• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,130 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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Weekend At Applejack's part 2

That night, a select few were invited to stay the night in the Apple family barn. Spark had never been to a sleepover before, so his mother gave him permission and talked it over with Granny Smith. Meanwhile, Big Mac and Applejack were giving the farm tour to Cheerilee, Spark, Ditzy, Emerald, River and Mint. Rarity had refused to spend the night in some 'drafty, dirty barn'.

When the group finally came back from the tour, it was getting dark. Big Mac and Applejack gathered materials to start a small bonfire near the barn, with Spark, Ditzy and Emerald deciding to gather firewood. While they worked, Emerald approached Spark.

"Greetings!" Emerald began, but seemed to shrink a little under Spark's glare. "U-um, Spark Storm," he stuttered. The dark Pegasus seemed to have a bit of a temper, and frankly, he was a little scary. "I really think we got off to a bad start earlier this week and I was hoping we could make amends..."

Spark made a face. He really hated how this colt talked. It was a little like River, but he couldn't help from thinking that it wasn't meant to be condescending as River did. Maybe he'd jumped the gun that first day. "Yeah, I guess I kinda flew off the handle on Monday, huh?"

Emerald chuckled quietly as he loaded some logs onto Spark's back in-between his wings for carrying. "I suppose maybe a little." His breath caught in his throat as he finally noticed the shape of Spark's wings. Ditzy cast a look at Spark, urging him to be patient as to what would follow.

"Uh...Spark Storm? Is there...something wrong with your wings?" Spark sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, but kept his temper in check.

"No, not really. I was born like this." He shifted his weight and gave Emerald a pointed stare to keep piling on the wood.

Emerald felt like he had touched upon a sensitive subject, but he could also tell that Spark was being patient. Maybe just a little more..." So...can you fly with those?" Spark's wings twitched. He really couldn't take much more of this. Sensing the escalating situation, Ditzy intervened, placing a supportive hoof on Spark's shoulder.

"No, he can't, Emerald. He's never flown before. He gets some flak from ponies sometimes...mainly your "friend" River. His friends don't care about it, though." She spoke slowly to get all her points across, both of her eyes staring straight at Emerald, the same way they did when she was feeling protective of Spark.

Emerald frowned sadly just a bit. He'd really struck upon a nerve for Spark Storm, and not just him, but his friend as well. He lowered his head humbly, then looked back up at the two with a gentle smile. "I see. I'm terribly sorry if I offended you. The both of you. I really do seem to have made a mistake by writing you off so early, Spark Storm. If you'd forgive me, I'd be ever so grateful."

Spark glanced sideways at Ditzy questioningly. She smiled. She knew he was only doing this to prolong Emerald's worry. She gave him a light shove and nodded. Spark chuckled softly at their unspoken banter, it was something that he loved about her. He turned to Emerald and nodded. "Yeah, all right. We're cool, Emerald." He reached out, and they hoof-bumped.

As the three newly connected friends made their way back to the group, Spark saw something that made him pause. He saw River and Cheerilee standing together. They both looked angry, and seemed to be going back and forth about something. They were too far away to hear anything yet.

It all happened so fast. River shouted something, a single word. Cheerilee rose up on her hind legs and delivered a slap to River's face. At this, Spark felt his blood run cold. Something was going on that made his insides tingle. It felt even worse when he saw both River and Mint charge at his sister.

It all happened so fast. First, he felt his wings flare. He felt the wood fall from his shoulders. He saw Big Mac running to intercept the two bullies. He saw this in slow motion as he felt himself start to run. He saw River's face with a red mark on his cheek. He saw River's eye turn towards him with realization.

Time caught up with him as he flew headfirst into Mint, as he had been running faster at Cheerilee than River. Mint was thrown head-over feet sideways, hitting River and sending them both sprawling onto the ground. Spark stood there, towering over the two with his wings spread like great peacock feathers in all directions, as his bent wings only allowed him to do.

River got up slowly, body shaking. What had hit him? It was big, and green...Mint? He looked back at his cousin, who laid on the ground with a big black bruise on his side. He was out cold. He looked up first at Big Mac, thinking he'd done this. He was the closest. But then he noticed Spark Storm, with a lightly bleeding forehead.

But how? He hadn't even been there! And yet, it was clear who had done this. He got to his hooves shakily, his breath coming in short, angry bursts. "I am so tired of this! If it's not you, it's your sister!" Spark's eyes danced angrily in the evening light as he took a step closer. He felt an unusually large hoof on his back, holding him back gently. "You both have been thorns in my side since day one! I'm just lucky that annoying little twit that liked to dance is gone!" The hoof couldn't hold Spark Storm if it had tried. Spark literally flew into River, knocking them both to the ground as they started fighting, real fighting, with hooves flying with more intent than aim.

It hadn't lasted more than eight seconds before they were pulled apart. They both sported at least one bruised eye, both with bloodied faces.

Spark watched as Big Mac pulled River away from him. He glanced up to see a work-pony at least twice Mac's size, the same color, with sandy blonde hair. He assumed this was Big Mac's father.

"All right, now," the booming voice of the large stallion rang out hard and clear, suddenly deadly quiet inside the group. "I don't know who started this, and I don't care. I want all-a y'all - " He didn't finish as Applejack suddenly cut him off.

"But dad! That little...brat over there" she said, indicating River, "he called Cheerliee there a...a...well, 'tain't appropriate to recall. That there's her brother, and he was just defending her honor!"

Glancing at River, the big stallion then looked at the youngsters that had been there. They all nodded, affirming Applejack's account. River, who was still being held in place by Big Mac, shook the bigger colt off and stepped over to Mint to shake him. "Mint...wake up, you dolt. We're leaving." He glanced back at the others, who were all staring and/or glaring at him in silence.

After rousing Mint with some difficulty, the two began making their way off the farm. When they got to Ditzy and Emerald, who had lagged behind a bit, River glanced at Emerald. Emerald returned the look, then turned away, lightly shaking his head. River scowled, and continued as he and his cousin left Sweet Apple Acres.

Having seen things settled, the farm's matriarch returned inside to let the colts and fillies alone. As Spark felt his adrenaline subside, he glanced at his sister, who still carried traces of angry tears in her eyes. He folded his feathers behind him and approached her, trying to see what was going on in her eyes. "Cheerilee, what did he say to you?"

Cheerliee shook her head, then broke into a soft sob as she lowered her head to the ground. Applejack moseyed on over to her and nuzzled her comfortingly before looking up at Spark Storm. "What Ah said earlier, Ah meant it. It ain't somethin' that outta be repeated, Spark."

Spark scowled, thoughts of what River might have said to make his sister so upset running through his head. "Fine..." He wandered away from the two, then spent the rest of the evening silent as his friends quietly went about gathering the firewood.