• Member Since 13th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Presently "importing" Esquestria: The House of the Sun from another site. Will attempt to bring maybe three updates per day, until it is caught up.

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Dear Bird.

Your story/quest "House of the Sun" Is one of the best written fanfictions I have ever read. Up there with Background pony with its deep emotional storytelling.
You introduced me to sufficent velocity, the main site on which this story was written. Me being curious, I perused the other popular quests on that site to see if I could find another hidden gem.

I was not impressed.

Most of the quests I read were rather generic fair. Take Threads of Destiny as an example. A rather by-the-books cultivator story with competent writing whose only real twist was that it had reader interactivity. The only one I really enjoyed was Magna Greacia (but thats only because I have a thing for kingdom builders). None of them had that deep emotional storytelling, filled with difficult moral quandaries and heartwrenching unforeseen consequences. None of them moved me quite like yours.

What you have created is a masterpiece, genius amongst mediocrity.

None handled the dangerous, the disturbing, and even the downright horrifying topics with as much maturity or as much respect as you did. Despite this achivement, through it all you remained always polite, humble, and considerate of others on your thread.

So imagine my surprise, when, after catching up with this monument of a story, it had been put on hold! And for the silliest of reasons! The sites admins belived that you had not handled the topic of rape with the "appropriate maturity and respect". Laughable!

Yet imagine my further suprise when the so-called "tribunal" councilors proceeded to denigrate, deride, and insult not only your story but your character as well! They used words like "that pony rape quest" and "fetish". They imply that you deliberately and maliciously included the topic of rape for cheap shock tactics, to drive further interaction, to engender flame wars in your thread, to use the female body to prove some sick point.

Let me tell you something Bird. ANYONE, who knows ANYTHING about you or your story KNOWS this is NOT TRUE. These people don't know you, and have, by their own admission, not read a single word of your work. By doing this to you not once, but twice, shows how deeply immature THEY are. How they are too sensitive and too touchy to be shown a story that presents these topics with any degree of seriousness or emotion rather than the mindless lurid pornagraphy so common on the internet.

Exploring upsetting moral quandaries does not, in fact, make you evil or malicious. Just because others may be upset by them does not mean you should be constrained from exploring them.

If you want to take anything away from this experience, take this, sufficent velocity may not be the best place to share your story and your thoughts, someplace, anyplace that has fewer rules and judgy admins. I understand that you may be hesitant to abandon your established fanbase, however I truly believe that your work is the only work worth mentioning on that site.

If you do decide to either move sites, or even stop writing altogether, know this: you are not losing sufficent velocity, SV IS LOSING YOU!

Respectfully, GeneralSarcasm.

PS: For once not being sarcastic

Thank you for pointing it out!

But that is an intentional typo. Or rather, it was a typo that grew on me. So, I decided to keep it there.

I don’t think the s in Esquestria is intentional

Comment posted by Phoenix Heart 27 deleted January 6th
Comment posted by BirdBodhisattva deleted January 6th
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