1,003 Views, 62 Comments

Friendship is dead part 2 : A stallions redemption - ALoneWolf

Twily.........................what do I do now?

  • ...

A long awaited meeting : part 1

A month has passed, and suffice to say, things were starting to look up for shining armor. With him continuing his therapy sessions every other Thursday, the man was starting his road to recovery. While there was still a few rifts that needed to be sorted, It was never the less a good start for the stallion. With the support of Cadence and his fellow guards, his road to recovery was taking a good turn.

Meanwhile in Ponyville

On this quiet morning, we find the main 5 or should I say the main 4 spike included making their way towards the train station. Last night, the young drake received a letter from Celestia whom requested that they all head over to the Crystal empire tomorrow morning to discuss a long awaited topic. Unfortunately the sun goddess hadn't informed him about what the meeting was to address. But there was no doubt in their minds that it was probably something serious, as they waited for the train to arrive along with the two guards who were their escorts as well, they began to ponder about what exactly Celestia has to address.

"Man, a royal meeting huh? " Dash asked. " It's been a while since we've had one of those"

"Sure has partner" Applejack replied. " It's also our first one without.................." The farmer stopped herself after realizing that she was seconds away from saying the name of her late friend, and soon the others were quick to catch on to this.

"We know darling, we know" Rarity said as she placed a hoof on the farm girls shoulder.

"She's not the only one absent" Fluttershy jumped in.

"Oh yeah....her" Applejack said. " should we just go without her?"

"I wouldn't risk it AJ" Spike replied. " Celestia said that she needs all of us present, and if the letter states that we're all to be summoned, then there's no doubt in my mind that it's something urgent"

"Not saying that we don't agree to you Spike" Fluttershy said. " But Pinkie might be hard to convince, we've barely even seen her around ever since she moved back home. The only times we've been lucky was when she's out grocery shopping or asked to babysit the Cakes twins, and the only interactions we got out of her was a simple hello and goodbye, she doesn't even skip around anymore like she used to, hell I can't even remember the last time I've seen her smile"

"No argument there Shy" Applejack jumped in. "Can't really blame the poor girl, especially given that this wasn't the first time she's lost a friend. Even if we could, would we even have time to get her? After all the train to the Crystal Empire arrives in 20 minutes, while her family home is a 30 minute walk"

The others couldn't help but nod in agreement fully knowing that Pinkies family home was a pretty long walk, and even if they arrived, there was now as they'd make it back in time to catch the train before it departed to the Crystal empire. Dash however had another option.

"What if I could get there in less than 10 minutes?" Dash said earning everyone's attention.

"What do you mean Dash?" spike asked?

" What I mean Spike is that I could arrive there in no time" She replied. " I'm the fastest of the group after all, if I cut through the Everfree forest and with the aid of my Sonic Rainboom, me and Pinkie should be back in time before the train even enters the platform"

"That's a pretty insane bet there darling" Rarity said. " Are you sure you wanna risk it?"

"Trust me Rarity, I can do this" Dash reassured. "Me and Pinkie go way back as well, so I should have some luck in convincing her to come out of her depressed shell. So I'll go over there and try to talk some sense into her, and if I don't make it back in time , just go on without me" She then hoisted herself into the air as she began to take off. " Trust me ,me and Pinkie will be back before you even know it. I'll be back guys" And with that, the pegasus took off at lightning speed towards her destination as the others watched on.

"I really hope that girl knows what she's doing" Applejack said to herself.


After a 9 minute flight, with the added boost of her Sonic rainboom stunt, the element of loyalty soon arrived at her destination, the Pie family rock farm. Unlike the Apple family business which specialized in well......apples. The Pie families main expertise was mining stones and rare rocks, with some of them containing either priceless gems or valuable minerals which helped to keep the farm afloat. While Pinkie loved her family and even helped out a lot during her teenage years, she eventually found her true calling in Culinary, mainly baking once she entered adulthood. while her parents and sisters were surprised at first that she didn't want to continue on with the family business, they never the less supported the party girls dream, but alas her dream was now a mere memory since last years events.

The pegasus proceeded to land onto the rocky terrain making her way towards the house, after reaching the front porch, she then proceeded to knock on the front door and patiently waited for someone to answer. And soon after a minute, the front door opened and there stood the Pie family matriarch cloudy quartz.

"Rainbow dash" She said.

"Hello Mrs Pie, long time no see" Dash greeted.

"Indeed" Cloudy replied, there was a short silence for a moment before she finally continued. " I take it your here to see Pinkie pie?"

" Yes I am" Dash answered. " Celestia summoned us , and she needs all of the elements present and accounted for"

"I figured as much" Cloudy quartz replied with a small giggle " I swear that daughter of mind is turning more into a superhero than as a farmer or baker, anyways she's out back helping out her father in the field. But I must warn ya kid, she's been pretty difficult to talk too lately"

"I'm sure I can manage" Dash reassured. " Me and Pinkie go way back after all, so I'm sure she'll at least hear me out. And if not, at least I tried right?" The earth mare gave a nod of approval before ushering the pegasus to come on in.

Soon the pegasus entered the family home making her way towards the living room which housed the sliding glass door leading towards the rock fields, After opening said door, the pegasus proceeded to walk outside as Cloudy quartz silently wished the pegasus good luck with her friend. Dash was now outside the rock fields surveying her surroundings for any sign of Pinkie and her father, soon she found the father daughter duo hammering away at a giant boulder as various shards of debris fell down onto the pile of rubble. After what felt like an eternity, they finally finished up collecting the necessary shrapnel and minerals from the boulder that they disintegrated and then proceeded to wipe the sweat off their faces as Dash approached them.

"Pinkie?" Dash said which earned their attention, as Dash surveyed her friend, she was surprised to find a few changes in her appearance especially given that she hasn't seen her in a while. With her once poofy hair now deflated and flat, lack of smile on her face, and has gained quite a bit of muscle from working out in the rock field.

"Hello Dash" Pinkie finally said in a bit of an emotionless tone.

"Rainbow dash, long time no see" Her father Igneous Rock greeted.

"Hey Mr Pie" Dash replied and then gave a nod towards the family breadwinner , to which he was quick to understand that the pegasus wishes to talk to his daughter in private.

"I'll leave you two alone to catch up" He said. " I'm gonna go sharpen my pickaxe" And with that the man made his way towards his shed to sharpen his mining tool leaving the girls alone to recollect, there was an awkward silence at first as both of them thought of what to say to each other, given that they barely seen each other for a while after the once happy go lucky earth pony moved back home, at long last the latter finally spoke.

" It's been quite a while Dash" She said surprising the pegasus as usually she'd call her by the nickname that she gave her "Dashie"

"Yeah it has been" Dash replied in a quiet tone.

"So what brings ya here ?" Pinkie asked.

"Well............" Dash began. " We received a letter from Celestia whom insisted that we head on over to the Crystal empire immediately to discuss an important manor"

Pinkie was taken aback by this, but knew just what the pegasus was trying to do, but tried her hardest to keep her cool. " I see, so why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you this because she requested that all of the elements are present for the meeting" Dash replied only earning a back turn from the earth pony.

"I'm sorry Dash" Pinkie said. " But you'll have to leave me out of this"

"Pinkie, didn't you hear what I said?" Dash asked.

"As Applejack would say......yup" Pinkie answered.

"Then why don't you wanna go?" Dash asked again.

"Because there's no need for me to go" Pinkie replied.

"Why would there be no need.........

"Because Twilight isn't gonna be there alright?!" She shouted while turning to face the rainbow haired pegasus, the earth pony panted violently for a minute before taking a long deep breath as she began to calm herself down slightly. “ There’s no reason for me to be there Dash, if Twilight isn’t there, then what’s the point if not all of my friends are gonna be present?”

“ I understand that Pinkie, I really do” Dash replied. “ But even with one of us gone, we’re still the laments of harmony, and we still have a responsibility. And Twilight would want us to carry on our legacy’s despite her outrage last year”

“ So you say” Pinkie replied in a cold tone. “ I highly doubt Twilight has the least bit of sympathy for us now even in death, look how we treated her back at the rehearsal? Do you honestly expect her to still have a care in the world after something like that, and this wasn’t even her first time getting betrayed by those she once called friends, look at Comet tail for example. She stated that he only pretended to be her friend back in high school just to humiliate her, and even now she still held a grudge against him and his friends, whatever prank he and his cronies pulled on her back in the gymnasium must have been something completely unforgivable. It’s just like what we did to her, we tried apologizing, showing her how sorry we were, only to be met with two of our friends getting hospitalized, our home almost getting taken over, and to top it all off the CMC’s almost dies in her hoofs all because of our mistake”

“ Yes our mistake Pinkie” Dash jumped in. “ We made a mistake Pinkie, but we mustn’t continue to blame ourselves. You may have a different opinion, but deep down I’m sure Twilight knows that we were truly sorry for leaving her. She was just influenced by Trixie and that Alicorn amulet which cause her heart to darken”

“ Be that as it may Dash, I highly doubt we can ever make up for what we’ve done” Pinkie replied. “ Honestly there’s no point in me even continuing on as the element of laughter, cause if all I do is cause my friends to be sad and angry, than I must have been the wrong choice. And that damn wedding was the perfect example on how I screw up my role”

“Pinkie please, I know you…………………..

“ My minds made up Dash, I’m not going” Pinkie said as she turned around not bothering to give the Pegasus her full attention anymore. “ If I do, I’ll just end up ruining more lives”

Dash was visibly appalled at her friends statement and the fact that she was giving up so easily, with her expression hidden in her bangs, the Pegasus finally mustered up the courage to say her final piece towards her friend.

“ Well Pinkie” She began. “ If this is what you want…..then fine. But let me tell you something, I was the same way as you, when I got that invitation to participate in the Wonderbolts boot camp for a shot at joining the team. Do you know what I did? I turned it down, do you know why? Because I knew my dream of joining the greatest air acrobatics team in Equestria wouldn’t be complete without all my friends by my side, but I didn’t just give up so easily unlike you, I decided to take over Twilights library to carry on her legacy and to hold a piece of her with me. Cause if it wasn’t for Twilight, I never would have been introduced to the world of literature and my favorite book series, Daring do. I know its too late to make amends with Twilight , but I didn’t let that stop me, cause the least I could do is move on with my life and to try and redeem myself cause like I said, even though she didn’t show it, I know deep down Twilight still cares about us and knows we’re sorry for everything a and wouldn’t want us to give up on our dreams, and the same goes to you. Cause the Pinkie pie I know wouldn’t give up so easily, she’d come up with a way to make everyone around her smile and to cheer them up regardless if they say they don’t need it, that’s the Pinkie pie that I no we know and love”

With nothing more to say the Pegasus took a breath of defeat before taking off back towards the train station to meet up with the others, but unknown to her however, a small tear can be seen sliding down her cheek as the sound of her friend flying away entered the horizon.

Moments later

We find the group inside the train carrying them towards the Crystal empire, each one of ‘em had various emotions after the element of loyalty came back empty handed without Pinkie by her side like she promised. As they each look out the windows of their respected seats watching the trees and small towns pass them by, they silently wished that Pinkie was here as well.

“ Sorry guys, I tried my best “ Dash said.

“ No worries partner” Applejack replied. “ I’m sure Celestia will understand”

“ I sure hope so” Spike said, and then turned his attention towards the two guards who were sitting in the seats next to him. “ By the way, you guys wouldn’t happen to know what this meeting is about would ya?”

“ Sorry kid, we were given orders not to disclose the purpose of your visit until we arrive at said destination” one of the guards said.

“ We figured as much darling, but we understand” Rarity replied. “ And by the way, thank you two for your help”

One of the guards raised an eyebrow at the mares statement “ With what?”

“ For helping us out back in Ponyville after Twilight and Trixie tried to take over the town” Rarity answered.

“ Well it was our pleasure Miss” the other guard with the dark blue mane said. But we didn’t really do that much, I only guarded trixie”

“ And I only guarded the chariot” the other said

“ Nonsense!” Applejack jumped in. “ You two were definitely a big help, for example if you haven’t had placed that dispersion band on Trixie, she might have finished us off and broke free. And you two also helped us in getting here fast enough before it was too late, you may think you might have done little, but I know damn well that’s not true, you guys were a big help. And I’m sure Celestia was so proud of your hard work that day, and I know your respected families are proud of you too” The two Pegasus guards smiled warmly after hearing the mares statement.

“ Why thank you miss, that’s mighty kind of you to say” The dark blue maned one replied. “ And it was no problem, we were happy to help. Oh I’m Flash Sentry by the way”

“ And I’m Spearhead “ the other said.

“ It’s nice to meet you two “ the others said in unison.

“ It’s super duper nice to meet new friends” Came a voice which quickly earned the groups attention after recognizing the voice , and there stood non other than Pinkie pie herself with her poofy hair back to its normal shape along with a big smile on her face.

“ Pinkie!!!!” Everyone said happily and were quick to get up from their respected seats to bring the element of laughter into their famous group hug which she was quick to return.

“ I’m sorry guys” She said softly. “ Especially to you too Dash, I was being a silly Billy”

“ Don’t worry about it Pinks” Dash said as tears of joy began to form. “ It’s good to have you back buddy”

As the group continued to embrace each other, Flash, Spearhead, and the other passengers couldn't help but observer and smile at this heartfelt moment between the 6 friends.

The Crystal Empire

"And after my 50 pushups I go on ahead with the boulder deadlifts, and afterwords I reward myself with a yummy strawberry protein shake during breakfast and I tell ya it is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!" Pinkie explained earning giggles from the group, as the train finally reached their respected destination. The group made their way off the platform as Pinkie continued to explain her workout routine to them and even offering a few tips as well, within a minute the reached the stations exit beginning their trek towards the city.

"Hehe alright Pinkie, lets focus on the task in hand for now" Applejack said with a new boost of happiness at having her poofy haired friend back to her normal and talkative self .

"Okie Dokie" Pinkie said with a playful solute. " So are we heading towards the castle fellahs?"

"Actually no" Flash replied. " The castles still being repaired after the Sombra attack a few months ago, so the meetings being held in Cadence and Shining's mansion/ temporary home. Oh and also we should probably give you guys a warning"

"About what?" Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Wellllllllllll" Spearhead jumped in. " Shining armor kind of went through a few changes" Saying this earned even more raised eyebrows from the group.

"What kind of changes?" Fluttershy asked.

"He.................dyed his mane" Flash said with a short pause, the groups reaction however was not surprise but hilarity, especially given that they thought it was something serious.

"That's it?" Dash asked with a chuckle. " I mean come on, there's nothing wrong with a guy dying his mane. I even heard from Spitfire that Soarin dyed his mane a lighter blue last month"

"It's not the fact that he dyed his mane Dash' Spearhead replied. " It's the color he chose"

"What do ya mean?" Pinkie asked. " Did he dye his mane yellow, pink, or even white with polka dots like a clown?"

"No" Flash replied. " Something a little.......................................Unsettling"

Unsettling was right, as the group finally arrived at the royal couples humble abode, they were soon met with said couple. But their eyes were focused on the stallion as his new mane color was out in the open for all to see, and it wasn't just his new look, but the stallion looked more bright and cheerful. Unlike the last time they saw him when he was silently depressed over the events last year, but now it seemed like he was back to his normal self making it seem like nothing happened to him.

"Welcome guys" Cadence said with a smile.

"Welcome to our humble abode" Shining armor greeted and then walked towards his adopted brother and was quick to embrace him and even survey his new form. " It's nice to see you as well Spike, damn that growth spurt really did wonders for ya lil man"

"Uh....yeah it has" spike awkwardly replied. " It's nice to see you and Cadence again too" As the stallion ended the hug, there was an awkward silence for a moment, which he was quick to notice.

"Is there something wrong?" Shining armor asked raising an eyebrow.

"No there's nothing wrong darling" Rarity said. " We're just surprised as all, when Flash and Spearhead told us that you dyed your mane, it seems they weren't kidding"

"Huh?" Shining replied " Oh yeah my mane. Hehe I figured you guys would be quick to notice my new color, I just wasn't sure if it was the right time to show it off especially given that there's more important things too............." Shining then noticed the group looking uncomfortable. " What's wrong everyone? Do you not like it?"

"No, no it's not that partner" Applejack jumped in. " It's just.............why purple?"

"Oh? Hehe well I just figured that it would suit me more" Shining replied. " But in all honesty, I just felt like changing myself up a bit. It was actually a suggestion from my therapist that I try to express myself more, and I figured stylizing my mane was a nice start. Plus I kind of like the color purple , it actually matches my white fur more" The others were baffled by this as the stallion continued to smile, while he says that he's simply expressing himself more. Deep down they knew something was defiantly off with the man.

"I see..................."Applejack replied nervously, and then turned to the princess of love. " Uh Cadence, would it be ok if we talked to ya'll in private"

The young alicorn raised an eyebrow at the farmers suggestion, but never the less accepted. " Uh sure AJ, Shiny you Spearhead, and Flash head inside, tell my aunts we'll be in there soon"

"Of course honey" He said and then gave her a quick peck on the cheek before he and his fellow comrades went inside leaving the group alone, there was a short silence for a moment as each of em tried to find the right words to say to the princess.

"Alrighty, what is it you guys wanted to talk to me about?" She asked.

" Well......."Rarity began. " No offense your majesty but, are you blind?!"

Cadence was in shock after hearing the words come out of the element of generosity. " Excuse me?!"

"Cadence can't you see?" Fluttershy jumped in. " The poor mans clearly not well, have you seen his mane?"

"Yeah he dyed it the same color as Twilight for crying out loud!" Dash replied. " Doesn't that concern you in the slightest?"

"Now girls settle down" Cadence said in a soothing tone. " It's not like that, Shining's been going through a lot since last year, and like he said this was his way of expressing himself. And it's true what his therapist said to him, also he's been taking therapy sessions to resolve some of his problems, him dying his mane was again a way to express himself , to make him feel more confident. Though I'd be lying if I said that I didn't react the same way you guys did when I saw the color myself, and besides, twilight's was a darker purple" Applejack was taken aback by this along with the others.

" I see" She replied. " I guess I can understand that Cadence, speaking of Shining, how is he doing anyways? Ya'll said that he started taking therapy?"

"Yes he is" Cadence answered. " He's been doing significantly well, the nightmares that he's been having have stopped completely and he's a lot more cheerful and happy now. Though he's still trying to find the courage to visit Twilight's grave and his parents still aren't speaking to her"

"I feel that" Dash said. " He's not the only one, Mr and Mrs Sparkle are still pissed off at us too. Hell they haven't even responded back to that apology letter that we sent them last month"

"It's the same with Shiny too" Cadence replied. " I think they just need time to cool off, but deep down they know all of you including Shiny and my aunt Celestia are truly sorry for Twilight's downfall, they just need time to process it" The others nodded in agreement knowing that the princess of love had a point about the couple needing some time , given that they lost their daughter.

" Guess your right darling" Rarity said. " Also my deepest apologies for snapping at you"

The princess of love smiled and gave a forgiving nod. "It's alright Rarity, again I don't blame you , we've all been going through quite a lot these past few months. But it'll get better I promise, now come lets not keep the others waiting" With nothing more to say, the group made their way inside the large house to begin their long awaited meeting with the sun and moon goddesses.

Author's Note:

3 chapters in one month ?! Damn I'm on a role, it's a good thing I had some written scripts in hand:raritywink: if all goes well I'll probably have the story finished by either late February or early march👍 Also I decided to split this chapter into 2 parts as I felt the entire meeting would fit more into a second part:twilightblush:

But until then I'll see you guys soon:raritywink: