• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XV - Discipline Part I.

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XV - Discipline Part I.

Damon snored softly as he rolled over in his bed. It had been a long and tiring day, but completely worth it. After the slight misunderstanding at the apple residence involving Granny Smith, the day had gone surprisingly well for him. He and Pinchy had partaken in lunch with the Apples and Damon had to admit that the food was simply devine, much better than he was anticipating.

He lost count on how much apple related food he ate, but frankly he didn’t care because they just tasted so good. Granny Smith found it hysterical that he was able to eat anything at all and kept piling more and more food onto his plate, much to his delight. After they had eaten lunch, they all went outside to game of hoofball. Something Damon struggled to get the hang of at first.

During which, the remaining Elements of Harmony as well as the rest of the CMC and Berry Punch turned un unexpectedly and joined in the game, Rarity had brought along a robe she had been designing in the exact same colour and style as Damon’s. Damon happily accepted it as his current attire tough clean, was still ripped and torn from the past months activites and he thanked Rarity for the creation as it took her longer than she thought. Pinkie Pie had also brought along a slip of paper for Damon which red.

To Damon,

I’m happy to invite you to the official ‘Welcome to Ponyville Damon Party’ and the ‘Sorry we thought you were evil, that was mean of us, especially what I did to you in the basement party’ tomorrow at 12-?

Please R.S.V.P!

Love, Pinkie.

Damon had chuckled and replied with a yes right there and then, not really wanting to see what would happen if he delayed replying to her any more than it was necessary. After much galavanting and having fun, the day slowly gave way to the evening and everyone returned to their homes. Berry had cooked dinner for her, Pinchy and Damon before putting Pinchy to bed and spending a few hours talking with him. They both then had gone to bed and Damon had quickly fallen asleep.

Damon shot up in his bed suddenly and screamed loudly as he felt something wash over him, a strange and familiar energy. Berry ran in followed by Pinchy, both with a look of concern on their faces.

“Damon, what’s wrong?” Berry asked.

“S-sorry… it’s just… I don’t know” Damon muttered.

“Did you have a bad dream, Uncle Bones?” Pinchy asked, climbing into the bed to give him a hug.

“Sort of…” Damon replied.

“What do you mean sort of?” Berry asked, sitting herself in the bed.

“Well, I was having this nice dream that I was back in Cyrium flying across the skies on a dragon when I suddenly felt this strange feeling wash over me, filling me with dread but the strange thing was it felt really familiar. Like something I once knew…”

“Feeling?” Pinchy asked, tilting her head at him.

Damon sighed and rubbed his head before giving Pinchy a playful ruffle of her mane.

“It’s nothing, just a bad dream.”

“Alright then…” Berry sighed, “goodnight Damon.”

“Nighty night, Uncle Bones!” Pinchy giggled and nuzzled him.

Damon smiled as Berry and Pinchy left the room before turning to the window and string out into the darkness.

“I sense something… a presence I have not felt…” Damon muttered, “no… I’m imagining it… I’d better get some rest, guna try practising that fireball spell tomorrow”

He yawned before settling back into his bed, ignoring and suppressing the rising feeling that something was terribly wrong.

As the morning sun rose in the sky and started to illuminate Damon’s room and shine upon him, he groaned and yawned lazily sitting up in his bed only to be greeted face to face with a grinning Pinchy who was sitting on the end of his bed.

“Huh? Pinches?” he mumbled.

“This came for you!” She replied.

Damon noticed she was holding a scroll in her hooves and took it before opening it.

Dear, Damon

Princess Luna and myself shall be visiting Ponyville today along with a guest who you are a supposed associate of. We would like to meet you at the library for morning tea at around ten o’clock, please do not be late and if you so wish you may bring Miss Berry Punch and her daughter.

The Elements of Harmony will also receive an invitation so please do not be alarmed, we look forward to seeing you.


Princess Celestia & Princess Luna

Damon scratched his head in confusion as he studied the scroll for a second time.

“Huh… I wonder who that is? It can’t be Dorian… unless…”

He slowly lowered the scroll and looked out of the window, a cold chill running down his spine as he let out a whimper.

“Oh Varlos no…”

Berry briskly walked across the town with Pinchy sitting comfortable on her back facing behind her, in her mouth was the cloak of Damon. Damon had suddenly freaked out that morning claiming that he was as good as dead if he went to the meeting, Berry had dismissed it and forcibly dragged him out of the house by his cloak. Damon had protested, squirmed, screamed, and cried as he tried to grip the floor. His fear consuming his rational thinking of being able to use spells.

“Damon, you are going and that’s final!” Berry shouted through the cloth.

“Please don’t make me!” he wailed, “you don’t know what he’ll do to me!”

“Oh nonsense,” Berry sighed, “I’m sure he just wants to see you again. After all, you have been missing in your world for a month…”

“He won’t care! He will kill me, resurrect me, then kill me again!” Damon whimpered as he tried to break free of her grip, “I want to live!”

“You’re already dead,” Berry groaned.

“He can’t be that bad can he, Uncle Bones?” Pinchy asked.

Damon only replied with whimpers as he tried - and failed- to get free from the earth ponies grip. Pinchy giggled, finding the whole ordeal to be completely hilarious.

As they continued to make their way through the town, onlookers could only stop what they were doing and watch with a strange fascination they watched the lich get dragged screaming towards the library.

“DON’T JUST STAND THERE! HELP ME!” he wailed at them.

They simply blinked at him as the strange group came closer to the library. Just as they were coming to it, the cutie mark crusaders rounded a corner and saw them, curious as to what was going on ,they rushed over to see what was what.

“Hey, Berry… What’s going on?” Scootaloo asked.

“Nothing girls, he just has a meeting that’s all,” she replied.

“SAVE ME!” Damon wailed.

“Right… well we’re gunna go try and get a cutie mark in hockey playing,” Sweetie Belle said.

“If we had a puck that is,” Applebloom added, “we couldn’t find one.

Damon scrambled for his cloak and pulled off the broach he used to show his status as a mage and held it to them with a grin.

“Look, if you girls help me you can use this. Deal?”

He foolishly tossed it to them and Scootaloo picked it up inspecting it.

“Sure, but I don’t think Berry would be to pleased…”

Damon’s smile instantly vanished as he stared at the grinning fillies. Berry started walking again and dragged him behind her, shaking his fist at the evil grins of the three fillies.


“Bye Damon!” they said in unison with a giggle.

The three of them eventually came to the library just as the door to the building opened up and Spike came outside carrying a black rubbish bag and saw them coming and waved.

“Hey guys—” he stopped seeing Damon being dragged behind Berry,” do… I even want to know?”

“SPIKE! SAVE ME!” Damon cried.

“He’s just being a wuss,” Berry sighed as she dragged him inside.

Spike blinked as Pinchy giggled and saved to him as she went past him. He sighed and shook his head, getting rid of the rubbish bag before re entering the library. Inside, Berry saw that the Elements of Harmony had already arrived and were sitting around in the living room.

“Good morning, Berry. How are—” Rarity stopped in mid sentence and blinked, “why… are you dragging Damon?”

“Because she’s a soulless witch who likes seeming me suffer!” Damon answered.

“He refused to leave the house so I had to force him to,” Berry said with a roll of her eyes, finally releasing him.

“That’s because you don’t know him like I do!” Damon snapped, “wait a minute, you don’t know him at all so you wouldn’t know him like I do,” Damon muttered.

“What are you on about?” Rainbow asked, “chill dude.”

“Yeah, what’s so bad about—” Applejack paused before looking to Damon, “who is the guy we’re meein’ exactly?”

Before he could answer, they all heard the sounds of chariots landing and Damon felt his whole body go cold. There was a knock on the door and Spike answered it, revealing a stallion guard.

“Presenting, their highnesses Princess Celestia and Luna. And their honorary guest.”

The Princesses were the first to walk into the room, the Elements, Berry, Spike and Pinchy bowing to them respectively. The two monarchs stood aside to let their guest in and everyone's eyes widened seeing the bipedal creature walk in, wearing the same styled robes as Damon right down to the strange broach. But instead of being nothing but bone, this one had fair white skin, long silver hair and black eyes with a small white dot where the pupil would be, the creature also had two pointed ears on the side of its head.

“Master Kalanar…” Damon whispered.

“Ah! Damon my boy!” Kalanar smiled as he briskly strode over, “It’s good to see you, my student!”

“S-student?” the others gasped.

Kalanar wrapped Damon into a tight hug as he laughed heartily, Damon hugged him back whilst nervously laughing.

“I-it’s good to see you t-to, Master. What're you doing here?”

“Good question. After your little… accident, the other Elders were furious with you. They wanted to bring you back so you could be placed under trial for your actions.”

“T-trial?” Damon spluttered.

“Well, you did perform an illegal spell to apprentices and you did get the book from the Elder chamber—”

“I didn’t steal it, I swear it was—” Damon started.

Kalanar interrupted him by raising his hand up and smiled.

“Calm yourself, Damon. Iknow. You’re to stupid to pull of a theft like that anyway,” he chuckled, giving a pat to Damon’s shoulder

Damon heard the others snicker and he glared at them as Kalanar continued.

“The two Princesses have informed me on what happened, but I want to hear it from you.”

“Okay… well, it all started when I found the book inside the library after you told me I needed to do a report on ward spells and something about it just made me want to cast it. I realised it was actually a trick by Dorian the Deranged who essentially gave me the book in order to use me as a means to an end, he threw me out of the void to resize this Discord fellow but not before turning me into a lich. After a miscommunication, I told Princess Celestia I had no intention of doing what Dorian wanted. But I have no idea how to get back and if I’m honest, Master… I kinda like it here...” Damon told him without any interruptions.

Damon braced himself for the verbal berating he was expecting from Kalanar. The whole room had gone dead quiet as they looked to the two humanoids, waiting in suspense for one of them to make a move.

“I see…” Kalanar replied, stroking his chin.

Damon clenched his fists, ready for the onslaught but instead was embraced once more by Kalanar who laughed as he squeezed Damon tightly, a happy smile on his face.

“Oh thank Varlos, I was afraid you might have gone dark and joined the ranks of the necromancers,” Kalanar chuckled.

“Y-yeah… i don’t know how to do necromancy anyway…”

“That’s good, have you found out what your phylactery is yet?” Kalanar asked.

“... Yes?” Damon replied.

“You haven’t, have you?” he sighed.

“No…. no I have not.”

“Well, not a problem. Usually they are things a lich keeps close to their bodies, so I would assume Dorian infused your soul into—” he stopped and looked at Damon’s body, “where’s your broach?”

“Hm? Oh the cutie mark crusader have it,” he saw the confused look of Kalanar and corrected himself, “some children have it and… you think that was the phylactery… don’t you?”

“You… are… and idiot,” Kalanar groaned.

“My bad…” Damon chuckled.

“This is all well and good,” Rarity suddenly interrupted, “but what is happening in this meeting exactly?”

“Oh, there’s no meeting per-say,” Kalanar said.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked, “you requested we have a meeting with your student.”

“That I did, but it was only so I could catch the git,” Kalanar replied, his voice sounding colder.

“W-what?” Celestia spluttered.


Before Damon could answer, Kalanar punched his fist out and a blast of air shot out, striking Damon square in the face and launching him into the wall. Kalanar fired a second blast that succeeded in blowing out the wall and sending Damon out into the streets with a scream.

Kalanar grunted as everyone simply stared at him in complete an utter shock, he started to walk towards the hole where a bunch of ponies were already gathering, confused as to what was going on.

“K-Kalanar!” Celestia spluttered again, “what are you doing?”

“Discipline,” he simply replied as he walked out of the hole in the wall, leaving the shocked ponies behind.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

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