• Member Since 4th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


As far as Flurry is concerned, she's a perfectly normal filly with a pretty ordinary life. Sure, her house is somewhat larger than average and maybe there's the whole 'horn and wings' thing. But she goes to school with everypony else, her parents both do mostly-boring work for the local government and just like nearly every other firstborn, her father obsessively recorded her foalhood.

The photo albums are bad enough.

The crystal showcase galleries may have gone a little too far.

Absolutely not an entry for the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024 Competition, but was inspired by its existence.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

Posted in
The Triptych Continuum Rebooted (group)
Cadence, Shining Armor, and the Crystal Empire (folder)
Non Canon (folder)


Please submit this to the contest. It is going to need something this lighthearted.

Flurry Heart being normal is an interpretation I haven't seen before, I don't think. Neat!

One question comes to mind. Where is Sunburst? Some other fics have him as her nanny or tutor.


I can just see the reactions when her Earth pony side manifests.
"Why can't anypony else hear the voices in my head?"
Yeah, THAT will be well received.


I thought the binky would be the diapers, and was hoping against hope that he didn't actually have them, but I was wrong.

Cool telefacets!


Ooh, Museum of Military History? Turnabout! :rainbowlaugh:


your father's best friend. The friend he had before your mother may or may not have gone temporarily mad --"

OH God. Sooo glad that Flurry Heart doesn't know what that is. And that Twilight is keeping it child-friendly. Explains the Sex tag too. mmm.

he was a rather useful sort of idiot.

HA! Everything can be the right sort of weapon when wielded in the right way!



The palace stuff left > The palace staff left

Either in a psychiatric facility
complements from the crown,
or in exile after going mad
Again, complements from the crown

Absolutely not an entry for the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024 Competition, but was inspired by its existence.

First, this was actually rather funny.

Second, I understand why you did it that way, Twilight, but still ... low blow, bookhorse, low blow.

Third, Flurry and Luna can have meetings and commiserate; one is seen as a monster for things she did when she ... wasn't herself, the other is seen as a monster for things she did when she was not even a year old. Of course, Triptych!Luna finds her monster reputation useful at times, and even appears to enjoy it on occasion, an opinion I don't think Flurry shares.

11846870 Apparently The Secret is so all pervasive that even throw-back earth ponies born in foreign nations somehow know to abide by it.

“Dad! You can’t have my first coltfriend taxidermied.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m still using him!”
“Oh, okay. Just let me know when you’ve finished… Wait, what?”
“Mum! Dad needs the birds and the bees talk! Again!”

An amusing read, with a constant build-up of awkwardness and "Oh Shining Armor no". Good thing for Flurry that her auntie is clever and ruthless, and knows her dad well!

(Also, the telefacet is a way cool magical invention.)

Let's see how Flurry feels about her reputation as the Princess of Explosions, when she hits her teens...


I am way over your posted 'no points deduction' word count limit, I didn't use any of the prompts, and there is no human chance of my finishing in the top three because I've already got so many automatic score subtractions as to potentially end in negative numbers. The contest inspired me to an idea -- but in the context of that competition, it isn't a viable one.

All things considered, I'll just claim my virtual DNP and move on.

It's all good. Sucks that you won't enter, but I'm happy you wrote a story anyways. I look forward to reading it!

Reading through this, wondering "okay, so what's the Sex tag for?", and actually getting to the answer is an experience I have a love-hate relationship with. Don't tell her about the birds and the bees yet, Shining! Let her stay innocent for a little while longer!

This was a good story. A nice insight into Flurry Heart. And I loved Twilight's "hoist by his own petard" plan against Shining.

Search a planet, or ask a guard. Scouring an entire globe was clearly easier --

Yup, definitely related to Twilight.

"Special consultants?" she asked, because maybe that would get a straight answer.
Another hesitation. "Rainbow's parents."

Ah, doom approaches.

Sombra trying to upgrade himself to god-emperor seems entirely in-character for him. Shining clearly has not thought about the implications of dedicating a temple to an alicorn.

you know about what happened to your mother

Oh, you tease. Though I suppose since this isn't part of the Continuum, there's no telling if it would be the exact same circumstances.

Mr. Will's daughter Crossbar was one of her best friends.

Whereas that's a lovely unexpected tidbit freely offered. I wonder if we've already met the lucky ageláda.

Ah, Twilight has taken the throne in this timeline. I suppose the big question is how she feels about that, but that's very much outside the scope of the story.

Luckily for us, some ponies save just about everything.

He had to get it from somewhere...

Flurry, did you know your father used to be a musician? Even though he didn't have a mark for it. He had his own band! I'm not sure any of them had musical marks either. But that's part of how your mother fell in love with him.

I was not expecting "neigh anything..." to even remotely approach local canonicity.

Lovely work, and a great reminder that "a terrible dad" has many interpretations. Including, as some characters in the last scene can attest, a dad who inspires terror. Thank you for this.

You know, Shining Armor's new diplomatic gambit is going to backfire on him spectacularly once the foreign delegates learn to up the ante by inviting his parents, armed with their photo albums.

Another hesitation. "Rainbow's parents."

...yeah, a connection that is obvious in hindsight.

Flurry, based on the balance of evidence, considered herself to be a rather ordinary filly. This stood in direct opposition to the opinion held by many of the battle-scarred shaking survivors of her infancy, who mostly considered her to be a rampaging engine of mindless destruction which had been put into a strictly-temporary biological time-out.

this reminds me of a gag in an official comic book:
Tempest Shadow eventually goes to the Crystal Empire, and says to Cadence, "Equestria is too nice. why don't you have a princess of hoof-to-hoof combat? or a princess of air superiority? or a princess of explosions?"
Cadence laughs, then says that "princess of explosions" would be an appropriate nickname for Flurry Heart!

Facehoof- Shining you idiot... the stuffy is sacrosanct. Always.

"There's always been this rumor, you know?" he chortled again. "But I used the same bathroom as your mother before you were born, and then we got you. So I happen to know for a fact that contrary to popular belief, alicorn manure does st --"

reminds me of a line in a book, "the nobles think their shit doesn't stink, but I KNOW it stinks WORSE."
that was part of a series of books by Harry Turtledove...i forget the exact titles, but they all had the word "darkness" in them.

Lol the fleshlight. Brutal but deserved. Great comedy story.

A man of culture I see when you mention Harry Turtledove. And I know the series you're talking about as well.

...staying right around the middle of the scoring curve was normal...

Perfectly. Normal.

Just started, and my eye twitched. Someone is just a bit like her aunt in a few ways, isn't she, even if she's a touch more socialized?

Well, Aunt Twilight saved the day.

Estee, are Equestrian ponies built different from the ones here, or is the glass reinforced somehow? The physics, they are upsetting, especially for that particular setup (Shiny felt small, both before Cadance and seeing that toy).

ETA: Estee, I hope you don't mind that Taaffeite is definitely TAW-fight. yup. there's two other ways but as soon as I saw that? boasting filly was TAW-fight.

Big Twilight suggests that this is actually one of Estee's fics set in the Canon universe. So with Starlight at the School of Friendship probably.

Lol idk why but reading the end of your comment made me realize I had been reading it like 'Lafeyette' with a T the whole time. Interesting but challenging to pronounce.

LOL, it is based on a name. There's three pronunciations, all should have emphasis on the first syllable. Really, the middle one is most fraught, but the last one just seemed to fit, even if the first one is probably closest to the guy who the stone is named after.

Taaffeite (pronounced tah-fait, tar-fait or taw-fight).

We need more stories of Flurry growing up.
This was just perfect Estee - and your writing style is what made it so :heart::ajsmug:

Flurry will at some point sign up for therapy sessions. Where ponys that knew her when she was young will see her and be traumatized again.

I can't remember, I feel like I picked at the spelling and grammar of one of the old stories of one of the popular writers, making a fool of myself. I can't remember who the story belonged to or what it was called. Was it you? It was probably at least a year ago, but not like before g4 ended, as far as I can place it in my mind

I think it was either you or flutterpriest

What do you expect of him? BRAINS? He's Gil Nexdoor from Johnny Test.

"And what's a religion?"

It appears they have kept *certain* sensitive subjects about Princess Cadence away from the daughter, perhaps in hopes that she too would not wind up with cloaked acolytes creating secret worship temples to the One True Alicorn of Love, Services At Eight And Ten Weekends.

"But it's just meconium."

As a parent of four, I object to the word 'just' in there. The word 'meconium' was created because no other profanity could possibly describe it.

I'd originally thought that's why they ended up in Canterlot.

Fun story but two question.

"Okay," Flurry eventually said. "And what's a religion?"

Where was religion mentioned before that?

"The instant a military tactician decided to try solving the Sombra problem by -- what was it you did? Oh, right! -- flinging his spouse at it." (...) "This filing cabinet, however, contains six hundred pages of very small critical writing, all provided by Equestria's current military tacticians. And the amazing thing? Every last one of them came up with a better plan. In under ten seconds."

Was that part of the mockery by Twilight? Otherwise what betters plan were actually possible given Sombra was seconds away from winning and everypony else was had their magic blocked, drained, or were unavailable for Shining to get/call on such short notice?

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