• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 1,215 Views, 10 Comments

A Nightmares return - Befram

During the changeling invasion exactly where was Luna, and what could haves stopped her from helping?

  • ...

Sweet dreams

Hauling up her legs, step after step, it felt more like climbing a mountain than walking down a simple corridor towards her rooms. Lowering her head she snapped up again, shaking off the dizziness while trying to huddle herself closer to herself, an impossible effort as the shivers passing through her proved.

This didn’t make sense, how could she freeze, and faint in front of somepony else? The memory would have brought a small blush if not for the cold, all it did now was bring a bit of natural color to her face.

Passing the guards without a word she dragged herself towards her bed, it was still the middle of the day and she had some time to sleep before it was her turn to stand watch. Closing her eyes with a sigh the clattering of her teeth was soon replaced by calm breathing. And then the nightmares began.


“So Captain, how exactly did you get stuck in there?”

“Not in the mood private!” Breeze snapped back, practically fuming, a small part of her pointed out she’d laugh at all this in a few days, that was then though and now was now. It had taken nearly a whole day before anyone noticed she was gone. If not for one of the cleverer, newly made guards remembering never having seen her leave the chamber she’d most likely still be there, speaking of clever recruits.

“Get to the barracks and tell the officer to give the private pointing out you guys forgetting me in there some of the more pleasant guard posts this week,” Breeze said to the guard beside her.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you did that captain?”

“Perhaps but I’m captain and therefore can tell you to do the errands, come on jump to it” she added with emphasis. Nodding in satisfaction at the sound of hooves scurrying away in the opposite direction towards the barracks she headed another way.

Now, how to tell her that those doors must be redesigned Breeze thought, making her way towards her boss’s quarters, raising an eyebrow at seeing the door completely unguarded, again. Sighing, she recalled Lunas earlier outburst at this exact thing, yet better to deal with this now than be assaulted in her office again. When this was over she would assault two guards for sure though.

Knocking she waited a few seconds before trying again, still no response. Frowning she wondered if Luna had already woken up, it was just a few hours into twilight so it seemed unlikely.

“And a third time for luck” She muttered, smashing the door violently.

“Do not disturb me!” A voice echoed from inside, almost identical to Lunas.

“You alright Princess? I’m coming in”

“I told you to leave you idiot!” Luna screeched, shrugging her shoulders Breeze turned to leave.

“Wait! Come in, captain” Looking around in confusion, wondering if anypony was pulling her leg she reached for the door again.

“Leave!” Enter!” Two voices spoke at once, joining into each other with equal amounts of command and desperation. Hesitating for a second Breeze glanced at her armor, Luna had told her that the night guard was created to protect Equestria from any threats, no matter who it came from. A rambling goddess princess seemed to fit the bill.

Throwing open the door Breeze stumbled at the sight, barely having the mental awareness to close the doors before anypony else saw.

The space in front of her was held in control by a foggy hurricane, the blue haze enveloping the entirety of the room except for the small patch she stood on, shifting and changing position constantly in a dizzying pattern of stars. Hesitating for a second Breeze pushed forwards.

It felt like diving under water, the further she got the more effort it took, she felt the pressure beginning to build up in her ears. Taking a deep breath there was suddenly no air to take in, gasping for air and with nothing but the azure haze slugging down her every moment she might as well really be submerged.

Just as darkness began to cloud her vision she took one last step forwards and fell through the haze into the eye of the storm. Gratefully gasping for air Breeze took a moment to observe her spot of respite.

Even though she couldn’t have taken more than ten steps forward she couldn’t make out anything past the whirlwind of mist, as for within the circle there was nothing to make out besides the cold stone floor, and the raging tempest of a Goddess.

Luna’s mane and tail were no longer contained windows into the night sky, the glass was smashed and the night sky was rushing out endlessly from them, writhing and weaving as more and more joined the storm containing the two of them.

Raising her head from the ground Luna regarded her captain for what felt like an eternity, the malice in her eyes stealing Breezes breath away.

“I told you not to come you worthless-” Hiding her face Luna took several deep breaths before returning her gaze again, the pure grief making Breezes eyes water this time.

“Captain, I need you to get me out of the city. It’s no longer safe for me to stay here.” Luna winced and for a second her pupils turned into slits before returning to their regular form.

“Wait... Just wait here and I get help and I be back before you-”

“I gave you an order” Luna said calmly, a voice Breeze had followed for several month.

“But I don’t understand, what’s going on here? How am I to get you out with all this around us,” Breeze waved a hoof towards the azure mist, “why did you tell me to go before, why can’t I bring a doctor and-”

“Captain you’re rambling, again.” Massaging her head Luna let out a soft smile, “Trust me, and follow my orders. I explain once we’re outside the city” Drawing in a deep breath the mist surrounding them began to spin the other way, slowly slipping back into Lunas tail and mane until the room was clear again and the chill gone from the air.

Panting heavily Luna got up on wobbly legs, not slow on the uptake Breeze positioned herself beneath her, allowing Luna to get a grip around her. Looking back with a worried eye at her burden she had to wonder if she could take the unaccustomed weight and body mass, a regular pony wouldn’t have been a problem but Luna was larger than a regular one.

“I heard last years winner of the young flyers competition won while carrying four ponies at once.” Raising her eye at such a ridiculous claim Breeze nevertheless flexed her wings in preparation. Accounting for the body weight itself she should be able to handle Luna, what worried her was carrying someone so large would mess up her balance. That was one concern, but looking around she realized that wasn’t even the first concern.

“Eh, how do we get out?” A bolt of lightning shot out from Luna's horn, obliterating the glass between them and open air.

“Oh, that works, hold on.” Walking over to the ledge with the weight of Luna dragging between her she leaned hesitantly past the edge, regarding the distance to the ground. A few moments passed before she shook her head and set her sights on sky, what was she, a young filly out for her first flight? No, she was the captain of the night guard and if she couldn’t even fly while carrying her ruler then she deserved to crash, damn it!

And with that somber thought Breeze jumped, flexing her muscles to unfold her wings she felt how Luna’s position had slipped, part of her body effectively holding one of her wings down. Flapping furiously with one wing they were sent in a dizzying spiral rapidly heading downwards. Shifting her body in a struggle to free her wing Luna’s body slid away enough for her to get it out, after a few moments of struggle she managed to get Luna safely balanced on her back again. All this while Luna hadn’t made a sound, the only sign of life was her grip around Breezes neck tightening. If what had happened before hadn’t been enough to make her concerned she was definitively so now, the Luna she knew of would definitely have made a comment by now.

With her own armor and Luna’s natural colors the pair melted into the darkness, shielding them from the eyes of any Royal guards out on patrol. Nevertheless Breeze flew as close to the buildings as she dared, searching for any traces of her own guard out on patrol. Whether it was dumb luck or her own efforts at stealth she had no idea but they reached the barrier surrounding the city without further incidents.

Hearing a light buzzing sound she looked back to see Luna's horn glowing, a space opening in the barrier large enough for them to pass. Not wasting anytime Breeze soared through it, the hole closing behind them.

A hoof reached past her head, “Past that hill there’s a clearing, go,” Luna wheezed the words as if she had just run a marathon. Nodding in response Breeze set out, doing her best to ignore the chilling sensation at her back, concentrating on getting there as quickly as possible.

A few minutes later Breeze landed in the clearing, allowing herself a moment to appreciate the sight. The trees surrounding them made an effective barrier for anypony trying not to be seen, through the clearing there flowed a small river pouring cheerfully. Looking around for a few more seconds Breeze headed for a cluster of flowers, carefully putting Luna down, grateful at the warmth returning to her body as she let her go.

Luna’s hair slowly started leaking again; Breeze could feel the chill even from where she stood. She had once wondered if Luna ever felt like cutting her hair, now she wondered if the scissors wouldn’t freeze and break when attempting to cut through.

Opening her eyes Breeze almost jumped, one eye was the normal eye she’d seen so many times, the other one was colder, the eye of a snake staring accusingly at her.

“Captain” Luna’s voice carried with it an undertone of something else again, another voice mingling with hers, “I need you to kill me.”

Breeze sat down dumbly on her hindquarters, “What, this some kind of joke Princess?” She smiled, she had heard rumors about Celestia, perhaps it ran in the family.

“Attention Captain!” Jumping up, aligning her hooves and raising a hoof in an automatic salute Breezes smile dropped. “We’re not alone, you heard of Nightmare Moon I presume.”

Upon Breezes nod the air grew noticeably even chillier, the light growing duller as from the midnight blue mist a form started forming, building up from one hoof, a wing until a pony the same size as Celestia towered above Luna.

“Sweet mother of Celestia!” Breeze couldn’t rip her sight away from those eyes; they were glued on Luna with the absolute ravenous desire of a predator. With a wave of her hoof the apparition disappeared again.

“That is my foe. I cannot be certain I emerge victorius, I will not risk Equestria facing Nightmare Moon a third time.”

“I couldn’t-”

“You can and you will obey Captain!” Luna roared, “You swore an oath, you will follow it. You have no idea what would have happened hadn’t the elements of harmony stopped me.”

“That’s right, the elements-”

“Got lucky, they might not have a chance to gather the elements a second time, now do it!”

Slowly stepping forward Breeze hesitantly placed her hooves on Luna’s slender neck; Luna sighed in content and closed her eyes, awaiting her end. Her heart beating furiously Breeze sighed, resigning herself to her fate, removing her hooves.

Luna's eyes shot up, staring incredulously at her. “What do you think you’re doing, if you won’t do your duty I will Captain!”

Turning her back to Luna, Breeze walked a few feet’s away and settled down nicely in the grass. “Princess I’m not stupid, I won’t even try to pretend I understand what’s really going on, some childhood monster showing up, but if you could have died you would have done it already without trying to force me to do it. I just wait here until you calmed down.”

I-” Luna’s eyelids started to fall down, biting her hoof so sharply that she drew blood they shot up again. “Then you may very well have doomed Equestria if I fail.”

Breeze made a long exaggerated yawn, “Yup, but I figure since I’m here I be the first one to regret it, and so nopony can punch me for it afterwards. But I trust you princess; you’re the one paying my bills after all, if you can’t trust your boss who can you? So, goodnight, sweet dreams I hope.”

Luna sighed, her eyelids drawing down again, “Then pray. Pray that your trust wasn’t misplaced, Breeze.” Her eyes finally closed, her body growing still. Watching her, the irregular breathing, her face grimacing and eyelids fluttering Breeze saw all the symptoms of a nightmare. Yet she couldn’t help but smile, it was the first time Luna called her by name.

Opening her eyes Luna looked around with weary eyes. The forest was gone, an entire field of dark blue grass enfolded before her as far as she could see. The full moon gave the field an eerie appearance, and the night sky was equally devoid of anything else, not a single star was up.

Without warning the ground shook beneath her hooves, trees sprouting out behind her, to her sides the ground shattered and sunk down in a torrent of stone, a crevice forming around her and a bridge appearing from nothing, then finally with an ear splitting groan stone emerged from the soft ground. Luna gasped as she recognized it; it was her and Celestias old castle, now a decrepit ruin in the Everfree forest.

Waiting for a few moments with no other sign of something happening she began climbing up the stairs and enter the corridor, the stone was polished to a fault, the walls lined with items of arts, some being paintings and other statues elaborately made. Throughout the corridor she could smell the nostalgic odor of tar; the torches lined alongside the walls extinguished for now. Another thing not used anymore she reflected as she walked past the wide opened gates into the throne room.

Where last she had seen the twisted bars of the windows, wines climbing up the pillars and spider webs of cracks littering the stone there was now no sign of age. The windows were whole, each side showing her and Celestia respectively to be joined together on the last window behind the throne, the pillars were without a speck of dirt and the floor was whole.

And at the end of the room, the floor raising up a few steps a single throne stood, even without a closer look she knew exactly how it looked. Carved out of a single block of obsidian, a single onyx gemstone was placed on it, dark, cold and hard. Just like the mare sitting on it.

“This can’t be, how are you here?” Luna whispered, paling significantly. Nightmare Moon faded nearly perfectly into the dark throne, the silver laid armor serving to define her features. Dark, purple like haze served as hair, much like Luna’s, showing the night sky within. And those snake like eyes never left her for a second, the message in them was clear, kill and consume.

“Now now Luna, did you believe that I was gone for good, really?” Leaving her throne the alicorn slowly made her way towards Luna, even when leaving the podium she towered above Luna as Celestia always did. The irony did not escape Luna.

“A thousand years and nothing has changed. Tell me what you have done these past two years, no let me guess, you have studied the thousand years of knowledge you lack.” Nightmare Moon chuckled darkly at Luna’s expression, “Yes, I know. Learning all about our precious subjects, reforming to their ways when they should follow ours, watching their disgusting bastardisation of our former festival.” Her ethereal mane grew larger, electricity sparking throughout it. Stepping a few steps back Luna readied her stance, and then the mane went back, the sparks fading.

“You have studied for these past two years, no doubt for Celestia to have you out of her hair,” She continued as if nothing had happened. “So how long do you think this will continue, how long before you are allowed just the minimum power you were allowed one millennia ago, another year, two, ten, one thousand?”

“Be silent. I will not betray my sister a second time, no matter what you say.” Lunas voice quavered, her mind furiously searching for answers, it was impossible for Nightmare Moon to be here.

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow, “Wait, you thought that I was trying to convince you?” She let out a soft laughter, “Oh no, I’m not here to try to convince you of anything Luna. I’m here to take what’s rightfully mine, a body, Equestria and my night, by force.”

Without further warning she leaped at her, jumping away at the last moment Luna shot a bolt of lightning towards her. Countering it with one of her own Nightmare Moon leaped for her once more, bracing herself Luna dived beneath her legs, turning on her back she kicked upwards with all her might. Nightmare Moon was thrown up, landing on the floor with her back first, picking herself up from the floor wheezing and coughing while Luna braced herself.

Eyeing each other carefully Luna considered her options, she couldn’t risk a physical contest between them, she was severely lacking in size and reach if it came to that. Judging by the other alicorns calculating stare she had reached the same conclusion, circling each other both waited for a chance.

A shadow fell over her, looking back Lunas jaw fell wide open. An enormous timber wolf growled at her, hearing the distinct crackle of magic Luna realized her mistake even before she was struck by the magic, being thrown through the wolf splattering wood she gasped in pain when she hit the wall. Groaning Luna picked herself up, the fur around her chest smoldering, the burnt flesh making her wrinkle her nose in disgust. Before she could regain her posture another fell over her, seeing Nightmare Moon stomping down at her she barely raised her own hooves up in time before she was pushed down by the force, managing to protect her neck from being crushed at the last second. Nightmare Moon exerted more force, slowly pushing Lunas hooves down, black spots started to appear before her eyes. Staring up at the ceiling Luna felt the weight of failure, soon all of Equestria would be under the threat of Nightmare Moon again, she wondered what would happen with Canterlot. Would its buildings become as forgotten and brittle like this castles had become, wait, brittle?

Throwing herself up she managed to raise her head slightly, firing of a furious barrage of magic before she was pushed down again.

“What, was that meant to hit me?” Nightmare Moon laughed, her laugh froze as a sharp sound pierced the air. Looking up the weakened roof gave way and crashed down towards them.

In the brief moment she froze up Luna pushed away her hooves and sent a blast of lightning sending Nightmare Moon flying away, swiftly changing the focus of her power Luna barely made it in time to form a shield. Flinching as the stone battered her barrier it was over as suddenly as it had began, expanding her barrier slightly she cleared the debris. Dust filled the room making it impossible to see, trying to take a step forward she felt something holding her hoofs in place, glancing down Lunas eyes widened, her legs were encased in stone. This didn’t make sense, suddenly something Breeze had said flashed before her, sweet dreams… Sighing Luna shook her head, a self mocking smile adorning her face, the signs had been there from the start, how had she not seen them?

“I’m such a fool.”

Turning towards a sudden sound the dust was blown away by a burst of wind, revealing Nightmare Moon charging horn first towards her. Well, what to do Luna thought calmly as she took a step forward, the stone offering no resistance.

The floor turned to ice and Nightmare Moon skated past her, desperately trying to gain her balance, it was then that the dreaded Nightmare Moon with a definite non terrifying yelp landed on her behinds.

Chuckling at the sight Luna next set her sights on the remains of the roof, it was really quite a bother wasn’t it? Without further ado the rest scattered into dust, revealing the beautiful night sky in full, the stars back in place. Now that was much better.

From the sky a large storm cloud descended towards Nightmare Moon, sparking with electricity as it surrounded her entirely. Turning around Luna remembered the cloud prank she had done towards Rainbow Dash on Nightmare Night, same principle, vastly different results she thought absently as she gave the cloud a strong kick, setting of the energy inside.

A deafening boom resonated between the walls, followed by several more as flash after flash left even Luna, with back turned and eyes closed, disoriented by the lightning show.

The last wisps of cloud fluttered away, revealing an orb of black. Dissipating Nightmare Moon stepped out, panting visibly, giving Luna a venomous glare.

“So you finally realized, is this how we will fight now, fantasies and mind games?”

“Yes, I finally remembered, I admit your presence made me lose my bearings. Now I remember, I’m asleep, and for us dreams are something tangible, something real, you should know that. You wish to overtake me in my dreams? Very well, then be prepared to face chaos not even Discord himself would be able to repeat!” The walls crumbled around them, the trees outside degrading into saplings and the crevice filling up until they stood on the same grassy field Luna had seen when she fell asleep. The next moment sharp holed stones speared up. Nightmare moon jumped up just before one impaled her, with another flick of her mind Luna manipulated the dreams once more, summoning a powerful gust of wind, crashing the alicorn back to the ground, creating a haunting melody as the wind sounded throughout the stone. Ready to impale her the last stone refused to come up, her enemy preventing her full control over her dream.

“You call this beyond the mad king? You’re a fool.”

“This is a battle of the mind, one slip and you’re lost, pay attention.” Without further warning the ground collapsed, sending them spiraling downwards into the abyss. Watching Nightmare Moons shocked expression was enough to make Luna smirk. Lighting her horn she sent an array of bolts of magic, lightning strikes and pulsating lines of shadow blending into the dark towards her, throwing up her defenses Nightmare Moon blocked them all, emitting pained grunts as her barrier withstood the barrage of assaults.

Just as Nightmare Moon was able to get her bearings and turn towards Luna, ready to answer in return, she slammed into the ground, wings spread out Luna landed softly next to her, a bandana of darkness covering her eyes. As soon as Luna landed from the night sky a thousand small points of brilliant white light swarmed over Nightmare Moon, searing the entire field in a piercing light.

A shriek of pain followed, waiting for a few seconds Luna removed the shadows to see the fallen alicorn clutching her eyes, shrieking even louder as Lunas shadow fell over here.

“Are you so pained by my saviors? It was the stars that helped me return to Equestria while I was still Nightmare Moon.”

“I was released!” Nightmare Moon shrieked, “I will make them see my night, Celestia deserves to die!” As her horn light up Luna simply slammed her face down cutting short any retaliation attempts.

“Do hear yourself speak? You sound like a child throwing a tantrum, and I believe to know why, I had time to think. You keep referring to the past as if you did it alone, yet I have a livid memory of everything I did, not as an observer, but as an actor, then there’s this. How could you claim to be a ruler of the night without being able to control a single dream with anything less than your futile attempts, even less hinder my attempts in any meaningful way?

“… What are you saying?” A shiver of doubt entered her voice.

“You’re a fake. You are far too weak, too inexperienced in dream walking and you’re memories and personality are lacking, I figure someone found you and brought you to me.” As on command the throne room they been in before sprung up around them, “Residues of the power and emotions washed away by the elements perhaps, Nightmare Moon is no otherworldly, corrupting force that controlled me all those years.” Luna leaned closer towards her opponent, whose eyes had started to recover, Lunas form changing as she did so, her hair growing more like shadows, her skin darkening and her pupils shrinking. “I am Nightmare Moon, just as I am Luna.” Leaning back the change disappeared as sudden as it had come, “You’re evidently not, now you shall tell me who brought you here, and why.” Something in Lunas tone made it clear this was not a request.

“And that is all.” The fake Nightmare Moon muttered, head hanging.

“I see… I have heard that Cadence has been acting differently from her usual self, I been assuming it was just nerves.” Turning around Luna rubbed her chin, “A changeling, and a queen at that. This is a dangerous situation we found ourselves in, a queen is never far away from her hive. Now as for you,” Turning around again Luna stared into a fanged, glistening jaw.

The morning sun had come climbed up on the sky, shining its gold on the meadow, the plants all flourishing and drinking its nourishment, revealing the emerald colors of the leaves and the river sparkling like diamond, and one pony barely able to suppress a yawn. It had been several hours since Luna went asleep, the color of her coat and mane changing between midnight blue and black as she waited, Lunas face switching between fear and triumph. And still despite what was going on in Lunas mind Breeze couldn’t help being slightly jealous of her, to have a nightmare you had to sleep.

Casting a longing gaze towards Canterlot, a view blocked by the trees, she wondered how the wedding was going, they had to have started the ceremony by now, if not finished. She hoped some thoughtful pony had smuggled out at least a piece of the cake for her.

Shaking her head Breeze bent down and snatched up a mouthful of grass, chewing desperately to keep awake. That wasn’t a problem as a groan sent her up on her feet, the missed sleep forgotten as Luna began to stir. The fight of colors had yet to wane though, and as Luna got up on shaky legs she grew larger, her coat turning obsidian and with a grunt fangs sprang out.

“Damn it,” Breeze whispered as a telekinetic aura enveloped her and brought her face to face with Nightmare Moon, it was then that an explosion of color occurred. Forcing her head around she could see how a pink barrier exploded outwards from the direction of the city, forcing countless spots of black flying outwards at an impossible speed, thousands upon thousands of them.

Following their flight they flew past them at such a speed she could barely make out anything more than an occasional wing and horn, Nightmare Moon was following them just as diligently.

After they all had passed, without further ado, the alicorn spread her wings, struggling to get out Breeze could do nothing but feel the discomforting feeling of hanging high in the air without the slightest control of her wings. Sighing she stopped struggling, she had no idea what was quite going on but she wasn’t dead yet, in her books that was a plus.

Groaning in pain Chrysalis opened her eyes, staring in agony at the broken tree she had hurtled through. It was only thanks to her chitin that she hadn’t been gutted by a stray branch, looking around she was grateful to see that at first glance the same applied towards her changelings.

She had no idea where they were, in a forest of some kind. The area was full of splintered trees and branches, about twenty changelings having ended up with her, all apparently intact, though if they were still alive she couldn’t tell. Trying to stand up she felt a resistance, noticing with a noise of disgust how the field was a muddy mess, heaving herself up with a disgusting plop the mud let her go she tried to recall what just had happened. She remembered the euphoria of besting Celestia, securing her victory by capturing the elements of harmony and then… Her pet and Cadence had been surrounded by more love she had ever felt and then… It had exploded. Chrysalis hissed, she remembered now, more love than any of her changelings, or even her, could process at once was projected outwards, driving them out and scattering them all over Equestria. There was no telling of how long it would take to gather them all up, how many had survived. The only positive thing she could think of was that she wouldn’t be the one to deal with Nightmare Moon now.

“Chrysalis.” A shadow fell over her and a second later Nightmare Moon landed before her, holding a guard pony tightly in a telekinetic grip, who she was surprised seemed to be taking it all rather calmly. All traces of weakness from the ruins were gone from the alicorn, her dark coat stood starkly out against the sunny day, her hair a small piece of night. Sighing, Chrysalis stood up straight, standing face to face with a being she had foolishly released.

“So you come to finish me then I take it?” Chrysalis was surprised to find she wasn’t particularly bitter, she had rolled the dice and lost. It was as simple as that.

The alicorn eyed the area, the broken trees and the strewed out changelings before returning her attention to Chrysalis. “What have you done to Cadence, Celestia and the elements of harmony? They would never have allowed you invade willingly.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, “Why do you-“seeing the change in the alicorns eyes Chrysalis quickly changed her mind, “I hid Cadence her in the caves beneath Canterlot. Except some dirt she is fine, you know I had hoped for her power over love to help feed my subjects. Look how well that went. She threw us out and I freed something that will now kill me and who knows how many more.” She chuckled, it sounding more akin to a sob than anything. “As for the others, captured but alive. I was so close to success, only to have it all fail and you coming for me now.”

“You never freed Nightmare Moon, she left those ruins long ago.” Chrysalis eyes widened, as the black mane changed to midnight blue, the excess flesh disappearing into mist as Nightmare Moon shrunk down until Luna stood there, not a single trace of Nightmare Moon left in her.

“But how-“Suddenly caught in a telekinetic grip she was brutally forced down to Lunas eye height, and she did not like what she saw.

“You’re a fool Changeling queen, did you honestly believe that out of the blue an alicorn, thousands of years old, was overtaken by some kind of unknown spirit?” She loosened her grip, sending Chrysalis down into the ground. Looking up Luna loomed over her, looking much more threatening Nightmare Moon had ever done.

“It was all me. I was a misguided fool, yet it was all within my control. My war, the deaths caused by it on my conscience, my choice. I risked everything for what I believed in, and luckily I failed and the elements of harmony gave me one more chance, freeing me from my hate filled mind, but…” Leaning down towards Chrysalis their eyes were a centimeter apart, Lunas eyes turning dark with memories of the past, “If I did all those things for a foolish cause, exactly how far do you expect I be willing to go for a worthy one?”

For Chrysalis it felt like an eternity passed by as she experienced something she wasn’t familiar with, she was being judged. Then a voice broke through, “You know princess, you could have said you were still you at once instead of going all big, black and scary on me before, almost had a heart attack.”

“Not the most opportune time Captain,” Luna sighed, breaking away her gaze. “If it makes you more comfortable the transformation then was beyond my control, the fake tried one last assault, which temporarily led to my body changing.”

Chrysalis ears perked up, “What are you two talking about, what fake?”

“You still don’t comprehend? The Nightmare Moon you met was nothing more than a lump of magic, a few memories and hatred and greed the elements of harmony expelled from me. A fake, a dangerous fake I admit which could have become something much more had I failed, but now that’s not a problem.”

“You killed her then?” Chrysalis mood lifted slightly; at least that annoying thing was gone.

“No, that would have been foolish of me. She was once a part of me, to destroy her would have been to deny everything I had done, a convenient scapegoat for me to blame it all on.” Luna tapped her chest, “She’s here now, back to where she belongs, a part of me forever more.”

“So now what? You cannot absorb me.”

“True,” Luna conceded, “If I still called myself Nightmare Moon I would kill you right here and be done with it.” Casting a hard glance at Chrysalis she frowned, “Truth be told I much rather do so, you have caused no small discomfort to myself, not to mention how much damage you caused towards Canterlot. However, you are a queen.” She sighed, “I believe we both know what would happen to your changelings if you disappeared.

Chrysalis glanced at the changelings, some had began to stir but it still be some time before any of them were in any condition to move, and if she was dead? Yes, she knew exactly what happen. “Civil war” She simply said, “My commanders will divide into factions, they will scour the world for love without restraint while fighting between themselves, all until one last victor stands and enough power has been collected for the victor to morph into the next queen. By the time they are done I expect.” Chrysalis stopped, mumbling to herself, tilting her head slightly, deep in thought. “Actually I got no idea of how many ponies would die, the hive has grown much larger than during the time of my ascent, somewhere in the tens of thousands? Possible hundreds”

Luna nodded gravely, “Yes, it’s for that exact reason killing you would be foolish, even now you done far less damage than your hive would do without your leadership, as much I loathe saying so. Therefore I’m letting you go. However if you ever try something like this again, perhaps it be safer to simply eradicate your kind once and for all.”

Chrysalis laughed, “Oh, if it was that simple my kind kind would have died out long ago. It’s not only ponies who have reason to fear us. Nevertheless I agree, I’m in no position to bargain and wish I never had this blasted idea.” She said getting up, reaching out her hoof Luna reached out her own, shaking it together.

“A last word of caution Changeling queen. One day not far from now when you sleep I will visit you, then we can have a proper conversation. For now gather your changelings before they can cause any unnecessary harm, or they be caught and punished by us.” Spreading her wings Luna launched upwards dragging her captain along with her, the sound of her whinnying ending abruptly as Luna released her and they flew together towards the direction Canterlot.

Hearing a gasp of pain Chrysalis walked towards the first of her changeling waking up, looking up at her queen with hazy eyes filled with devotion and love, sitting down in the mud Chrysalis scooped up the changeling in her arms, sending out a trickle of love for him to feed on.

“Queen, what happened?” He whispered, his eyes growing clearer.

“Hush little one, rest now, you earned it. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

“Come on Princess, after all this I believe I earn it after all” Breeze protested as they approached Canterlot, the barrier now gone.

“Captain for the thousandth time I cannot double your pay for you simply doing your job.” Luna replied tensely.

“Awh, I missed both a chance of a raise and the cake? But Luna maybe if you go and check if the weeding is still happening you might save a piece of the wedding cake for me? I call us even then.” Breeze said

“Captain you cannot call me by-“ Stopping midsentence Luna shook her head and smiled, “Very well Breeze. I will do my utmost to procure some cake for you.”

“Great! I go and check up with the night guard in the meantime, there be a lot of stuff to take care of the following weeks I bet so make it a big slice, extra large if possible.” She said and turned towards the guard barracks.

“Breeze,” Luna said the moment before Breeze speeded of, “I just want to say, thank you. I don’t know what would have happened without you.”

“Look here Luna, get me that cake and we’re even. Now go and enjoy the rest of the party, think I see them down there.”

Looking down Luna could see it was true; the wedding had vacated the premises of the castle and moved out to the gardens, the celebrations in full swing. Looking up again Breeze had disappeared, no doubt keeping her word to take care of her duties. Sweeping lower Luna sighed in relief when she saw Celestia together with all of the elements of harmony unharmed, both glad to see them alive as to their expressions. Judging by them the damage to Canterlot couldn’t have been as severe as she had feared. Putting on her most innocent expression Luna landed softly down next to Celestia.

“Hello everypony, did I miss anything?”

Author's Note:

In all honesty I'm starting to believe I wrote this thing solely to have some fun with a fight scene, funny how that goes.

Anyhow if anybody been following this I'm sorry for being such a slowpoke with updating, think I write a few chapters to stay ahead of my own laziness next time.

Comments ( 1 )

Whew, Chryssie is fine.

I liked it, a lot. Especially the characterizations. Luna was awesome, Breeze was fun, but Chrysalis took the cake. I love your version of her, scheming, but kind to her subjects and knowing when to quit. I imagine her and Luna's dream talks would be interesting and maybe they'd work out a compromise.

Thumbs up to ya.


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