• Published 27th Jul 2014
  • 12,432 Views, 283 Comments

A Sleeping Rose - Admiral Biscuit

After a day of work in Rose's flowerbeds, Sam winds up spending the night.

  • ...


A Sleeping Rose
Admiral Biscuit

Rose shifted around in the bed, getting her hooves under her. It looked awkward, and there was one moment where her body shifted when I thought she was going to fall on me, but she caught herself. “I'm going to use the little filly's room,” she said as she cautiously stepped over me.

“Don't take too long,” I muttered.

She paused, halfway across me, a look of concern in her eyes. “I can wait, if you—“

“No, it's your house; you ought to go first. I can hold it for a while longer.”

She didn't reply, just hopped off the bed and headed out of the bedroom. I watched her leave, already missing the warmth of contact, then flopped back down on the pillow. I idly reached over toward the wall and pulled the covers toward myself, but I knew in my heart that the time for sleeping was gone. The bed had turned against me, like all beds do when too much time is spent in them.

I stretched once, still lying on my back, before rolling upright and letting my feet fall to the floor. I gave my body sufficient time to adapt from horizontal to vertical mode, then stood up, one of my knees cracking. I hate that; I'm too young to have bad knees.

One step away from the bed I performed my first real stretch, lacing my fingers behind my head and arching my back. There were no further cracks or pops, which was a relief, although my right bicep cramped slightly. I sighed. I'd been having problems with muscle cramps for months. I couldn't remember if it was potassium or vitamin K that helped prevent cramps—whichever it was, it was in bananas. Which ponies didn't seem to have. Or maybe they did and they'd just always been sold out at the market. Whatever the case, there were no mares or stallions with banana cutie marks, and I hadn't seen any banana trees in town, either.

I gently massaged my aching muscle, while I looked around Rose's bedroom. It was a part of pony home I'd never seen before.

It wasn't surprising that it looked pretty much the same as any woman's. A mirror hung on the wall above a vanity, which was littered with small jars of beauty supplies and brushes and combs. Nearer to the bed was a small end-table, which held a pitcher of water and a glass, which had a rose in it. It was hard to tell if she'd meant for the glass to serve as a vase, or if she'd happened to have the rose in her room and wanted to put it somewhere. Based on my memories as a young adult, it could have been either.

On the far wall was a wooden frame that held a clothes rod; three dresses were hung from that. Next to it was a dresser, and I considered going through her drawers to see what she kept in it.

When I rented my house, I'd been surprised to discover that the small loft bedroom didn't have a closet. In hindsight, it made perfect sense that it wouldn't.

Like most peoples', the top of her dresser held a few framed photographs. Since she wasn't back yet, I decided to walk over and get a look. There were a couple of her with her friends—Lily and Daisy—a faded black and white of her as a filly with what I could only assume were her parents, and a fairly recent signed photograph of her standing beside some unicorn in a sweater who was wearing black glasses. He had the kind of face that you either love or hate, and I fell into the latter camp. Whoever he was, I'd never seen him around Ponyville. He was probably some sort of celebrity.

The one thing I didn't find were my shorts and underwear. I finally got down on my hands and knees and was peering under the bed when Rose finally returned. Oddly, I didn't hear her hooves in the hallway; instead, she announced her presence by snickering as she came in.

“What's so funny?” I pulled my head out from the under the bed and turned to face her.

“You look like . . . like a tail-less mare with no coat when you're standing like that,” she told me.

“I can't find my shorts,” I whined. “I don't know where they went.”

“They're in the little filly's room,” she said. “I—do you need me to get them?” She looked me up and down as I got to my feet; once again her eyes locked on my bare hips, which of course meant she was essentially staring at my crotch. I self-consciously moved a hand to cover myself, before giving up and pretending I just needed to scratch. She was going to stare either way, and it wasn't like I hadn't checked out a few ponies in the past.

“I'll just go, and use the bathroom, and get my shorts.” I shuffled out the door, to Rose's bemused look.

When I was halfway down the stairs, I remembered that I was fully nude, and Rose had two room-mates. She'd said that they were gone yesterday, but that didn't mean they still were. Maybe she'd spent a little extra time catching up with them . . . and while I'd become enough of a fixture in town that they didn't scream and run when they saw me, how might they react if they saw me in their house wearing my birthday suit?

I couldn't turn around and tell Rose that I was afraid to use her bathroom on my own, so I was committed. Still, I hesitated when I got to the foot of the stairs, peering around the wall to make sure there were no unexpected mares to view my progress.

There were none. I safely made it to the bathroom, where my shorts and underwear were indeed tossed into a corner. I was sure I knew why I'd left them there—the squat toilets the ponies favored had given me all sorts of trouble, and undoubtedly last night I'd simply removed my clothes to prevent accidentally peeing on them.

One of these days, I thought as I took aim, I'm going to convince a craftsmare to build me a human-style toilet. An actual flush toilet might have been beyond what I could afford, although such things did exist, but maybe just a seat would make the smallest room of my house feel more like home.

The unisex bathroom in the hospital had a urinal for the mares. That still struck me as odd.

“Sam?” A hoof gently tapped on the door. “I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want anything?”

“Do you have milk?”

“I think so.”

“Cereal or oatmeal will be fine.”


“Are Lily and Daisy home?”

“No; they won't be back until tomorrow. Why?”

“I. . . .” I looked over at my clothes. How could I explain that I'd actually begun to get used to not wearing them? I wasn't ready to go out into town without—maybe one of these days I'd get up the courage to—but I actually didn't feel like putting them on just yet. I couldn't quite work through it in my mind, but somehow it felt as if the act of not getting dressed was an important step towards fitting in socially.

Maybe I'd ask Nurse Tenderheart about that next time we met.


“Sorry! I just didn't want to, ah, surprise them.” I picked up my clothes and opened the door. Rose took a step back. She glanced at my hips again before she looked up into my eyes.

“You're just . . . I'm sorry, but you know that monsters come out of the Everfree sometimes.”

I rubbed my hand in her mane. “I know.”

“How come you didn't put on your clothes?”

“I didn't feel like it.” That statement felt oddly liberating, especially when it wasn't met with outrage from Rose.

“Okay.” She turned and headed for the kitchen, with me trailing behind. There was still a small part of my mind insisting that this was in no way normal, but that voice had been getting quieter and quieter for months.

Rose busied herself with sorting through the cupboards, while I set our places at the table. Last night when I'd done the dishes, I'd put away the salad bowls, so I knew right where they were. Since she was an earth pony, she didn't have any silverware. Once upon a time, that would have been a problem for me, but now it was just another social convention I'd managed to unlearn.


I had a set of silverware at home, and I ate my meals with them. The dichotomy of pony society was subtle, but always present. Unicorns invariably used eating utensils, while the other two tribes normally did not. I could only imagine what sort of planning went into hosting a mixed-tribe formal dinner.

I'd grown used to the raw oats that ponies loved so much for breakfast. It really wasn't bad with a little milk added to soften it up, although I always got odd looks when I emptied my glass in the bowl and stirred it around, and Rose was no exception. She, bless her heart, didn't say anything, but the raised eyebrow got the message across just fine.

We ate breakfast in silence. I washed the dishes over Rose's protests, arranging them neatly in the dish rack beside the sink. I thought about drying them and putting them away, but it seemed politer to give her something to do later.

We both looked at each other. It was that awkward silence when both people know it's time to part ways, but neither knows quite how to phrase it. Wordlessly, I stepped into my underwear, doing a one-legged hop around Rose's kitchen as I got both legs through the appropriate holes.

“You could—“

“I'm just not ready,” I said. “Not yet. Baby . . . uh, foal steps, Rose.”

Rose sighed and hooked my shorts with a hoof. She lifted them in front of her face and looked at them thoughtfully. I could hear the clink of bits in the pocket, and I suddenly had a vision of the golden coins falling out of the pocket one-by-one while I chased them through the kitchen.

We stood that way for at least a minute. I was too polite to demand that she hand over my shorts, and I could tell that she had something she wanted to say.

She moved her hoof forward, and I reached my hand toward her. Just as I was about to touch the fabric of my shorts, she spoke. “You're a nice human.” Her pupils shrank as if she'd just confessed to replacing the mayor's mane dye with Nair. “You just don't fit in.”

“I wonder why not?” I muttered sarcastically as I took my shorts.

“It's because you act like you're hiding something all the time,” she said, clamping a hoof over her mouth as I glared at her.

I've been told I have a withering glare. Some of the effect is probably lost when my shorts are around my ankles, but it was still enough to get Rose to back up a step.

“Mules don't have cutie marks,” she said defensively. “And we get along just fine.”

“That's not what I'm covering,” I told her.

“Well, if it's your weird coat you're concerned about, ponies would get used to it. Besides, you've got a thin coat under your arms and you don't cover that.”

I can't believe I'm having this conversation with a pony I just ate breakfast with, after sharing a bed. “It's not—“

“What, then?” She shook her head. “What are you hiding? You can't help being human.”

“Rose.” I buttoned my shorts and then put a hand on her head. “It's okay.”

She sighed and leaned her head against my hip. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't judge other ponies.”

“Come on, Rose.” I knelt down in front of her and looked her right in the eyes. “You're a wonderful mare. I really enjoyed working with you yesterday, and I sincerely thank you for letting me spend the night.”

Her ears perked up and she looked me in the eye before gently nuzzling my face. “I didn't want you to get wet, and . . . and. . . .”

“It's okay,” I said again, gently stroking her mane. “Hey, listen—I wonder if maybe you could come over to my house later, and give me some advice on a flower garden? Could you do that for me, Rose?”

She sniffled, and then leaned forward and rubbed her muzzle against my cheek. “I . . . it's going to rain this afternoon.”

“I, ah.” I cleared my throat. “It's okay. I've got a big enough bed to share.”

Author's Note:

Who wants to see Rose's side of this story?

Comments ( 218 )


Finished as in Complete, or just an update?

Complete. And now it is.

Either is fine, I just personally prefer longer stories. Something I can get my Twilight into.

I've got those, too.:pinkiehappy:
This came to mind as a vignette . . . and with two incomplete long-runners and two incomplete short stories, I really ought not start another lengthy story.


Wriggly pinkie spa treatments yaay.

I await the episode where Spike figures out that he can make Rarity love him forever by grooming her mane.

Aside from the brief horizontal rain, they were less awesome than promised.

For some reason this was added to the Human Girls in Equestria group.

That was no accident.
“You look like . . . like a tail-less mare with no coat when you're standing like that,” [Rose] told me.
"Sam" is short for "Samantha."
EDIT: sorry about the spoiler text, but I'm still waiting for the realization from my readers, followed by the inevitable downvotes and unfollows.

That seems like rather thin evidence, but your the author.

Yes please for Roseluck's POV


I don't even have to play the video.:pinkiehappy:

I was the understudy for Inigo in a performance of The Princess Bride.


I'll try to have it done before Bronycon.

“You look like . . . like a tail-less mare with no coat when you're standing like that,” she told me.

Wait...what? Nothing about the free hanging meat?

Unless this dude's not a dude...

Thinking back...you never explicitly stated one way or another
Is this dude a chick?


Is this dude a chick?

Yes. Sam is short for more than one name. That's not an accident.

4762432 That's...a little annoying. Only for the fact that I always put voices to characters whil I read. I guess I have only myself to blame for assuming, and we all know what we say about assuming.

This does explain the whole squatting over the toilet thing...


Only for the fact that I always put voices to characters while I read.

I know the feel. I do the same, and it's caught me out a time or two. One of the most brilliant I read was a novel-length mystery story where not only did the author successfully mislead his audience into believing the wrong person was the killer (a staple of the genre), the actual killer was a policewoman. Revealed in the epilogue.

I was so sure the author had pulled a fast one, I re-read the whole thing with that new knowledge. It was magnificent, and the author did not cheat.

I wasn't upset about a certain detail of this story. Much to the reverse, it made the context of the story as a whole ... less awkward, and in the end more endearing. I'd very much would like to see Roseluck's point of view if the fancy strikes you to write it.

"Mules don't have cutie marks,” she said defensively. “And we get along just fine.”

Do you mean donkeys?
And yes to Rose's POV.


Do you mean donkeys?

No, I meant mule. "Mule" is sometimes used in the show disparagingly (by Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Diamond Tiara), and the 'mule' shown in those episodes is of a slightly different style than Cranky Doodle or Mulia.

From a worldbuilding point of view, donkeys are canon, as well as mules and hinnies, and if one wishes to play up xenophobic tendencies, it would make sense that a half-breed (like a mule or hinny [also canon]) would be the object of scorn.


I wasn't upset about a certain detail of this story. Much to the reverse, it made the context of the story as a whole ... less awkward, and in the end more endearing.


I'm glad. I wondered--right from the beginning--if I'd get bombarded by downvotes once that detail came out; so far that hasn't happened.

Rose's POV will be a thing. I just now officially announced it in a blog post.

It is magnesium that helps with cramps actually. And if you have a diet that is normal to high in calcium but low in magnesium it is worse. The two act against each other. (Potassium like you said is a secondary thing along with Calcium)


Interesting. I'd always heard potassium, and eating bananas to avoid muscle cramps.


As I modified mine, Potassium is a secondary one.. The primary deficiency that will cause cramps is Magnesium -- this is the one that most people who suffer that are lacking in. Potassium deficiency can also do it but it is harder to reach that point. Calcium also can hurt it. Thing is Calcium and Magnesium have to be in a relative balance -- if you have too much of either it fights the other one.

If you are having cramps, the first vitamin you try is magnesium, or better yet, eat some Cashews.

Heh several B vitamins can do it too... Deficiencies are a bad thing and it is hard to get everything on a pony vegetarian diet as a human.


It's apparent that the misdirection was a deliberate, if subtle story device, yet looking back It renders the whole thing as more platonic and less ... charged.


It's apparent that the misdirection was a deliberate, if subtle story device, yet looking back It renders the whole thing as more platonic and less ... charged.

It was more of a failure to mention (although the "perfume wasn't my own" in both the story description and first chapter was a hint) than an active misdirection.

I was intending for it to be 100% platonic from beginning to end; now that the cat's out of the bag (so to speak), the story from Rose's perspective won't need any obfuscation.

Oh, man, that's good. The thought hadn't even occurred to me until I read the comments. No downvote from me, I love a nice little trick like this.


Thanks! I too enjoy the occasional fic where the author plays on my preconceived notions and then turns it on its head at the end.


Deficiencies are a bad thing and it is hard to get everything on a pony vegetarian diet as a human.

Based on research, it's not.*

If you know what you're doing.

And that's the key. While the human body is pretty adaptable, there are some nutrients you've just got to have. As you obviously know by the story, misconceptions about what nutrients are needed for what--or where they come from--run rampant, and from a dieting perspective, that could be a fatal mistake (especially in a HiE). [An aside, I have a friend who's actually gotten scurvy.] Most people aren't experts in what they really need in their diets, and it would likely as not be some bizarre trace element or vitamin that would be their undoing.

In one of Piers Anthony's novels, a character suffered a dolomite deficiency. That's stuck with me; you may remember in OPP that Twilgiht was worried that if Dale didn't eat timothy he'd suffer from a protein deficiency (demonstrating that having a herbivore make dietary choices for an omnivore is a very bad idea).

*for the purposes of this discussion, we'll assume that the ponies have fairly ready year-round access to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.


It is the year round access to the variety you need that is the problem. The variety of nuts that you want to have, the bananas that your protagonist wanted, etc. are not easy to get in a single climate without wide distribution from tropical climates to temperate ones and maintaining that variety outside of growing seasons.

Yes it is very possible for someone who KNOWS what they are doing to survive long term on a vegetarian diet. It is MUCH harder if possible at all when you remove even a few key choices from a dietary plan.

Additionally ponies might not cultivate some of them and/or they might not exist in a pony world. Of course that could work the other way if there are plants that have nutrients that you need there that do not exist here. Finding out what plants those are is a real problem though. Who knows what the vitamin content of a zap apple is....

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"Who knows what the vitamin content of a zap apple is...."

Considering it's similarities to apples I would say it's like that. Maybe with more Potassium (since I somehow identify Zap Apples with bananas).

Also it may be worthwhile to look up the vegan diet. It's what I would consider closest to what you would have to survive on in Equestria since vegans exclude all animal products from their diet, no meat, chicken, dairy, or even fish (maybe).

It is also possible to get protein from alternative sources. Beans, and other such legumes, are known to have protein. Interesting if you google "Protein in beans?" you get back a neat little app that shows you how much protein there is a type of bean vs quantity.


Cool, cute story. I kinda wondered if the narrator was a woman or a man.

Well played though. It's a lot easier to get away with that in 1st person than 2nd or 3rd, just because of pronoun difficulties. I did catch that something wasn't quite right though, so I read it twice to figure out what.

I'll bite. Title of that novel?

Also; well played.


Well, he Is an expert at tinkling the ivories. :raritystarry:

4762278 that face when suddenly lesbians


You're serious, aren't you? :rainbowderp:

Barring the percentage that are going to dislike anyway, I highly doubt that anyone who found their way to this fic would be petty enough to leave a dislike on that basis, especially with the (fairly blatant) hint you left in the description.

And if they do, they have no sense of humour, and that's on them. So it all works out. :twilightsmile:

Actually, recent studies found magnesium is pretty ineffective against cramps. Unless Sam is pregnant… :raritywink: For her to have a 'real' magnesium deficiency would be pretty unusual unless she's otherwise sick, on medication, or an alcoholic.
In the context of the story it still makes sense though – it's common advice, and as long as Sam isn't a doctor of medicine or otherwise very interested in that topic, she probably wouldn't have heard of those recent studies yet, either. :twilightsmile:


It is the year round access to the variety you need that is the problem . . . Additionally ponies might not cultivate some of them and/or they might not exist in a pony world.

To be honest, that isn't a subject I've ever seen brought up in long running fic (not as a major plot point, anyway, but I do touch on it occasionally in OPP).

I expect that the ponies have secured access to the foods they need year-round, whether that be storage, shipping, or being able to grow a wider variety of crops due to Earth Pony magic. It's also my understanding that with most deficiencies, it takes them a long time to become a problem (unless, of course, it's caused by another medical condition). I'm sure there are exceptions, though.


From what we've seen in the show, the ponies themselves eat most of the staples of a vegetarian (not vegan; we've seen cheese, eggs, and butter (I think) being eaten) diet, we know they don't have a problem with fish being eaten (Fluttershy feeding her ferrets), and I expect they'd be okay with someone eating certain insects.


I kinda wondered if the narrator was a woman or a man.

And now you know.:pinkiehappy:


It's a lot easier to get away with that in 1st person than 2nd or 3rd, just because of pronoun difficulties.

I did it once in a full-length play with a single character, but it was tricky to make it not sound contrived when other characters were referring to him/her (also had an appropriate gender-neutral name, of course).


I'll bite. Title of that novel?

Headhunter by Michael Slade (c)1984. The ISBN number on my copy is 0-451-40005-4.

Also; well played.



Well, he Is an expert at tinkling the ivories.

Yeah, he. . . .


I just got that.


You're serious, aren't you?

Given that the number of dislikes suddenly crept up after the last chapter was published . . . yes.

Of course, I don't really care, so that's worth consideration. I can't control what people like or don't; I just write what I want to write and hope that it brings enjoyment to my readers.

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One of the things I most enjoy about Fimfiction is discussions like these. It's like a wonderful mixture of worldbuilding, philosophy, and science goes on in the comments, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I don't know about you guys, but I invariably learn new things when I write a story, and more new things when I read the comments.

4766648 I worded that wrong, didn't I? I wondered whether the narrator was a woman or a man. Considering I saw he, I suppose the latter.


:moustache: Sometimes Ill just distract you so you take a step the wrong way on the platform of cogitation, and end up on totally a differen train of thought, which just like Cassandra Ill later derail in the most Michael Bay.

Sometimes Ill just Boost you to a totally different reality, where my rule is law. :trollestia:

Foalish Samurai. :applejackconfused:


It's a she--Sam's a girl.


Sometimes I'll just Boost you to a totally different reality, where my rule is law.

Sounds like fun! Let's go!


I really wish I could bring myself to write even one short story about anything Ive thought of, after all, Ive read I beleive 300 diffreent stories totalling over 5 million words this last year, and so have seen lots of variations, but some are far rarer than others. Mainly fixed wing craft.

I have the Qrawler. Years of research and development from discoveries caused by Rainbow Dash, coupled with a broken way of looking at things. Why should a ponies power come from within. What if it came from without, and formed itself?

What if a pony was merely the spark, that powered up the starter motor, that turned over the generator, that triggered the fusion reactor, that energised the gravity drive.


The mathematical symbol that represents the limit of computable infinity, on the line of all infinity. Wierd, looks familiar. :twilightoops:

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