• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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January 11 [Plato's Cave]

January 11

This morning at breakfast, Sean (who I don't think I have mentioned before) found out that Christine had watched a Star Wars movie with me last night and got mad because he said that Star Trek was the better series and they argued about that.

It was good-natured arguing, though, like which hoofball team has the better forward, not mean arguing. I said that I hadn't known about Star Trek and offered to go over to his room and watch one of the Star Trek movies, just to be fair to both sides. I don't want either of them to be mad at me!

He generously decided that it would be best for me to see all the Star Wars movies first so that I would be prepared to watch the one at the theater, and he could show me the Star Trek movies later.

I should write out a list of all the new friends that I'm making, just to keep track of them.

Humans name their clouds in Latin, which is an important language that nobody speaks unless they're talking about scientific things. They place great importance in the height of clouds, which is part of the cloud's name. I don't think that they understand that while the nature of the cloud might change somewhat due to its altitude, it doesn't change the fundamental makeup of it. It's almost like they decided the appearance of clouds first and their function later.

I was a bit confused by the system, because humans measure distance in both feet and meters and can't seem to agree on which is better. I think it's dumb to have two kinds of measurement for height and that their President ought to proclaim which is the best. Feet make more sense, since humans have them and can get an approximation that way like we used to do with hooves (well, the earth ponies did), but then when you get into really long distances they get too big too fast. That's why the pegasus mathematicians came up with counting by twelves instead of fours, and then the unicorns claimed it was all their idea all along because they hate the idea that they're not the most clever tribe of ponies in everything.

Meters count by tens, but each one is longer. And humans count by tens anyways, since they have ten fingers. Plus you can put a Latin word in front of them like kilo or centi, and that makes them longer or shorter, depending on what they need.

I'd seen some interesting clouds on my way to class, and I wanted to bring one in so that everyone could look at it up close, but I'm still not supposed to fly up to them, because although I've read the FAA book, I haven't taken the test to prove that I know what it says.

Over the weekend, I had sent a computer message to Mister Salvatore to tell him that I was ready to take the test. He replied that he had gotten the message and was arranging things. I hope it gets done soon. I can't do a proper exercise regimen in the limited air space I'm allowed.

After class was over, I flew around the quad a little bit, just to keep my wings in shape. There were lots of trees that I could fly around, and I could fly up the hill and then glide back down while staying low enough that I didn't have to worry about being hit by an airplane, although it wasn't as good exercise as I could get on a proper flight, even if I did laps around the quad.

We started philosophy class by talking about when Plato lived. He was a student of Socrates, and he's the one who wrote down most of the stuff that we know about Socrates.

He separated the world into the forms and things. The forms are the ideal version, and the things are what we can actually see and touch. So the papasan chair in Christine's room is a thing, and according to Plato there is a 'really real' world that is made up of forms, including I guess an ideal papasan chair. I'd like to sit on that chair.

The important thing is that there is one archetype in the 'really real' world, and everything we see is a copy of that.

That kind of makes sense? It's hard to wrap my head around, but I think it's like clouds or snowflakes: the weather factory makes a prototype—which is the archetype—and then the weather ponies make copies of it to distribute over Equestria.

Even then, things like clouds are constantly shifting and changing, because once the base clouds are taken out of the weather factory, they start to react to the environmental conditions and change from their ideal form to their un-ideal 'thingness.'

The professor showed us a drawing of a cave, which illustrated Plato's philosophy, and explained how prisoners that are chained in the cave can only see the shadows of people on the wall and believe that these shadows are reality, until one of them escapes and goes outside and sees what the world is really like.

I'm not sure how they wouldn't know what it was like from before they were prisoners, unless they had never been outside. I know some animals are born in caves and don't come out until they are old enough. So maybe humans are too, and maybe if they were made prisoners when they were young, they would only know what the inside of the cave was like.

I was inspired by the Star Wars movie and the thought of seeing another one of them tonight, so in Equestrian class we started by talking about the last play I had seen, which was about a rebellious earth pony who didn't listen to what her friends told her and she finally went into the forest where she shouldn't have and got eaten by a timberwolf. It's a very important to listen to what the older and wiser members of your band have to say. They didn't get old and wise by being stupid.

A couple of them told stories they know, like about a chicken who gets hit by an acorn and thinks the sky is falling (chickens are dumb; they can hardly remember how to fly) and a fox who outsmarts a crow and a tiny hippo who has his toy train stolen by a raven.

It kind of reminded me of being a filly again, and having my mother tell me bedtime stories. Those are important because they can help guide your dreams.

I wonder if Princess Luna can still see my dreams?

It was kind of late when the Star Wars movie—which is called The Empire Strikes Back—was finally over. I was worried about how it ended; if everyone had stayed together they'd be better off. Sometimes you have to go off on your own, but it's safer to be in a group.

Christine lives way down at the bottom of the hill, and my dorm is all the way at the top. I could have walked, but after watching the movie I was thinking about flying, so I took off (being mindful to not fly too high) and flew over top of everything until I got to my dorm room. I knocked on the window until Peggy looked up and she was surprised when she saw me there. It was really funny. Then I landed and went in the normal way.

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