• Published 28th Dec 2017
  • 4,523 Views, 83 Comments

Zero Fate - GreyNimbus

There's no such thing as fate. Only possibilities. So where do I stand?

  • ...

17 — First Day of School (Part 1)

The rays from the morning sun shined through the single window of my bedroom, where I was currently resting against my surprisingly bouncy, yet soft bed. My mattress feels like it's filled with concentrated cotton, but it's not as bumpy as most beds I've owned. I'll have to ask my caretakers about it later.

Speaking of caretakers, Starlight came back to check on me after my homesick tantrum yesterday. Apparently, I had cried myself to sleep and was out like a light for about an hour, so she says. I really hope she didn't hear me wailing, but I didn't ask and she never brought it up. She informed me about an assignment that Twilight gave her.

Her task was to make a friend.

I don't know squat about friendship, but since when did making friends become as mundane as finding a job? It reminded me of the time my sister-in-law gave me an ultimatum when I was living with her and my brother after they got married; 'Find a better job or I'm kicking you out.' That kind of pressure was enough to make a grown man cry. Which it did. To me.

She also mentioned a special dinner party that Twilight was hosting tonight. She apparently invited Princess Celestia as an honored guest. As for the occasion, I didn't even bother asking. But that's when Starlight asked me the serious question; 'Would you like to meet the princess?' Now, I was never keen on meeting new people, since I mostly never make a real connection with them afterward. But the way Starlight sounded had me a little concerned for her. It's like she was afraid of what my answer would be. I had no idea what she was thinking, but since Princess Celestia is apparently the prime ruler of the diarchy, being allowed to have an audience with her must be a great privilege.

Back in my world, I didn't care much about government or politics. I was always such a shut-in, I didn't even know the name of our prime minister. However, meeting someone with an attractive title such as 'Princess' might be something worth giving the benefit of the doubt. There wasn't much else to think about, other than how the Princess will react to encountering an alien species in her kingdom. I'll never know until I at least give it a shot, so I gave Starlight affirmation.

Her relative silence didn't give me any comfort, though. The silence was broken when she walked out of the room, avoiding eye contact with me, and wished me good night. I'm not sure what just happened, but I think I need remedial education on how to understand a pony's feelings.

And speaking of education, it's my first day at a new school. Since it was only past 7 AM, I didn't really have time to snooze. The first period starts at 8:30, but my new teacher wanted me to show up at least 15 minutes early so she can give me a few tips on how to fit in. I hope it isn't too much that I have to write everything down just to remind me later.

After being pulled out of bed by my beloved guardian Starlight, I had a brief, cold shower to fully wake me up. She didn't seem so glum this morning, which was a good sign. I just hope whatever we discussed yesterday didn't leave any doubts about anything. In the kitchen, Spike made us eggs on toast for breakfast. I had 3 servings before the hunger disappeared. I realized then that I barely ate yesterday. I even missed dinner.

Before leaving, Spike stopped me to hand me a paper bag with my lunch inside. I can't believe I didn't think of that myself. I now had everything I needed for the day; my duffle bag containing my papers, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, ruler, and my lunch.

After thanking Spike, Starlight escorted me through Ponyville to reach the schoolhouse. On our way there, the townsponies who were minding their own business still gave me condemning glances. But at least they're not attacking me or fleeing out of fear. That may be the influence of having Starlight accompany me. Not the result I'm hoping for, but it's at least a noticeable improvement.

We finally made it to the schoolhouse.

Standing at the front, the schoolhouse itself was a pretty small building. It looked big enough to only fit a single classroom. Of course, I've been here once before, but I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around me. Not that I'm more aware, but this school blended well for a small town like Ponyville. To the left of the building was a playground. At the front was a sign illustrated with an open book. The last thing I noticed was the large bell on top of the schoolhouse.

"Well, sweetie, I hope you're ready to start school... again," said the purple unicorn nervously, "I know it's common for foals to be nervous for their first day, but I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about. Just stay positive, keep your cool, and everything will work out."

Now she's beginning to sound like another purple pony I know. But I think that just shows how much she cares about me. I guess the apple never falls far from the tree.

"Starlight, you're talking to an adult in a child's body. It's nothing to sweat over," I said, brushing the back of her mane with my fingernails, "You just focus on your task and I'll see you back at the castle this afternoon, alright?"

"You're right... you're right," she sighed, "I shouldn't be worried over nothing. Just promise me that you'll try and make a friend as well?"

I lower my head before slowly walking towards the entrance to the schoolhouse, "Sorry, Starlight, but I never make promises. It's one of my life rules."

Starlight flinched as she stuttered for a response. But before she could, I intervened, "However, I can at least give you my word that I'll try to get along with the other students, but that doesn't mean I have to start making friends on the first day."

Stopping in front of the door, I heard her speak up, "I know you like to be independent, sweetie. And I understand. But I love you, and I just want you to be safe when I'm not around."

That last sentence was too impactful to ignore without responding in kind. I gently dropped my duffle bag and ran up to Starlight, embracing her in a loving embrace. I know it'll only be a few hours, but I'm gonna do my best to prove to Starlight that she has nothing to worry about. But I'm still gonna miss her company dearly in the meantime.

"I love you too. I'll be missing you all day."

Starlight returned my embrace lovingly. She kisses my forehead and looks into my eyes with a reassuring smile. "I'll be missing you too, Zero. As soon as I make a friend, I'll meet you back home as soon as possible. I'm not gonna be leaving Ponyville for anything, so you have nothing to worry about either."

She turns me around before gently pushing me towards the schoolhouse. I turn back around and she waves to me. I wave back at her and pick my duffle bag up. She then makes her way back to Ponyville on her mission to make a friend. I continue to wave at her until she disappears out of sight over the hills. Once she was gone, I took a deep breath and exhaled before knocking at the front door.

As I waited for a response or for the door to open, I realized that I didn't see any other ponies around. Sure, I got here 15 minutes before classes start, but I was hoping to at least hear the sound of approaching fillies and colts, who were probably more eager about school than I'll ever be. I guess they'll just show up on time instead.

15 minutes later...

Since the teacher was already inside as I walked in, she pleasantly welcomed me, saying she was expecting me, and how excited she was to have me in the class. She directed me to sit on the stool right next to her desk while we waited for all the other students to show up and be seated.

I had to sit on the side of the desk that was opposite the entrance to the classroom, so as to not completely startle or scare off any of the colts and fillies.

After waiting patiently, all the little ponies were seated at their 'just as little as they are' desks. I avoided eye contact with them since the first student came in, hoping to reduce the level of hostility that I might've displayed in their eyes.

I looked up slowly and saw that I had their full, unwanted attention.

"Alright, everypony," Miss Cheerilee exclaimed, "I know all of you are wondering who our unfamiliar guest here is, but rest assured, he is completely harmless."

Unnoticeable to the present company, I gave her a questionable peek.

Lady, I know you're trying to be a good role model for these kids, but don't count your chickens before they hatch.

"Now, for our first act of the day, we'll be welcoming a new student who'll be joining us from now on," the teacher said happily. She then gestures for me to stand up, "Please give a warm welcome to Zero Fate!"

I stood up slowly, so as to not startle the other students. It seems to have worked. Maybe these ponies aren't as fearful of alien races as I thought.

Raising a hand, I bashfully said, "Umm... hi."

Silence filled the room.

Okay, rather lousy first impression. When in doubt, let everything out.

"Uhh, my name is Zero Fate. I'm a human from... really far away. I'm 8 years old. I live with Princess Twilight Sparkle at her big crystal castle. I was recently appointed as the personal assistant to her student Starlight Glimmer. Since I'm so new to Equestria, they both thought it was a good idea for me to get a decent education on pony culture, so... here I am," I forcefully introduced myself casually. Hopefully, that helped improve my image. Maintaining my calm demeanor, I asked the class, "Any questions?"

Several hooves were raised. Some ascended faster and with more excitement than others. Some were just bored or not interested, so they kept their hooves down.

"You," I pointed to the curious cream-colored Earth Pony filly with a red, curly mane and bright, purple glasses. Her Cutie Mark was two candy canes in the shape of a heart.

"What'th a human?" she asked. Turns out she has a lisp.

Okay, how do I answer that? I could just tell her that a human is what she is seeing in front of her and move on to the next question. But that would just leave the filly's curiosity unsatisfied.

"Well, humans are a race that is evolved from apes. Our species first developed by discovering and using rocks and sticks as tools and our intelligence evolved along with our species." I turned everyone's attention to my hands, "What you see at the ends of my arms are called hands. These are a human's most useful body parts. The little digits sticking out of them are called fingers," I described while wiggling my fingers around to show how much control I have over them.

The ginger filly asked again, " And are thothe thingth on the tipth clawth?"

I'm surprised I understood what she said. "No, these are called fingernails," I answered, "You could call them 'human claws', but they're nowhere near as dangerous or sharp as the claws on a rabbit. Another convenient human tool."

The classroom was starting to fill with sounds of awe. I can tell that they're getting more curious.

"Anypony else have a question for Mr. Fate?" Cheerilee asked the class. She was answered with more foals' hooves in the air.

I hovered my index finger around the room, pointing to any pony with a question, "Okay~, you!", I pointed this time to another Earth Pony filly. This one was yellow with a red mane, only not as curly as the last one's. She had a large, pink bow in her mane. Her Cutie Mark was a shield with a heart-shaped apple on it.

"What bring yah to Equestria?" she asked.

Not a question I was hoping for. But I don't like lying, so I'll just... bend the truth a little.

"I'm not entirely sure how or why I came here. All I can tell you is that it was nighttime and I woke up at Princess Twilight's castle about a week ago. I have no idea how it happened, but as far as I know, there's no way for me to back home. But that doesn't matter now. I've decided to stay here and live in Equestria."

Some of the students gasped or stared at me in shock. I guess could've worded that better.

"You mean you were taken from your home? And you don't even want to go back?" a random student asked.

"That's right," I answered, "I had nothing to look forward to back home. Let's just say I wasn't really happy with how my life was going. So I decided to move on and start a new life among pony-kind."

The fillies and colts looked at me with pity. I raised my hands, reassuring them that they don't need to pity me. Before I could point out the next curious pony, Cheerilee spoke up, "Alright, class, I think that's enough questions for our young human for now. Zero, if you could sit at an empty desk, we can begin our first lesson of the d-" but she was interrupted by the sounds of disappointment and whining from the majority of her students. Seems they wanted to know a lot more about me.

When it seemed that Cheerilee was losing control of her students, I decided to intervene. I turned, facing my new teacher, "Ms. Cheerilee, I don't mind answering more questions. Just think of it as a substitute lesson for your students. They're clearly interested."

"Zero, I don't think-"

"Just look at your students," I stopped her, gesturing to all the students in the classroom, "Their expressions are filled with the desire to learn. Isn't that what you want for them?"

My teacher's eyes widened. Looking at the little ponies, she can see how much of an impact her newest student has made on the rest of her students. She knew that in some rare situations, the student can temporarily act as the teacher for a change. While the idea of letting another teach her class is not something she would usually tolerate, she knew the human had a point. Anyone who could influence her students enough to actually want to learn something is enough to leave her pride as a teacher undamaged.

"Very well, Mr. Fate. I will leave all of my students' questions to you," she declared, earning cheers from all her students.

I smiled, "Thanks, Ms. Cheerilee. If you have any questions of your own, please feel free to join in," I reassured her, "Also, I'd appreciate it if we can skip the formalities from now on."

Cheerilee gasped before nodding. I'm glad she was understanding.

Before pointing out the next pony whose answer I will question, I moved the stool from next to Cheerilee's next to the front of it. I have a feeling I'm gonna be answering a lot of questions, so I may as well get comfortable.

"Alright, who's next?"

3 Hours Later...

"... And that's why Scientology has no place in the real world."

Hours passed and I was still answering questions. It's a miracle my throat wasn't feeling sore at this point. But if politicians can pull it off, I guess I can too. I've been getting all sorts of questions related to me, my species, my home, and my culture. I decided to leave out the part that I'm from another world. I couldn't bear to let them know that an actual alien was attending their classroom. I wouldn't want that on their conscience.

Picking where we left off, a cream-colored Pegasus colt with brown hair and a slight build was asking how asking what my beliefs were. However, I answered him by saying what my disbeliefs were. I apparently had a mental list of bogus ideologies from Earth, and why they don't make sense. This brings us to where we are now...

"Wow," the curious colt, Featherweight, said, "There are some humans who think they're actually immortal?"

"Spiritually, but yes," I answered, "Every mortal creature knows next to nothing about what happens after they die, so they try to make themselves feel safer under the delusion that they'll get rewarded for good behavior in the 'afterlife'. But the fact is nobody knows what truly happens to us after we die because the dead don't come back to tell the tale. It's an eternal mystery."

The entire class seemed a lot more interested than before from my answers. Even Cheerilee seemed captivated when I shared my knowledge. It's true what they say; you're never too old to learn. Even when I mentioned death, the teacher didn't seem to mind. She was just too curious to stop me. So I continued to enlighten these ponies.

"But here's what I believe; Death happens to all living creatures, right? Including us. We're not gonna live forever, we all know that. If we did, it would just be a curse. We're all going to pass away someday. It's a fact. But we shouldn't fear death. Because there's just no point in being afraid of the inevitable. People think that they're afraid of death, but they're not. What really scares them is the pain of dying."

More sounds of awe filled the classroom. Some of the students, including the teacher, nodded in agreement.

"That's a very interesting thought, Zero Fate," Cheerilee said, "It seems you're more knowledgable than we first thought. I might have to make you my substitute teacher," she giggled playfully.

I laughed bashfully. I hope she was joking about that last part. "Thanks, Ms. Cheerilee, but I came here to learn from you, not the other way around."

The tranquility of the classroom was then intruded on by the school bell alarm sounding. The majority of the class, myself included, looked up at the clock above the chalkboard. It was noon on the dot.

"Alright, everypony, it's time for lunch, "Cheerilee announced, "I'm sure you have more questions for Zero Fate, but you'll have to them outside the classroom from now on. After lunch, we'll continue with our usual lessons."

All the students went "Aww~" disappointingly, wishing that they didn't have to go back to their boring lectures. I grabbed my duffel bag while the ponies left their stuff behind and rushed outside. I then joined everyone outside for our lunch break. I'm actually curious to know what Spike made me for lunch.

I wonder how Starlight's lesson is going...

Author's Note:

I know, it's been far too long. But after the show ended in 2019, I just sort of lost touch with the franchise. I didn't think I was ever going to finish this chapter, but I did anyway. I'm not sure that I'll ever post another chapter again, so I'm officially putting this story on hiatus.

But many thanks to all my readers. Please feel free to leave a comment and favorite this fanfic. Please don't criticize me if you don't have to.

GreyNimbus, out!

Comments ( 5 )

I'm pretty sure this is falsely tagged as a second person. In the second person, the narrator uses the pronouns of, "You, your, yours, etc." First-person uses the pronouns of, "I, me, my, mine, etc." Third-person uses, "He, she, they, their, etc."

I've taken a very quick speed run of some of the chapters from front to back and only see first-person perspective.

I forgot that I added that tag. I'll just remove it.

i cant wait to read the next chapter

No way an update!? Dude fucking sick, please keep updating this story! Don’t stop!

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