• Published 26th Apr 2024
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Equestria Girls meet Venom - Big Imagination E

The Rainbooms need to help Eddie Brock regain a new life. But first they need to stop a great evil. With some help from a race of symbiotes and the leader: Venom

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Breaking In and Introductions

Later that night we see a car driving to the Life Foundation and in the back seat was Eddie and the girls along with Spike hiding underneath so the guards won't catch them.

"Are you sure that this will work Dr. Skirth?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Now keep down and stay quiet til we pass the guards." Dr. Skirth said.

So they did what she told them to do and stayed down. Once they got passed the guards at the entrance then they all got up and went inside the Life Foundation.

"Ok listen guys. Overpopulation and climate change are the two things Drake cannot control. We are literally a generation away from an uninhabitable Earth. Drake is using his rockets to scout real estate." Dr Skirth explained.

"That's all interesting Dr. Skirth but can you tell us the part where he's killing people?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. Drake sent a ship on a recon mission. On the way back, they found a comet." Dr. Skirth started.

"A comet?" Pinkie asked. "I thought they were fun!"

"Not the kind your thinking of. Onboard computers indicated the presence of life, of millions of organisms. We brought back some specimens." Dr. Skirth explained.

"So your saying aliens? But I thought they don't exist." Twilight said.

"RUDE!" Scorn shouted in her head.

"Yes. But we don't call them that. We call them Symbiotes. And they absolutely cannot survive in our environment without help. Drake believes that the union between human and Symbiote is the key to our survival, but not here on Earth." Dr Skirth explained.

"So your saying that Drake is trying to put human beings and aliens together? So they can live in space? That is wrong on so many levels." Fluttershy worried.

"Yes. But we call them hosts." Dr Skirth corrected.

"That is nuts. That is completely insane. I can't believe he do something like this." Rainbow said.

"I know Rainbow. There's no protocol for this thing. He's just feeding them in. If the match isn't excat..." Dr Skirth agreed.

But then they heard the speaker and had some guards patrol the area. Then Dr Skirth scanned the ID and opened the door so the others can sneak in Drake's lab.

"Please, just go in. Don't touch anything in there. I'll take care of him." Dr Skirth said.

So they did what they were told to do and headed in while Dr Skirth distracted the guards to hopefully buy them some time. Now with Eddie and his friends they all were in the creepy lab where she said was where Drake was testing the Symbiotes on them. Eddie got some pictures and boy they were all creeped out.

"Jesus Christ. Drake is a complete psycho. I can't believe he would use these Symbiotes on people that just ends up killing them." Rarity feared.

"See? Now you understand why we had to try and get him to come clean. Ever since he found us he's been using us as test subjects." Agony said.

"And the more people he gets to sign the waivers the more deaths he's gonna be causing." Phage added.

"No kidding. We better get this varmin to stop soon or all people will be suffering from this." Applejack agreed.

Then suddenly they saw a woman begging to get out. Eddie knew who it was. It was Maria and she was screaming for her life to out.

"Eddie! Get her out of there!!" Twilight cried.

So grabbing a fire extinguisher he tried breaking the glass on the doors and once he finally did the woman roared and grabbed him and Eddie tried getting her off but it was no use. Then a stream of black goo erupted from Maria's body and went into Eddie. The group all screamed but with Rarity screaming the loudest she destroyed every glass thing in the lab and the alarm went off.

"Maria?! Maria?! Oh shit this is so bad!! Guys come on! We gotta get out!" Eddie said.

"Oh nice going Rarity! Now the guards are coming to arrest us! Now will we get out now?!" Rainbow frowned.

"You want out? We'll get you out. By fighting our way out of the Life Foundation. Let's move!!" Slasher said.

So the Symbiotes took control of the Mane Seven and Spike along with Eddie and together they all ran as fast as they can to escape. But the guards saw the group and tried catching them. But then suddenly Spike did something that so crazy that even Rarity was in complete shock. He jumped off the wall and then the green goo created two bigger fists and punched two guards in their faces. Then they all kept running but three more guards came in front of them and then the orange goo gave Applejack the ability to knock them back and continued on forward.

"What the hay are we doing?! This is more crazy than ever!" Applejack wondered.

"I don't know but I'm kinda liking this!" Spike said.

Then they still kept running and busted down the exit door! But then suddenly they saw an army of guards running towards them. Now that made the group really worried.

"Oh no! More guards are coming!! What do we do?!" Fluttershy feared.

"Leave it to me Fluttershy. I'll stop those fuckers!" Scream replied.

Then she saw yellow slimy tentacles coming out of her back and shot spikes at them which killed most of them in an instant. But only two of the guards survived and then three others came in front of them. But then they realized that was a trap as the blue goo and purple goo covered Rainbow and Rarity whole and they growled at them. They grabbed them and ate their heads off! The two gooey Symbiotes sank back into them and the group was beyond shocked.

"We'll explain later! For now let's get out!!" Scream replied.

Not wanting to argue they all continued running from the guards and kept on going. They even crashed through the wired wall and it didn't hurt them! They kept going but then they all saw more guards in four wheelers chasing after them. But then the green goo and vermilion goo turned both of Spike's and Sunset's hands into sharp swords and came on on the engines and destroyed the four wheelers! Then the Symbiotes got all of them to continue running and not once did they slow down. They even crashed through the trees and destroyed them without getting hurt! Then they made them all climb up one so the guards cannot see them as they searched all around.

Then after the guards were all gone all the different colored goo surrounded each member of the Mane Six, Spike and Eddie. Then they all ran off til they saw some water to swim in. They all jumped in and swan fast as they can. Then they all resurfaced miles away, jumping up onto the shore a good distance south of San Francisco.

Twilight and her friends gasped for breath as she dragged herself through the sand, the goo seeming to sink back into her body. She hadn’t breathed once while underwater, but now she couldn’t seem to get enough air.

“What… what, the hell, was that,” she gasped.

"I don't know. But that was fucking insane! And forgive my language but that was like a living hell!!" Rarity yelled.

Hm, I didn’t think you ladies knew how to swear.

"Ok who said that?" Eddie asked.

"It certainly was not me Eddie. I heard that too." Twilight replied.

She pushed herself up, looking herself over. She looked like herself again, her hair was now very messy. “Okay, for the last time who are all of you?”

The liquid emerged from Eddie's body in strands, before forming into a sort of head and twisting around to look at him. It was horrifying, looking just like he did when he had caught his reflection earlier, but somehow, he wasn’t afraid of it. Then suddenly the other symbiotes formed heads and stared at the girls and Spike.

"What the hell are you guys?" Eddie asked.

“I am Venom. And these are my colleagues. Introduce yourselves to the ladies guys.”

"I am called Scorn."

"I am Phage."

"I am Scream."

"Name is Slasher."

"I am known as Hybrid."

"I'm Agony."

"And I'm called Lasher."

"Are all of you ailens?" Sunset asked.

"Yes we are Sunset Shimmer. We call ourselves the Klyntar. But your species has, fittingly, dubbed us symbiotes.” Hybrid answered.

“Right, that scientist said something about that. But, I’m still not exactly sure what you are. I’ve never seen or heard of anything like you before.” Sunset noticed.

"You wouldn't have. We are not from this planet. We come from a totally different planet. That's why they think we're ailens. We were dying in their because they refuse to give us the food we need that have chemicals in there to fully survive. But you freed us all." Hybrid explained.

"You can't survive. Actually you all look ok. In fact your all very strong." Rarity commented.

"Because we all have strong hosts. We can survive with hosts as long as we feed regularly." Agony explained.

“And… what do you all need to eat, exactly?” Twilight asked, though she got the feeling she already knew.

"Meat!! We need meat to survive. Especially if it's alive! And surprisingly I'm glad that my crew have already been fed eariler. Meanwhile I'm on the brink of hunger!! Venom said.

"Relax fearless leader. I'm sure that Eddie will keep you fed. After all these girls and Spike were able to feed us. So we're good for now." Lasher replied.

"Because I saw Slasher and Agony rip someone's head off!" Sunset yelled.

"Hey! We needed to eat one way or another!! And plus you said that we can kill any of Drake's goons! The security was included!" Agony reasoned.

"Ok everyone please calm down!" Fluttershy said as they got quiet. "Thank you. I don't like it when we fight. Now Scream was it? Why did you kill those guards with those tentacles?"

"Because they were after all of you. Not to mention that they had guns and were shooting you. Plus now we finally got you to realize that Drake is bad news." Scream answered.

"Yes. We now know he's bad. Eddie took the pictures and are gonna find someone who can publish these and expose Drake for good." Twilight said.

"But while were at it there's one condition that we want all of you to follow." Spike added.

"And what would that be Spike?" Lasher asked.

"If all of you are planning to stay here with us then you need to know this. There's two kinds of people that run around the Earth. There's good people and bad people. So if you guys want to stay they you will only attack the bad people." Spike offered.

"And after we stop Drake then for the future that you will be with us you will ONLY hurt bad people. Like freaks. Monsters. Thieves. Degenerates. Lowlifes. Thugs. And Criminals." Rainbow added.

"Hmm. Well considering that you did stop many villains with this 'friendship magic' I suppose that is something we will consider. But as long you keep us fed then we will agree to your demands." Lasher considered.

The other symbiotes agreed at that and Eddie was already hungry and losing it.

"Man I'm going crazy. We all have symbiotes in us and you girls are not afraid." Eddie said clutching his head.

“We know Eddie but we gotten used to them talking to us. You know, I didn't expect all of you to be this..." Twilight said as she cast around for the right word.

"This what?" Scorn asked.

"I don't know... honest, I guess? Helpful? Talkative?" Twilight answered.

"We don't gain anything from lying to you. We are one with each other. Being honest benefits us both. So now that you see the truth and are willing to feed us regularly we will accept your demands and only attack bad people." Scorn said.

Twilight couldn't argue that. She looked back toward the city, and shook herself off, walking away. “So you all have to eat meat.”

"Yes. More specifically human meat. But considering that you are innocent we are not gonna try to eat your organs." Scorn explained.

“We'll eat poultry and fish occasionally. Maybe pork. Will that make you happy?” Twilight asked.

"Very happy. And in return as you saw all those guards being killed in the process from the chase we will give you abilities to take out bad guys and get one step closer to killing Drake." Scorn said.

"Ok thank you." Twilight said.

"Um guys? Where's Venom and Eddie?" Applejack asked as they turned seeing they weren't there anymore.

"I know where they could have gone. Venom hasn't eaten for days and is probably getting Eddie something alive to eat and is gonna humiliate himself." Slasher answered.

"Come on girls. We better go find Eddie and Venom before someone calls the cops Which is no fun. Where can he be right now?" Pinkie asked.

"My guess would be his apartment. We better go there now." Hysteria answered.

The girls and Spike agreed as the symbiotes covered them and jumped in the water and swam back to Eddie's place. Once they arrived they see Eddie talking to someone on the phone while drinking a few beers, eating raw food and something out of the trash. Rarity was disgusted by that and that did not sit well with Eddie's stomach as he ran to the bathroom and threw up. Then he laid down unconscious and the gang looked at the state he's in.

"How revolting. Why did he eat out of the trash?" Rarity asked.

"Ugh. Trust me Rarity. Venom needed meat to survive and frankly he must have seen some uneaten meat from the garbage. I know it is not something you wanted to see. That's why we ate from the ocean getting all that fish." Agony answered.

"You do realize that Fluttershy doesn't appreciate you eating animals right? That includes sea creatures." Applejack told Agony.

"We know. But again we need meat to survive. So you might as well get used to it. Now let's get Eddie in bed and tomorrow we head out." Agony suggested.

"Yeah. He's way too tired now." Phage said.

They all agreed and helped Eddie as they carried him to his bed and covered in his blankets. This was a crazy, rough day for everyone. But tomorrow is gonna be crazier.

Author's Note:

Well they finally meet Venom and the symbiotes all introduced themselves to the girls and Spike. Next time they will try and train them. Especially when Riot comes here. And he is bad news for sure.