• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter VII - The Meeting.

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter VII - The Meeting.

“Yo, Twilight?” Spike said, poking her gently, “you alright?”

Twilight groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, standing just beside her looking concerned for her was Spike, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow with Celestia behind them.

“Huh? What happened?” She asked.

“You kind of screamed at everpony, then proceeded to faint,” Rarity replied.

“How long was I out?” Twilight felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment.

“‘Bout five minutes or so,” Applejack said, “give or take.”

“Are you ok though, Twilight?” Celestia asked her.

“I-I think so,” she replied, “I’m sorry Princess…”

“It’s fine, Twilight, would you come and have a seat now? We decided to wait for you,” Celestia said with a smile.

Twilight looked over to see Luna, Blueblood, Berry Punch and Damon chatting away with one another causally. With a nod to Celestia, she got up and took a seat along with the others, Celestia smiled and cleared her throat as she began the meeting.

“Firstly, I would like to discuss housing for Damon, I would like to thank you for putting him up for the night, Berry Punch.”

“No problem your Highness,” Berry replied.

“Now, me and Luna have been talking about his permanent residence-”

“Actually Princess,” Berry interrupted, “I don’t mind him staying with me permanently, he’s a pretty cool guy and besides, I think my daughter would have a strop if he didn’t,” Berry giggled.

“Oh,” Celestia replied, “well… I guess that settles it then. Are these arrangements okay with you, Damon?”

“Mhm, was going to ask if I could stay with her anyway, given I’d rather not live with ponies that tried to kill me.”

Before the Elements could reply to his last remark, Celestia raised her hoof up to silence the oncoming retorts.

“And that is the second item of business, girls. You owe Damon an apology for your behaviour.”

Blueblood had to hold back a snicker, the idea of his great and powerful aunt Luna and the Elements of Harmony, the Kingdom’s heros, apologising somewhat amused him.

“We’re sorry, Damon,” Rarity started.

“It was really, really, really mean of us,” Pinkie said with a small frown.

“I-I’m sorry for t-tricking you a-as well…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yeah, sorry,” Rainbow grumbled looking away in a huff.

“Ahm sorry, hun,” Applejack said taking off her hat, “Ah guess we all jus’ jumped before thinkin’ it through properly.”

“And I’m sorry too, Damon,” Twilight finished, “I shouldn’t have just assumed everything was wrong and kept a rational head about everything…”

Damon looked at the girls who looked back at him waiting for his answer, they tried to read his expression but only got a sour glare in return before he grinned.

“It’s in the past, I would’ve done the same in your shoes, or hooves in this case. All’s forgiven.”

The girls let out a sigh of relief as Damon picked up Fluttershy and gave her a hug, causing the yellow pegasus to squeak in surprise.

“And I must say, Fluttershy, it was very brave of you to put yourself in harms way like that.”

“It was?” She asked.

“Mhm, even if I wasn’t evil, it still was bloody brave,” Damon chuckled placing her down.

Fluttershy blushed slightly but she couldn’t help but smile, feeling slightly more confident than normal. Everyone’s attention then turned to Luna who had a stubborn look on her face, she caught everyone’s gaze and raised her brow.

“What?” She asked.

“Luna,” Celestia deadpanned, “you know what.”

“But, Tiiiiiiiiiiiiia!” Luna whined, “he started it!”

“That was an accident, blame Dorian for that!” Damon protested.

Celestia couldn’t help but have a strange sense of familiarity with that name, she decided to look into who Dorian was later before placing a hoof on Luna’s shoulder.

“Come now, Luna, apologise.”

“Look, if it means anything. I’m sorry too,” Damon said.

“Fine, I apologise for my actions, Damon,” Luna replied, giving a defeated sigh.

Blueblood leant closer to Celestia.

“Is auntie Luna always like this in meetings?” He asked with a whisper.

“No, she’s gotten better recently,” Celestia giggled, ignoring Luna’s death glare.

Celestia then cleared her throat getting everyone's attention before continuing.

“Now that we have those two items out of the way, and before we begin with questions, as I suspect we all have ones to ask.”

Damon and the girls nodded, both sides having questions they wanted answers to.

“We need to think of a positive way for Damon’s existence and the possibility of his world to be exposed to the public without causing any alarm from within the Kingdom, or outside it,” Celestia finished.

Celestia knew exactly what she was going to do about it, but she was purposely holding back and kept a careful eye on Blueblood out of the corner of her eye, waiting for a reply.

“Well… I got nothing,” Damon said, “it’s your world so I’m completely unfamiliar with how things work here.”

“Why not hold a huge party for him?” Pinkie grinned,” and invite everypony.”

“What kind of party?” Twilight replied, “the nobles might not like the way you party Pinkie…”

Pinkie pouted and crossed her legs in a huff.

“We could… uh…” Rainbow started, “oh how about… nah that wouldn’t work.”

“Sister, what about the-”

Celestia interrupted Luna with a quick look, Luna looked at her puzzled before Celestia made a quick indication with her eyes at Blueblood. Luna nodded and smiled, realising what Celestia was doing.

“Well shoot… ah can’t think of anything really… ahm not sure how the politics an’ such work, truth be told,” Applejack admitted.

“Hmm…” Twilight mused, before gasping as an idea came into her head, “what about-”

“Auntie…” Blueblood began, accidentally interrupting Twilight as he released something, “the Grand Galloping Gala is happening soon, and a lot of dignitaries are coming so… why not introduce him there?”

Twilight glared at Blueblood, annoyed that the Prince had said what she was about to suggest.

“That’s an excellent idea, Blueblood,” Celestia smiled, “do you have any objections to this, Damon?”

“Nope, sounds like a good idea to me your Highness,” Damon replied.

Blueblood smiled happily to himself, pleased his first diplomatic meeting was going well.

“Uh… Twi?” Applejack asked, “you ok there sugarcube? You’re… kinda grinding your teeth…”

Twilight looked at Applejack, a slight twitch in her eye.

“I’m fine, Applejack, just peachy.”

“Now that we have that settled, I believe it’s time for some questions,” Celestia said.

Twilight suddenly snapped out of her mood and grinned in excitement, already floating over a quill and several blank scrolls. Suddenly the room burst into shouts as the girls and Luna bombarded Damon with all sorts of questions, Damon tried to process all of them before Celestia stamped her hoof hard, silencing the room.

“Settle down everypony, settle down. This is how it’ll go, Damon will have the honor of asking the first question, followed by Berry, Spike and then each of the Elements, myself, Luna and finally Blueblood. Agreed?”

The room nodded in agreement, Damon tapped his chin trying to think of a question.

“Ok, my first question is this and frankly I don’t know why It’s taken me this long to ask it. Just exactly where am I? Like, what is the name of this world and who rules it?”

“You’re currently in the Kingdom of Equestria, which is heavily pony populated. Surrounding us is the Dragon Lands, The Griffon Confederacy, The Badlands, The Minotaur Tribes,” Celestia replied, “there's also the buffalo clans to the west and to the far south are the Zebra Lands, they're other smaller nations but it would take a while to go through each of them individually, such as the Humgolians.

“Okay, that answers part of it, but what is this world called. Like how my world has Kingdoms and Empires but the world is called Cyrium,”

“That’s easy to answer,” Luna started, “it’s…. uh…”

Luna paused as she drew a blank and looked at Celestia, Celestia tapped her chin with a hoof pondering the question for a moment.

“You know… I don’t actually remember,” Celestia replied a little embarrassed.

“Okay…” Damon replied, little confused before looking over to see the Elements huddled up, “what’re you doing?” He asked.

“Just deciding who gets to go first,” Pinkie giggled.

He nodded and patiently sipped some more tea as Berry rolled her eyes at the girls and shook her head.

“Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!” Twilight shouted.

“I take it you won?” Damon asked her.

“Yup! Now for my question-”

“Actually, Twilight,” Celestia interrupted, “it’s Berry’s turn,”

“Oh… right,” Twilight chuckled sheepishly.

“Nah it’s okay, I can just ask him stuff later on, besides it’s Spike’s go after me,” Berry said with a smile to Twilight.

Twilight smiled sheepishly, looking down at a slightly annoyed Spike.

“Sorry, Spike…”

“Your question little guy?” Damon asked.

“You told me you have dragons where you're from, what are they like? Can they grow really big? Are they nice, mean, helpful-”

Twilight giggled and put a hoof over his mouth silencing him.

“Easy there, Spike,”

“Hehe… sorry,” Spike replied rubbing the back of his head.

“Well it really depends on what kind of dragon you meet,” Damon began, “you have some dragons who prefer to live a life of solitude whereas you get the ones who are evil and don’t mind doing whatever it takes to get what they want.”

He saw Spike frown slightly saddened to hear how mean dragons could be.

“However,” he continued, Spikes frown brightening up, “you get dragons who are very noble, always willing to help out. There’s a group, the Templars of Tal-zor, that work alongside these dragons to fight the evil that taints Cyrium.”

Spike’s smile suddenly became a huge grin, giggling to himself satisfied with his answer. Twilight smiled before she got her scroll and quill ready, then turned her focus on Damon.

“Okay,” Twilight cleared her throat, “so you can use magic right Damon?”


“How do you channel it? All equines can use magic to a degree but unicorns and alicorns are the most adept at using it and we can channel the energy with our horns, how do you do it?”

“Well…” Damon started, “if I were to answer that, we would be here all day discussing the ins and outs of it. To put it bluntly, magic is everywhere in my world and anyone can use it, but its quite difficult to do so and takes many years to perfect it. I promise we can discuss it in further detail another day, okay?”

Twilight grumbled, she was annoyed that her personal curiosity hadn’t been sated but decided to accept the reply with a nod making a mental note to make Damon regret his promise to discuss it further.

“Next question?” Damon asked.

“U-uhm… w-what kind of a-animals do you have in Cyrium?” Fluttershy asked.

“Trust you to ask that Shy,” Rainbow shook her head.

“Well, from what little I’ve seen,” he indicated to Spike as he spoke, "you appear to have some of the creatures that exist in my world like dragons, tell me, do you have others such as wolves, chimeras, will-o-wisps, hydras?”

“Y-yeah, we have s-some of those, l-like the hydra.” She replied.

“Then we probably have the same types of animals as you do, perhaps we can go over it later on in detail, much like with me and Twilight?” Damon suggested.

“That w-would be wonderful,” Fluttershy smiled.

“Okay… and who’s next?” Damon said with a clap of his hands.

“That, would be me,” Rainbow replied.

“Right, fire away.”

“What’s the coolest thing that’s ever happened to you?” She asked.

“Hmm…” Damon began tapping his chin, “I guess it would be… when I was about fifteen, me and my Master, Kalanar, were out in the Dalmora mountains when we witnessed two black dragons fighting one another.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened as Damon continued.

“Master Kalanar told me that they were fighting for dominance or something, it was pretty amazing to witness.”

“What happened?”

Damon and the others looked down to see Spike, looking at him with a little bit of concern on his face. Damon looked at Berry who made an expression he read as saying ‘please don’t tell him one died’.

“Uh… well, after a couple hours of fighting they sort of gave up.” He replied.

“Gave up?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, they both realised that they were evenly matched and gave up.”

Damon mentally gave a sigh of relief as Spike smiled, thankful he had bought the lie. Truthfully, one of the dragons overpowered the other and managed to rip the wing from it before it crashed into the ground, much to Kalanar and Damon’s surprise.

“Do you really find my apples disgustin’?” Applejack suddenly asked, giving Damon a serious glare.

“If I’m honest, no, the one that was worm infested however, yes.”

Berry slapped her hoof against her face as Applejack’s eye twitched slightly.

“But yes, the others that didn’t have said worm in it were some of the best I have ever had and were delicious. I also apologise for insulting them and to an extent you yesterday.”

Applejack nodded with a smile, knowing he was being genuine with his answer.

“My question now,” Rarity said, “if you don’t mind me asking, who made those ghastly looking robes?”

“Excuse me?” Damon asked, crossing his arms.

“Well, if you’ll pardon me, whilst I love the simplicity and the design of them I simply must protest on the use of just blue. It definitely needs more colours and varieties darling. If you’d like I could make-”

“No thank you,” Damon interrupted with a slight glare, “I’m perfectly happy with the way they look, but thank you.”

Rarity was going to protest but Twilight caught her gaze and made a motion with her hoof across her throat signalling Rarity to be quiet, Twilight had felt an uneasy coldness come from Damon the second Rarity had insulted his outfit and figured out that for his people they must have some form of traditional value and altering the design would be offensive.

“Oh fine, but would you allow me to at least make you some other robes? I promise to leave them single coloured.”

“Alright, I’ll accept that.”

“Of all the things she could ask, and its clothes…” Twilight muttered with a shake of her head.

“Okay, and that leaves-”

“ME!” Pinkie shouted, suddenly appearing in his face out of thin air and startling him.

“GAH!? How did you do that?” Damon asked, “do you know teleportation spells?”

“I don’t silly,” she giggled and took her seat again.

“Yes… you clearly do, otherwise, how else could you have appeared like that?”

“I don’t though…” Pinkie replied with a pout.

“Let it go, Damon,” Berry sighed, “you don’t question it.”



Damon looked at the other girls who nodded in agreement with Berry, he gave a defeated sigh and decided to pursue how the pink mare worked at a later date.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway,” Pinkie giggled. “I was just gunna ask-”

“Let me guess,” Rainbow interrupted, “it’ll be something about parties?”

“How did you know?” Pinkie asked before gasping, “are you a wizard?!”

Rainbow slapped her face and sighed, muttering something that Damon didn’t catch.

“So, do you like parties? Do ya? Do ya?” Pinkies asked him.

“Of course, who doesn't?” Damon snorted, “well maybe Master Kalanar… but he’s an old fart.”

Celestia blinked in surprise hearing Damon refer to someone as his Master, and from what she gathered it was a term used for a teacher, as ‘an old fart’.

“GREAT!” Pinkie giggled, “what’s your favourite flavour? I want to make you the greatest cupcake ever and-”

“Hold up, what’s a cupcake?” Damon asked, “I mean, we have cakes in Cyrium but a cupcake? Is that like, a cake served in a cup or something?”

The room was silent, everyone looked at Damon with wide eyes and open mouths like he had just insulted the Princess. He looked to Celestia and Luna who both had a slight look of concern on their faces, Blueblood raised his brow equally confused as to what was happening. Damon then caught Pinkie’s gaze and he felt his entire body go stone cold, she stared at him with a huge grin and wide eyes like she was normally, but there was something behind that happy grin that scared him.

“D-did I say something wrong?” He asked softly.

“Oh… of course not, Bones,” she said in a soft, monotone voice, “but just out of curiosity, what is your favourite flavour?”

“Uh… chocolate?”

“AWESOME!” Pinkie suddenly shouted with a giggle, seemingly returning to normal, “don’t worry, Bones. My cupcake will be the greatest thing you have ever eaten!”

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, especially Damon. He wasn’t exactly sure on what had just happened but he made a mental note never to question anything relating to these ‘cupcakes’ again. Celestia then cleared her throat and smiled at Damon ,trying to quickly steer the conversation away.

“So, Damon,” she started, “I must confess that I should have asked this question sooner…”

“Yes your Highness?”

“You told me you were a human when we… first met, but you’ve made mentions of yourself being a Lich. Why is that?”

“Well I-”

“And forgive me for asking a second question, but who is this ‘Dorian’ you mentioned?”

“Okay… firstly, I am technically a human,” Damon began, trying to think how to properly word his reply, “I was turned into a Lich by Dorian who is the God of Mischief-”

“Mischief?” Luna asked, raising her eyebrow.

“You know, pranks and such. He isn’t an evil deity rather… an annoying one.”

Luna groaned internally, remembering a certain draconequus that fitted that description all too well. Celestia on the other hand, felt a coldness run down her spine as she remembered why she had found the name Dorian to be familiar.

“As for what a Lich is… I’d rather tell you in private, it’s a delicate matter…”

“Very well, is he the one who sent you here?” She asked.

“Yes he is.”

“Okay, and please forgive the questioning after I said one per pony, do you know why?”

Damon froze slightly, remembering the words Dorian had told him before being sent here. He began to panic slightly as he tried to find words to use in his response, he had figured out that this ‘Discord’ Dorian had mentioned must have caused some bad trouble in Equestria for him to be turned to stone and didn't really feel like revealing he was technically there to set him free for Dorian, not that he had any clue how or that he was actually going to do something as stupid as that.

“Uhm… he was bored I guess, he tricked me into going into the void because he got bored and decided to have some fun by sending me here as a Lich.”

Celestia carefully observed him for a moment, Damon tried to remain as calm as he could as he felt her eyes scan him over.

“Okay, thank you, Damon. And I apologise once more for the bombardment of questions,” she smiled and turned to Luna, “Luna, your question-”

Why did you appear in my bed!?” Luna shouted.

“You appeared in her bed?” Berry asked him before smirking.

“Not like that!” Damon shouted.

“Oh? Is that so?” Rainbow grinned along with Berry, “are you sure?”

“Yes I’m perfectly sure!” Damon grumbled.

“You weren’t trying to…’bone’ her?” Rainbow asked.

Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Fluttershy Rarity and Blueblood all went bright red as Rainbow burst out laughing soon followed by Berry with Applejack trying not to snicker.

“R-RAINBOW!?” Twilight stuttered, “T-THAT’S THE P-PRINCESS!”

Damon slapped his face and slowly pulled his hand down before letting out a long sigh.

“Dorian decided it would be funny to place me there, I wasn’t trying to… do anything to her, okay? Can we move on please?”

“Yes… I think it’s best we do,” Celestia replied, looking at Luna who was still blushing in a state of shock.

“Master Damon,” Blueblood said, gaining everyone’s attention as Rainbow and Berry settled down, “I was curious to know about your world’s governments? Such as, who is the largest nation and such.”

Celestia smiled at her nephews question, please that he was curious about other nations even ones that were not from their world.

“The largest nation is the Altorian Empire, the Altorian’s are often referred to as snow elves due to their white skin and origins from the frozen north. They tend to be prim and proper valuing honor and discipline as well as culture but aren’t afraid of new ideas, let me tell you that you wouldn't want to get on the receiving end of a dragon fire cannon…”

They were puzzled by that but didn’t speak up, deciding to let Damon finish talking.

“You then have the second largest nation which is the Kingdom of the Four lords because it’s actually four Kingdoms that are united in an alliance, they’re the human Kingdoms and I was born in the Kingdom of Rhunae. And finally, the last large nation is the Dwarven Kingdom located underground in the Undoreign mountains, dwarves are like humans except smaller, louder, angrier, alcoholics but bloody good fighters. Like with your world, there are smaller nations but like Princess Celestia said, I could spend all day talking about them. ”

“Interesting,” Blueblood replied with a smile, satisfied with his answer.

The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent with Damon asking questions and giving answers to more questions, they learnt many things such as who the Council of Elders was to some ancient history regarding a great war that happened and Damon learned about who Nightmare Moon was as well as what the Elements of Harmony were. Eventually, Celestia looked to the clock on the wall and saw just how long they had all been talking longer than she had thought they would have.

“As much as I would love to keep this meeting going, I’m afraid that Luna, Blueblood and I must return to Canterlot. Would you be willing to attend a second meeting soon, Damon?”

“Of course, I suspect I can ask more questions though right?” He chuckled.

“Indeed,” Celestia smiled as she started to leave. “oh and one more thing, I’ll be taking the Elements of Harmony back to Canterlot with me.”

WHAT?!” Luna and the girls, minus Fluttershy and Berry, shouted in unison.

“You can’t be serious?” Rainbow said.

“What if we need ‘em?” Applejack added.

“Sister, you cannot be serious?” Luna finished.

ENOUGH!” Celestia bellowed.

The room went quiet again as Celestia sighed.

“I already deemed Damon not a threat, and there is honestly no reason for them to remain here at the moment” she said.

“But-” Twilight said.

“I have already decided, Twilight,” she said sternly before giving her a reassuring nuzzle to the cheek. “I have my reasons.”

Twilight gave a sigh and nodded, she knew that Celestia knew best and frankly, she and the others had nearly abused the power of the Elements or had tried to when they had assumed Damon to be evil. There was also no evidence that he was evil and he had already shown himself to be a decent person, even with his odd appearance.

“Before I do go though,” Celestia added, “Damon?””

“Yes your Highness?”

“Walk with me please.”


Everyone watched as Celestia and Damon walked out of the library and towards the edge of the town, the two were in silence as they made a circle around the edge of the town and Damon was about to ask Celestia if something was the matter but she beat him to the chase.

“Damon, I’m putting a lot of trust in you by taking the Elements with me,” she said.

“I gathered, and I want to thank you for-”

“I’m not finished,” Celestia interrupted.

Damon nervously swallowed as they came to a stop by a small stream.

“Like I said, I’m putting a lot of trust in you because I can feel that you are not evil… but I want you to be honest with me, Damon…”

Celestia turned her head to look into Damon’s eyes, the seriousness in her eyes stabbing directly into Damon.

Why did Dorian send you here?”

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

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