• Published 18th Mar 2024
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 4) - Mister E-Nonymous

Twilight, Sonic, Sunny and friends have returned for new adventures. Eggman may be gone for a while, but a new threat will rise. And there are a lot of things going to happen this season.

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Episode 9: The Junior Olympics

Episode 9: The Junior Olympics

At Freedom Fighters Mansion, Mutt's alarm clock was going off. He woke up, got out of bed, and headed out of there. He went into the weight room, and was jumping rope. Then he was doing some sit ups. Then he was lifting some 10 pound weights.

Just then, Hitch came into the weight room, seeing Mutt there.

"Mutt?" Hitch asked. "What are you doing here in the weight room so early?"

"Today's the day where the Junior Olympics are gonna be starting in Station Square State Park," Mutt said. "I'm getting ready to compete in the competitions."

"Oh, yeah, I heard that," Hitch said. "I'm actually supposed to be one of the sports officials for the games there. In fact, I should get over there."

"Then c'mon, you two!" came Izzy's voice, surprising the two boys. "We've gotta get to the park for the Junior Olympics!"

Mutt and Hitch looked at each other, and nodded. Mutt then put away the weights and he and Hitch left the room to head to the garage. Ocellus then came out of her room. Mutt stopped and saw her.

"Ocellus?" Mutt asked. "I thought you were working at the library today?"

"Actually, the library's closed today," Ocellus replied. "I don't know why."

"It's actually because everyone wants to see the Junior Olympics," Hitch said. "You could come if you'd like."

"Actually, I have been reading about the Olympics," Ocellus said. "They sound a lot like the Equestria Games."

"Let me guess, they're a bunch of games that competitors compete in different events?" Mutt asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Ocellus said. "So, why are you heading out there?"

"I'm competing there," Mutt said. "I actually wanna win it so I can carry the American Torch with my mom."

"Aw, that's nice," Ocellus said. "I'm in. Let's go." Then the four of them headed for the garage.

At Station Square State Park, a bunch of young Mobians were getting ready to compete for the Junior Olympics that were about to start. A lot of young Mobians were in line to sign up, some were stretching, some were staying hydrated because it was summer, and some were resting up before the events start.

Mutt was doing some push ups as he was getting ready for the games. Ocellus was the only one that was with him since Hitch and Izzy went to officiate the games.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "You're getting yourself worked up. Don't you think you should slow down before the games start?"

"You know what, maybe you're right," Mutt said. He then grabbed a water bottle and drank out of it. "It might be best for me to take it easy before the games start."

"Oh, really?" came a voice. "And I thought you'd be a warrior." Mutt and Ocellus looked towards the voice and they saw a certain echidna coming up to them.

"Knuckles?" Mutt asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be guarding the Master Emerald."

"I was originally, but maybe I should start getting off the island more," Knuckles said. "But, with what happened on Angel Island, it was best for the Master Emerald to be put under one of the most secure places on Earth."

"And where would that be?" Ocellus asked.

"I'll never reveal the location of the Master Emerald to anyone," Knuckles said. "So, these... Junior Olympics... are a big deal for you?"

"Yeah," Mutt said. "I actually wanted to do this for a while. The Muttski family always competed in the Olympics for generations. Although, my dad only competed only one time."

"Really?" Knuckles asked. "What happened? Was he slayed in battle by a worthy foe?"

"No," Mutt said. "He did die, but it wasn't because he was slain in battle. Mom says he was training for some track and field event. And then all of a sudden... he was..." Mutt then put his right fist to his mouth, biting his thumb knuckle. "Apparently, a robbery was happening around that area and the armed robber... shot my dad."

"Oh, that must've been tough on your mom," Ocellus said.

"It was," Mutt said. "Especially after I was born."

"So you wanna win this for the honor of your family," Knuckles said. "I can respect that. Your mother and father would be proud."

"Yeah," Mutt said. "That's why... I'm gonna win."

"Win, you say?" came a voice. The three of them looked towards the voice and saw Cozy Glow. Instead of her normal outfit (a white tank top, a light blue skirt, and red and pink tennis shoes), she had on a white t-shirt, a pair of light blue track shorts with two magenta vertical lines on each side, and light blue running shoes with pink soles. "We shall see about that."

"Cozy Glow?" Mutt asked. "You're competing for the Junior Olympics?"

"Yeah, I'd thought if you were gonna compete, it'd be for Equestria," Ocellus said.

"Not since I started attending school here in the US," Cozy Glow said.

"That's right," came Midpoint's voice. They all looked towards the voice and they saw Midpoint walking towards them. "It took me a year to get Cozy Glow registered to attend any American sports."

"Did you play in any sports back in San Francisco?" Mutt asked.

"I did, actually," Cozy Glow said. "Soccer and Volleyball."

"Volleyball?" Mutt asked. "Let me guess, you're the middle blocker?"

"Nope," Cozy Glow said. "Outside hitter. Plus, I'm not allowed to use these." She then unfolded her wings. "Flying's illegal in the sport. Coach told me before I started playing."

"That's good," came Amy's voice. They all looked towards her and they saw Amy, Cream and Cheese. Cream was also wearing a different outfit.

"Amy and Cream?" Mutt asked. "Cream, you're competing, too?"

"Yes," Cream said. "It sounds like a lot of fun, so I wanna do this, too."

"Okay," came Midpoint's voice. The group saw him coming up with Olive, Smolder and Blaze behind him. "You two are registered to compete." He then saw Mutt. "You forgot to register in, Mutt, so I did it for you."

"Oh, guess I was too much in a rush just to get ready," Mutt said.

"Smolder?" Ocellus asked. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, uh... j-just wanting... to... help out," Smolder said, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Really?" Blaze asked. "I thought it was because you wanted to..." Smolder put a finger to Blaze's mouth, shushing her.

"Ah-da-da-da-da!" Smolder said. "We do not talk about that."

"Oh... kay," Blaze said. "So, what are the events of these Junior Olympics?"

Midpoint then pulled out an event pamphlet. He then said, "Let me see. Looks like it has up to 10 events. We have archery, long jump, triple jump, shot put, fencing, table tennis, cycling, trampoline, skateboarding... and the final event is a foot race around the entire park."

"I do not know what some of those events are," Knuckles said.

"Well, no doubt that Cozy's gonna win the archery competition," Mutt said. "She has the best archer as an adopted brother. And the long jump, and triple jump."

"Unless Cream wins one of those two events," Ocellus said. "Cozy's not the only one who can fly, remember."

"I was surprised at that when I was watching her," Smolder said.

"Okay, we've got time for the first event," Midpoint said. "Which is... skateboarding."

"Oh, boy," Cozy said.

"Let's see what these events hold," Knuckles said. "C'mon, Hound. You should get ready."

Mutt sighed and said, "My nickname is Mutt." They all headed towards the first event. They eventually made it to the skateboarding ring. Just outside the fence of the ring, there was an announcer's table, where Scarlet Garcia was sitting and the camera was on her.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Scarlet Garcia, and I'm here hosting the Junior Olympics for the Mobians competing here. In fact, we have the youngest members of the Freedom Fighters joining today's events. Ben Muttski, Cream the Rabbit, and reformed Equestrian villain, Cozy Glow. First up, we have the skateboarding competition."

All of the Young Mobian competitors had number tags on them. Mutt had the number 7, Cream had the number 15, and Cozy had the number 42.

"Each contestant will be going in the order of what number they'll be assigned. We'll see who'll be a step closer to winning the chance to run with the torch in Paris. Contestant one, take your mark."

Time had passed, and Mutt was on his skateboard, racking up some points.

"Look at Ben Muttski go," Scarlet Garcia said through the speakers. "He's coming in to finish it off." Mutt then headed for the exiting ramp and did a double backflip and landed on his feet. "And what an ending. Let's see what the judges have to say." Then everyone looked towards the four judges. One of them being famous skateboarding legend, Tony Hawk. Then the judges held up their judging cards. Judge 1 gave out a 10, Judge 2 gave out a 9, Judge 3 gave out a 9, and Tony Hawk gave out a 10. "A total of 38 points! Ben Muttski is the one to beat!"

Mutt walked over towards Knuckles and Ocellus with his skateboard.

"That was a pretty good run," Mutt said. "I've had a lot of practice on my Extreme Gear; the Guard Dog."

"It was an amazing ride, but the competition isn't over yet," Knuckles said. "You must have the highest amount of wins before you can call it a glorious victory."

"Next contestant!" came Hitch's voice.

Eventually, the other young Mobian contestants took their turn. When Cream was finishing up, she had gotten a perfect 40, making Mutt and Cozy go jaw dropped.

"Oh, there is no beating that," Cozy said.

"Definitely not," Mutt said.

We then skipped ahead to the end where the scoreboard was, and Cream's line had a win card in her position in the skateboarding mark.

"That was unexpected," Ocellus said.

"You're telling me," Smolder said. "I can't believe that Cream actually won that event. Let's see what's next."

The next event was shot put competition. Mutt was getting ready to throw it. Knuckles was giving him some advice.

"If you throw with just your waste, it won't be able to get it far," Knuckles said. "Try using your entire body for more momentum which will lead to a farther throwing distance."

"Really?" Mutt asked. "Are you sure that will work?"

"Let me check," Ocellus said, bringing out a pencil and notepad. She then started doing an equation. Her eyes went wide eyed. "Whoa. You could reach at least 30 meters."

"Next up, Ben Muttski!" came Izzy's voice. Mutt then headed for the throwing circle. He was given the shot put as he was standing in the center of the circle. Mutt then turned his body towards the right, but then he turned his body 390 degrees to the left, his right leg extended but still inside the line, and the released the shot put into the air, and headed across the lines that count every 10 meters. The shot put that Mutt threw went passed the 40 meter line, landing a little over one meter passed it. Izzy came up and inspected the distance. "Forty-One-point-one-three meters!"

Mutt walked over towards Knuckles and reached up for a high five. Knuckles smirked and high-fived Mutt. Eventually, the event ended and Mutt took victory in shot put, earning him a point.

The next event was archery. Every competitor was competing at once with their individual targets. All of them released. Cozy Glow's arrow was the only one that hit the bullseye. She won the event.

The next event was the long jump. All the contestants were taking turns on the jump. Mutt came in third place, Cream came in second, and Cozy came in first.

"Oh, c'mon!" Smolder said. "Pegasi are the lightest ponies, so of course she got the long jump!"

"Physics don't lie," Ocellus said.

Next up was the trampoline. All the contestants jumped on the trampoline, but it was Cream that came up on top. Then it came up to the fencing competition. Mutt was geared up as Knuckles was giving him some advice.

"If you're going to strike your opponent, you must make sure you're not hit," Knuckles said. "Read your opponent's movement, block his or her attack, and then strike."

"I can do that," Mutt said. He then put his safety helmet on. He won the first round, and then eventually, he made it to the finals against Cozy Glow. He took victory. Mutt then got another point. Mutt, Cream and Cozy each had two points. The next event was the triple jump. That time, Cream won the event. She beat Cozy Glow by an inch. Then it went over to the cycling event. Cozy Glow took victory. And to finish it off, it was table tennis. Mutt was already advanced to the finals while Cream and Cozy were competing in the semi-finals.

Both Cream and Cozy were wearing each other out. Mutt, Knuckles, Midpoint, Olive, Amy, Smolder and Ocellus were off to the side waiting for the game to end.

"I do not understand," Knuckles said. "How long does this game go?"

"Until one of them gets 5 points," Mutt replied. "And so far, they each have four points. So the next point wins."

Cream and Cozy were wanting to finish this. And without realizing it, both of them started flying. But then a whistle blew, breaking their concentration.

"Both competitors forfeit!" Izzy called out. "Muttski wins!"

"What?!" Mutt, Cream, Cozy Glow and Knuckles asked.

"Flying is strictly prohibited in table tennis!" Izzy said.

"Seriously?" Cozy Glow asked.

"It's true," Hitch said, walking up to the two competitors. "You must not be off the ground for more than 5 seconds at a time. You two were in the air for more than five, so you're both disqualified. Thus, Ben Muttski is the winner." Then the crowd applauded.

Mutt had his arms crossed and he smirked. Knuckles was giving a deadpanned expression and said, "That victory was just pure luck. There was no glory in that."

"Hey, but it gives me a chance to stay in," Mutt said. "Now, I'm tied with them with three wins in the events." Knuckles looked at the scoreboard and saw that Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow each had three wins each.

"I see," Knuckles said. "Then, you must prepare for the last event. The foot race around the park. You must win if you are going to carry the torch."

"And you're also gonna need running shoes for it," Hitch said. "You can't use your Jet Shoes." Mutt then looked down at his shoes.

"Good point," Mutt said. "I'm gonna need to run to the shoe store."

"No need, Hound," Knuckles said. "While you were eating your meal, I went to the shoe store. Of course, the great archer, Lynol, had given me the money to pay for these." Knuckles then held out a pair of Nike running shoes.

"Oh, sick shoes!" Mutt said, taking the shoes. He then took off his Jet Shoes and put on the running shoes. "Hold onto my Jet Shoes, will you?"

"Of course, Hound," Knuckles said, taking Mutt's Jet Shoes.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," came Scarlet Garcia's voice from the speakers. "The final competition is about to start. Will Ben Muttski, Cream the Rabbit and Cozy Glow please report to the starting line. Everyone else, better luck next time." Then every one else who competed stepped out to the sidelines.

Mutt, Cream and Cozy all got into position at the starting line. Hitch and Izzy were standing at each side of the start/finish line.

"Okay, racers!" Hitch called out. "The goal is to run around the park three times and back here! No flight or super speed is allowed in the race!"

Izzy was holding the starting flag. She then held it up. "Okay, you three. Get into position." Then Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow all got down on all fours into the starting position. "On your marks! Get set!" Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow raised their rear ends up. Then Izzy waved the starting flag. "GO!!" Then the three racers started running. They went through the park gate and ran down the sidewalk.

As the crowd was waiting for the three finalist to finish the race, Knuckles, Amy, Blaze, Midpoint, Olive, Smolder, Ocellus and Cheese were having a picnic. Knuckles was eating only the grapes that were packed.

"Hey, save some grapes for the rest of us, Knuckles," Amy said.

"Sorry," Knuckles said. "There's not much to eat on Angel Island."

"That's true," Midpoint said. "Knuckles does nothing but train, eat grapes, and guard the Master Emerald."

"I am more than just a guardian, but a warrior," Knuckles said. "It might be lonely sometimes, but it's actually nice coming down from the island once in a while."

"Who did you have guarding the Master Emerald while you were off it during the time in Soleanna and at Sonic's birthday?" Olive asked.

"During Soleanna, I had the Chaotix guarding it," Knuckles said. "And during Sonic's Birthday, I've had Omega guarding it."

"That explains where he was during that time," Olive said.

"Ba ha-ha ha-ha!" came a new voice.

"Uh oh," Midpoint said. "I know that laugh." The group turned to face the laugh and they saw a certain robot they haven't seen in a while.

"Hi!" Bokkun said.

"Bokkun!" Midpoint said. "What are you doing here?!"

"Oh, relax!" Bokkun said. "I didn't come here to cause any trouble! What's the point of having to cause trouble if the Doctor is still missing?!"

The group looked at each other. Then they shrugged their shoulders.

"You have a point," Olive said.

"So where have you been all this time?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, we haven't seen much of you last season," Ocellus said.

"Oh, that?" Bokkun asked. "Well, it's just that..." Just then, his jet pack stopped working. "Waaaaaaah! Oof!" Bokkun just crashed into the ground. "Ow..."

"What just happened?" Blaze asked. Bokkun sat up and held his stomach.

"Oh, man," Bokkun said. "Not again."

"What's going on?" Olive asked.

"Okay, I confess!" Bokkun said. "After the whole black alien invasion happened, Doctor Eggman said that he had no use for me. He tried to disassemble me, but I broke out and left. So, I've been trying to find a place to call home, but every time I try to find a place, I've always been kicked out!" Just then, his stomach growled. "And now, I'm just scavenging for any kind of food I can find."

"I thought you were a robot," Olive said. "Why do you need food?"

"Bokkun has been specifically made with taste buds and a stomach which converts whatever he eats into fuel," Midpoint said. "I know. I hacked into the EggNet on a dare."

"That was you?" Bokkun asked.

"Who else would have a complex mind to hack into Eggman's network?" Midpoint asked. "How many PhD's does Eggman have? 12. How many PhD's do I have? 14."

"That would make you the smartest person in the world," Ocellus said.

"At least I'm also smart enough to know that genius minds don't mean superiority," Midpoint said.

"The racers have just finished their second lap, and they're all neck and neck!" came Scarlet Garcia's voice from the speakers.

"Oh, sounds like the three of them are just about to finish," Olive said. "Let's go see the winner."

"Hold up," Bokkun said. He then held up a bunch of boxes. "I have something for each of you." He then gave them all to Midpoint, Amy, Olive, Blaze, Knuckles, Smolder and Ocellus. "I hope you all like it."

Knuckles smirked and said, "Perhaps the little bot has changed his ways."

"Maybe not," Midpoint said. "Maybe we should take..." Just then, the presents exploded, and those holding them were covered in soot.

Bokkun laughed and started flying away from the group, calling out, "I hope to see you all again soon!" He then laughed again.

Midpoint grumbled. He then brought out his bow and a trick arrow. He aimed his arrow towards Bokkun and released the arrow. The arrow made contact with the booster of Bokkun's flight pack and out came purple goop, putting out the flames.

"Huh?" Bokkun asked when his acceleration started decreasing. "Uh oh. Whaaaaaaaa!" Then Bokkun crashed into the pond. A few seconds later, Bokkun swam up to the top, spitting out the water. "Hey! No fair!" He then started crying. "You guys can't take a joke!" He then started swimming towards the edge of the pond.

"It's no joke if someone gets hurt," Midpoint said.

"You speak wise words, archer," Knuckles said. "But that was a little harsh, don't you think?"

"Yeah, it was," Midpoint said. "But, I'm sure that he'll get over it."

During the race, Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow were running as fast as they could. Mutt was starting to lose momentum, making Cream and Cozy pass him. Knuckles jumped on top of the wall, seeing Mutt falling behind.

"C'mon, Hound!" Knuckles shouted. "You're better than that! Make your mother proud!"

Mutt heard that. He then cringed his eyebrows and started speeding up. He was eventually getting closer to the two girls in front of him. Cream and Cozy were surprised that Mutt was catching up with them. They tried running faster than each other. They eventually made it to the entrance, heading for the finish line.

"And the winner is...!" Hitch called out. Just then, the three racers ran through the finish line, but Mutt was the first one to make contact with the ribbon. "Ben Muttski!"

"Alright!" Mutt shouted.

Cream and Cozy Glow sighed. The others walked up to the three young ones.

"It was still a good effort," Midpoint said. "You gave it your all, and that's okay."

"He's right," Olive said. "It's not about winning or losing, but playing the game."

"So, Mutt, who are you going to get you to carry the torch?" Amy asked.

"My mom," Mutt answered. "I might as well do it with someone I love."

"That's nice," Amy said. "Well, we should go home and contact her about this."

"Well, hope you all enjoy your time," Knuckles said. "I've got to get back to training." Then he started walking away. Then the other heroes started leaving the park. But then, Scarlet Garcia came up to them.

"Congratulations, Ben Muttski," Scarlet said, holding a trophy. "Here's your trophy. You'll be able to hold the torch when you get to Paris." She then remembered something. "Oh, and one more thing." She then held out something.

"A Chaos Emerald!" Mutt said.

"That's two," Midpoint said. "Just five more left."

"Hopefully, we'll find the others before any more trouble comes," Amy said. Then the heroes started walking out of the park, heading to their homes.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Sergeant Mufasa's Military School