• Published 15th Jan 2013
  • 742 Views, 5 Comments

The Beginning of an Era - Befram

Sleigh, King of Equestria rules a land in which every pony not a unicorn is shunned and seen as something lesser. But recently the cities across his land have risen up, and rumors say that behind it all stand two ponies bearing both wings and horn.

  • ...

Wings and Horn

Slowly, without even a creak the gate separating the nobles from the commoners in the Everfree city opened and out came a procession of regal-looking ponies, heads held high with an expression of utmost aristocratic detachment. At the front an alabaster toned unicorn standing a head taller than his fellow ponies strode, a red cloak of very fine quality trailing just above ground and a golden crown marking him as someone only an idiot would insult. Next to his side a much less impressive pony trotted, casting nervous glances left and right at the earth ponies and pegasi that watched them as if fearing they would attack - which, from the many unfriendly looks thrown their way was an arguably justified reaction.

As the last pony exited the gate it swung shut with a resounding bang behind the large escort - a number of twenty guards surrounding their lord at all sides save the front, while carefully eyeing the population as if sizing up a foreign force. Indeed, that was not far from the truth - as to the left and right there were only pegasi and earth ponies to be seen, while each one of the intruders were accompanied by a single horn on their forehead - all unicorns.

“Please, your majesty, this isn’t wise - with the current problems in the kingdom and rebellious groups, you shouldn’t be here...” the unicorn beside his king said nervously while checking through the list he carried along.

“So what are you suggesting, Quill; that I sit and tremble in my castle?” King Sleigh replied evenly, with the faintest hint of a sneer tugging at his lips.

“Should I let those lesser than us believe I fear them?” He continued, and the mass of ponies carefully backed away as he placed his hoof on the side of a house.

“This is mine, and I could have it torn away on a single whim,” The inhabitants wisely scrambled away. “See this street? Everything here is mine - this district, this town. The entire country - all of it belongs to me, Quill. Now, don’t worry...” he patted Quill on the shoulder. “I trust my guards if worst comes to worst.”

“Yes... of course, your majesty.” And that was that.

Despite the dark looks cast at them, nopony made a move to stop the entourage; while there was many a muttered curse, they were all too aware that it wasn’t worth the risk to play the hero. While these quarters in direct approximate to the unicorn half of the city weren’t equal to those buildings within, they were still well-made and in good condition. It was first when they passed what made for the earth ponies and pegasi version of the middle class districts that the atmosphere around them changed from that of a terrified sullen obedience to that of outright hostility and hatred.

The ponies around them were thin and dirty, their former joy and sturdiness taken away by years of neglect. The houses were no different. This was where those who had lost most if not all gathered. Seeing their approach, beggars and street-goers scrambled away from the road while the rest slowly scrambled into dark alleys or just watched them in sullen hatred.

“Your Majesty, perhaps we should turn back; you have no reason to be here--”

“Believe me, Quill, I would love nothing more than to leave these filthy beasts alone; however, I have been told there is an orphanage here, and I intend to do my duty.”

‘Oh, yes...’ Quill thought with his head sunk as they approached a rundown building with the windows barely hanging on to its shape, and the paint having disappeared in patches over the years giving it the look of an animal having been attacked and stripped of patches of skin. Telling the majority of his entourage to keep watch, Sleigh opened the door and stepped forward, followed by four armed guards and Quill.

Sometimes one could take a look at the universe and wonder what it was all about - was it all pure coincidence that dictated ones fate? Did everything happen according to the nature of chaos or was there some order deciding it all? No matter what it was, Quill secretly believed there was some kind of force, neither malignant nor good that made up for some of those specific scenarios in life. Running blind in a street when two workers carrying a piece of glass went by; a parasprite passing your way just as you finished the last detail for dinner; or that one embarrassing letter from childhood slipping out of the shelf just as your marefriend visits.

Or walking into the orphanage just as the caretakers hoof slaps a young unicorn, the kind of light slap you gave when a child had turned out completely unruly. Yet the sharp sound echoed in the air in the face of the sudden silence that came as the foals inside merely looked confused at the unicorn visitors, while the earth pony caretaker’s eyes widened in shock as he took in the golden crown.

Then the silence was broken by the filly unicorn bursting out in tears - Sleighs eyes grew into narrow slits at this. He towered above the earth pony who realized he was quivering in a standing position and quickly knelt down to quiver instead.

“Quill, tell me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there a law decreed by my father that is constantly announced throughout the entire kingdom that any violent actions performed against unicorns by either pegasi or earth ponies were made illegal unless authorized by law?” Sleigh asked in a disturbingly businesslike manner, completely ignoring the trembling caretaker.

“You did, your majesty.”

“And did I not after my coronation make further efforts for this to spread to every corner of the kingdom and made several posters throughout the lands and sent copies of the law to all libraries?”

“So you did, indeed, your majesty.”

Sleigh lifted the earth pony’s head so their eyes met, “Tell me, caretaker - would I allow for a law that condones the assault of a defenseless filly?” He said, his voice sharp and cold as ice.

“N-No, your majesty...” the stallion whimpered fearfully.

“Exactly. Guards, take him away.” Wordlessly, two brawny unicorns left their kings side and dragged the terrified caretaker away, ignoring his rising torrent of protests. Any attempts at escape were made impossible by the magical chain they linked to his legs allowing for little more than a fast walking pace.

“You can’t suppress us all! Ponies everywhere are rising up, soon our new rulers will come!” he screeched and shouted at every pony within aural range until the guards muffled him at last.

Mouth twisting at the mention of several of his provinces rebelling, Sleigh cut off that part of his mind for now - he first had to do right with his true subjects. Namely one small unicorn crying loudly while the rest of the orphanage just stood silent and scared pressed against the wall; a quick look revealed none of them were a unicorn, and therefore of no further interest.

“What’s your name, little one?” he said gently, stroking her tears away as best he could as she winced away from his hoof.

“S-Starlight... please don’t hurt Mr. Hoof, he usually never hits us but I didn’t listen, it was my fault...” she dejectedly finished, staring into the floor.

Sleigh sighed - he feared that this might have happened. This would hurt her, he knew, but some medicines were bitter. “He did a bad thing, Starlight; first of all, he hit you, but he didn’t tell us you were here either. If we knew, we would have taken care of you a long time ago.”

“You know my mommy and daddy?” she said with a small gasp, her eyes suddenly filled with hope.

“No, but there are some nice unicorns who would surely like to adopt you, these two nice ponies will get you to a much better orphanage in the meantime.” Waving to the last two guards inside they gently led the uncertain filly out until she stopped and cast a worried glance behind her.

“W...what about my friends?”

“Don’t worry about them, Starlight. About that earth pony - we just want to have a little talk with him, no harm done.” Apparently satisfied with the answer and completely unaware of the lie she trotted away with the guards, chatting amiably with them answering her myriad of questions. The promise of a real family lightened her eyes up.

“A good days work done, everypony. Let us return now.”

“Wait, what happen to us? Hoof was the only adult here.” an uncertain voice came from the pile of ponies that still clung to the far wall, from who it was impossible to say.

“Your majesty, they are right, we should make certain somepony else takes care of them before leaving.” Quill said with a worried glance at the colts and fillies, it was a wonder a single pony had managed to take care of them all, not to mention keeping them fed.

“It’s not really our concern, Quill.” Sleigh answered nonchalantly, “I’m certain some earth pony or pegasus will take care of them eventually, and if not, well… that just proves what I always said about their kind. Now, come along - they’re none of our concern.” And without as much as a glance backwards, his majesty Sleigh, King of Equestria walked out of the abandoned orphanage with Quill and his guards, leaving the bunch of defenseless foals alone. The sounds of weeping and wailing started as soon the door had been slammed shut.

Sleigh gazed at the sky turning into the fiery color of twilight; so it was true that the rumors about the cities of his kingdom rebelling had even reached the citizens here, now.

“Quill.” The unicorn immediately snapped to attention. “There will be a meeting today in the gallery at nightfall. I expect everyone of importance to attend.”

“Of course, your majesty.” Quill scribbled down his words, writing down the names of the most important ones needing to attend on automatic. “For what reason?”

“It’s time we sort out the problem with the rebels, I have sent messengers and given them plenty of time to realize their mistake. It’s time for action.”

“Action, your majesty?” his pen halted on the paper momentarily, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

“Send an additional message to the marshal. Tell him to gather up our forces and conscript everypony necessary, I tried making the traitors understand what must be done with peace. Now it’s time for the last argument of kings, my last argument. War.”

Folding a pair of graceful snow white wings, the cloaked mare settled down at the mountain top offering a clear view of the city beneath her. ‘No more like a fortress,’ she thought with a shudder as the capital of the unicorn empire suffered her critical watch. High walls surrounded the town and though she couldn’t see from this distance she had heard of the watchmen constantly patrolling, looking for any pony seeking to illegally enter, or escape. Anypony that wasn’t a unicorn.

And yet despite all the oppression she couldn’t help but feel that the capital named Everfree -- an ironic name, she had come to realize -- was nothing short of breathtaking against the color of the twilight sky.

The sound of a pair of powerful wings finishing their last couple beats came from nearby, signalling a new arrival. A dark mare came to rest beside her and neatly folded her wings to her sides.

Giving her a moment to take in the view, the taller of the two finally spoke. “I’m glad to see you made it safely here. Are you sure you’re ready for this? After this, there can be no turning back.”

The recently arrived mare let out a quiet laugh - a laugh at the ridiculous offer. She was half her partners height yet larger than most other ponies. A wide conical hat like those common hedge magicians wore rested on her head, and this coupled with the coat covering her sides, hood casting shadows on her face and her mane and tail tucked away in the name of stealth gave her a truly odd appearance.

“We have far passed that point, already. I, in particular.”

“I never asked you to take that path,” the taller pony whispered back hoarsely, shaking her head.

“We all play our roles, sister; this is mine. We can’t both be monsters,” There wasn’t any accusation or regret; just a cold, hard statement. How things had changed.

“You are not a monster...” She replied, draping a white wing reassuringly over her companion.

The smaller mare lowered her head for a moment as if in thought, but then looked up into the eyes of her sister with determination. “...Let’s not waste time. There is much to be done.”

“Good luck. Please be careful - this is the capital. They will not go easy if they find intruders.”

Chuckling softly the mare unfurled her wings once more. “You are adept at being found and dazzle everypony around you. I am likewise skilled at hiding; good luck, sister, and remember that this is for the best.”

Throwing herself out from the cliff top, the mare soared down near the shadowy parts of the trees where her cloak and dark uncovered skin made it look like she blended into the shadows, quickly hiding her from sight.

Uncovering her own wings, the white mare flew towards a bend in the road hiding her from the guards. Discarding her robe she also tossed the hat away and strode confidently towards the unicorns on watch near the gates. She had her own part to play, and as the guards eyes widened at her approach she smiled at one very important piece of knowledge she had learnt during the years.

She knew how to play it.

Sleigh, King of Equestria waited patiently at his seat, watching the detached, yet curious expressions worn by the nobleponies trickling into the expansive chamber. To say he was not at most times frustrated at having to merely associate with them would have been a lie; however, he had long since learned the dance of politics, of just how to appease and manipulate the upper class. Of course, this meeting had been called for a much graver purpose than to discuss the prospects of a full quarter-percent tax raise on sales. Anypony being delayed when called for an emergency meeting he wouldn’t trust with any amount of soldiers.

Despite the night having fallen, the gallery beneath him was now filled with his most influential subjects, each one present the head of a powerful noble house. Some were excitedly whispering to their neighbors, while others horns lit up in what he recognized as long communication spells. Casting a glance to Quill at his side who jotted down his every word, he received a barely noticeable nod in return; every telepathic conversation was carefully recorded by his magicians. So were the non-magical conversations below, he knew, some of the ponies writing being employed by himself to keep track of what was being said.

Hearing a creak, Sleigh turned his head as the master of attendance came in, ready to perform his task of recording who was present and who was not.

Nodding for the herald to begin, the unicorn smashed his staff into the floor several times to call for silence.

“This meeting is in order. Today a matter of great importance is to be addressed, which is why his majesty, King Sleigh has called all of you belonging to the great houses together.” Sleigh could imagine the smug smiles and adjusting of attire this comment would cause as vividly as if the gallery was in full daylight.

“Calling the head of each house present; Lord Briar, of House Aegis; Lord Ephemeron, of House Spellborn; Lady Starfire, of House Highwind;...”

Sleigh was pleased to note that the houses presence called by the herald was reaffirmed by each and every one he had sent for, and they were all seated properly and promptly. As the speaker finally rolled up his scroll, Sleigh walked up to the podium, easily imagining their thoughts - for what possible reason could their king call them all in such a hurry? Except the more intelligent ones should by now have figured out the only reason such a mass gathering of them was necessary.

“I am pleased to see everypony I called here tonight. Your families served my father dutifully throughout the years, and it is a joy to see you continue this during my reign. Unity is something we cannot afford to lose, especially in the troubling times ahead of us. Yes, I am speaking of the vile act of our fellow ponies having betrayed us.”

The galleria was dark, the light set to a low glow in what he felt fitting for the serious news he had. News he could no longer keep back, he knew.

“So it is true... you’ve lost control of several outlying towns to rebellion, your majesty?”

Sleigh glanced up and took note of the speaker - the head of house Spellborn, a unicorn whose graying coat marked him as well into his twilight years, yet a great many ponies still followed his counsel.

“Unfortunately, what you say is true, Lord Ephemeron. A string of uprisings has struck our kingdom of late. City after city has fallen victim to the vile influence of these lesser ponies. The earth ponies and pegasi, despite our best attempts to keep them safe and lead them with wisdom and justice, have appreciated none of this. I ask you; who keeps them fed, who makes the plans for these magnificent buildings? Who sits up endlessly in the long nights, working furiously to maintain the order and peace? We do!!” He bellowed, slamming his hoof on the podium.

Despite the approving chatter circulating around the room, some still looked unimpressed. One green-cloaked, blonde-maned mare stepped up, regarding the king with eyes of deep amber. “And with your best attempts to keep them safe, you instead have risked our rule?”

“It is as you say, Lady Starfire; in my attempts at negotiation I have failed to make them understand their place, unlike my father, the great King Sledge. This is something I am greatly ashamed of, having risked all we have strived for. At this rate, they look to march upon the shining city of Everfree itself - no doubt they wish ‘revenge’ against us, to enslave the great unicorn race into rank servitude.” Making a pause, Sleigh allowed for his secretary to jot down his speech and for his words to sink in.

“However, I have hope. Today I am proud to only see fellow unicorns amongst us, we proud users of the arcane arts out of reach to those of lesser minds. We are the rightful rulers of Equestria, the most worthy - and now they seek to overthrow our reign. My scouts have picked up signs of the earth ponies and pegasi mobilizing their armies.” Quill stopped scribbling and his eyes widened and mouth fell ajar as he watched the bone-white unicorn - he knew all of his king’s business and was always at his side, recording and writing down his every day’s agenda.

After a sidelong glare from Sleigh, the obedient scribe returned to his work. Of course Quill would recognize the lie, for in truth Sleigh had heard no such rumors, at worst merely the token force garrisoned within each city as he’d always kept the main army close at home. Yet the shocked mutterings and scared looks amongst the audience was just what he wanted.

“Obviously, they are inferior to our own forces; however, there are a great number of them, and we have even heard reports of rogue unicorns in their forces.” A shocked gasp erupted amongst the assembled nobles, many speaking in panic amongst themselves, hurling shouts and promises of retribution at both the ponies in the distant towns and those in the very Everfree city itself.

Eventually regaining order, Sleigh pressed on, “However, ever since I first caught word of this I have spoken to the marshal and our army is being rallied and prepared as we speak. Supplies are being secured and, while some non-unicorns may go hungry, it is the fault of their own traitorous brethren for forcing us this far.”

Smiling at the agreeable murmurs and nodding heads he glimpsed through the gloom, he continued.

“However, I will have need of each and every one of your forces; we need to crush them with the full might of our combined horns, or else we risk losing everything. Will you house the troops necessary?”

The temperature in the room seemed to drop the second the words left his mouth. Thoughts of armor, food, weapons and a soldiers wage crossed the minds of all present - all things that would require a significant investment taken from their own coffers. The assembled ponies began muttering amongst themselves, bearing looks of concern and uncertainty.

Sleigh, knowing the mind of the upper class had expected this would happen, just as he knew there were only two things in the world that could possibly motivate a noble. Promises of wealth - promises that, if he gave would shift the balance of power in their favor as it would take a large sum out of the treasury, and he would be left with nearly nothing with which to pay his own soldiers. Or, giving them control of the cities would likewise mean him shifting the balance in their favor - there was only one other thing that could influence them.

Taking a deep breath, he knew it was time to make his one statement that would either forever mark him as the great king who secured the unicorn races position in the world, or the fool who allowed himself to be overthrown.

“I understand your hesitation - a war is nothing any of us would have wished for. Yes, it will cost us dearly, both in gold and in the blood of our comrades. However, understand this - if we do nothing, and they come here, you will be given no quarter. They hate us unicorns, and us representing them most of all. It will be a massacre - mares, foals, nopony will be safe. They will cast down our culture, burn and destroy every work of art from picture to page, and shackle us into slavery, whilst they seat themselves in the place of of the masters. All of the beauty, the knowledge, the wisdom... the unicorn race as we know it will cease to exist. I know I won’t take this risk, my forces will move with or without your aid. But know this - if you regret your decision of inaction as their army stands banging on the door, it will be too late to change your mind.”

“Of course,” he said nonchalantly, “it’s possible that this won’t happen; however, are you prepared to take that risk?”

He stood still as his words sunk in, low murmured conversation again starting amongst the nobles as he stood still and waited for whatever verdict would befall him and his country.

“The house of Spellborn will give you our aid,” The gray stallion said at last.

“As will the Highwinds,” Starfire added.

“The House of Aegis has not failed to be a shield for this country before; we shall not fail now.” Lord Briar stated with finality, slamming a hoof on the floor for emphasis.

Other pledges of assistance followed and Sleigh could do little more than stop himself from grinning. Yes, there truly was only one other thing able to control the nobles - fear.

“Then from tonight onward, we are at war. By the end of the week the army will march for the nearest town and recapture it. Their attempts of resistance will be broken, crushed and--“

“What about the rumors of the two leading the uprising? The ones bearing both wings and horn?”

The voice of a mare, strong yet subtle resounded from the corner of the gallery. The ordinary darkness the room was enshrouded in was cast aside by a deeper, more powerful shade - and in the middle of it, Sleigh imagined he saw a dark coated pony staring grimly at him before leaning back and suddenly both she and the strange shadows were gone. Shaking his head slightly, he blinked a few times. He must be getting tired - how could he possibly see any individual pony in this gloom?

Not missing their king’s inability to respond, several ponies voiced their thoughts and opinions unabashed.


“Tales and nothing more!”

“What is she, a foal?” Ill-concealed laughter soon sounded in the gallery.

“What if the rumors are true, though - what do we do then?”

“Maybe we should send in some spies before doing anything rash after all?”

“They wouldn’t do anything without some strong leaders though, would they?”

A vein pulsed in Sleigh’s head, invisible in the dark to his unaware subjects.

“SILENCE!” His voice cut through the chatter clean as any blade, prompting every pair of eyes in the room to fix upon him with a mess of different expressions - but it was clear they got the message. Taking a deep breath, he continued in a calmer manner.

“They are nothing but rumors, I assure you - a pathetic excuse of a symbol to guide them. Only further proving that they can’t see one of their own kind as a worthy leader. Now, I declare this meeting adjourned; any further questions can be directed to me at the usual court hours tomorrow.” With that last piece Sleigh turned away from the nervous crowd while Quill quickly followed, not a hoof behind Sleighs own four personal guards walking briskly behind.

Unlike other days where he would walk through the gallery and exit by the entrance door, talking to his subjects and answering any belated question of theirs, he chose the back door for today - or rather tonight, he corrected himself as they passed a window and he gazed out at the darkened town. It had been a hectic day, he thought as he worked out a cinch in his neck with a satisfying snap. Yet there was still one last matter to attend to.

He looked at Quill walking beside him, head buried in his notes while barely glancing at his king - an occurrence that had come only during the recent weeks.

“You appear concerned, Quill.”

“Just reflecting on the coming war, your majesty. Despite what you said, with the loss of our towns we will face problems with supplies if we can’t secure the cities quickly,” He answered without looking up, correcting a sentence in his papers.

“Very worrying, indeed, but I have every confidence that we will succeed. But you have been like this for weeks now; I understand it’s upsetting, but I wish you had told me your wife had given birth.”

“I’m sorry, your majesty,” Quill answered with only the slightest quiver in his voice.

“So am I.” Sleigh sighed. “And it’s not your fault at all that she gave birth to a pegasus - it happens, unfortunately. I expect you will bring him to some orphanage, soon?”

“Actually, your majesty... with all due respect, me and my wife have grown rather attached,” Quill mumbled into his papers.

“Hmm, yes... I understand it may be difficult for you. I suppose it wouldn’t be fair for me to ask this of you, Quill.”

“Thank you!” Quill burst out wearing an oafishly relieved smile, his silent demeanor a thing of the past.

“Steel Hoof, Light Dust.” Sleigh addressed two of his guards in a detached, almost bored manner, “You two will go and bring it to some orphanage or non-unicorn parent tomorrow morning.”

“Wait, what?!” Quill said, his smile disappearing as suddenly as it had come.

“That way you won’t have to worry about it; I’m sorry, is there something wrong?”

“I-I just remembered I should be home by now; I promised my wife, so, if you will excuse me...”

“Yes, yes, we’re all done for today.” And with a hasty bow and an even hastier retreat Quill was no longer to be seen.

“That must have been the first time I’ve ever seen that serious pony sprint...” Sleigh chuckled to himself. “Steel Hoof, Light Dust; follow him, I’d rather he didn’t try anything foolish like trying to escape before tomorrow. It would be a horrible waste of talent.” Following his orders with a bow they left after the frantic pony, and within moments Sleigh and his two remaining guards arrived at his personal chambers.

“So is it the usual four hour shift tonight, as well?” He asked them conversationally.

“Yes, sir.” One of the two replied. Stoic and unwavering as always. The epitome of honor and duty.

Surveying the empty corridor, no matter how interesting the paintings or beautiful the chandeliers he couldn’t fail to notice the shadows sprawling along the walls in an dance with the flames lightening it all up. Shadows that against his will reminded him of that shadowy pony he thought he’d seen before, and who had called out the rumors concerning the rebellions leaders? It had been no voice he had recognised.

Belatedly he realised he had become lost in thought, and turned to his guards. “Sorry to hear that. Must be dull. Also, do not turn away any messengers arriving within the coming hours; it might be a matter requiring my immediate attention.” With a curt nod from the two brawny unicorns they took up positions flanking the door, which Sleigh promptly opened and slipped into his chambers.

‘Same as always,’ he remarked inwardly. The same luxurious maroon rug embroidered with beautifully curving designs, leading straight to the enshrined life-size golden statue of himself staring at him from across the room. Beyond that lay his bedchambers, yet his eyes were for now fixed upon a wide curved sofa piled high with luxurious velvet cushions. With a sigh of satisfaction he lowered himself into their comfort, briefly lighting his horn to bring over his latest interest - a fair-sized philosophical work titled War and Ponies. A fitting choice for today.

All he wanted right now was to relax for a short while before going to bed. So mark his surprise as a shadow loomed over him, the one responsible as tall as any pony he’d ever met. This was merely a side note his brain made as his legs had already worked out their job for themselves, kicking him up and putting some distance from the intruder.

He couldn’t tell what kind of pony she was, a coat in which she stuffed her mane and tail concealed both her cutie mark and any indications of whether she had wings or not . Additionally, she wore a ridiculous imitation of a magicians hat so high it made it impossible to see if she had a horn either. Only her face was unhidden, displaying a lustrous dark blue coat; the color of night.

“Guards!” Sleigh cried out.

The mare slowly raised her head to account for his sudden departure from the pillows, eyes like glittering ice and just as cold watching him, a light scowl etched into her face as she remained still as a statue. Raising a hoof she pointed at him in the same way as a judge or commander, the point before the words of verdict or that before the order to charge came.
And suddenly the feeling was gone, and all he saw was an angry overgrown pony of uncertain race with a silly fashion sense standing before him.

“Do you remember me?”

“Why should I?” He frowned. “Yes, I remember; so I saw somepony there after all, you were the one in the corner. It was you who brought up that idiocy of some new kind of pony leading the rebels. What’s the meaning of this? I don’t believe you had a right to be there, I should throw you into a cell right now. I have no idea how you got past my guards, but if this is your idea of some assassination attempt I must say I am sorely unimpressed, I have seen plenty of better attempts than this - and with that I count the foal charging me with a knife. Now where the hell are those two? Guards, get in here at once!” He roared, but nopony burst through the door to perform their duty.

“That won’t help, Sleigh - they can’t hear you.” And now he noticed the faint glimmer surrounding the room - some kind of sound isolating spell, he guessed.

He glared at her, “So you are a unicorn, after all; what’s with the ridiculous getup? I made this country for our kind to keep our heads held high, not to hide our gifts.”

“Oh, I know exactly what kind of a country you made, your majesty.” She intoned, slowly circling him, Sleigh following her every movement. “A country where earth ponies and pegasi are discriminated, and unicorns can’t form bonds with them in fear of the scorn and hate they would receive from their peers who are really just terrified of receiving it in turn if they do nothing. A country where unicorns are ashamed of their own foals if it’s not a unicorn, while pegasi and earth ponies are forced to turn over their child if it is a unicorn. A country of fear and hate. And do you know the worst of it all?”

“I suppose you’re going to tell me either way...”

“You’re actually proud of it. I have seen many horrible deeds in my life, Sleigh. I have seen ponies that would murder you without a second thought just for their personal enjoyment; I have seen sadists, thieves, kidnappers; and by now I figure I have witnessed every crime possible either made or imagined. But you... are the worst.”

The mare raised a surprised eyebrow as Sleigh took a step towards her, his horn shining with the brilliant white of his coat. “I have heard enough of your babbling. Did you truthfully believe that I was helpless without my guards?” A white beam so brilliant that it nearly blinded him burst out from his horn heading straight at the intruder, which he kept up for several seconds before extinguishing the magic. Waiting for his sight to return, he sighed in annoyance. There would only be a burned husk left, and he so did like this rug.

Blinking, he began to see white spots through the darkness; shaking his head he looked left and right and could see perfectly fine, but ahead of him was the same shadow with white spotted into it.

“Against me, yes...” Sleigh gasped as the gloom suddenly parted revealing the mare standing there, utterly unharmed. What shocked him most wasn’t the unknown spell, or even seeing his effort completely in vain. What shocked him were the two wings standing out proudly, and the horn crowning her head. Unwanted whispers and rumors about the two ponies with both wings and horn crossed his mind, and he slowly backed towards the door as he realized exactly who stood before him.

“You... it’s you who turned my subjects against me! You’re the one responsible for all of this!”

“They have been turned against you for years now.” She shook her head, sending her mane rippling through the air. For the first time Sleigh noted the ethereal appearance of it, waving and floating through the air and littered with spots of light bringing him to think of the night sky.

“You have no one to blame but yourself. Really, tell me, Sleigh - what is it about unicorns that make you so special? You can perform magic, but you cannot manipulate the weather, nor do you have the gift of earth and nature that earth ponies possess. You are equal.”

“Isn’t it obvious? We control the sun and the moon! Without us, the whole world would wither away.” He said, catching the twinkle in her eyes - surely she couldn’t know?

“No, you don’t.” A protest on his lips was immediately ploughed over as she continued.

“Fifty years ago, during your fathers reign the unicorns lost all control of the moon and sun. Since then, you have only been able to fake it every day; or rather should I say you faked it all the time?” She trotted past him over to the window.

“Hmm, shouldn’t the moon be out by now?” It was a completely clear night, without a single cloud to hide the illumination of the stars and the… where was the moon? No matter how hard he looked, it wasn’t there - it should be there. What in the world was going on? A terrified thought struck him - if it was revealed that the unicorns no longer controlled the sun and moon, there would be no more hope of controlling the earth ponies and pegasi. Looking at her, he noted how she smirked - surely it couldn’t be, surely not.

“Yes. I am Luna. Tell me - what does my name and cutie mark symbolize?”

“The moon...” he breathed, recognition crushing him along with his own frantic denials.

A deep azure glow took over her horn, the spark of power flying around in the room making his coat stand on end in a way not even all the members of the royal magicians had been able to. Under the watch of his widened eyes the moon slowly climbed along the sky until it reached its position. The feeling of power evaporated, while Sleigh could only stare with mouth agape at the godlike being before him.

“But… my father said they needed at least thirty unicorns to do that before, how could you possibly do that alone?”

Smiling gently at the moon, it was with a sigh of reluctance that she faced him once more.

“Simply because, as I said, you never controlled the moon; me and my sister have felt you try to control it and the sun, and merely allowed you to ride on the current of power we command. However, after seeing the misuse of such power we decided to take proper control of moon and sun once more, hoping to dispel your ignorant attitude. We were wrong, so we have decided to show ourselves to the world; far too many innocent ponies have suffered, and we have had enough of watching. We decided to take action.”

“But if you always controlled it, you must be--“

“Ancient. And my sister even more so than me. But enough talk, Sleigh, Son of Sledge; it’s time to answer for your crimes.” She said as a deep shadow began to fill the room, materializing and thickening and reaching towards him. With every burst of energy from his horn or swat with his hooves they disappeared like mist only to return every time, bringing in a cold so intense it burned.

Gathering the last remnants of power he formed it into a final burst of magic against her; not bothering to look if it worked, he rushed towards the door only to see how the same mist that stopped his magic before streamed past and formed into that accursed pony, blocking his path.

“What do you think will happen if some unknown freaks try to take power immediately after some pony killed me?! The nobles won’t allow unknowns like you to command them!” He desperately swirled his eyes around searching for any exit - he didn’t even have enough energy left for basic levitation.

“My sister controls the sun, her specialty is to shine and dazzle anypony. Trust me when I say that by now, she will have caught their interest.”

Noticing his expression, she smiled. “Yes, ever since you left the gallery she’s made her move. In just a few weeks, if not days, the majority will follow her reasoning, most of all those disgusted by your reign. But what you said is true; if some pony killed you the same day we came here, we would face harsh resistance, most likely resulting in even more needless deaths. So I ask you for the first, and last time. Will you surrender your crown and all claims on your power, wealth, and nobility?”

“Never!! You will have to kill me before that!” He roared defiantly, though he couldn’t help but feel a pit in his stomach at being cornered.

She shook her head. “I cannot dazzle and lead ponies the same way my sister can - she’s the one on the front lines.” She said calmly. “However, I have my own particular skills. I can hide in ways in which nopony could ever find me; I have the gift of the night. I won’t kill you; and I won’t need to. You will die of terror this night when the news of me and my sister having arrived comes to you.”

Sleigh felt a bubbling sensation welling up inside, and unable to stop it he threw his head back and laughed. Laughed at the absurdity of a single being capable of moving the moon. Of her partner inside his own castle, and his subjects allowing it. Of his sure fate of being killed in the near future, of all his work wasted. But most of all at the complete absurdity of what she had just said.

“You’re powerful; but no more frightening than any other assassin sent after me, except that you will succeed. Those loyal to me will defy you, and there will be blood on your hooves; your only chance is to let me live and convince the cities that revolted to lay down their arms. That’s the only way no blood will be shed. Your choice: A war resulting in thousands of deaths, or returning it all back to my control.” He burst out victoriously, his way out so suddenly clear.

She sighed, and Sleighs smile widened. “You truly are a fool.” His smile turned into a frown.

“Have you forgotten the horrors of your youth that came out at night? The monsters in the closet, under your bed and those inside your very mind as you slept? I embody the night itself; the very fears and dreams you felt then - and only in the most trace amounts - I can bring forth at will...”

Slowly the whole room grew darker as the shadows deepened around him, the mare seeming to grow larger by the second, her wings extending and her coat taking the deep black color of the night sky itself. A merciful shadow blocked her from his view as he slowly backed towards the window; the whole room was in complete darkness except that pulsating shadow in front of him, blocking the door.

“You won’t scare me. You might kill me, but I will never submit in this way!!” He screamed as loud as he could.

Slowly, the shadow disappeared revealing what it had hidden.

Sleigh had been wrong.

And now he really did scream.


Unnoticed by the guards, a sliver of darkness passed underneath the door and speeded along the shadows lining the wall before turning a corner. Moments later, a light blue coated mare with her mane trailing after her in a mess rushed towards them. The guards flanking the entrance readied themselves, lighting their horns as warning and the unknown pony stopped, panting heavily.

“I… I have a message for the king. It’s urgent,” The unicorn guards shared a brief look, then turned back to the mare.

“Who are you, and what is so important that it can’t wait until--”

“We just found out... that the pony who started the rebellion is here... in the castle,” she interrupted.

Another shared glance, and then a brief, pregnant silence. “Who are you,” one repeated slowly, “and how do you know this?”

“My name is Sky Easel,” she replied. “and... she just walked in, honestly, I couldn’t believe it either; a white mare taller than anypony I’ve ever seen, and I saw it for myself, she had both wings and a horn! She’s in the audience chamber right now, but she’s just standing there talking to everypony!” The mare bowed down so far her mane fell over and shielded her face from view.

The guards shared a look; this was definitely something their king would want to hear first hoof. Looking over the nervous servant, they came to a decision.

“Very well, the king will want to hear this.” Knocking on the door one of them called out after an appropriate passage of time, “A messenger has arrived, your majesty.”

“Inside - alone.” A gruff voice answered; seemed like their king had taken a short nap after all. Opening the door, they allowed her in and closed it behind her.

There was some muffled conversation in the room until a sudden shrill scream pierced through the door, sending the two guards hurtling in only to stop dead in their tracks as despite all their training their eyes widened in shock. Inside was the terrified servant with her back pressed against the wall; but more important was the state of their king.

Sleigh, King of Equestria lay half-curled in a ball on the floor, his expression frozen in a rictus of pure terror. The mares whimpering brought them up from the shock and one of the guards slowly approached the supine pony and took his pulse, then looked up and shook his head gravely.

“He’s dead, Blaze...”

Turning towards the frightened mare, Blazes horn lit with crimson fury and she found herself lifted up and pressed against the wall as he approached. “What did you do to the king? What did you do!?” He bellowed mere inches from her face, fear and anger playing a cruel dance inside him. The king was dead, and his own personal guard had failed in their duty.

“I-I just told him the message... that the pony that started the rebellion was in the castle, then he started talking about how they were here at last and then… Then he just collapsed! I didn’t do anything...” She cried out, shaking her head vehemently.

Huffing, he nonetheless lessened the force and let her hooves touch the ground, yet still keeping enough pressure to keep her stuck in place as he considered what she said. Possible? Yes. Likely? No - especially not for a pony like King Sleigh. And yet, the murder - if it indeed was one - was absolutely bloodless; magic could have been involved, perhaps, but there was only one way to know for certain.

“Blaze, we should get a doctor and one of the magicians to take a look at his majesty; I have no idea whether this is pony-made or natural. We’re beyond our depth here.”

Looking at his partner, Blaze nodded, “You’re right. I’ll get her into a cell and then come back immediately afterwards.”

“No - the nobles need to hear of this at once, or they will blame us for not letting them know immediately. Just send a servant my way and I’ll manage.”

“I-I know where they are, I saw them talking to that pony...” The suspect muttered quietly. Looking at her, Blaze thought for a moment before coming to a decision.

“Good, then you will lead me to them, and we shall see if you speak the truth. And don’t try to run away.” he said firmly and produced a set of enchanted manacles, which he cast on her legs. A short blaze of fury glinted in her eyes, but was gone so suddenly he wondered if it had ever been there.

“Night Eye, you stay and keep watch here.”

The guard nodded, not taking his blank stare away from the body. Blaze and the servant trotted away quickly, or as quickly as the shackles allowed, leading to many a close occasion of tripping.

Meanwhile, Night Eye watched over the former king thoughtfully. He had married not too long ago himself, and had just been gifted with a foal. Thinking back on his former king’s conversation with the royal secretary, he sneered.

“Good riddance.”


Entering the audience chambers, Blaze saw that most if not all the nobles had already gathered; but it was not a gathering of the sort where they plotted and planned between themselves how to gain even more power. It wasn’t even the gossiping that was a usual thing amongst the indulgent nobles; no, the scene was one Blaze had seen thousands of times before in his time as a guard for his majesty. Nobles gathered around a single pony with some talking with said individual while others waited for their turn or sought out their peers to gain a greater understanding of the situation. All was normal, except that it was no longer his majesty but a pony that broke even Blazes stoic expression.

Unlike Sleigh’s cold bone white coat, this pony’s was the warm color of milk. But it was neither that nor her standing several heads above even the largest unicorn that shocked him. What shocked him was the pair of wings and the brilliant horn that adorned her graceful figure, and a mane of several colors rippling through the air as if underwater. This was one of the two ponies spoken of in the rumors to be the leaders of the uprisings of the cities, and the nobles stood still and welcomed her with aplomb. While there were plenty of signs of mistrust, shock and irritation, not a single one had sought out the guards to arrest her.

“Yes, do you and the young mare want something?” The mysterious pony said in a lyrical, yet authoritative tone as she noticed them.

Blazes hoof went up automatically in a salute before he had even noticed. “Yes, ma’am. I regret to inform you that King Sleigh is dead.”

Immediately the nobles were in a confused uproar, chattering amongst themselves, some yelling for answers while some discussed the implications of this development and others cast suspicious glances at the unnatural pony that just stood there with a concerned frown.

“That is unfortunate. I had hoped to gain an audience with your king soon. I assume that you brought this mare here because she is the one responsible?” And suddenly a whole rooms worth of hostile stares were directed towards the whimpering pony at his side.

“Well, no, not directly...” He said, rubbing his hoof in the floor. ‘Well, as my old sergeant used to say, stick with cold hard facts and nopony can blame you,’ he thought.

“She came with a message that you were here to meet the king, and moments afterwards we found him dead without any visible signs of damage on his body; it looks like he died of hysteria brought on by fright.”

“How can you know that?” A richly clothed mare called out.

“Sorry, my lady, but you didn’t see his face,” he shivered, remembering it. “I’ve never heard of a spell capable of doing that. The professionals will be taking a closer look, but frankly I doubt they will find any evidence of magical interference.”

Nodding sagely, the giant of a pony continued with the opportunity the shocked silence gave; the thought of their king dying of fright one difficult for even the gossip-loving nobles to take in.

“This is indeed grim news, and I am truthfully sorry for my visit causing such grief. I will answer every one of your questions tomorrow, but for now I expect you wish to alert your families of this and have some time alone? I promise you I will stay inside the palace grounds while King Sleigh’s body is examined.”

Nods and words of agreement followed as the majority of the nobles trotted out of the chamber, each one eager to either spread the news or assure that their position with the king dead stay strong. Some remained behind, no doubt curious to snap up any bit of gossip about how their king had died.

“Now, I appreciate you relaying this to us so quickly. If you don’t mind, I would like a talk with the young mare in private. I promise that if she disappears before you need her, I will take full responsibility.”

“I cannot allow that; she is a suspect. If she were to disappear it be my head that roll, with all due respect.”

“Now that’s a grim thought. However, you could wait outside if you wish; I just require a servant for my stay while any suspicions are cleared. I came here on a mission of peace, and have so far received all the proper respect and politeness from the nobles here. I am sure they would wish for this to prevail for my visit - where is there for her to escape, after all?” She gestured to the stone walls encompassing the room; the door was the only exit.

Blaze was no idiot - he had a strong suspicion about what was going on the moment he had entered the room, and saw the enigmatic mare playing Equestria’s elite like a fiddle. He knew her arrival at this rather convenient time couldn’t have been a mere coincidence, and he could hardly believe that Sleigh, King of Equestria had simply keeled over and died of sheer fright.

And now, this strange pony was making an obtuse, ridiculous request to speak to the one prime suspect in his death. And yet... he couldn’t help but feel a strange, inexplicable urge to give in, as if she was the most trustworthy and good pony in the world. Still, he managed to keep it back in the presence of his betters.

“I apologize,” he said evenly, inwardly cringing at how ridiculous that sounded, “but I cannot simply allow a prime suspect of regicide to leave our charge, just because you wish to have words with her. I’m sure you unders--”

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous!” A voice rang out sharply, breaking his focus away from the alabaster mare.

“Its not like there’s any way out of here!” Another added, and the royal guardspony could only stare in disbelief as the nobles all seemed to fall in behind the rebel leader.

“Agreed - I trust her not to try and escape with somepony suspected of murder. At any rate, where is she supposed to run from here? You can guard the only exit, and any attempts at teleportation will be picked up by the royal magicians. Let her stay!”

Blaze grated his teeth, powerless. Against the combined backing of several of Equestria’s most powerful families, he could do nothing less than accede to her demands. Doing otherwise would be a very poor career move on his part, and would probably involve his head in a bucket before the next night.

Still, grateful at a recognisable chain of command establishing itself and ripping any semblance of responsibility from him, Blaze bowed in affirmation.

“As you say, Lord Briar.” He responded and turned around to leave, the remainder of the upper crust following him closely behind. The cogs in his mind were turning rapidly; with the king dead, the entire kingdom could soon be embroiled in a bitter civil war. Even though Sleigh might have been a cold, calculating tyrant, he was a strong ruler and held authority - and thus kept everyone else firmly in line, always stopping any political chicanery before it could become a problem. Now with him gone, the authority was gone - and with it, the only thing holding the scheming nobles back.

Or was it? Blaze had observed how the milk-white mare had captured the attention of every pony worthy of note - despite her obvious power play, coincidence or no, she held authority. She could very well be the only hope Equestria had of averting a catastrophic power struggle - and would that not be worth it?

He shook his head and smiled inwardly. At the very least, there was a chance - and that had to be worth the uncertainty of who had killed the king. Taking one last look back at the winged unicorn and her warm smile, he shut the door with a clean conscience and the prospect of better days ahead.


Satisfied that nopony remained in the room either overt or perhaps hiding behind a curtain, the alicorn lit her horn with a warm, alabaster glow - and shortly after, a faint glimmer appeared to cover every part of the walls, floor and ceiling, a side effect of the sound-isolation spell.

Towering above the cowering light-blue mare, she smiled benevolently and nudged her in the side.

“You can cower quite effectively, you know, Luna?”

“It’s not difficult, Celestia,” She replied, her body no longer betraying any sign of fear as her voice changed from the terrified pitch it held previously into a rich, deep tone.

“I have seen plenty cower in their dreams.” Continued the mare, as her form began to ripple and dissolve. The patches of blue grew darker, the hair lengthening and floating in an unknown breeze as it turned an azure color littered with spots of ethereal light. A pair of wings suddenly appeared as she grew in stature and her brush cutie mark changed into the same half moon that currently adorned the sky. Her whole body shuddering, she smiled at her sister.

“Enough for me to easily imitate.” she said, cranking her neck.

“And heard as well, I suspect?” Celestia said with a quizzical look in her eyes.

“If you mean me imitating Sleigh’s voice, there was no problem. Projecting it was slightly more difficult, but a few simple words were of no consequence.”

“I see,” The milk-white mare paused for a moment. “How does it feel?”

“Do not worry sister, it was just an illusion spell primarily to hide my wings and change my colors, combined with some basic shape-shifting to reduce my size. Nevertheless it is true it leaves an awkward feeling afterwards.”

“That is not what I am referring to, Luna, and you know it,” She said flatly.

“That isn’t important - it was necessary. I gather all went well for you, Celestia?”

Casting an odd glance at her sister, Celestia sighed and walked over to a painting depicting the land seen from high above Everfree City. Luna joined her at her side moments later.

“Yes, and with the rest of the country listening to us, I don’t expect them to object when I propose for us to take control here. It is either that, or they enter a war which, when we present the undiluted facts their king withheld, I am sure they won’t wish to take part in.”

“So, this is it? Well congratulations then, Queen Celestia.” Luna said, performing a mock bow.

Celestia laughed at her antics before stopping with a faraway look as she watched the painting spreading out the country before them, without showing all the ponies within that had suffered.

“No - this country has had enough of kings and queens. There should be no such absolute power, even for us.”

“And yet I must remind you that we will need some sort of title to ascertain our claim to the throne, for now and the future. I don’t trust the nobles to make the right decision now, or further down the road. But with the appropriate title behind the authority, their descendants should fall in line.”

“Mmm, yes... how about an important title, but less threatening? What do you say, Princess Luna?”

“Princess-- really, ‘Tia?” She intoned dryly, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, it makes me feel younger.” Celestia said with a wink.

Laughing at the mere thought of her sister being young, she nodded.

“Very well. Congratulations then, Princess Celestia.”

“You too, Princess Luna. Without your convincing acting, who knows how many lives might have been lost.”

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you. For the burden that you took.”

A moment of silence passed between them until Luna turned from the painting with a shrug as somepony knocked on the door.

“We do what we must,” She intoned, slowly turning back into the poor servant witnessing the death of her king with Celestia walking alongside her.

“And there is much to do still.”

“Indeed there is.”

And then the doors were opened. For what they both hoped was a better future.

Author's Note:

This story was heavily inspired by Andy Duncans short story "Senator Bilbo" so for anybody having read said story you might have noticed some similarities.

Secondly I would like to very much thank Setokaiva for being generally awesome and helping me with the editing and ideas, without him bad scenes would be existing and good ones missing. Seriously, he's been a great help to me.

Comments ( 5 )

Awwww..... missed my chance at first post. :fluttercry:

But at least the fic was rly good! :twilightsmile:

Review brought to you by Authors Helping Authors.

Grammar out of 10 - 8. Generally quite good, a few simple mistakes repeated throughout.

1. Very moody piece
2. Character for Sleigh is quite believable
3. Very detailed and pacing feels good.

1. Very Dialogue heavy - some scenes drag on due to overly long conversations
2. You tend to overuse the semi colon (;) when a fullstop or comma would suffice.
3. The guards reaction to Sleigh's death seemed a bit bland

Detailed Notes
Overall I liked this fic very much. You had a clear plot piece that you wanted to show and you followed through on it. Sleigh's character of extreme xeno intolerance shined through clearly - concept that the Unicorns are the master race has even showed up a few times in the actual show but you took it to a new level.

I felt that this fic was fairly dialogue heavy and lacked much in the way of actual action. While this meant that you were able to include a very large amount of exposition, it did hinder the progression of the story at times when you had characters explaining something when you could have had them doing the same thing. Have Sleigh show his hatred for Earths and Pegasi through his actions more than his words.

The overabundance of dialogue meant however that you were able to layer this fic with a huge amount of character detail. The personalities for almost all the major characters were able to be seen through their words.

One thing I found hard to accept was the almost casual way in which the guards reacted to the death of the king. If the king had just been found dead, then the last pony to see him alive would be the prime suspect and should be detained and interrogated at once. Neither guard seemed all that concerned about questioning Luna.

Moving on to the grammar of the story, it was mostly good throughout. You used paragraphing and indenting well to keep the story readable and easy to track.

A repeated grammar mistake I found was the use of full stop at the end of conversations that include a 'Quill said' or 'Sleigh replied' style suffix.
This type of conversation should end with a comma rather than a full stop to indicate the linked dialogue and descriptor.

“I’m sorry, your majesty.” Quill answered with only the slightest quiver in his voice.

Should be

“I’m sorry, your majesty,” Quill answered with only the slightest quiver in his voice.

You do use the correct comma a few times through out, so it is just a matter of double checking.

Additionally you seem to like to use the semi colon in places that it may not be the best choice.

“I understand your hesitation; a war is nothing any of us would have wished for. Yes, it will cost us dearly, both in gold and in the blood of our comrades; however, understand this. If we do nothing, and they come here, you will be given no quarter; they hate us unicorns, and us representing them most of all. It will be a massacre; mares, foals, nopony will be safe. They will cast down our culture; burn and destroy every work of art from picture to page; and shackle us into slavery, whilst they seat themselves in the place of of the masters. All of the beauty, the knowledge, the wisdom; the unicorn race as we know it will cease to exist. I know I won’t take this risk, my forces will move with or without your aid; but know this, if you regret your decision of inaction as their army stands banging on the door, it will be too late to change your mind.”

Most of the instances of ; in this paragraph do not require it, when a comma or fullstop would be a better choice.

“I understand your hesitation - a war is nothing any of us would have wished for. Yes, it will cost us dearly, both in gold and in the blood of our comrades. However, understand this, If we do nothing, and they come here, you will be given no quarter. They hate us unicorns, and us representing them most of all. It will be a massacre - mares, foals, nopony will be safe. They will cast down our culture, burn and destroy every work of art from picture to page, and shackle us into slavery, whilst they seat themselves in the place of the masters. All of the beauty, the knowledge, the wisdom, the unicorn race as we know it will cease to exist. I know I won’t take this risk, my forces will move with or without your aid. But know this, if you regret your decision of inaction as their army stands banging on the door, it will be too late to change your mind.”

If you found any part of this review helpful them please be kind enough to take a look at any one of my own submitted fics - Interview with the Changeling, Trixie - Saviour of all Equestria, or Sweetie Belle vs. A Lemon

Finished making my review for this at TECS, and I have to say you did quite well. Gave you an deserving upvote, and in all honesty, I don't think it deserves that smidgeon of red there :rainbowdetermined2:

This story has been reviewed by The Equestrian Critic Society.

Story Title: The Beginning of an Era

Author: Befram

Reviewed By: Blankscape

Overall, it’s an excellent piece of fan-fiction that delivers what its tag promises and fulfills its niche potential. Befram’s unique take on Equestria’s reformation and, to a lesser extent, the Everfree’s origins will no doubt satisfy those who are intrigued by it. A great pleasure to read with so very few outstanding flaws about it, this suspenseful tale of a political strife, well-intended usurpation, and transcendence of tribal difference is definitely a league over most short stories.

Full Review

Score: 9/10

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