• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 29 [Sunday Evening]

May 29

When we got back to campus, it was dinnertime. Both of us were pretty hungry, 'cause we hadn't had anything for lunch, so we all went to the dining hall together, but when we got there I remembered that I'd promised to introduce Aquamarine to Leon and Trevor and Cedric, so after we got our food we went over to their table.

It was a bit more crowded with an extra pony there, but not too much. I'd told her that Leon had said he wanted to hoof-wrestle, so when she sat down she put her right foreleg on the table and he looked at it and asked if she was serious, then Cedric said if the pony wanted to wrestle he'd better do it. But there was too much food on the table and it would have gone everywhere, so they didn't, although I could see that the two of them were kind of sizing each other up.

Then they started talking to her, asking her all sorts of questions about what she did and whether we'd known each other before, and told her a little about themselves, which wasn't new to me. She was pretty impressed that they were both on the football team, and disappointed that none of them knew anything about botany.

After that, we pretty much fell into our normal dinnertime conversation, which I don't think she was prepared for. Both Cedric and Leon bragged about themselves and put each other down, and Trevor didn't say too much to either of them, but he did talk with me a little bit about poetry.

When she was eating her dinner roll, Cedric noticed that she had shoes, and all of a sudden that became a topic of great interest to them. Both Cedric and Leon convinced her to put her foreleg on the table so that they could get a closer look, and they leaned down to examine it.

Leon was the first to notice that her shoes were nailed on, and he told her that was pretty hardcore. She'd kind of figured them out by then, so she shrugged and said it wasn't a big deal; it hardly hurt at all. And then they wanted to know everything about being shod, so she told them how when it was time the farrier cut the old nails out, then used files to level her hooves, a knife to trim her frog, and then hammered the new shoe on. And Cedric kind of paled and ran his finger across the little stubs of nail that were in her hoof wall, then he just sat back in his seat and shook his head.

Once everyone was done with dinner, Aquamarine asked Leon if he still wanted to hoof-wrestle, and he had trouble deciding if he wanted to or not, until Cedric told him that he couldn't wimp out.

Cedric decided to take charge, and took everyone's trays to the vacant table next to us. Then, when it was all clear, we all moved far enough away to give them room, and she put her hooves on the table. There was a little discussion about whether to go by pony rules or human rules, and they finally decided that pony rules was fairest. Plus I think that Leon wanted an excuse in case he lost.

And he did. I could have told him that earth ponies were stronger than they looked, but they wouldn't have believed me. Leon was straining for about ten seconds before she beat him, and he tipped an imaginary hat.

Cedric decided he ought to have a try, too, so he and Leon changed places. It was more of a contest this time, 'cause Cedric probably weighed twice as much as Leon, but Aquamarine won again. Cedric took her hoof in his hand and lifted it up and kissed it then got a really funny look on his face, and Leon just shook his head.

Then Trevor said he was curious about the little bare white patches around her barrel, and she said that was from wearing a harness—she'd worn one that wasn't sized right one year, and it had wound up pulling out some of her coat and damaging it to where it wouldn't grow back. So that sparked a whole new round of conversation where Leon said that the man was putting her down, and then he had to explain who the man was.

She told him that most farmponies she knew had strap-scars, and Cedric just shook his head sadly and said she was too pretty for that, which was kind of an odd thing to say. I could see by the way she turned her ears that she didn't know what to make of that, either, and luckily Leon managed to say something stupid before things got really weird.

Cedric took away all the trays that he'd moved to the other table, and when he was doing that, Leon leaned over and dared Aquamarine to hug him when he came back. I told her that he was a good hugger, so she said that she would.

He came back with a whole pie and he set it in the middle of the table and said that it was there if we wanted any dessert, so we each had a piece (he had two) and then Aquamarine went around the table and wrapped her hooves around him and he sort of sat for a moment, then he dropped his fork and twisted until he could get his arms around her and lowered his head until his chin was resting on her mane and whispered something in her ear. Then she leaned in and nuzzled his chest and that was really cute. Leon just watched with his mouth hanging open and I stuck my tongue out at him.

When Aquamarine sat back down on my side, Trevor said that neither of them were going to have any street cred after this weekend, and Cedric said that he didn't care.

Leon cleared the empty pie-tray and our plates off the table and took them to the return window, then we all got up and said our goodbyes. Aquamarine hugged everyone—Leon said he didn't need a hug but I knew he did, so we both hugged him—and then we went back to my dorm room while they went back to theirs.

I checked my telephone, and saw that Aric had sent me a telegram saying that he was still busy with his work, but that he would meet us tomorrow morning to go to the parade.

We went over to Meghan's room, and I asked her if tonight was a good night to go visit the hot tub, and she said it was. So she called for an Uber-car, and while we were waiting for it to arrive, Lisa and Becky came over and we talked for a little bit.

This driver took a slightly different route, but we got there just the same, and after he dropped us off out front, we went around to the backyard.

Aquamarine didn't go right for the hot tub; she wanted to look at all the plants around the yard, so we followed her and Meghan tried to answer what kind some of the plants were but she wasn't really sure, and so she promised she'd find out from her aunt and then tell me so I could include it in a letter. And that left both of us with dirty hooves, so Meghan had us rinse them off before we got into the tub.

Instead of getting undressed right away, Meghan sat down on one of the benches and we talked for a little bit—I think she needed to get more comfortable with Aquamarine. So we just sat there and talked for a little bit, and finally Meghan asked if we were ready to go in, and we both nodded. She was still kind of slow, and I thought about trying to help but I didn't think she'd like that. So I told Aquamarine that she could get in the tub now, 'cause that would take some of the pressure off Meghan, and that was what she'd wanted, I guess; she got the rest of the way undressed while Aquamarine was climbing into the tub and then she went in herself, and I got in last.

Meghan wanted to know more about life in Equestria, so Aquamarine told her about Ponyville, and what it was like living there and growing up on a farm. I don't know when it happened, but we just sort of naturally slipped into speaking Equestrian, and for a while I forgot where I was—there were just the three of us in the hot tub, looking at the stream and woods behind the house, and we really could have been almost anywhere.

It was a beautiful night out. The moon was half-full, and you could see some of the brighter stars. They're really washed-out most places on Earth, 'cause of all the lights, and I think that's too bad. The night sky's really pretty. Aric said that if you go far enough north in Michigan, you can see a zillion stars.

It must have been nearly midnight when we got out of the hot tub and dried ourselves off. Meghan got a little bit mad when Aquamarine shook herself off without thinking, but only 'cause she'd dried off her stomach and then had to do it again.

The night was kind of chilly, especially after having been in hot water for so long, so we got back on the bench and snuggled together until another Uber-car came to take us back to campus.

Aquamarine dozed off on the way back, and Meghan had to shake her awake when we got back to campus. I asked her if we could spend the night with her, and she said that would be okay, so we went to her room together and she got back undressed. This time she wasn't as reluctant to take off her clothes, but maybe that was in part because Aquamarine had climbed up on her bed and fallen back asleep.

Meghan and I helped push Aquamarine to the side, then I said that she could have the middle if she wanted it, so she got in and scooted right next to Aquamarine and I got in on the other side of her and curled up against her chest.

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