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The Friendship Games

The Canterlot High students were finishing their last class, waiting for the long-awaited dismissal bell. When they heard the bell they took their things to go home. Few stayed to prepare; Their school would face their rival, Cristal Prep. Many had left, they were content with defeat, that school had beaten them in everything for years. Only a few believed they could achieve it; One of those were the Rainbooms. They were currently at the entrance of the school, near the statue. It turns out that Rainbow had called them about an emergency, but nothing serious, she just wanted a new string for her guitar, she wanted to play for the cruseders. Sunset Shimmer came out of the front door, aside from having her backpack, she was carrying a small toolbox. But she was wearing a different new style.

A very classic leather jacket with orange stripes, an aqua shirt with her cutie mark in, blue jeans, and black boots with orange stripes. Besides, she had accessories; A leather necklace, bracelets, piercings. Now there was an awkward silence, Sunset made the first move, walking down the steps to leave.

"Sunset, wait" Rainbow said.

Sunset stopped, and looked the group.

"How are you? We haven't seen you since..."

"Christmas?" Sunset said. "Since Anon-a-miss, right?"

The girls, and especially the crusaders, crouch down in shame and guilt. The last Christmas season, while Sunset was with her new friends, she had to deal with school problems. Someone spread rumors about rainbooms of embarrassing things. They were so desperate that, in one meeting, they interrogated Sunset. She attempted to peacefully walk away from them, but their insistence forced her to reveal some of her demon magic, just as she did with the Dazzlings. With that, the Rainbooms' few attempts at friendship towards Sunset diminished due to increasing guilt. Plus a new fear, her demon anger, and the worry of fighting again without Twilight.

"Yes... and for the thousandth time, we were wrong, again" said AppleJack.

"Actually, is the one thousand three hundred and sixty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-nine times!" Pinkie Pie said.

"You're not helping Pinkie" Rarity said, making the pink girl sad.

"I'm sorry" the pink girl said sadly.

Sunset only saw the girls, and she turned to leave.

"Sunset!" said Rarity.

"Now what?!" Sunset said annoyed.

The fashionista girl approached nervously, but she maintained her composure to hand a note. Sunset took the paper, it was a list where the participants came for the school games. At the end was her name.

"What's the meaning of this??" I asked seriously.

"Principal Celestia gave it to me, for you, she believes that having you on the team will be of great advantage against Cristal Prep" Rarity explained.

"Mmmm" Sunset said, looking at the list. "She thought the same about you guys"

"Yes, so we will be working as a team if we want to beat Cristal this year" said Rainbow motivated, returning inside the school. The others followed her.

"Umm.. do you want to come Sunset?" Applejack asked.

"I have other plans" Sunset replied.

"I see, I know you don't like us, but eventually we'll have to work together when the games start, you know?" Applejack said.

"I do, I'll be there" said Sunset.

Applejack smiled a little and walked into the school.

"Awwww, are you getting attached to them?"

"Leave me alone Demon, I'll only see them during these games" said Sunset.

"Yes, another waste of time"

"What are you complaining about? Isn't it enough to possess my body at night?" Sunset asked.

"I told you I have to do it, I have to feed, and the magic hasn't been so constant lately."

"Well stop it, you don't let me sleep at night"

"Oh~? Are you sure I'm the one who doesn't let you sleep at night~?" D asked, smiling mischievously.

Before Sunset could object, her phone rang with a notification. She checked it and it was a message from Adagio:

"Hey Sunset, we're waiting for you, are you coming?"

"Hi Adagio, I'm coming. I was entertained with something, but I be there"

"Okay, hurry up ;)"

Sunset smiled at the mermaid leader's messages.

"Speaking of the queen~" D smiled.

"S-Shut up" Sunset said, trying not to blush.

Pony girl was so distracted that she didn't notice someone approaching the school. With a sweatshirt covering her face, and she was wearing a strange device, she was using it to check the statue. When Sunset recovered, she noticed that person.

"Hey!" shouted. "What are you doing?!"

The hooded person ran away, Sunset went after her, but her cars prevented her from crossing the street, and she escaped from her by taking the bus.

"Who was she?" Sunset asked.

"I guess we'll find out later, with these ridiculous games we can be at school"

"Yes, that's true. But she'll have to wait, I have to hurry to the Dazzlings mansion" said Sunset, returning to her motorcycle.

"Don't want to keep your mermaid waiting, huh~?"

"If you don't shut up, I'm going to exorcise you" Sunset said annoyed.

Her demon started laughing, while Sunset started her motorcycle and returned to the highway.


Right after the New Year's Eve, the dazzlings moved back to their old mansion, thanks to the influence of Lemon and Blues' grandfather, they managed to get their things back. It was difficult, since things were so old and valuable. They returned to their beautiful beach house, just outside the city.

The happiest was Sonata, because I can cook again at home, she loved cooking in other places, but she didn't feel the same as at home, as a thank you, she prepared different dishes.
For Aria, a Meat and Rice Bowl, Crab Risotto for Adagio, Seafood Paella, for Blues, and Seafood Curry for herself and her girlfriend, Lemon.

At that moment Adagio came in, and saw the food, Sonata realized it.

"Don't worry, I already have Sunset's, fried egg and rice. No meat" she smiled

"Good" said Adagio.

"Sunset is coming here?" asked.

"She said she was close," Adagio said.

"Worried about your pony?" Aria said, entering suddenly.

"Weren't you with your little friend upstairs?" Adagio answered.

"He's resting, asked me to pircing his ears" Aria said, grabbing two beers from the refrigerator.

"It doesn't sound so bad" Sonata said.

"Six times on one, and another two on the right" Aria replied.

"Ouch!" Sonata said.

"And he's not my little friend Dazzle, the only thing we have in common is our taste in men" Aria said.

That surprised the other two, leaving them in shock.

"Wait Wha-?!"

"Don't cut yourself Sonata, focus on cooking" said Adagio. "So he is?"

"You was right, he's a damn closet gay, he just needs a little motivation" Aria said.

"Don't you ever learn, Aria? We've lived several lives and you haven't understood not to get involved in other people's lives," Adagio said.

"I could tell you the same thing," Aria said.

They both looked at each other threateningly, with the poor Sonata so nervous. Luckily her girlfriend came in to break the ice.

"Before you kill each other, I would like to eat first" said Lemon, approaching her girlfriend to kiss her.

"We're not ALL here" said Adagio.

But the sound of a motorcycle alerted them.

"Finally" Aria said. "I'll go wake up your crying bitch brother" she went to her room.

"I'll help Sunset" Adagio said, leaving the kitchen.

"Do you want me to help you with that, Toothpaste?" Lemon asked.

"Stop call me that, and the food is ready" Sonata smiled.

"I'm not talking about that~" Lemon smiled, making the blue siren blush.

Adagio opened the garage, so Sunset could store her motorcycle.

"You were late" Adagio said.

"Sorry, but I was busy" Sunset replied.

"With what?" Adagio asked

"The Rainbooms" said Sunset.

"What did they want?" Adagio was upset.

"They said I'll be participating in some games against a rival school" she explained.

While Sunset explained everything, Sonata and Lemon prepared the table and the food. Blues and Aria came down to get settled. But Lemon was surprised to see her brother.

"What happened to your hair?" Lemon ask.

"It was Aria, she gave me a new style" the boy smiled.

"Father wouldn't like that, you know?" her sister said.

"I don't care, I won't change again for a stuffy old man" said Blues, proud.

That's when Sunset and Adagio arrived.

"You look good Blues" said Sunset.

"Why did you take so long?" Aria asked.

"Because you don't stop bothering and help Sonata with the table" Adagio said annoyed.

Aria growled in annoyance and went to help her sister, the other siblings followed them, laughing.

"Thank you again for inviting us Adagio" Sunset smiled.

"It's the least I can do, you helped us get our home back" Adagio smiled. "And besides, you saved us from the asylum" took Sunset's hand. "And you saved me"

"Y-You're welcome" Sunset smiled nervously.

"Hey! Are you two going to eat or not?" Lemon shouted.

The two hurried to the outside dining room they had.

Within minutes, they were enjoying the delicious food while talking about different topics. They stayed up late, enjoying the pool, having drinks, and Sonata's delicious snacks.

Blues and Aria played in the pool against Sonata and Lemon, Adagio preferred to sunbathe until nightfall, Sunset stayed by her side. Adagio watched her sisters having fun. Even though Aria wanted to lend her one of her bikinis, Sunset preferred something more covered. Short above the knee, a tank top with an open shirt, Adagio was a little disappointed.

"Time out!" Blues shouted tiredly.

"We won again!" Sonata shouted happily.

"You're pathetic" Aria said annoyed.

"Winning so much made me hungrier" Lemon said.

"I think there were some snacks left in the kitchen, I'll go get them" Sunset said.

She got up from her chair and went to the kitchen and found the sandwiches near the living room furniture. When she took them, she accidentally threw the remote control, which fell to the floor, turning on the television, to the news channel:

"Breaking news! Today the monument is finished being built in the house where the famous murders of the serial killer, known as the Party Hard Killer, occurred"

Sunset went blank upon hearing that.

"And in addition to that, we have news that the alleged suspect in the murders will be released from the juvenile correctional facility. After almost a year of his arrest, the young man has been acquitted of the charges against him."

The pony girl dropped the tray of food to the ground, seeing the defendant's face.

"His name has been revealed to the public, the young Sky Hawk, a former student at the prestigious Canterlot High, has been released and his innocence has been proven. Trying to obtain an interview with the boy, he did not want to give more information about the facts"

Sunset fell to the ground in shock at what she heard.

"He only mention wanting to return to his life... and with his friends. Therefore, the events of that fateful night are still unknown. And without knowing what happened to... the party killer"

The pony girl began to breathe heavily, her body did not stop shaking, thousands of memories returned to her mind.

"Sunset?" call Lemon. "What happened with the-?"

But she was surprised to find her friend on the floor, with the broken plate of food in front of her.

"Sunset?! What's wrong? What happen?!" She knelt next to her worried.

She then watched television and understood everything.

"Shit! Sunset, please calm down, I'm with you, okay?" Lemon said, hugging her friend.

"Why are they taking so long?" Blues asked suddenly. "What happened?!" watching the scene.

"TURN OFF THE DAMN TV!!!" Lemon shouted.

Her brother was scared, but when he saw the screen he understood, but because of her nerves he just left her silent.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

It was Aria standing at the door with Sonata next to her. Adagio was the last to enter the house.

"What's wrong with Sunset?" Sonata asked.

Hearing that, the lead siren made way for the pony girl.

"What happened here?!" Adagio said kneeling next to her.

"I...I..." Lemon said.

"No" Sunset said, getting everyone's attention. "Not... again..."

"It's okay Sunset," Adagio said, taking the pony girl.

She gently helped her up, and led her to the living room couch.

"Sonata, prepare some tea, you know which one. Aria, bring the emergency kit" she ordered.

Her sisters did not protest and obeyed. Sunset stayed in Adagio's arms as he tried to calm her down, while Lemon and Blues sat in front.

"I want answers. Now" the lead siren looked defiantly at the brothers.


Lemon stopped her brother. "We won't talk until our friend calms down"

Adagio nodded, she wanted answers, but she was right, Adagio just focused on calm Sunset and reassuring her. In a few minutes, Aria returned with the kit, and Sonata with the tea. They offered Sunset the drink and some medicine, in a matter of half an hour, Sunset fell asleep in Adagio arms.

"What did you give her?" Blues asked.

"Some sleeping medications, are more effective with a hot drink" Adagio responded.

"She should go rest somewhere else" Lemon said.

"Take her to my room" Adagio said.

"I'll do it" said Blues. He approached her friend and picked her up.

"Show him the way, Sonata" Aria said.

The little siren nodded and left the room with the boy.

"Now, are you going to talk?" Aria asked.

"Yes, but no" Lemon responded.

"What do you mean?" Adagio asked.

"I made, we made a promise. I can't tell you much" Lemon said.

"Does it have to do with that?" Aria said, pointing to the television with the news.

"Yes" Lemon took control and activated the audio.

"And we hope to have you tomorrow, dear viewers, to continue with the case of the party killer, where we will tell how the events that led this 'Party Hard Killer' to commit the murders could have occurred."

Lemon turned off the TV. "Does this sound familiar?" asked.

"No. We weren't in town at the time, we were on tour in another city" Aria said.

"In Las Vegas, but, I remember something similar happened there too, we didn't give it importance" Adagio responded.

"But what does it have to do with Sunset?!" Aria asked.

"Everything" said Blues, with Sonata at his side. "Did you tell them?"

"Not yet. I know we promised Sunset, but we'll be able to give our version of how it started" said her sister.

"Okay, that's fine with me" said Blues.

"Okay, then I'll start" Lemon said. "We will tell them the reason for Sunset's attack. It all started at that party... the same one where I met her."

Author's Note:







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