• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 622 Views, 19 Comments

Equestria Girls meet Venom - Big Imagination E

The Rainbooms need to help Eddie Brock regain a new life. But first they need to stop a great evil. With some help from a race of symbiotes and the leader: Venom

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Meeting Eddie Brock and A Symbiote Meeting

In the city of San Francisco, California we see many people busy with their daily business and activities. Not you're probably thinking 'where are the girls and Spike'? Well we cut to the beach and emerging from the water was the girls and Spike all panting and breathing heavy. They also were coughing a little from all the salt water they were swimming in. But the reason why is because the substances that are in them made the girls come here to find their leader. They were all too tired from the swimming and needed to rest.

"What the hell....was that? You ruined my hair." Rarity said breathing heavy.

"Hmm. I didn't think you girls knew how to swear. Interesting. Well anyways were here in San Francisco, California." The voice said.

"Ok. We clearly don't know who you are! Can't you tell us who you are?!" Twilight asked frustrated.

"All in good time princess. All in good time. But we can't draw too much attention. For now we need you to take us to the building where our leader is." The second voice said.

"Ugh. All right. But which building is it?" Twilight wondered.

"Oh we'll tell you later on. Now let's get moving." The second voice replied.

The girls and Spike left with no choice did what the voices said to do. So together they walked to try and locate the building where their leader is. After a few hours they arrived at a building. But they were super tired. Then suddenly a man on a motorcycle came and parked in front of the building. He got off and noticed the group. He was a man with blonde hair and was wearing a leather outfit. It was Eddie Brock.

"Whoa. What the hell happened to you kids? You look like you been in a wreck or something." Eddie asked.

"We technically weren't in a wreck. But it's a long story. I'm Twilight Sparkle. These are my friends Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Sunset Shimmer." Twilight introduced.

"I'm Eddie. Eddie Brock. Are you girls staying somewhere?" Eddie wondered.

"No. We don't have anywhere to stay." Rarity admitted

"Ouch. That's a bummer. Hey I tell you what. You girls come with me. After this meeting I gotta attend I'll see about giving you kids a place to sleep at my house." Eddie offered.

"That would be wonderful Eddie. Thank you." Fluttershy smiled.

So the group all followed Eddie inside the building and in there was quite some businesses going on. Then he went to greet his friend at the desk.

"Hey, Richard!! Lookin' good!" Eddie complimented.

"Eddie, you can't park there, bro." Richard said.

"Come on, man. There's no such thing as can't. How she'd do?" Eddie replied.

"Berkeley. Brown. MIT. She's got a scholarship bro." Richard answered.

"What'd I tell you?" Eddie asked.

"You told me what?" Richard asked back.

"No such thing as can't." Eddie said.

"Wait. Hang on Eddie." Richard said as Eddie stopped. "Two things. First, the bike and second, who are they?"

"Oh them? They're with me. Don't worry they ain't getting in trouble. But after I get done with the meeting I gotta see about getting them to the doctor." Eddie said as he winked at them knowing that he has they're tracks covered. "Anyways gotta go. MIT! Whoo!"

Richard shook his head in amusement as the gang headed up. On the tall floor they were sitting down while Eddie was busy.

"You know what I love about this view? It never gets old." The boss said.

"Yeah, well uh..... Height's not really my thing. But, uh... What's the deal?" Eddie asked.

"I got you the big one, exclusive." The boss answered.

"Yeah? Who?" Eddie wondered.

"Carlton Drake." The boss said.

"Um excuse me sir? But who actually is Carlton Drake?" Spike asked.

"Glad you asked young man. The man's a visionary. And he wants to talk about his rockets, assure everyone they're safe, that the crash was an anomaly." The boss answered.

"There was a crash here?" Twilight asked.

"Shh!!! Shut up! If you spill the beans about us from that crash here I will eat your organs out! Keep quiet!!" The voice said in thought.

Twilight frowned hearing that voice threaten her but decided to keep quiet.

"Uh... He's... He's seriously off." Eddie said.

"I'm gonna level with you. Carlton Drake could buy us with his pocket cash, turn this building into his own garage if he so wished. Now, you're just gonna ask him about his space program, you're gonna thank him, and you're gonna bid him a nice day." The boss said.

"Yeah right. That guy is no good. No way in hell am I bidding him a nice day." A voice thought in Pinkie's head.

"Why are you judging this guy when we haven't even met him? He could be nice if you gave him a chance." Pinkie spoke in thought.

"Pinkie, trust me you really don't wanna make friends with that ass." The voice reasoned.

"He's a crook." Eddie said.

"Eddie, when you had nowhere to go, we gave you a home. Now, you know we love the Eddie Brock show. There isn't a better investigate reporter working today, but no one is above the network. So do me a favor, Eddie, don't start your shit again." The boss argued.

"All right, all right." Eddie said trying to defuse the situation.

"For me." The boss said.

"All right. I'll do it. Come on guys. Let's go." Eddie said as everyone got up and followed him.

Later that night the gang were at a restaurant getting something to eat after a long day. Well a rough and crazy day for the girls and Spike anyway.

"I don't know why he gave me this assignment, Annie. It's not... It's not what I do." Eddie said.

"Well, my mother always told me that anything in life worth having would take sacrifice, patience, and be a lot of work." Annie replied.

"Yeah. Well we appreciate Eddie letting us stay with him. We are so tired from today." Sunset said.

"I know. Eddie told me that you kids looked like you were in a wreck. And boy you definitely need rest after dinner." Annie replied.

"Yeah. Guess we got lucky that he was able to get us settled in once we arrive at his place." Spike said.

"Well, you're all lucky to have me helping you. And Annie's lucky to have me. To be fair, I'm quite a catch. That's what my mom told me." Eddie replied then laughed a bit.

"Are you gonna behave yourself tomorrow?" Annie asked.

"No. No, I'm gonna do my job. That's what I'm gonna do. I can't, you know, not do my job. The guy you work for a complete..." Eddie said.

"I don't work for Drake. I work for my firm, and my firm works for him. And I'm sure that they defend many people that you don't deem worthy, but we don't want a repeat." Annie interrupted.

"A repeat? Of what exactly?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Of the Daily Globe incident. Something Eddie caused back then." Annie answered.

"Ow! Really? Incident? That's not an incident." Eddie denied.

"Baby, you were run out of New York." Annie said.

"I was not. I did not." Eddie denied again.

"I don't want you run out of San Francisco." Annie said to him.

"No, I still have currency in New York. I was going places. I wasn't running. I was going places. In fact, I moved to San Francisco for you. You are my home." Eddie reasoned.

"You're not so bad yourself champ." Annie said.

Then everyone paid for dinner and left the restaurant and went to Eddie's place. Eddie and Annie were listening to music, dancing, and making out. After a few minutes they were asleep in bed and Eddie woke up deciding to get a drink. While he did that he got on a laptop and saw a message from the Life Foundation and pulled it up. But whatever he saw on there it wasn't A good sign.

With the girls they were sleeping away trying to rest for tomorrow. Meanwhile in the darkness of the room we see some beings emerge from their bodies but we can't see them due to being dark. They had something to discuss.

"I can't believe that these girls wanna meet Carlton Drake. But what they don't know is that he has a dark secret in that company of his. I hope all of you have good news for how we can destroy Drake." The first one said.

"Truth be told Scorn, I heard that Pinkie wanted to befriend him. That is a very bad idea. She should know that." The second one replied.

"They obviously don't know his true intentions yet Hysteria. But I'm hoping that when they do, they'll think twice about him." Scorn said.

"Easy for you to say. I looked into Rarity's memories and most of them are fashion making. But others are when they do fight villains they use this 'friendship magic' to vanquish them. Even though they won't be able to reason him when they meet him." The third voice said.

"Then that could be a problem. Thanks for pointing that out Agony. So how will we make them realize that Carlton Drake is a evil son of a bitch that is up to no good but also find our leader?" Scorn asked.

"Since they are bonded to us I suggest we have them sneak into his secret lab at The Life Foundation and have them see the shit he causes down there." The forth voice suggested.

"I guess so Lasher. But they probably won't believe a word we say to them since they rely on friendship." Scorn added.

"Plus they gotta understand that this is one thing that friendship cannot solve. Besides I saw Rainbow's memories that she wanted to use violence on some occasions but her friends told her not to do it." The fifth voice said.

"Ugh we know Slasher. Ok clearly they don't know what kind of shit Drake has done. And Eddie had the right idea to be suspicious of him." Scorn said.

"Maybe it's possible for Eddie to convince them that Carlton Drake is a piece of shit that causes trouble. Their gonna head to the Life Foundation tomorrow and Eddie doesn't buy for one minute that Carlton Drake is a successful man." The sixth voice replied.

"Yes. That is true Hybrid. But I think that tomorrow we should kill Drake on the spot and be done with it." The sixth voice said with determination.

"No Scream. I know you want to kill Drake. We all do. But as I said before we can't risk anyone noticing our presence and lock us back in tubes. So, Hybrid. What's your plan exactly?" Scorn asked.

"Simple. What you and Lasher said are both good points. Drake is keeping a secret from everyone and we need to expose him. So all we need to do is let Eddie do the work and find out his little dark plot. Then zip, zang Drake will be exposed, and if they discover him sniffing around we can power up the girls and Spike, kill his goons that try to help him stay quiet, eat his head and then everybody wins." Hybrid explained.

"Nice. So we have a plan." The seventh voice said.

"Indeed we do Phage. But is there any chance that this Applejack you're bonded to might discover Drake's behavior?" Scorn wondered.

"Definitely. I looked into Applejack's memories and she is The Element of Honesty. She can spot a liar a mile away. So if she notices any lies in Drake then she will expose him no problem." Phage answered.

"Good to have a backup plan. But if Drake tries to run then don't say I told you that we should kill him on the spot." Scream replied.

"Enough Scream. Again we can't risk being locked in tubes again. But that aside you all made your point. Now tomorrow we will go with Hybrid's plan. But remember this one rule: don't make our presence known unless if it's necessary. Especially if the girls are in danger. Understood?" Scorn asked.

The others nodded in agreement and that was all Scorn needed to hear.

"Good. Now let's rest up for tomorrow. We have got to convince the girls that Drake is bad news one way or another." Scorn said with confidence.

They all sunk back in the girls bodies without waking them up and rested for tomorrow. It was gonna be a long day.

Author's Note:

The symbiotes all formed a plan to expose Drake. But can they convince the girls that what they discussed is true?