• Published 3rd Apr 2024
  • 227 Views, 5 Comments

Why Does Bad Things Happen To Us - TheKing2001

The title says it all, Sunset and the Rainbooms go through crazy shit.

  • ...

Chapter I


I propped my head up with a hand as Mom continued writing on the white board, idly watching my classmates and the few friends in this class hastily writing down notes.

“Sunset Shimmer? Are you paying attention?” Mom called out and I jumped.

“Yeah M- yes Miss Cheerilee,” I corrected instantly. “Yes I am.”

“Good because this will be on the test,” Mom announced and I nodded sheepishly.

“Yes ma’am,” I muttered and picked up my pen. A paper ball slammed into the back of my head and I jumped, spinning around to glare at Velvet Sky smiling sheepishly. “What in God’s name was that for?”

“Trying to get your attention,” Velvet whispered as she continued writing.

“By assaulting me with paper?” I asked flatly as she turned red.

“Sorry. Anyway, what’s with you? Normally you’re always paying attention in her class?” Velvet jerked a thumb forward at Mom.

“Just tired recently is all,” I answered and paused. “Is it that noticeable?”

“Mhm. Derpy?”

“You know about that?” I asked as Velvet gave an exasperated sigh.

“Sunset, everyone knows about that. You’re very open about it.”

“Oh. Yeah, we’re all good. Just busy with school work as is everyone else in the house and here. You know how it goes,” I commented as Velvet nodded. “Plus, we were all together at Pinkie’s last night. Hey, can I borrow your notes after class?”

“Yeah sure. Just give them back after, I need to pass this test too.”

I gave a thumbs up and focused back up front where Mom was watching with a frown.


“Alright,” Rainbow announced as she sat down with her tray and all of us looked up at her. “This test is gonna be bullshit.”

“Felt that sister,” Indigo sighed as she pushed some apple sauce around on her tray.

“Agreed,” Applejack sighed as I continued copying Velvet’s notes, the girl sitting at the table behind us.

“Where’s Fuchsia?” I asked curiously as I continued.

“Trixie isn’t sure. She was supposed to met us here,” Trixie commented as Watermelody patted her hand.

“She told me something about plants and a garden so she won’t be here this time. Lavender is apparently trying to convince her cousin to play an instrument, Fluttershy is doing Fluttershy things and Twilight stayed behind in the classroom to talk to Cadence,” Watermelody answered as we all nodded.

It wasn’t unlike for all of them do those things so I wasn’t necessarily worried.

“How’s the notes going?” Derpy asked as she, Rarity, Bon Bon and Velvet looked over my shoulder.

“It’s going. Velvet is a freaking life safer for letting me borrow them. Mom is gonna kill me when I get home though I can already tell you girls that much.”

“Probably,” Fluttershy admitted as I sighed and Derpy hugged me.

“Derpy, I love you more than life but I really need to get these notes down so Velvet can get her paper back. We should watch a movie when we get home with ice cream, just us.”

“I’m down,” Derpy shrugged. “As long as you’re still alive of course.”

I hoped to be. Being dead well, sucks I would guess. I’ve never been dead before and I don’t entirely plan to be dead until at least decades from now. That would be preferable of course.

“It feels weird to sit at this table,” Velvet admitted as we all gave her confused looks. “This is pretty your guys table, most of us know it’s off limits.”

“That’s not the case love,” Octavia set down a water bottle with some red liquid. Knowing her, probably prune juice or something equally gross. “Anyone can sit here, we just usually get here first. Indigo Zap and our other friends sit else where in the lunch room. You and anyone else is more than welcome to join us.”

“Wonder what Aria, Sonata and Adagio are up to,” Lyra commented as she leaned back in her chair. “It’s been a hot minute since I’ve seen or even heard from them last. Are Aria and Adagio still not on speaking terms?”

I frowned slightly and looked down at my book. It had a been awhile since I had heard from them too and from what I heard last, Sonata’s taco had taken off pretty well.

“I believe so yeah,” I answered after a moment and flipped my book open. “Aria said and I quote, fuck that poofy orange haired sister of mine getting on my damn nerves. End quote.”

Rainbow let out a long, drawn out whistle as Fluttershy sighed.

“Wonder what Princess Twilight thinks about all this. Probably is a bit frustrating.”

“If I remember correctly, she’s more so worried. She’s not used to siblings fights like me or you are. She and Shining Armor get along pretty well if you don’t consider the Canterlot wedding incident,” I took a bit of my sandwhich mom had made for me.

“The what?” Applejack asked as I shrugged.

“Believe me, you don’t wanna know. It’s a whole story based on what I was told briefly by that world’s Fluttershy. Something about an imposter Cadence and an invasion of changelings, the elements thinking Twilight was possessive and yeah, it’s a whole thing.”

We all shuddered slightly and Velvet gave us confused looks. Even though the whole getting kidnapped thing by changelings had happened months ago, it still was pretty uncomfortable to sleep at night. Especially for Pinkie and Rarity I was told. They weren’t even there. I can’t imagine how Lyra and the rest feel.

“Anyway, here’s your notes back Velvet. I owe you big time for this,” I said as I handed the papers back to their owner. “I’ll paint you a picture or something, anything you want.”

“You down for a game of chess?” Velvet asked and I paused. I hadn’t played chess since, God I can’t even remember. Had to have been when I was still Celestia’s student.

“Yeah sure I’m game.”

“Okay cool. This weekend at the mall. I do tournaments there occasionally. You seem to be the type to be good at chess,” Velvet commented as she turned back to her lunch.

If only she knew how wrong she was. I oddly was looking forward to it. I knew she was going to beat me though. Velvet is the best chess player in all of CHS. She’s unbeaten. Not even Twilight could beat her, which honestly stunned us all. Her and Twilight became pretty fast friends after that. Even with Velvet teaching her techniques to Twilight, she still was unbeaten. I’m willing to bet her cutie mark is a chess piece or something back in Equestria. Kinda wanna find out one day.

But first I had to survive lectures at home.

Comments ( 5 )

Good first start

Here we go again!

11868183 I can't use gifs rip but yes. "Ah shit, here we go again"

Comment posted by Mancin deleted April 3rd
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