• Published 28th Dec 2017
  • 4,523 Views, 83 Comments

Zero Fate - GreyNimbus

There's no such thing as fate. Only possibilities. So where do I stand?

  • ...

11 — Choosing Your Friends

Author's Note:

Shout out again to Bisano for correcting my grammar errors.

Sugarcube Corner

It was closing time at the #1 bakery in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie was stacking the chairs upside-down on the tables while her employers, Cup Cake and Carrot Cake, covered the display cases with dust covers and swept the floors.

The Cakes were in a casually good mood as they were humming their favorite tunes. They expected their usual chipper employee to join in, only to have their cheerfulness disturbed by a heavy sigh from the pink mare.

Mrs. Cake knew something wasn't right whenever Pinkie Pie doesn't join the humming chorus. She walks over to Pinkie and asks in a nanny voice.

"Is something wrong, dear?"

Pinkie replied with another depressing exhale. She stopped what she was doing and turned to Cup Cake, showing her 'taboo' frown. Cup Cake gasped.

"Yes, Mrs. Cake. I did something... terrible today." Pinkie whimpered.

"Oh, no." Mrs. Cake replied, "You didn't eat all the Corn Cakes again, did you?"

"No. I only ate one today and I wrapped the rest up and put them in the pantry. But that's not the problem I'm having."

"Well, why don't you tell us all about it over dinner, Pinkie?" Carrot Cake said, still sweeping.

Pinkie lowered her head, her mane slightly deflating like a balloon.

"Okay, Mr. Cake."

Knock Knock

Their conversation was interrupted by a series of knocking on the now locked front door. Mr. Cake leans his broom against the wall and unlocks the door before peeking through to see who it was.

It was the very Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle, accompanied by a smaller, yet unfamiliar, creature that stood on two legs.

"Good evening, Mr. Cake." Twilight greeted the stallion. "I'm sorry for stopping by when you're closing up shop for the day, but I really need to speak with Pinkie Pie. Is she here?"

"Oh, no need to apologize, Princess Twilight. You're welcome to drop by Sugarcube Corner anytime. As for Pinkie, she's right here with us. Would you like to come inside to chat with her?"

Twilight shook her head. "No thank you. Could you just please ask Pinkie to come outside?"

"Oh, hi, Twilight." Pinkie said as she pushed the door wide open from behind Mr. Cake. Clearly, she heard every word.

The moment Twilight saw her pink friend, her expression and personality suddenly became more serious.

"Hello, Pinkie. We need to talk."

After Twilight's untimely request, Pinkie Pie was dragged outside to discuss an understanding between her and myself. She looks just as scared and nervous as I am for being in such an awkward situation after today's prank.

I was quite surprised to discover that Pinkie's workplace doubles as her home. I guess that's a common industry in this village. I wonder if the same is true with Twilight's other friends.

Once we were all outside, Pinkie Pie did her best to avoid eye contact with me. I could tell that she was more upset than I was after that stunt she pulled.

A picture says a thousand words and all of them say 'Guilt'.

Before I could point it out, Twilight spoke up. "Pinkie, do you know why Zero Fate and I came to visit you tonight?"

Pinkie hesitated to respond, even though the answer was obvious. She already looks like she's suffered enough from the guilt. However, I can't be too careful. I've experienced the embarrassment of falling for drama queens who think they can get away with guilt-tripping others for their own benefit.

Guilty or not, I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction she wants.

Before Twilight could repeat her question, I stepped forward and intervened. I cleared my throat.

"Allow me, Twilight." I said to her before turning to Pinkie. "I'll tell you why; we're here to make things crystal clear for you. I may be a child, but I've got the heart and soul of an adult. Despite my childish antics, I have a bad habit of taking things too seriously, especially jokes. But you take them far too literally."

Pinkie barely looked at me as I lectured her. The more I spoke, the more her gaze focused on the ground.

"Zero," Twilight interrupted "we're here to understand you and Pinkie Pie's boundaries. You should really..."

"But this is my problem, Twilight. I told you that earlier."

"I'm not here just to defend you, Zero. I'm here for Pinkie Pie too. I told you, she's my friend."

Loyalty like Twilight's was rare to come by. I understand that she's the 'Princess' of Friendship, if that's even logical, but not everything can be solved with friendship. And that is what led me to accompany Twilight to Sugarcube Corner.

I assume she wanted me to have a civilized conversation with Pinkie Pie and, hopefully, make up and become friends. However, I've decided to let Twilight know exactly how I feel about this little episode.

"I know she's your friend, Twilight, and I don't mind if you defend us unbiased, but she needs to hear what I have to say. Same to you."

Twilight opened her mouth to make a retort, but paused and shut her mouth without uttering a single word.

She then steps aside to give me some space and gestures her hoof towards her pink friend.

"Thank you." I said to Twilight.

Clearing my throat, I took a step towards Pinkie until we were in a less awkward proximity from each other.

"Pinkie Pie," I announced, "I was really upset when you booby-trapped that pie today. It was inconsiderate, immature, selfish and a complete waste of a pie. I hope you realize that laughing at someone's humiliation really isn't funny."

Pinkie Pie nodded slowly while snorting up the transparent mucus that leaked out of her nostrils.

"I... I'm really... r-really sorry, Zero."

In her sorrow, Pinkie released a stream of tears that ran down her cheeks and dripped off her chin.

"I can see that you're taking this even worse than I did, so I've only got 2 more things to say to you tonight."

Pinkie lifted her head to look at me questionably. I reacted by stepping directly in front of her and putting a hand on one of her withers.

"The first thing I want to say is..."

Pinkie flinched, bracing for whatever harsh words she was about to endure.

"...I forgive you."

"H...huh? But... but I..."

"Threw a pie in my face, I know. And it may have made me cry like a typical child, but I knew it was just a prank. Pranks are... not the best way to make others smile, but it's still a way. And from what I've heard from your friends, you're the most optimistic pony in town. I'm not the kind of person to hold a grudge that often but I've decided to let bygones be bygones."

After my forgiveness, Pinkie's smile was slowly returning. But as much as I like a good smile as much as the next guy, I don't think she'll like what I have to say next.

I removed my hand from her wither and walked over to Twilight who was watching from the sideline.

I turn back around to face Pinkie.

"However..." I said, causing Pinkie's ears to perk up, "Even though I forgive you for your arrogance, I do not want to be your friend."

Twilight and Pinkie gasped in shock and Pinkie's smile disappeared.

"But, Zero..." Twilight said, "Didn't you want to make up with Pinkie? Why don't you want to be her..."

"Because friendship is not collateral and I don't just let anyone be my friend. I have to be selective with who I want to spend my time around."

"But if you're always selective then how can you give those you don't choose a chance to be your friend?"

I groaned in annoyance as I facepalmed. I sighed heavily. I always hated getting into arguments. But I know that I'm always powerless to avoid them.

"Twilight, not everyone can be like you and make friends with every pony you meet."

"That's not true. Pinkie Pie is a friend to everypony in..."

"Whatever! It doesn't matter to me!" I yelled, a little louder than intended.

I look back to Pinkie Pie, who was now standing back up, with the same expression on her face as when Twilight and I showed up to talk to her.

"If that's how you really feel, Zero..." Pinkie said quietly, "Then I will respect your decision. I'm sorry that I couldn't be the friend that you wanted. But maybe, in time, that could change?"

I responded with a nod. She gave me a brief smile.

Twilight didn't seem very tolerant of my behavior and attitude tonight. I could tell because she gave me a scowl every time I made eye contact with her. But even the Princess of Friendship can't decide on who should be friends with whom.

"I think I can cope with that." I said to Pinkie Pie. "Anyway, that's all I wanted to say to you tonight. I think Twilight and I had better get back to the castle before dinner gets cold."

Pinkie wipes her face of any tears or mucus that rolled down to her chin.

"Okie-dokie. Goodnight, Zero. Goodnight, Twilight." She said, her mood slightly brightened up as she waved at us.

"Uhh... Goodnight, Pinkie Pie. We'll see you later." Twilight said.

I simply waved at her before turning around and began my return journey to the Castle of Friendship with Twilight on my trail.

As soon as Twilight and I were out of sight of the pink pony, she walked back inside Sugarcube Corner and locked the front door behind her after flipping the sign out front to 'Closed'.

Twilight's POV

Walking home, I was having mixed feelings about how Zero confronted Pinkie Pie about today's incident and how it concluded. When he first arrived after crashing in my castle, he was just a scared and lost soul who needed protection and guidance. Now he was acting more mature and independent in the span of only a couple of days. It's like his personality completely switched from a colt to a stallion on occasion.

I still have a lot to learn from our human guest. Despite being completely alien in Equestria, I'm allowing him to take shelter in my own home and even asked my friends to show him how to live life the pony way. Not everything went as smoothly as I liked, but at least there was some progress. I admit that I can get over-reactive when some of my plans run into flaws and miscalculations.

Walking side-by-side with Zero, I cleared my throat to get his attention, which I received.

"Zero, I gotta say I'm both proud and disappointed in you." I said neutrally.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, even though I insisted on talking things out with Pinkie Pie on my own, you decided to accompany me because you wanted to sort out your own problems. That, I am proud of."

Zero shrugged his shoulders modestly.

"Well, I felt like you didn't leave me much of a choice. I may look young, but I still have the heart and stomach of an adult. I'm old enough to finish what I started. Besides, I never asked you to talk to Pinkie on my behalf. That was your decision."

He's more mature than I thought.

"I guess I shouldn't have underestimated you, then." I said. "But I'm a little disappointed about how you spoke to her. I know she was wrong to pull that prank, but you could've gone easier on her. Pinkie is driven by parties and treats to make other ponies smile."

"She threw a pie in my face and I don't want to be her friend. I think that makes us even. I decided that I don't want to be her friend because I know that we don't have anything in common. That's how I've always been. I choose my friends carefully, Twilight."

I opened my mouth to speak, but to no avail. I guess it isn't the Princess of Friendship's right to meddle in everyone's friendships.

The walk back home became a little more awkward as I was now getting a little stoic.

Zero Fate's POV

Finally arriving back at the castle, Twilight and I immediately made our way to the throne room where Starlight and Spike were finishing their dinner.

I sat back next to Starlight while Twilight took her seat next to Spike.

As I went back to eating my stir fry, I noticed that it did get a little colder, but still warm enough to enjoy. Twilight thought the same thing.

After a few seconds of continuing our meal, Starlight broke the silence.

"So, uhh... did you and Pinkie work things out?" She said, a little too casual.

"I forgave her for her prank earlier, but I decided to suspend our friendship. Not that we really had one to begin with."

"So that's how it turned out, huh?" Spike asked. "That's a first for her."

"Yeah." I replied. "Sometimes it's not the friends you meet, but the friends you choose."

"How do you feel about all this, Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"Well, I think things could've gone a lot smoother, but I can't force others to be friends. If Zero doesn't want to be Pinkie's friend, then he doesn't have to." Twilight responded.

"Well, how did Pinkie Pie take it?" Spike asked.

"She didn't seem very pleased about my decision, but she accepted it regardless." I answered.

Now that our conversation seemed to conclude, I went back to finishing my dinner, as did the others. Spike and Starlight had just about cleaned their whole plates before neatly setting their eating utensils on them.

As I continued to eat, my attention was drawn to how Starlight and Twilight who were using their magic. Despite all the weird stuff I've seen in Ponyville, I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that magic is real here. It got me wondering... am I able to use it too? Or is it strictly reserved for creatures with horns. If so, that totally rules me out, even if I can get a horn.

A couple of minutes later, my plate was empty and my belly was full. I sighed heavily in relief as I leaned back in my seat. Starlight then took my plate and cutlery with her magic, along with her own, and exited the room. Spike followed her shortly afterward, carrying his share of dishes. Now it was just me and Twilight alone in this big, tranquil room.

Having enough awkward silence for one day, I got off my seat and cleared my throat.

"Umm... thanks a lot for dinner, Twilight."

"Oh, no need to thank me, Zero. I should be thanking you for helping us with the cooking."

"Not at all, princess. I was raised to always show gratitude to those who've provided for me. And you guys have done more for me than I could ever ask."

Twilight smiled and blushed at me using her title so casually and sweet. I guess I should also get used to the fact that I'm a lot cuter at this age. As a bonus, I've got my innocence back!

"Now," Twilight said, getting out of her seat before circling the table towards me, "how would you like to take a bath, mister? You and Starlight have been out all day."

"Well, I do feel a bit sticky. I think a bath sounds great."

Twilight wraps one of her wings around my back and guides me to the bathroom. I'm actually quite surprised that nobody noticed my body odor yet. Usually, I sweat very easily that I need 2-3 showers a day because of how hot-blooded I am. Come to think of it, the last time I bathed was just before I was transported to Equestria. I must reek!

"Hey," Twilight interrupted my thoughts, "maybe you'd like to have Starlight wash your back for you?"

I suddenly lost my balance and fell on the floor, annoyed.

Twilight chuckled before pulling me back on my feet with her magic.

Even after I went out of my way to prove how much of a grownup I can be, I'm still being treated like I don't know any better.


Although, bathing with Starlight does sound more pleasant.