• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


In the wake of an unspeakable tragedy, Cheerilee finds herself struggling to survive the long year ahead of her. But her former lover's death has left an open door: one that invites ancient figures and stories from old tales and legends. As the line between reality and mythology begins to blur, she can't help but wonder: what did Applejack do? And... did it kill her?

Cover art by Cereal.

A gift for my incredibly awesome buddy, Mushroom. Congratulations on everything you do, and keep kicking ass. May the world never stop you.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 6 )

I love this fic to death!!! Talk about a targeted piece lol. I'm so excited to read it again! Thank you for posting it, and thank for your love and support over the years ❤️

Yes ofc I am so honored you like it and even more honored that we can be friends <3

seems good. Will keep reading

This is such a fantastic story, and worth every word of its length. I love how the little excerpts from pony myth start as a fun little window into the differing stories people (or ponies) tell themselves to explain the world, how it's unclear whether it's the same story being filtered through different lenses or history repeating, and then the slow-breaking reveal that this is just the latest iteration of the cycle.

Relatedly, the final "Malum, malum, malum" resonated the first time I read it, but it was only on second read that I really internalized that this was Cheerilee deliberately taking on the mantle of Elder, and closing the loop of the latest iteration -- much like all the others, not exactly the same, but rhyming.

... And despite the fact that I just spent a couple paragraphs enthusing about the myth-making threaded throughout this story, honestly a lot of my favorite parts were the characters just interacting as characters -- Cheerilee's early discussion with Mac, Night Glider's dedication to bureaucracy and Getting Things Done, figuring out what Strawberry's "deal" was, everything about Cheerilee's and Daring Do's history and how comfortable they are with each other; the way these background ponies interact with each other and with the world is grounded in a way that I think really reinforces the unmooring effects of the grief they're struggling with and the myths they find themselves entangled with, both. It's just all great.

Thanks, you were a huge help in editing as well! ^^

Great story! The mystery built up in an intriguing way and the character interactions were all really well done. Some nice dangling mysteries too, like who transformed Strawberry. I do admit it was a bit odd that multiple months passed since them discovering the portal before they really did anything about it, though.

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