• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 34,641 Views, 1,210 Comments

The Boopening - MaxBeezy

I get caught booping Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Booping Ditzy Doo, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy & Applejack

I thought I had seen everything, in terms of ponies. But, none have surprised me more so far, than this girl named Ditzy Doo. She is a young mare, in her early 20s, and she has a steady career as a mailmare. I’m told by her fellow employees that, although she can be clumsy, she is one of the best delivery ponies they have ever come across. Now, on its own, that sounds like a fine accomplishment, but not a huge deal. Where my amazement comes in, is that she is doing it all while enduring a rare medical disease.

She was born with a crooked left eye. While she can see well out of both, with one looking off to the side, it can throw her off balance. Talking to her now, though, she is undeterred by such a condition. The fact that she has been able to accomplish so much, despite this unfortunate disability, has made me smile.

Also, she’s actually super cute. Not in that “attractive” way, but in that “I just want to pet her and hug her” kind of way.

“So, how long have you been working here, Ditzy Doo?” I ask. I sit with her in the stock room on the second floor of the mail station. Boxes waiting for delivery are stacked all over. Some boxes are from a shopping service called everfree.com, which sells a whole lot of things, like movies, books, and games.

Actually, it’s very similar to a site from my world called amazon.com, but I’m derailing this again.

“For a few years, now. After I moved out of my parents house, I wanted to find a nice paying job, so I came to this nice place. The bits are good, and I have a lot of friends here.”

“So, you’re happy?”

“Yes, of course I’m happy. I mean, there have been times where my…you know…” she points to her eye “…condition, has gotten me into trouble, but I’m still very happy.”

“Can you tell me about that? Unless that makes you uncomfortable. It’s fine if you don’t want to.”

“No, no, it’s fine.” she smiles “During the first year of my employ, my imbalanced vision made carrying boxes a bit difficult. One time, I dropped a whole shipment of goods on Twilight Sparkle.”

“PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle?!” I gasp.

“She wasn’t a Princess, back then. She didn’t have wings or nothing. Just a regular unicorn. Still, I got into trouble for that. I don’t like it when ponies are mad at me.” she pouts sadly. Oh, that’s adorable.

“Sorry to hear that.”

“No need to be sorry. It all worked out. I improved at work, and now everypony is my friend! I like friends! Even my boss, who can be a real grumpypants, he’s my friend, too!”

“That’s wonderful to hear.” I say with a smile, writing down notes in my notebook.

“Hey, Mister?” she wonders “I like talking to you, but why are you interviewing me?”

“Huh? Oh, right. I didn’t tell you.” I’m an idiot. I didn’t tell her the purpose of my visit. I just asked for an interview when I saw her, and didn’t inform her why. “I was visited by the Ponyville Newspaper yesterday, and they actually offered me a job. They wanted me to interview certain townsfolk for a piece called ‘Extraordinary Ponies,’ and your name was at the top of the list.”

“M-Me?” she blushes “I-I’m honored. To be honest, I thought you came by to boop me.”

“Boop?” Oh, right. Booping. I hadn’t been approached for any booping for the past few days. I pretty much thought the fad had died off. Well, not completely died off. I saw Ms. Harshwhinny hiding in my bushes yesterday afternoon. Thankfully, I have installed window locks, and shooing her away with a broom works out well, so I’m ready for her if she ever comes back.

That being said, I do kind of miss it, too. I haven’t seen Queen Chrysalis for a few days. I hope she’s okay.

“Yeah.” Ditzy Doo continues “I got a letter a few days ago from Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight. It says that you help out with pony stress by booping them on the nose. I thought you came by to get to know me, before you boop me.”

“I…that wasn’t my intention when coming here. But…would you want me to?”

“I think so.” Ditzy Doo scratches at the floor with her left hoof. God, that’s cute. “I’ve heard good things. A recommendation from the Princesses can’t be all bad, right?”

“Right.” I nod “Okay, that should be fine. Can I ask you something, though? How stressed are you when you go to work, or just in general?”

“Stressed?” Ditzy Doo thinks “Hmmm…no, I haven’t really been all that stressed for a while. Maybe some days, I feel a bit down, but I usually perk up after a nice tasty muffin.”

“I see…” Do I tell her that the higher the stress, the more powerful the reaction? Nah. She seems like a happy pony. Maybe she’ll find it pleasant, and nothing else. I put my notepad away. “Okay, I’ll boop you. But…can I say one thing, beforehand?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I’m just throwing this out there. If you feel uncomfortable, I’m sorry, but I have to get this off my chest.” I can’t hold this in for much longer. “You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“R-Really?” Ditzy Doo blushes, brushing her hair around her ear in embarrassment “I-I’m not uncomfortable by that. Surprised, but not uncomfortable. Thanks, but…I’m seeing somepony in shipping. I’m sorry.”

“Huh? Oh…” she thought I was flirting with her. I suppose that saying a compliment like that would make one think I was flirting. “N-No, that’s fine. Far be it from me to try and snatch you away from this guy.” I chuckle. Hmm…I’m not correcting her assumption.

“I’m flattered, really. But, it’s pretty serious. If I wasn’t…I’d give it a shot, but…”

“Don’t worry about it. Like I said, I had to get it out there, because…man, you’re cute. He’s a lucky guy.”

“Thank you.” she giggles. “So, about the booping?”

“Of course.” I scoot my chair up closer to her. “Okay, so, I’m going to boop you on the nose. I’ll be gentle about it. If you feel uncomfortable, or if it’s not doing anything for you, feel free to tell me so.”

“Okay.” Ditzy Doo nods with a smile. “I look forward to it.”

I put my right hand into a pointing position at Ditzy Doo’s muzzle. Her nose twitches ever so slightly. So adorable. I hope she likes it. I’ll be disappointed if she found it unsatisfactory.



Ditzy Doo lets out a powerful sneeze. How powerful are we talking? Well, it’s loud. It’s got some heft to it. Oh, right. I’m also flying out of the second story window. Huh, I never thought that I would somehow be launched out of another window so soon after the last one, but here we are. I hope there are some bushes below to cushion my fall.



Nope, there are no bushes to cushion my fall.

I look up at the sky; I refuse to move from my position. My eyes move to the shattered window I came out of. Ditzy Doo pokes her head out, letting out an embarrassed gasp.

“Oh my goodness! I’m sorry, Mister!”

“It’s okay!” I give her the thumbs up. In truth, my back hurts, but I can’t be mad at her. She just told me that she doesn’t like it when ponies are angry at her, and who am I to go into a hissy fit for being unceremoniously launched out of a window, due to a sneeze? “I’ll pay for the window!” Man, am I being generous today.

“Are you sure?” Ditzy Doo asks.

“Yeah! I’ll send some ponies out later today to fix it. Don’t worry!”

“Okay! I have to get back to work. Sorry about that!”

“It’s all good!” It’s not. I still hurt. Maybe my back needs some restructuring. I see Ditzy Doo nod and move away from the broken window. Good. I’d hate to see that ball of cuteness get cut by broken glass. Then, I see a wooden square being placed on the window. Once I get up, I’ll find some ponies to fix…

“Hey there!” a pegasus with a rainbow mane suddenly looms over me with an enthusiastic attitude. “What are you doing on the ground?”

“Currently recovering from being sneezed out of the window to the Ponyville Post Office.”

“Ditzy Doo?”

“How did you know?”

“She has a sensitive nose. One time, she sniffed some flowers, and the WHOLE flower garden was gone in an instant. It’s a good thing she’s cute.”

“You’re telling me.” I agree.

“Oh, you like ponies like that, now?”

“No, but I can freely admit when I see something cute.”

“Mr. Human! Mr. Human!” Pinkie Pie suddenly looms over me with a look of worry. “I saw you fly out the window! Is Maud Pie back for more?”


“Did Ditzy Doo sneeze you out the window?” Huh, that was a pretty right on second assumption.


“But Maud Pie isn’t after you?”


“Okay then!” Pinkie Pie bounces away, going “La-la-la-la-la!!!”

Does anyone here even know what my name is? I keep telling them, but I’ve only been referred to as "Mr. Human." Forget it, I’ll take what I can get. Mr. Human sounds kind of fun, though. I’d love to get up off the ground, but ugh…my back.

“Hey…” the rainbow maned pony looks at me with concern “Do you need any help?”

“Well…my back hurts. Would you mind helping me up, so I can go to the hospital?”

“I’ll do you one better. There's friend of mine that will fix that back lickety-split! Come on!” she unfurls her wings to slowly help me up. It hurts, but the support of her wings is much appreciated. “By the way, my name is Rainbow Dash. The friend I’m taking you to see is Fluttershy. Have you met her before?”

“No, but I’m looking forward to it.” I give Rainbow Dash a smile.

We head outside of Ponyville, all the way to a nice little house at the top of a hill. It’s a beautiful looking place, with trees and flowers at the front, and birds chirping on the roof. It looks like a serene place to live. This Fluttershy must be someone very attune with nature. Rainbow Dash knocks on the door. Seconds pass, and a cream coated mare with pink hair and a butterfly mark on her flank opens the door.

“Oh, hey Rainbow Dash.” she says with a smile and friendly, but hushed tone. She then looks up at me. “Oh, and you brought the human with you.” Her eyes suddenly go wide after a couple moments. “The human?! Eep!” She shuts the door.

Um…what did I do?

“Fluttershy! Open up!” Rainbow Dash knocks again “He’s not going to hurt you! He needs your help!”

“What could he want with me?” I hear Fluttershy say on the other side “I’m just a simple pegasus! There’s nothing I can offer him!”

“He needs help with his back! There’s no better massage therapist than you!”

Silence. All quiet on the western front yard.

Slowly, the door opens up, revealing Fluttershy, looking at me through her mane, which is covering up most of her face.

Jesus, am I just now noticing that ponies are really cute? Can’t be. The only one I’ve referred to as cute before Ditzy Doo and Fluttershy has been Queen Chrysalis. Sure, I’ve called behavior from Ms. Harshwhinny and Dragon Lord Ember a variation of the word, but in terms of physicality? Not until recently.

“You…want a massage from me?” she asks.

“Yeah. I fell pretty hard on my back, and Rainbow Dash took me to you. I don’t mean to be a bother, and sorry for scaring you. If you don’t want to…”

“Wait…” Fluttershy stops me from continuing. I see a blush on her cheeks. I must have flattered her somehow. “You’re much nicer than I thought. I should be the one apologizing.” she steps back. “Please, come inside.”

Rainbow Dash and I walk inside Fluttershy’s house. It looks even cozier on the inside than it did on the outside. A comfy looking couch, a small but charming looking TV set, bird houses…

Wait…bird houses? Oh, hey, a bird just came out of it. She must be a bird person…pony…

“You have a nice place.” I say.


“Do you like birds?”

“I like all animals. I help a lot of them. Birds, snakes, bears, manticores, bunnies…”

“I’m sorry…” I interrupt “Bears?”

“Yes. Bears are very friendly. Would you like to meet one? I have one in the backyard.”

“Umm…maybe later.” I say. Wow, she actually has a bear in the backyard? She must REALLY be attune with nature, if she’s somehow managed to tame a bear. My back kind of has more precedence, though. Maybe when I feel better.

“Okay. Follow me.” Fluttershy walks up a flight of stairs. Rainbow Dash and I follow her up. It leads straight into a large bedroom, with an inviting bed that looks so comfortable, that I feel like I’m going to fall asleep just by laying on it. “Lay down on your stomach. Oh…and…take off that shirt. I can’t massage you properly if you’re wearing that.”

“No problem.” I nod, taking off my shirt. I lay down on the bed. Man, I was right. This is a comfortable bed.

“Now, you might feel some pressure when it starts.” Fluttershy says. I feel her get onto the bed, and soon, her front hooves press down on my back. “I’m going to start slow. Let me know if you feel any discomfort.”

“Okay.” I nod. I feel her hooves rubbing against my back. Admittedly, I never had a massage before. Despite hooves feeling generally hard, Fluttershy’s touch is remarkably gentle. Still, there’s an obvious pressure against my back, especially as she starts moving downwards, to the areas which hurt the most.


Oof. I can feel things moving back into place the more she massages me. It surprisingly doesn’t hurt very much. Actually, it feels quite nice. Maybe I should get massages more often.

“You have a lot of tension in your back.” Fluttershy says gently “When was the last time you received one of these?”

“Never.” I respond “This is my first time.”

“Oh my. I hope I’m leaving a good impression.”

“Trust me, Fluttershy, you’re doing wonderfully.” I close my eyes.

“Thank you. I might have to work a little more to get the tension out fully. Would that be okay?”

“That would be great.” I smile. “Keep doing what you’re doing.” The more Fluttershy massages my back, the more relaxed I become. I didn’t know I needed this until today, but right now, there’s no place I’d rather be. I sigh in relaxation and open my eyes.

Rainbow Dash is right in front of me, staring.

“Hey…you’re the booper, right?” Rainbow Dash asks bluntly. I’m too relaxed to be shocked at this.

“Yeah. I’m the one who boops.” I chuckle. “Did you get a letter, too?”

“I did. So um…since you’re here…” she scratches at the floor with her hooves “You mind…you know…booping me?”



Rainbow Dash is so close to me, booping her is very easy. I’m too calm for all that build up. I’m going straight for the main event. When I touch her muzzle, Rainbow Dash steps back. Her nose twitches ever so slightly from the feeling.

“Woah. That’s booping?”

“Sure is. You want some more?”

“Okay.” she smiles, walking back to me. I boop her some more. I’m slow and gentle, much like Fluttershy is with my back. Every time I boop Rainbow Dash on the nose, she smiles and giggles. “This is…awesome.”

“What are you two doing?” Fluttershy asks, stopping her massage.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash says excitedly “You got to check this out! Did you get a letter from Twilight and Princess Celestia about this guy?”

“No. Can’t say I have.”

“Well, get this. He boops ponies to help them relax! How awesome is that?”

“Oh…I don’t know. I don’t feel very stressed. But…you go ahead, I’ll keep massaging him.”

“No, no, no! This won’t stand!” Rainbow Dash shakes her head, looking back to me. “Hey, turn around and boop Fluttershy.”

“I don’t know. She didn’t sound like she wanted to do it.”

“Come on. Just one little boop. She’ll be fine. Fluttershy is always a timid one, but I think she’ll like this.”

“That’s okay.” I hear Fluttershy say “I don’t really need it.”

“Trust me, Fluttershy. You WILL like this.” Rainbow Dash glances back at me, gesturing me to turn around.

On any other day, I would have listened to Fluttershy and respected her wishes. But, I’m way too calm and relaxed at this point. That massage has made me susceptible to any request. I’m just happy that this is the only order that's asked of me. I can’t help but wonder if they said something else.

I turn around to face Fluttershy, who has positioned herself on my lap, with a look of wonderment in her eyes. My back feels much better, thanks to her, so I might as well make her comfortable, too.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy.” I smile “I’ll be gentle.” Wow, did that sound wrong. Ah, who cares? Booping time.


I press my finger against Fluttershy’s muzzle. She ‘eeps’ in surprise, but as I move my finger away, she exhales in relaxation. An instant reaction. That’s a first. I boop her again, and she sighs some more; closing her eyes with a smile.

“Oh, my…” she says. I boop her. “This is wonderful.” I boop her again. “Keep going.” I boop her more. “Don’t stop.”

“Hey! Hey! Save some for me!” I hear Rainbow Dash say.

Suddenly, Rainbow pushes me upwards, propping me against the headboard of the bed. I see both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy approaching me with smiles on their faces. Booping two subjects at once. This should be interesting. I boop Rainbow Dash first. She giggles. I boop Fluttershy next. She exhales. Both different reactions, but the same result. Relaxation.

The two get closer to me. Very close. Soon, they are on both sides of my body, cuddling me as I continue to boop them. I’d make a few comments about this. God knows that there are a few on my mind. But that massage. Dear lord, that massage. I can’t say anything. I can’t think about anything else. Only booping. I will keep doing that until the sense comes back to my head.

I alternate between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Now both of them are giggling the more that I boop them. They cuddle my sides and feel my chest with their forelegs. The feeling is oh so comfortable. Their soft bodies feel nice against my skin. Is this what being on drugs is like? Maybe. I’m not even on any drugs, but I feel absolutely euphoric right now.

“What in tarnation?!” a unfamiliar southern voice calls out from the stairs.

We all look to the stairs to see a mare with a dark orange coat, blonde mane, a mark of apples on her flank, and wearing a stetson hat, staring at us with her mouth wide open.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash stammers in a panic. So, this is Applejack. “T-This…this is…”

“This is exactly what it looks like.” Fluttershy says, continuing to rub her hoof on my chest.

“That’s the thing…ah don’t know what this looks like.” Applejack looks at the scene, giving it the once over. “Wait a sec here…is this the boopin’ I’ve been hearin’ so much about?”

“That’s right!” Rainbow Dash becomes excited by Applejack’s correct guess “This is booping!”

“Ah see.” Applejack nods. She then removes her hat, and tosses it onto a nearby hat rack. Perfect aim. “Then, make some room fer me!” Applejack jumps onto the foot of the bed. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy move backwards to her. Now, I have three ponies staring at me; all with happy smiles on their faces. “Come on, human. Ya think ya can take us all on?”

“Is that a challenge?” I ask with a devious grin.

“Yer dang right it is! Show me what boopin’ is all about!”

“You’re on, Applejack!” I accept her challenge.


I press Applejack’s muzzle. At first, she doesn’t seem to react, but when I press it again. “YEEE-HAW!!!” she yells in celebration. There we go.

Is this really how this day is going? I started off interviewing Ditzy Doo for the town paper. Now, I’m bopping three ponies at once. Quite honestly? I don’t really care! I’m far too in the zone to complain about this. What’s there to complain about? I’m having fun! I’m relaxing! I’m meeting new ponies, and I’m booping them! What’s not to like about this whole thing?

I’m going to have to assume that I’ll find plenty of reasons not to like this, once I get home and get a good night’s sleep to clear my head. Right now, though? I can’t be bothered to think of a single dislike about this whole situation.

One after the other, I boop these three mares on the nose. Each one causes them to giggle, sigh in relaxation, even squeal. Squeal? Oh my god, this must feel fantastic to them! I become faster with my boops. In my head, I’m imagining a beat every time my finger lands on their muzzles. I think about the notes to this one song I like called “Funky Town.” It’s going great with the booping.

“Won’t you take me to…funky town!” is playing in my head. I feel like singing it, but I’m too engrossed with my actions to do anything about it. The mares are on their backs wiggling around in tune with my booping, and looking oh so friggin' adorable.

Ponies…ponies are cute! They’re so damn cute!

Night has fallen. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy are asleep in the big bed. My arms are tired. I booped them into submission. We didn’t take a break, and I’m exhausted. The only time we stopped, was when a crazed bunny jumped into the room and kicked me in the face. Fluttershy had none of it, and threw him out the window, into a nearby bush. I went way past the maximum of one hundred boops. I’m pretty sure each mare got three hundred boops from me.

I don’t think I’d want to do that again. I was happy with just a hundred boops with Queen Chrysalis. Maybe after a few days rest, I’d be okay with two hundred, but three hundred is just too much. Technically, I did over 900 boops. That’s just plain insanity.

I walk out of Fluttershy’s house, putting my shirt back on as I slowly walk along the road back to Ponyville. That high I was feeling from the massage is very much leaving me. My back is all better, but now my poor fragile psyche is flashing through everything that happened in that bed room.

The cuddling. The squealing. The caressing. The booping.

Holy lord…was I technically in a foursome? I mean, nothing in terms of mating…I-I mean…sexual…happened. But still…that’s just…weird. I don’t think I can deal with this. I need to go home. I need to go to bed. Maybe I should shower first. I had mares all over me, and I’m very, very sweaty.

Oh, damn it. Ms. Harshwhinny is in front of my house again. Can I have a break? Please?

“Ms. Harshwhinny. I have no time for this.”

“Mr. The Human…” lady didn’t even bother to know my name. Typical. “I implore you to let me inside.”

“No.” I say sternly “I had a really long day. I have an article to write when I wake up, and the last thing I need is you trying to jump me.”

“I never!” she scoffs “I wasn’t going to jump you!”

“Then, what are you doing here?”

“I want you to boop me! Is that so bad?”

“It is when the last time you did it, you stripped naked and straddled me!”

“Shhh!” Ms. Harshwhinny gets closer, attempting to silence me. “Not so loud, you ruffian!” She clears her throat, trying to maintain a sense of professionalism. “I must admit, I did have a rather…large reaction to your charms…but, I assure you, it won’t happen again.”

“You also tried to undo my pants, and you have been stalking me.”

“Well…um…that’s because…I…” Ms. Harshwhinny sighs angrily. “Okay, fine. You’re extremely attractive, and I would like to do stuff to you.”

“I’m not in the mood. Get back to me when…you know…I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.”

“Then, can you at least let me inside your house for the night?”


“I’m scared of the dark.”

“I’ll give you a flashlight.”

“I have no bits to afford a motel for the night.”

“I’ll give you some bits.”

“I’m cold, and there are Timberwolves after me.”


“Yes. I smacked one for scratching at me, and now they’re angry.”

As if on cue, I hear a large howl in the distance. Crap, she’s telling the truth. I can’t let her get attacked by Timberwolves, even if she’s been hounding me these last few days. Damn it. Why have I suddenly developed a weakness for ponies? This isn’t fair.

“Get inside, quickly.” I open the door. Ms. Harshwhinny runs inside. “Watch as much TV as you like. You’ll be sleeping on the couch. There’s food in the fridge. I’m going to take a shower, and go to bed.”

“Can I come with? I could use a shower, too.”




“I’m good with a loofah.”

“You can take a shower after I’m done!”

“But, I want to take a shower with you.”


I’m regretting this decision, already.