• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 12th

Crysis Commander

You do you the best you can do.


Guess What? · 12:22am Sep 1st, 2022

I lived, bitch filly :yay:

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Late Chrimas and Future Stuff · 2:45am Dec 28th, 2019

Yeah, I'm two days late to the ho-ho-ho party, but hope every one of you had yourselves a splendiforous holiday and continue into the new year without falling flat on your face. It's fun, but it loses its appeal after several years in a row. Keep your resolutions realistic, but be sure taking care of yourself is on there if it isn't already. That stuff's important.

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Here's to You, FiM (Part 2) · 5:33am Oct 31st, 2019

While it is now officially the day of spookiness, expensive costumes and diabetes, I take this time to actually follow up on the thing I said I was going to do. It's kind of weird, committing to something. Anywho, I actually managed to make the video. After that many years out of it, I not only forgot I didn't have video editing software anymore (corrupted hard drive), but that my Internet speeds are significantly lower than times past. Oh well. It worked eventually.

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Here's to You, FiM (Part 1) · 5:33am Oct 15th, 2019

Nine years. Has it been that long, already? It feels like just yesterday the fact season three only had thirteen episodes caused some stir because it differed from the first two. Sixty-five episodes? No way they'd end things that soon, and thankfully they didn't. Twilight becoming an alicorn, Starlight making a Mane 7 (kinda), villains both minor and major, so many redemptions, fan theories confirmed/debunked, memes galore and so much more.

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Hot Minute · 6:00am Sep 1st, 2019

So it's been a while since I've really said anything. A long while. At first it was due to literally no internet or cell service, but then it just turned into, "Eh. What do I even say at this point?" That mentality persisted until recently. There are a few reason this might be: maybe it's because the show is ending soon or because I'm not dead and I just felt like opening my mouth again for those who would listen. Yeah, probably the last one. I won't go into detail about everything that has

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Sunny Sunday #4: Pitfalls Part 2: Self-Doubt · 1:12am Dec 18th, 2017

Another Sunday, another day to make sunny. I'm Crysis Commander and welcome to the fourth installment of Sunny Sunday. Last week we took a look at one of the common pitfalls of negative self talk (self-pity), and today we will look at another challenge we may face when conversing with ourselves: self-doubt. Yes, there will be a lot of 'selfs' in these next few installments. Let's get started.

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Sunny Sunday #3: Pitfalls Part 1 - Self-Pity · 1:02am Dec 11th, 2017

Welcome back to Sunny Sunday! I'm Crysis Commander. In the next few Sunny Sundays, we'll look at what someone may come across when looking at negative self talk and the challenges it presents. While it is important to know one of the major factors in a lack of happiness, we must know not just where the thinking comes from, but what it is and how to manage it. Let's get started.

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Sunny Sunday #2: Where Does Negative Self Talk Originate? · 1:58am Dec 4th, 2017

Hello readers! Crysis Commander here, returning for another Sunny Sunday. Yes, when I said this was going to be a weekly series, I was serious. Last week I mentioned that happiness overall is a choice as it simply a way we can react to various stimuli, whether in our favor or not. Today we'll look at the ways people fall into negative thinking and self talk. The first step in adjusting an issue to know the root of it. Let's get started.

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Sunny Sunday #1: A Look at Positivity · 11:16pm Nov 26th, 2017

Hello readers, this is Crysis Commander. As some of you may know, I returned from a bit of an unplanned hiatus. Why I was gone is not important, but what is important is why I’m here once again. Bronies, the community and its members have helped me tremendously in the past several years, and now it’s my turn to give back in a way that might help others.

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So There's Stuff · 3:34pm May 15th, 2017

After the absolute hellhole this past semester has been, I'm happy to say that it's finally over. I won't say it was a waste of time, as it helped me figure out if I were to be a teacher, my patience would wear far too thin far too fast. With this in mind, that wouldn't bee too wise of a career path for me, nor would a broadcaster. What am I pursuing now? I'm taking a year off from school, actually. This break will partially be to end the burnout that's slowly been forming after this past year

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