• Member Since 25th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2016


Who cares what anyone else thinks, just do whatever the hell makes you happy.


Hello lovely people · 6:46pm Apr 24th, 2016

Good news im almost about to post my story.

I am very good at writing stories, but im also very good at getting to the final edit and loosing complete interest and starting on another. Think ive got like 7 kicking about.

This one however is actually going to get finnished properlly. Promise. :rainbowlaugh:

Report ClutchKicker · 240 views ·

Hello and welcome

Firstly let me just say that i hate writing bio's, or as i like to call them self evaluations. It's like you're writing a CV for a job, full of crap that no one cares about just to make you look good. I could start by telling you that I'm a guy, 21 years young and who lives in sunny old England. I suppose i could also tell you about my hobbies but that would be pointless as there is really only 3: sleeping, driving and ponies and funny story, that wasn't even a joke.

Now whilst your reading through someones 'bio' you will inevitably pick small details up. For example, If someone is passionate about something, I mean really truly passionate it will be all they talk about. It will become a part of them, and even without them noticing they will revolve there life around it. For me, my passion is cars. They control my life and Ive shaped my life around them. My days are spent working with them and my nights are spent driving them. The best bit for me however is speed. I strive for speed which coincidentally enough brings me onto my next point.

Idols. It goes without saying that my idol is Rainbow Dash but not for the reasons you may think. Speed isn't just fun, no for some speed is a necessity. Think of it as a drug, try it and you find that you might like it. Then you try it again... and again. Before you know it you've got a small habit, Ya know like hooning from traffic lights or going for a few overtakes. But after a while that's just not enough. So you push for more, you want, no need more. Its not just a habit now, It's turned into an addiction. The problem with that is once your passion, the thing that runs through your veins day and night turns into an addiction, you are by definition addicted to your passion. Now if you look in a dictionary, that right there is whats written under the word F*CKED.

See what i mean about a self evaluation...

I believe me and Rainbow are very similar. We're both extremely loyal, both can be stubborn as hell if we think we're right, which we do... a lot. Were both fantastically lazy but when needed, work harder then every one else to get the job done. Once our minds are set on doing something, nothing will get in the way of us doing it. However were also have the same problem. Speed is controlling us so much that we just cant stop. We have to be the fastest. We need to prove to everyone were the quickest. It's impossible to stop, there's always a new target, a new goal we must reach. Most of all there's the one goal that's out of arms reach, whether is making the Wonder bolts.... or hitting 200mph in a car i own. Now she is close to hers, and I'm only 47mph from mine.

As for everything else you could possibly want to know, ill try answer that now. I do try to be the best possible person i can. if anyone needs help with anything i give my best to help them. I'm not really a reader unless it's on here. My music taste is shall we say varied, well that's the best way i can explain Led Zeppelin, next to MCR, next to Bieber, next to DMX and so on. Oh and one more thing, i despise spiders.

Funny isn't it. Switch the pony parts out for my previous employment record and look at that, Ive got a CV. Well that or a Psychiatric report, meh whatever floats your goat.

So yea welcome to my page. A street racing brony who's incredibly twisted mind is soon enough about to start writing fan fictions... Good luck to you all.


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Have some pictures

^ That was in Amsterdam Center.

^ And Paris