• Published 15th May 2024
  • 293 Views, 2 Comments

Alicorn of Mischief - GamePlayer64

An reborn Alicorn that travel the world has now settle in Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Wrath of the Wyvern-skunk

R.G. was following Fluttershy with Screams resting on his back and Aisu Kama latch on his chest as they were covered in dirt with the twins as they escape from Blueblood "Hey, thank for being cool for watching our pets and stopping them from mauling that Blueblood dude." Fluttershy was wondering why Random, and R.G. said that two adorable creatures can do such a thing. They made it to Fluttershy's home in time, Screams was chewing on a crew toy of a ham which bugs R.G. but he didn't want to make him mad, for a good reason and it's not skunk funk. Fluttershy looked at the Polar bear cub on R.G.

"Your pet really loves you." R.G. looked at Aisu Kama

"Yeah he does. He like my warmth and he's loyal to me as Screams is loyal to Random." The twins were snickering at their photos they took of Blueblood.

"If he's a prince then we're demons in disguise."

"Agree brother, he's nothing like Prince Akuro that dads said and respects with their hopes and prayers." Fluttershy worried a little

"Is uh... Akuro a kind pony?" R.G. nodded as he looked at the sky

"He's awesome, he has his mother's love for the lives of others with the blessings of the sun and prayers and his father's bravery in combat and protection with the powers of darkness and demonic forces. He is the Alicorn of the Eclipse, the balance of the sun and moon." Fluttershy was started to be interested in meeting him but had one question

"Does Prince Akuro like animals?" R.G. looked her

"Like animals? He loves animals! They always go to him since he's always feeds them whether their herbivores, carnivores, insectivores, or omnivores. He feeds them bags of feed for their certain taste." Fluttershy smiled about hearing of another animal caretaker like her and an Alicorn which Twilight would like to hear.

"Speaking of animals, I wonder how Miss Celestia-Hime is doing with our dads?"

"And hoping for a misfortune for that Prince Bluejerk." Said the twins as they were snacking on small biscuits with pandas on it and drinking Ramune while sharing them with Fluttershy and R.G. Random was giving medical treatment for the injured guards since they got dragged by Ice Bite into rocks, rocks, and more rocks.

"Again, my deepest apologies for you all since we are responsible for your injuries." He said while wrapping the wound of a guard's leg.

"Thank you helping us." Zeshaman came with some bowls of soup.

"Please enjoy some Miso for your health, feeling good is the greatest wealth." Some of the guards taste it and enjoy its warm taste. Random saw Blueblood who was loafing around on some expensive imported furniture

"Hey! Are you gonna help since this is entirely your fault." He just acted like a slob with riches

"I refuse to let my manicure hooves touch dirt-covered armor." Random growled at him as he backed away

"You better change you ways or a horrible consequence will affect you in any way." Blueblood ignore him as Random summoned a katana which surprised everyone "Stuck up, rich coward when I'm through with him..." He grabbed it and was about to unsheathed it until Zeshaman grabbed him from behind, stopping him from removing the katana

"Random my brother, do not be so bold! He might listen when he's do as he been told!" Random growled as he being pulled away from Blueblood and brought to Shining Armor where he was being watch.

"You can't stay safe being your guards! Someday you'll will save yourself from danger without your... your...?" Random looked at Shining Armor "Hey out of curiosity, is he your friend, brother or cousin?" Shining Armor looked disappointed.

"Unfortunately he's the nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

"OK, thank you for your help, good sir. Fear my warning, Baka! Fear my warning! Without your Aunts protection won't save you from the terror of The Unknown Samurai of the Unexplainable!" Zeshaman looked at him dully.

"I think your threat is a good one, but worthless when he is already gone." Blueblood was gone already as Luna stared at his sword

"I'm afraid of asking but why do you own a deadly weapon?" Random looked at Luna

"Sometimes magic isn't the only thing in life that can protect you, you have other abilities you need to find, and I did with a lot of training! Thank you, Family of the Mystery Clan." He said with a grin as Luna and Shining Armor wonder what kind of family he had. Discord on the other claw, appeared on his shoulder.

"(Mischievous laugh) You must be the fun one of your family, right?" Random look at him and chuckle nervously.

"By fun one, you mean the craziest one in the family that can make any psychologist go insane, then yes." They stared at him if he's pretending or he mean it, but Discord laughed as Lil' Miracle was sucking on her hoof while holding in Discord's antler.

"You're funny, not that many in Equestria. I should visit your hometown. You want to visit my home?" Random wonder about it.

"I know it's rude to not to accept an offer to visit someone's home, but I can't leave anyone in need of medical treatment." As Twilight tried to stop him, Zeshaman stopped her.

"My brother you should have some fun, please be back when you’re done. I shall assist with the help, I will give them some bitter kelp." Discord grinned, wrapped around him, snapped his fingers and they were gone as a note was on the ground. Be back whenever - Discord. Nearly everypony worried as Zeshaman wonder why they looked worried.

Meanwhile in Discord's home
Random was on a lounge chair floating upside down while Lil' Miracle was bouncing on a boulder while a wave of bouncing balls passed her and Discord was dressed as a well manner waiter "Can I have your comment, please?" Random looked at him with a banana split bed near him.

"Well this place will make any sane creature loses their mind, breakdown those eggheads with the reverse laws of gravity and destroy the nature of predator and prey. I have to say... This place is exactly like my dream world! You are a master of creativity!" Discord blushed

"Oh... Thank you for respecting my chaos. But all that aside, you're not what I think you are." Random looked confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"I couldn't enter your head and no other pony except Pinkie who can tolerate anything." Random shrugged his shoulders.

"I can adapt to anything." Discord smirked.

"No creature or should I say, pony. Other than an Alicorn have a horn and wings." Random's eyes widen and shattered like glass as he sweeper it out as eyeballs inflated back

"How'd you know?" Discord snickered.

"A simple flaw; you had some feathers sticking out of that brace." Random's eyes stretch out to look at his back and saw gray feathers sticking out.

"Damn it, how come I didn't see it?" Discord's eyes stretch too looking at him.

"Care to talk."

Back to R.G. and Fluttershy
Screams and Aisu Kama were in Fluttershy's cottage as R.G. gave Fluttershy some instructions "Now listen again since I gonna show the dudes their new school and places to find for lunch. For Screams, never get him mad. His crew toy keeps him calm and if he goes... out of your control, get Random, Zeshaman or me and no one else." Fluttershy nodded and wonder why them only since she's an animal caretaker "Also for Aisu Kama keep him in a pool of ice-cold water. Add some ice so he doesn't get overheat in the sun and he can hunt by himself but don't let him eat more than his own weight in food. Here's a list to help you remember and I don't mind if you change a few things, being flexible is our family motto. Plus finding a way to saving some cash." Fluttershy nodded as R.G. left as the twins were napping on the ground being dragged by him. During the explanation of R.G and Fluttershy before she went back into her cottage; Screams was crewing on his toy while Aisu Kama was snoring which annoyed all the animals in the cottage especially Angel. Angel was grinding his teeth hearing the constant squeaking, so he snuck behind Screams and snatched his chew toy. Screams looked around and saw Angel Bunny with toy taunting him as the Screams' shadow grew over them as the rest of the animals backed away in fear. Angel bunny was horrified at the sight as a blast of fire scorched him with wide eyes as he dropped the chew toy. As Fluttershy came in she smelled something burning as She saw Angel Bunny burned to a crisp as Screams was chewing on his toy, Aisu Kama was napping and the rest of Fluttershy's animal friends were hiding under the sofa.

"Angel Bunny! What happen to you!?" He pointed at Screams and making monster faces. Fluttershy didn't believe it "Now Angel, it's not nice to blame others for something they didn't do." Angel looked shocked that she didn't believe him "Now let's get you all cleaned up." As she was carrying Angel to the bathroom; Screams looked at him as his eyes went to a quick sharp eyes of death to normal. Aisu Kama had his eye opened and sighed in disappointment.

After Angel Bunny's bath and wrap up in bandages, Fluttershy followed the list with some tummy rubs, she took Screams and Aisu Kama for their walk. Some ponies keep their distance in fear of being spray by Screams but some of the kids petted him and Aisu Kama since they're harmless and friendly. Aisu Kama saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon pretending not to notice them, but Aisu Kama grabbed some flowers with his mouth. He gave them the flowers, laid on his back and they rubbed his belly since he was acting cute. Screams didn't mind if Ice Bite is getting all the attention, but his good mood was shattered by Blueblood. "Ugh! The rotten rodent from the insane foreigner." He dropped his chew toy covered in drool in front of him and hissed at him. Blueblood backed away in fear and use him magic to tossed Screams' toy far away from his sight. Screams looked hurt and whimper as Fluttershy was furious at him.

"How could you do something so cruel?" Blueblood just scuffed at her as Screams was growling in anger and hissed at him. Aisu Kama knew what was gonna happen, grabbed Fluttershy by the tail with his teeth and dragged her away from Screams. "What are you doing?" Diamond Tiara wonder as Screams was somehow growing larger than them.

"Uh... Miss Fluttershy..." She looked as her eyes widen, Screams was growing into something huge, his teeth became sharper, his legs became longer as his claws grew, his fur somehow grew scales like a dragon, bat-like wings that looked almost identical to a bat's wings and paws burst out his back and his tail extended as a scale-cover tail appeared out of his skunk tail.

"What are you looking at?" Said Blueblood a he noticed a crowd of frightened ponies. Aisu Kama pointed at the air with his claw as he turned around to see a monster-looking dragon with fur patterns like a skunk. "Oh...my..." Its eyes opened looking at him, took a deep breath and roared an ear shattering roar in front of him which made him scream in horror and flee in terror along with the crowd panicked in fear. The beast saw him flee and started to give chase as it noticed a filly crying. Her mother saw her but trip in the panic and witness the beast reaching for her daughter and screamed in fear, only to see it picked her daughter up and brought her to her mother. She got up and see it placed her on her back and patted her on her head lightly with its finger and waved goodbye as it gave chase to Blueblood. The mother was confused as her daughter waved back.

"Thank you, Mr. Dragon!" Screams rolled his eyes as he heard "Dragon".

Fluttershy was still there as her mouth dropped and looked traumatized by Screams. Aisu Kama nudged her as she looked at Aisu Kama, she picked him up as he looked unhappy "Did Screams turned into that thing?" Aisu Kama nodded "You knew about it?" He nodded again "Can you transform into a giant beast at will?" He nodded again "Why... Why didn't you warn me?" He growled at her in the form of conversation "Your family doesn't trust me, and my friends and you didn't think he would transform?" He nodded "But I thought we all became friends?" He shocked his head and explain to her the reason "We are their friends but haven't earn their trust?" She think back and remembered what Zeshaman said before

("Beware Hime, knowledge is what you yearn. To get it is something you must earn. To make sure your challenging work isn't a bust, you and your friends must earn each of our trust.") She looked worried as she didn't see Screams.

"What should I do?" He made some growls and she smiled "Get R.G., Zeshaman or Random but what about..." She looked at Aisu Kama "Have to earn their trust. We better hurry to the Vardos!" She flew to Vardos with Ice Bite as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked shocked.

"Those new neighbors have a pets like that?"


"How much will they take, so we get a ride on it?"

Meanwhile in front of the school
R.G. was talking to Miss Cheerilee while the twins were reading a manga "Are you sure if it's too much of a hassle to have my little dudes join your school?"

"Of course, I have enough room for them in the school." R.G. ponder a little and nodded

"Very well, Miss Cheerilee and if it's not a problem but if you are sick or in need of a substitute teacher; my brothers and I are happy to teach some history, art and culture about where we're from. In the name of education and possibly future visitors who wish to learn about this country's culture." She smiled at the idea of new students from another land learning in her school, but they heard an earth-shattering roar from town.

"What was that?!" R.G. looked horrified

"Screams." Miss Cheerilee looked confused

"Excuse me?"

"We have to go... NOW!" Wrecking and Fixing looked nervous

"We'll see you"

"In school, Sensei!" They followed their dad as she wonder what they said


Twilight and the others heard the roar as they witnessed an enormous dragon in Ponyville. "A DRAGON!? HOW'D A DRAGON GOT IN PONYVILLE!?" Screamed Twilight. Zeshaman looked unsurprised.

"Oh dear for those in his path, I shall start the tomato bath." Celestia and Luna wonder why Zeshaman didn't show any fear, but they saw Fluttershy flying towards them

"Fluttershy! Are you ok?!" Worried Rainbow Dash as she nodded.

"Yes but I have to tell you something."

"You got Screams mad, didn't you?" They turned to see R.G. looking annoyed as the twins looked disappointed

"Well... To be honest, Blueblood did." They smacked themselves in their heads

"Of... Course he did. I knew he would cause some troubles to us." The twins were looking nervous

"I hope they won't"

"Hurt poor little Screams." They whispered to themselves.

"What is going on here, please explain Mr. Glare?" Celestia asked while staring at him. R.G. didn't flinched or looked nervous

"Talk to Random. Screams is his responsibility, not mine." He dropped a smoke bomb and vanished from thin air before anybody can grab him. "Fluttershy..." She looked at her friends.

"What's going on?" She looked extremely nervous as Aisu Kama comfort her and grew to her size as huge icicles grew out of him and his eyes glowed bright blue which freaked out her friends and the princesses.

"Uh... I discovered that Screams can transformed into that dragon." Aisu Kama growled at her and corrected her "Excuse me? A Wyvern? He dislikes being mistaken for a dragon?"

"I hate to hurt his feelings but he's destroying the town!"

"No he isn't!" Said the twins.

"There's no fire or smashed buildings!"

"Plus no one was eaten... yet." They looked at them with freaked out looks

"We are bringing Discord with Random." Said Twilight as the formed a circle as a rainbow appeared to bring Discord.

(Random Mystery's Voice) "Summoning... LEGENDARY!!!"

Discord was showing off some moves as he posed at the end of the song "Discord."

Rainbow Dash was just stunned and confused by that weird song "Ok... What the hay was that!?" Discord snickered at them.

"It's my new summon theme whenever you need me, that will play all the time and you can thank Random for that." Twilight looked around for Random who wasn't with him.

"Where's Random?!" Discord laid on a cloud.

"He's back at my place with his friends from very interesting places, he ask me if he could invite them and so I did, and they even asked for my autograph." He said smugly.

"Bring him here! We need his help!" Yelled Applejack. Discord looked annoyed.

"Very well, don't blame me for the chaos, it will bring."

"Wait what?" He snapped his fingers and brought Random who was with the CMCs and creatures and ponies they've never seen with a Wendigo, and they were singing and dancing in both equestrian and another language

They didn't even notice where they were nor the ponies watching them.

"Hey!" Yelled Rainbow Dash to get their attention but they didn't even hear her even Scootaloo. She saw a pair of Pegasus mare with a unicorn mare that looked identical to her, doing what they’re doing and tried to get their attention. "Hey!" They didn't hear her which ticked Rainbow off "I said... HEY!!!" She pushed on of the twins, one of the twin's head popped off and landed in front of Rarity.

"Hey! What the hell!?" They looked horrified at the sight of what they're looking with confused the unicorn mare's head "What?" They screamed at her as Random's friends noticed the group of guards and Alicorns and they screamed and ran away in fear leaving Random, the CMCs and a mean looking unicorn stallion with magma like coat and mane and a fire with a question mark as his cutie mark with a lantern with no flame around his neck and questions mark surrounded in fire.

"Hey wait! Come back everyone! They've never seen cool buds like you!" Yelled Random as they ran into the forest as the severed head that Rainbow knocked off, floated away chasing her body which slammed into a tree. Random looked annoyed at them "What the rotten demon corpses made you all scared my friends away?!" They were shocked to see he wasn't fazed by the creatures.

"They were your friends?!" Yelled Twilight as Rarity noticed that Sweetie Belle and her friends were wearing amazing robes that almost describe the kimonos that Random talked about

"Sweetie Belle! Where did you and your friends get those fabulous outfits!" They looked at their clothes

"Miss Furosutorōzu gave them to us as a gift for asking about your store." Said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah and she's like you except without the whining about things being disgusting and creepy." Said Scootaloo.

"Even having a Wendigo as her coltfriend. She is so awesome for being brave and her ice powers are cool." Said Apple Bloom. Rarity was examining the outfits as the stallion cough to get their attention and pointed to the distant

"Ima watashi ga motte iru anata no chūi ga, kyodaina nanika ga kite iru, soreha bōkan-sha o oikakete iru yō ni miemasu." They looked confused as looked where he was pointing.

"Huh?" He saw Blueblood pushed him aside as Lil' Miracle went flying from his back as a R.G. appeared in a blast of smoke catching her from landing on the ground.

"You ungrateful Baka! You nearly hurt our baby girl!" He yelled at Blueblood as Random looked back to get trampled on by a giant Wyvern/Skunk hybrid. They were horrified and check to see if he was squashed; they saw his Mohawk marks sticking out of the ground. They gulped as the twins went to check as Luna covered their eyes to prevent them from seeing the truth

"Young ones... I am... very" The ground of the claw print burst to see Random climbing out, covered in dirt.

"OK... OW!" They were baffled by him, surviving being trampled.


"Like I said before, I have seen worst and I faced worst. So what made Screams broke the sitar string?"

"Blueblood. Soon to be Deadblood if Screams catch him." Random looked unsurprised.

"Oh... So I need is-" Before Random could say something; he got trampled again. Lil' Miracle looked at the chased and laughed at Blueblood making freaked out faces as Screams chasing him but Celestia walked up to Random as he burst out of the ground again.

"I believe you have some explanation for having a pet with that kind of abilities is a sign of an international conquest." Random and his brothers looked hurt to hear that.

"Miss Hime, I am a searcher of the unknown, a discoverer of the hidden lands, ancient tombs with bountiful knowledge and rare treasures and antiques with its own magical properties that you might see if I want to exhibit them to the public, but a conqueror is an insult to my honor!" He stood on his hind legs to reach Celestia's face "Also to let you know, I liberated him and his pals from some crazy whacko scientist plan to create an army of hybrid creatures to defeat some 6 dudettes with..." He widen his eyes and realize something "Oh... Now I get it. 6 Elements of Harmony, 6 dudettes."

"How ironic, we saved their lives from a psychotic mad scientist who believe that they can be beaten by creatures she creates from their samples before we meet them." Said R.G. holding Lil' Miracle while giving her a bottle of juice.

"If you words are true, then show us this mad scientist so we may give her the wrath of justice for defying the laws of life." Said Luna. Random and his bros looked worried.

"Well... about that... She'd... Uh..."

"She got eaten." Everypony looked at him "By nature's predators." They looked at Random

"A plant. Yeah even if it's embarrassing and I mean" He got trampled again as his head was sticking out "Oh come on! Seriously?" He looked up to Celestia "A little help, please?" She used her magic to pull him out of the ground as he looked to see Blueblood past him as he jumped out of the way. Blueblood ran behind the unknown stallion.

"Save me! I'll pay you handsomely!" He looked pissed off

"Pea o sodate, anata okubyōmono!" Screams took a deep breath as R.G. gulped in fear

"Uh-oh." He unleashed a blast of fire at Blueblood and the stallion. The princesses tried to use the magic to protect them, but the stallion grabbed his lantern and opened it as the flames were sucked into the lantern like magic. Rainbow was amazed by him.

"That... was... SO AWESOME!" He trotted away.

"Watashi wa an anata jishin ni shite iru, 1 Kane o hoji koto get dekimasu."

"What are you saying?!" He noticed screamed tried to eat but jumped out of the way.

"Ok, we had enough of you tantrum." He looked to see Screams charging towards him and he raised his front leg "HEEL!!!" He yelled as Screams slowed down in front of him. Screams growled at him until he recognized the scent, wagged his tails, and licked him with his long reptile tongue. "I love you too but please... calm down boy. Shrink back to normal for me." He did as he was asked and shrunk back into a skunk. He rubbed his head on Random's leg as Random petted his head "That's a good boy. Isn't he a sweetheart?”

"SWEETHEART?! That beast tried to kill me!" Yelled Blueblood as Screams snuck away from Random.

"Hey! My pet never attacks unless you did something to tick him off. Wyverns are completely different than dragons. They're have self-control over their greed unlike dragons on this side."

"Hey!" Yelled Spike hearing that as an insult to him.

"They are also completely stubborn and never give up on the one getting back at the one who wrong them. Which you did and try not to deny it." He looked away.

"I refuse to speak to speak to a commoner like... UGAAA!!!" Before Blueblood could finish; he got sprayed by Screams when he wasn't looking. Everyone covered their nose except Random and backed away from him and some of them laughed this misfortune

"Stinkblood stinks!" Yelled Wreck-it.

"Let's bury him alive!" Suggested Fix-it.

"I'm starting to like Screams." Said Rainbow. Rarity backed away near R.G.

"Excuse me but does Screams enjoy consuming gems?" He looked confused

"Yes... Why?"

"I shall send him a gift basket with gems as a sign of my appreciation."

"Tell me why later." Random looked to see Zeshaman making a cauldron of tomato juice over a roaring fire.

"Rub a dub dub, get your butt in the tub." He pointed at the tub, but Blueblood didn't like the look of it.

"Are you insane?! I refuse." Zeshaman looked annoyed.

"Very well, my friend, before you blow a fuse. My brother will show what happens when one refuse." R.G. trot near Random, pulled some kunai knives from nowhere and threw one as fast as the eye can see, near his hooves. He backed away as R.G. was polishing the other one and went in the tub with no complaint.

"See, that wasn't too hard." Blueblood looked ticked.

"Are you mad? You threaten me with a weapon."

"That didn't even touch you. Yet." R.G. grabbed the one he threw and went to his Vardo. Random chuckled.

"Sorry about that. R.G. hates snobs who think their better than us. To be honest, we mostly have stone face prideful ones who don't show the feelings." He explained as the twins were sneaking behind Blueblood. Fix-it was on his brother's back and rip his mane off his scalp.

"AAAHHHH!!!!" The twins ran away while tossing his mane to each other and laughing alongside with Rainbow Dash, Spike and secretly Rarity "Look what those brats did to me!"

"Yeah, yeah, they ripped your toupee off."

"I wasn't wearing a toupee" Everyone's eyes widen in surprise but Random.

"So... It will grow back, Prince Baldblood." The twins burst in laughter as one of the guards took back the ripped off mane

"Aww..." They pouted as they trot away to the Vardo.

"I apologize for the trouble my pet for spraying your nephew. I hope this doesn't make my family, a bunch of crazy psycho killers." Discord wrapped around Random and laughed like he has some mischievous plan.

"Are you kidding? What you told me about your adventures; I love seeing ponies or should I say, a group of travelers which chaos finds them at anytime and anywhere. You guys are my new friends for life!" Random smile.


"Cross my heart and never go non-chaotic." Random looked shock.

"Whoa... That's the ultimate promise for beings of the chaotic."

"You know it brother." They bump fist each other and make gargle noises as Twilight had a worried look on her face.

"A pony that's ok with chaos? Why do I feel this is a bad idea?"

"Because that's the mystery and it can't wait to be solve!" Said Discord and Random. Celestia looked worried.

"I hope you will discuss your nation with us for peace."

"Maybe, maybe not." Said R.G. which caused Random to pit fall.

"Dude! Pray for it and maybe they'll like you." R.G. looked out the window.

"If any of them mares falls in love with me, I will barf my guts out!" He closed the curtains and put out a sign that said, ‘No couples in love in 50 yards near this Vardo’. Random laughed nervously.

"Love makes him sick to his stomach." Cadence looked horrified.

"What! Why would love to disgust him?" She asked Random who made a face (Author's note; Try to see it as the face made in Soul Eater when they hear Excalibur.)

"Don't ask, please. I don't want to remember the constant memory." Discord looked curious.

"Is it that bad?"

"Makes your eyeballs run away from your skull and puke tears as vomit." He looked disgusted and vanished from Random. He looked away and smile "I hope we will meet again and please enjoy these gifts from us." He gave them canes which confused them.

"Oh... Thank you for these... gifts for us. Even if we do not contain bad backs." Random was holding Shining Armor's cane.

"Oh... It's more than helping you walk." He pull the handle to reveal it’s also a blade "You never know if an enemy nullify your magic." They backed away from him and he noticed it "You don't like it?"

"No... No..." Said Shining Armor as Random sheath it looks depressed

"Oh... I knew I should have gotten you the broom-blades instead." Shining Armor tried to cheer him up.

"It's not that. It's just that...we never seen something like that." Random looked at it.

"Really? I thought it would be a good gift. Our mother said give a guest of honor a gift that is unpredictable in something common." He laughed nervously and grabbed it.

"Uh... Thank you for the gift." He smile and bow.

"Watashi wa Watashi ga watshitachi no hōmon no tame no ōku o motteinai osorete imasu. Watashi ni Watashi no supaisu o astaete kudasai." Said the stallion which made Random sad "Ā... Anata wa hontōni ikanakereba naranai nodes up ka? Futago wa anata o kite kōfun shite imashita." He looked and sighed.

"[OK]. Kokode wa sorera o motarashimasu." Said Random "Dudes! Meet your uncle Hellfire!" Everypony was shocked at what Random said to his kids as the twins jumped out the window and tackled their uncle.

"Uncle Hellfire! It's good to see you!" They said together awhile hugging in tightly. He hugged them and give them a rock that was warm.

"Whoa... What is it?"

"Watashi wa bakuhatsu shita Kazan Kara maguma no ganseki."

"Awesome!" They said, "Bye uncle Hellfire!" They waved goodbye and went to their Vardo. He waved farewell as Zeshaman tossed the spice to him with a note and trot away as the wind blew a warm breeze. Twilight trot towards Random

"That was your brother?"

"No... Uncle on my father's side of the family's." Her eyes widen.

("How can he be that age without looking old?") "And his name is really..." She had a trouble saying something that's normally a swear.

"Yep but you can only say it when he's around. That's what I told my boys and that they can say it when they're in high school." Explained Random.

"I couldn't understand him." Said Twilight.

"Sorry... He only speaks Japanese while we manage to learn and speak your nation's. I could teach you but it's getting late, and I have to cook dinner." Said Random as He went to Blueblood "Oh by the way, that maybe your bath but it's also your dinner. (He summon a large straw tube) enjoy." He said while snickering. Blueblood looked disgusted since he had no choose in fear of R.G.'s knives, took a sip.


Author's Note:

Baka - Idiot

Miso - Japanese seasoning produce by fermenting soybeans

Sensei - Teacher

Furosutorōzu - Frost Rose

Ima watashi ga motte iru anata no chūi ga, kyodaina nanika ga kite iru, soreha bōkan-sha o oikakete iru yō ni miemasu - Now that I have your attention but something huge is coming and it appears to be chasing a bystander.

Pea o sodate, anata okubyōmono - Grow a pair, you coward

Watashi wa an anata jishin ni shite iru, 1 Kane o hoji koto get dekimasu - I can only hold one flame, you're on your own

Watashi wa Watashi ga watshitachi no hōmon no tame no ni ōku no jikan o motteinai osorete imasu. Watashi ni Watashi no supaisu o astaete kudasai - I'm afraid I don't have much time for our visit. Please give me my spice

Ā... Anata wa hontōni ikanakereba naranai nodes up ka? Futago wa anata o kite kōfun shite imashita - Oh... do you really have to go? The twins were excited to see you

[OK]. Kokode wa sorera o motarashimasu - Ok. Bring them here

Watashi wa bakuhatsu shita Kazan Kara maguma no ganseki - A magma rock from a volcano I explored

GamePlayer 64: Please leave a review.
I love the anime and the songs of Youkai Watch, in Japanese since a certain lazy noob is beyond stubborn to read and watch anime with sub-titles plus Discord is considered a Legendary,
Also about the mare who head came off? She's a nukekubi. Almost like a rokurokubi without a long neck.
And the one dating the Wendigo? Yuki Onna or Tsurara Onna. Depending which one looks cooler

Music - Uso from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Background: Some of the guards were secretly snickering at Blueblood who was drinking his tomato bath as R.G. was keeping Princess Mi Amore out, the twins were pouting as they were being watch by Celestia and Luna from preventing them from stealing Blueblood's rip mane, Zeshaman was cooking ramen in cooking pots for every one as Water Crane, a panda bear, a penguin, a rat, a baby elephant and a mole out of the Vardos which Fluttershy cuddled them by their cuteness and Twilight's friends tried to get her out of her bookworm phase as she tried to figure out Random.

Random Mystery: Preview time. Tomorrow night is a night of fear and darkness.

Shining Armor was looking at him: What are you doing?

Random Mystery: One question comes to mind; Can there be two beings that can control the moon?

Shining Armor looked away as a huge shadow with red eyes came up behind him

Random Mystery: So anyway the next chapter is called; The arrival of the Lord of Darkness. Princess Luna's opposite?

Shining Armor looked behind him and screamed at the shadow which vanished.