• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 34,640 Views, 1,210 Comments

The Boopening - MaxBeezy

I get caught booping Queen Chrysalis.

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Booping The Great & Powerful Trixie and....

That was a good night’s sleep. After yesterday’s craziness with Ditzy Doo and the others, all I could think about was sleep. That massage Fluttershy gave me really did the trick on my back, as I feel more comfortable than I have ever been. My bed feels softer than ever, and the furry pillow I’m holding feels extremely good against my body.

Wait a second…furry pillow? I don’t have a furry pillow.

I open my eyes. I look down. Ms. Harshwhinny is in my bed, snuggled up against my chest. How did she get into my room? I locked it last night to specifically prevent something like this from happening! She’s not wearing her fancy business jacket; I can see it placed on a chair nearby. I mean, it’s understandable that she wouldn’t wear that to bed, but now my head is filled with indecent thoughts. What if something happened, and I was too out of it to do anything about it?

My racing mind is making me shift around. Ms. Harshwhinny awakens and slowly opens her eyes. She stares at my chest, and rubs her face against it for a few seconds, before looking up at me with a smile.

“Hello, you.” she says in an attempt to sound seductive. I’m too petrified to judge her skills.

“What did we do, last night?” I’m going for the nitty gritty. I want to know.

“Nothing devious, I assure you.” Ms. Harshwhinny lets go of me; removing herself from the bed and going to her jacket. “I was cold, and wanted warmth. Your couch wasn’t a good source of heat, but you were. I climbed into bed with you, and had my snuggle. If it’s any consolation, you made a great cuddling partner.”

“How did you get into my room? I locked it!”

“You must have done a terrible job, because your door wasn’t locked.” she says, going to the door locks. “Horizontal is unlock, vertical is locked. Your lock was at a horizontal angle. Therefore, I was able to get in.”

“Oh.” Equestrian locks are different than the ones I’m used to. “That’s on me, then.”

“Quite. Do not worry, Mr. The Human, I did not take advantage of you during the night. A mare such as myself has her standards.”

“Says the one who…”

“Who got naked and straddled you, yes, I know.” she rolls her eyes “You only said that to me eight hours ago. Now, how about we have some breakfast, and we discuss the possibility of becoming a couple? I’ll pay.”

“You’ll…pay? You said you didn’t have any bits, last night!”

“Umm…well…” her eyes dart around the room, searching for a good lie. The fact that I’m able to read her expression proves that I won’t believe what she’s going to say to me. “I found some in my pocket. It’s enough for a pancake breakfast.”

“I’m not having breakfast with you!” I yell “Go be professional somewhere else!”

“Humph!” Ms. Harshwhinny sticks her nose up in annoyance “You don’t have to be so rude about it, Mr. The Human!”

“I have a name!” I jump out of bed and run towards her. Ms. Harshwhinny yelps and runs away. I chase her around the house. I want to get her out of here as fast as possible. I still have to write my article for the paper, and I'm quickly running out of time. Thankfully, Ms. Harshwhinny opens the front door and bolts for it. “Don’t come back!”

“I will mate with you! It will happen!” Ms. Harshwhinny screams as she gets farther and farther away.

Ponies who are out and about heard her yells, and all heads turn towards me.

“I-I…she’s crazy!” I slam my door, not interested to see their reactions. I have work to do.

Once I’m out of my pajamas and into my regular clothes, I take out my notebook, and get going on writing that article. This is the easy part; writing down my interview with Ditzy Doo at the Ponyville Post Office, including all the essential information with the occasional embellishments that writers always place in their work. The hard part is proofreading the damn thing. Every time I think I get all of the errors, there’s always one that slips by me. I have to be thorough this time; I doubt the Ponyville Press will be forgiving if I suddenly misspell “Mail” with “Male.”

I did it. It’s finished. And it’s perfect. I should deliver this as soon as possible. It’s still early, so there's more than enough time for me to deliver the article, and do any errands that come to mind for today.

Hold on. A thought has occurred. Crap, I completely spaced out. I forgot to get some repair ponies to fix the broken window! I told Ditzy Doo that I would get the window fixed the same day, and that obviously didn't happen. I’ll do that after I deliver this article. I hope Ditzy Doo isn't angry with me.

I book it across Ponyville, all the way to the publisher for the paper. A nice receptionist mare takes my article, briefly skimming it over before smiling at me, and wishing me a good day. Great, now onto fixing that window.

I find the nearest place to hire some repair ponies, and guide them over to the post office, where the hole in the window is still there. The guys got a laugh when I told them the story. Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. They get to work immediately after I pay them the necessary bits. Ditzy Doo arrives, and thanks me for the interview, while simultaneously apologizing for the mishap yesterday. Again, I tell her it’s fine, and shake hands…hooves…hands and hooves with her.

Well, that pretty much covers the more important tasks I have to do, today. Maybe I should go home and write a letter to Dragon Lord Ember. I would love to go back to the Dragon Lands, and do some studying of her species over there.

Suddenly, a bunch of ponies rush past me in excitement. Where the heck are they going? I hear music. Celebratory music. Has someone important arrived in town? I check it out, following the crowd of ponies, all the way to an even bigger crowd. They are standing in front of a nicely put together stage, with a velvet curtain, and a big flashing sign that says…

“The Great and Powerful Trixie.” I read out loud. Why does that name sound familiar? Wait a second, isn’t that the name of one of the ponies that Princess Twilight wanted to send that letter to? Is The Great and Powerful Trixie some kind of performer? Dumb question. With a name like that, she must be some kind of high class act.

“Filles and gentlecolts!” a loud voice booms “Welcome to the greatest show in all of Equestria! Now, I present to you the one! The only! The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

In an explosion of fireworks and confetti, a blue unicorn wearing a cape and wizard’s hat comes bursting from the velvet curtain. I see her silver hair and velvet eyes from where I stand, but I cannot see her flank mark. That cape is covering up the good stuff. Wait…that sounds weird. The cape is covering up…the mark. There we go. What is up with my word usage lately?

“Welcome all, to my wondrous show!” The Great and Powerful Trixie bellows. Hey, that’s the same voice as the announcer. Don’t we have an ego? “I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, have returned to Ponyville to blow your collective minds! Observe!” Trixie takes off her hat, showing the inside to the audience. Nothing there. “Inside is nothing. But, with a shake and toss…” she shakes and tosses it on the stage floor “…it becomes a Cockatrice!”

In a giant plume of smoke, a half snake, half chicken creature suddenly emerges, screeching a horrible sound from its beak. Its eyes are blind folded by some kind of golden glow. Odd. The crowd screams in terror at the sight.

“Do not worry! For I have blinded the cockatrice temporarily with a spell! Begone, foul beast!” The Great and Powerful Trixie swirls her cape at the creature, and in an instant, it forms back into her wizard hat. “Ha-ha!” she laughs in triumph “Trixie has vanquished the foe!” The crowd cheers at her heroics. “Now, for my next act of greatness, I shall…” The Great and Powerful Trixie’s eyes see me, and she stops her speech to stare right at me. Her eyes widen; unfamiliar with someone such as me. “You there! Step onto Trixie’s stage!”

“Me?” I point at myself.

“Yes! You! Get up here, so that Trixie can take a good look at you!” Her voice is demanding, and slightly intimidating.

I get up onto the stage. I couldn’t find the stairs, but climbing on isn’t that big of a deal. My legs are long enough to make the climb an easy task. Yikes. Not too easy. I nearly slipped. The crowd chuckles at my near slip, but whatever, I got up on the stage, and that’s what counts, so be quiet, crowd.

“What is your name?”

“My name is…”

“Trixie does not care what your name is!”

“But, you just asked…”

“Trixie has changed her mind!” Trixie is dismissive, and likes to talk about herself in the third person. “What kind of creature are you? A changeling? A troll?”

“I’m a human.”

“A human? Trixie has never heard of such a creature. In my eyes, you are a troll!” Trixie’s eyes scan me up and down. “Not the worst looking troll I’ve come across, I’ll give you that.”

“Ummm…thanks?” What’s with the kind-of-sort-of-maybe compliments? I feel like I’m starting to get hit on by ponies, and it’s weirding me out.

“Trixie got a letter from one Twilight Sparkle. Said that a…HUMAN…knew the ways of relaxation. How about you prove to this wonderful viewing audience that you have what it takes to satisfy and relax The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Oh…you…want me to boop you? Right here? Right now?”

“Yes…booping…I recall the letter describing the act as such.”

I hear the crowd mutter the term. “Booping?” goes one voice. “What’s that?” another says. “I don’t think the foals should be watching this.” goes another. Okay, booping isn’t THAT bad. Jeez. Lighten up.

“Trixie orders you to boop me on this stage!” Trixie slams her hoof down.

“You don’t need to be so demanding, you know.” I huff. I’m going to do this, regardless, but some politeness would be nice.

“Well, is it happening or not?” Trixie is very impatient.

“Fine. Here.”


Trixie’s legs suddenly become wobbly, and she steps back from me. Her eyes blink out of sequence, with her left eye blinking well before her right. She seems dazed, maybe confused. Trixie shakes her head around, seemingly to try and get herself focused.

“Oh, my. Are you okay?” I say with concern “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, I’m fine. I was just…caught off guard by the boop.” She’s explaining this in the first person. That’s an interesting switch. “It wasn’t painful, but it was…interesting.”

“I won’t do it again.”

“No!” Trixie asserts dominance “I want to see how far it can go.”

“But, if your legs are wobbly now, then…”

“I do not care! Trixie can take it! Trixie will not bow down to…”




Trixie has just collapsed. Well, that was unexpected. One second, she’s being all pouty with me, the next, she’s on the stage in an unconscious heap. This was after two measly boops? Is she okay? The crowd murmers as I get closer to her.

“What happened?” I hear a voice. “He knocked her out cold.” another goes off. That one sounded bad. Made it seem like I punched her out. That’s dumb. Everyone saw it. It didn’t punch her. I would never punch a pony. If they hit me first, yeah, sure, but never out of annoyance.

Why am I going on about this? I have to check on Trixie.

She’s breathing. She’s…oh…she’s snoring. She’s fallen asleep. This wasn’t exactly the reaction I was expecting. I figured it was going to do something, but not this. Just looking at Trixie, I can tell she goes through the day to day grind of being annoyed by various ponies. However, falling asleep after two boops? That’s definitely new.

“Alright. I…erm…show’s over everyone.” I announce. The crowd groans in disappointment. “The Great and Powerful Trixie needs a great and powerful nap. She’ll be back soon, I promise.” Don’t know if it’s a promise that will be kept. I have no idea how long she plans on being in Ponyville, before heading off to host another magic show.

No time to ponder. I pick her up off the stage. Wow, I’ve never picked up a pony before. She’s not as heavy as I was expecting. I mean, she’s still got some weight, but I’m not falling over in my attempts to get her off the stage.

I find a large stagecoach in the back of the stage, with a door that has a picture of her face, looking extremely smug. I should have expected nothing less. I open up the door, and I see a small room inside. A bed, a dresser, a mirror, make up. It looks nice and comfortable, actually. I set Trixie down on the bed. I hear her mumble in her sleep.

“Yay…great and powerful…” she says in a hushed tone while lightly wiggling her forelegs. That’s kind of cute.

I back up to exit the stage coach. Oh, a “Do Not Disturb” sign, also with her smug face on it. This will come in handy. I place it on the front of the door, and close it shut. There, now no one should disturb Trixie. It’s strange that only a couple boops would make her fall asleep like that. Guess she must have found it really soothing. Either that, or she’s a robot, and I found the off switch.

Whatever the case, I better write this down in my notebook. Drat, I left it at home. Better go get it.

Truth be told, that was a pretty disappointing. I was hoping that Trixie would have a more out there reaction, rather than keeling over in a sleeping pile of fluff. Maybe a crazy dance, or a more incredible magic show. I would have accepted a musical number. I wonder if there is music in Equestria that mimics the songs of my world? A pony Elvis, heck, even a pony Lady Gaga would impress me.

I get closer to my house. Abruptly, a couple of ponies run past me in fright.

“She’s here! Hide!” one of them says in panicked but hushed whispers.

Who’s here? I look to my house. Maybe it’s Ms. Harshwhinny again, back for more.


It’s not Ms. Harshwhinny.

It’s Queen Chrysalis!

She sits by my front door, tapping her hoof on the grass beneath. I spot a look of concern on her face. Is she alright? Maybe something is bothering her. That’s probably why she’s here.

I wave to her. She sees me. Her mouth forms into an ecstatic smile as I get closer. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. After all the craziness that has happened to me in her absence, seeing her again is like a warm and inviting light. Once I am in front of her, I wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace. I hear her gasp, but also chuckle.

“Whoa! What’s going on?” Queen Chrysalis asks, wrapping a foreleg around me “Did somepony die?”

“No. I’m just happy to see you.” I laugh. “I missed you so much.”

“You make it sound like I was gone for years.”

“It might as well have been, what with the week I’ve been having!” I separate from her, keeping a hand on her shoulder. “I had no way of contacting you! I’ve been worried sick!”

“Worried sick?” Queen Chrysalis puts a hoof on my forehead. “Hmmm…you’re a bit warm, but nothing too concerning. Are you sure you’re sick?”

“You know what I mean.” I chuckle, playfully moving Queen Chrysalis’ hoof off my forehead. “Come inside. You’re going to tell me all about where you’ve been!”

The two of us go inside, and I triple lock my door and my windows. No unwelcome visits from Ms. Harshwhinny tonight. I turn to Queen Chrysalis, who looks at me in bewilderment, no doubt wondering why I turned my cozy home into some kind of anti-pony fortress of solitude.

“I booped Ms. Harshwhinny, and she got kind of…needy.” I explain before she could question it.

“Ah.” Queen Chrysalis nods in seeming understanding. “Well then, I apologize for not contacting you sooner. I was doing as you asked.” I open my mouth to question what, but she interrupts with “I decided to train the army I have now, rather than make more. It was a bit rough for the past couple days, but things have improved.”

“Oh.” I remember our conversation from a week ago. “That’s great! I’m happy for you!”

“I'm glad to hear it. Like I said, though, the first couple days were a bit annoying. It has been a while since I ruled over my army as if they were children, and not soldiers. I had no idea how rambunctious they were, until now. Naturally, I have accumulated a lot of stress from it, so I desire your wonderful booping skills.”

“Of course.” I smile “I would love to boop you.”

“Careful…” Queen Chrysalis smirks deviously “Remember what happened with double entendres?”

“Very funny.” I laugh “I’m just saying. After all that has happened, it’ll be nice to boop someone normal, for a change.”

“Come on, they couldn’t have been that crazy.”

“Other than Nurse Redheart, everyone else has caused a mishap in one way or another. The only other exception is Trixie. She just got knocked out.”

“Wow!” Queen Chrysalis laughs heartedly “You must have the magic touch.”

“I don’t see how. It’s just booping.”

“Obviously, it’s more than that for some of these ponies.”

“What about you?”

“It’s a fun little stress reducer. Nothing more.” she replies casually and with a smile on her face. “What, did you expect a song and dance?” Queen Chrysalis teases me, playfully dancing around the room, but is amusingly careful not to knock anything over. “Oh, your booping is so good! I want you! Forever!”

I laugh alongside her. The image of Queen Chrysalis going full Ms. Harshwhinny would be a sight to see. A scary sight, for sure. Queen Chrysalis is taller than Ms. Harshwinny, so I’m going to assume that being straddled by her would be a frightening ordeal.

“Alright, alright. You want to get booped, or what?” I ask, my laughter subsiding.

“Hmmm... 'or what' does sound tempting. We could do a lot of things that 'or what' could signify...” Queen Chrysalis thinks with a devious smile, but then sits down on the floor “…but I’ll take the booping, for the time being.”

I approach her and extend my arm out.


Queen Chrysalis giggles.


Queen Chrysalis sticks her tongue out at me.

The same song. The same dance. I missed this. So much simpler than the others. The familiar sight makes me smile with nostalgia, even though it’s only been few days since I last saw her. I’m glad that she was simply off training her army. She really doesn’t know how worried I was for her. I thought she got hurt. Maybe worse than that. I don’t know what I would have done if I found out something happened to her.

Queen Chrysalis was the first friend I made in Equestria. By rights, that makes her my best friend. I see her practically all the time. I love her company. She’s been nice to me, has made me laugh, and has a certain charm about her that I’m surprised other ponies haven’t seen, yet. To find out that harm came to her would have set me off.

But, she isn’t hurt. She’s well. My finger is pressing against her muzzle, and she is smiling or sticking her tongue out at me. It’s a relaxing vision. Her emerald eyes looking at me half closed, and the light reflecting off of them like they are jewels. Her friendly smile, showing off the fangs that protrude from under her lips. Truth be told, I’m surprised there isn’t a King Chrysalis waiting at home. Why would she waste time on a human like me, and not going out there in search of a…coltfriend? Is that what they call it in Equestria?

I guess it’s the booping that’s making her stay, but we’ve been doing the same thing for the past few months. I’m amazed she continues to not be bored by this.

I wonder…I wonder if she’s willing to try something different?

I remember Dragon Lord Ember’s reaction. How I slid my finger across the bridge of her nose. How she enjoyed me scratching the back of her horn. I wonder if Queen Chrysalis would like that? It wouldn’t be her horn I’d be scratching, but the back of her ear.

Only one way to find out.

When my finger hits her nose, I slide it up the bridge, past her jagged horn, and open up my palm from behind her ear. Queen Chrysalis exhales in surprise, but she doesn’t look displeased. I start to pet her, brushing my hand on her mane, and then scratching behind her ear, like if I was petting a dog. A big bug dog, who is actually a changeling, and can talk.

Queen Chrysalis’ eyes close, and her mouth opens up, breathing heavily at my touch. She’s enjoying this. Her head moves around, rubbing it against my arm, as I continue to pet and scratch her. This is a better reaction than what I was expecting.

“Yes…” she whispers “That’s it…” she then bites her lip.

Wow, she’s REALLY enjoying this. I should stop before anything weird happens.

Wait…how come I’m not stopping?

Do I…want to see what happens? I don’t know, but my hand is continuing. Queen Chrysalis moves closer to me, closing the distance between us quickly. She leans down and rests her head on my shoulder, and nuzzles her cheek against mine. The warmth of her breath and body; I haven't felt such warmth in ages. She's so close, I can hear her heartbeat. It's fast; racing so hard, that it might as well be threatening to pop out of her.

My heart is doing the same exact thing.

“I want this…this is perfect…” she whispers further into my ear.

I stop petting her. I can't do it, anymore. I’m frozen. This reaction. Her behavior. My response. This feels weird. Maybe wrong. Maybe not. I don’t know.

Queen Chrysalis lets out another sigh, with a hint of a purr exiting her mouth, and she moves away from me, going back into her normal seated position. I can feel the heat emanating from her leaving, going back to her regularly scheduled temperature.

Her eyes open up, and she is no doubt seeing my stunned reaction.

“What happened?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.

“I…I started petting you, and…you nuzzled me.” I answer.

“You were petting me?” she thinks “I nuzzled you? Hmm…interesting. I don’t recall.”

“It just happened.”

“I do remember you sliding your finger across my bridge. That was relaxing. Have you done that before?”

“I…um…y-yeah. Dragon Lord Ember. She liked that.”

“I see…” she smiles. “Well, I suppose I should thank Dragon Lord Ember for introducing you to such a calming technique.” Her eyes glance behind me, probably looking at the clock. “Ah, I’m sorry for cutting our meeting short, but I must be off.”

“Oh, you don’t want to stay for dinner and a movie?” I ask, even though I’m still in a bit of a daze.

“It’s tempting, but I promised my army that I would return. Maybe next time.”

“That’s fine.” I watch Queen Chrysalis walk over to the door. “Good night.”

“Good night, honey.” Did she just call me 'honey?' She notices that I still look stunned. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Totally fine.”

Queen Chrysalis stares for a few moments. Then, after that small bout of silence, she shrugs, and gives me a small wave before exiting the house.

What the heck just happened? I mean, this should really be par for the course for me, if this past week has been any indication, but this is Queen Chrysalis here! Why would she behave like that? I have never seen her behave like that. All that nuzzling and relaxed noises. The heavy breathing. The soft whispers in my ear. The heat from her body.

Whoa. Is it getting hot in here, again?

Maybe a cold shower will help.

Author's Note: