• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,129 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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Karma's Glue

Righteous River let out a big, exaggerated sigh as he pulled himself out of bed to get ready for school. He walked over to his dresser and started combing his hair, which had barely settled out of place in his sleep. He set down the turtle shell comb and went to brush his teeth. Every morning, he did this in the bathroom that could've housed a pool party.

After he left his room, the servants got to work. They cooked his breakfast, preened and primped his figure, got his papers ready for class. It was like this every morning. His father, Silver Bits, was almost never home, and his mother, Diamond Iris, spent most of her time either in the gardens or in her personal jewelry room, which had it's own wing in the mansion. River's parents were absent for much of his life. The only real interaction he ever had with his family was when his older brither, Filthy Rich, came to visit.

Even those were few and far between. His brother was an enterprising pony, making connections and business partnerships all over Equestria. Their family had been part of Ponyville history for many generations, since it's founding.

Today was one such day that River's brother had come to visit. Rich, as he preferred to be called, was still asleep. He had just come back from a trip to Canterlot, and from the tales shared between himself and his father, it had been a successful business outing.

River sighed indifferently as the family servants busied themslves with preparing the young master for school. They often pitied River's situation. He was a terribly spoiled brat, and his parents never had time for him. Their own children came first, but to entitle a child from such a young age...certainly nothing good would ever come from this.

River looked to the nearest servant, who was preparing pancakes in the kitchen. "Jeebs?" No response. Now this was tricky. One of the rules around the house specifically for River is that he was not allowed to be mean or cruel to the servants, and that also meant showing them respect. "No? Hm...Carson? Wilfred?...Alfred? The servant finally glanced at the young pony and gave him an affirmative nod.

"Ah. Alfred. Tell me, what is my brother's schedule today?" The elder pony moved with forced dignity as he approached River with a stack of fluffy pancakes. "Master Rich will be viewing the tapestries today, Master River. After, he will be reviewing the family accounts with Master Silver. Master Rich also has some appointments in town. He may have some free time today this afternoon. If you wish, shall I make some time for the two of you to speak?"

His brother rarely had time for him anymore, so this news excited River. He nodded his head eagerly. "Yes, that would be proper, Alfred." The servant bowed his head, and ambled off to make the preparations. After a brief moment of thought and consideration, River called out after him, "Alfred? Um...Thank you." Alred glanced back at the young pony, taken aback by his unusual show of manners. "Of course, Master River." He smiled, and continued on his way. Filthy Rich seemed to be the only guiding light in River's life. Alfred thought to himself that if they spent more time together, there might be hope for the spoiled foal.

Cherry Joy watched Spark Storm eat with interest. Ever since that morning, she'd been watching him like a hawk. This of course was not lost on him. Mid-bite, he looked up at her with a flat look. "What." Cherry bit back a smile. He was so adorable, no matter the mood he was in.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Spark Storm let out a sigh that nearly took his face down into his cereal.

"Yes, mom! I told you, I feel much better. I can't fly, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun, right?"

His mother smiled happily and nodded. "That's right. And no spoiled fancy-pants little brat can tell you you're not special!" She ended this with a stomp on the table, shaking everything on it with a clatter. Spark Storm gave a tremendous roll of his eyes. The tender feelings of last night were gone, but of course not forgotten.

"Yes, mother." Cherry Joy smiled and clopped her hooves together. "Good! Now finish up and get ready for your second day!"

Spark Storm waved good-bye to Cheerilee as she headed off to her own class. As the other students arrived, he watched intensely for any signs of a particular white Pegasus with a blue mane. He was concentrating so hard he didn't hear the fluttering of wings behind him. He also didn't notice Sapphire standing beside him until she flared her wings and suddenly poked him. "Boo!" He let out a most undignified shriek and fell away from her.

Sapphire bowled over with laughter, clutching her sides as they shook. Spark glared up at her from his place on the ground. "What'd you do that for?" He demanded. Sapphire finally stopped laughing and held out a hoof to help him up. He stared at it a moment, then begrudgingly took it and stood.

"I'm sorry. You just looked so focused, you didn't even see me next to you. Who were you waiting for?" Suddenly put on the spot, Spark Storm rubbed the back of his head, feeling awkward.

"Oh, was it me?" She grinned at him and started bouncing around him in a circle. "Do you liiike me?" Horrified that someone might see and hear these slanderous accusations, he hurriedly moved to stop her bouncing.

"I-I just wanted to thank you, that's all! Geez!" He rushed into the classroom to avoid any further embarressment. Sapphire giggled happily as she followed him in a la Pepe Le Pew.

That day at recess, the children were gathered around outside. Spark Storm had taken some construction paper with him, and was drawing by himself on the inside of a concrete tube, where it was cool and darker. It wasn't long before there was a fluttering of wings. Spark immediately drew in against himself. He wasn't ready to deal with Sapphire again so soon, so he was pleasantly surprised when he saw Ditzy at the edge of the tube.

"Oh hey, Ditzy. What's up?" Ditzy took the greeting as an invitation and moved further inside.

"Hi, Spark. Whatcha doin'?" She glanced down at what he was working on. It seemed like he was outlining something, but looking at it upside down, coupled with how dark it was, made it hard to see. "And how are you drawing in here? It's so dark." Spark shrugged and continued drawing. "I can see fine. And I'm making something for Sapphire." He suddenly glared at her, his face deadly serious. "You can't tell her I'm making something for her."

Ditzy giggled girlishly, making Spark shudder visibly. He paused in his drawing, a thought coming to mind. "Ditzy?...What does it feel like to fly?" He looked up at her expectantly. She had a thoroughly confused look on her face. Why was he asking her? Of all the Pegasi in the class, she was -last- pony he should be asking about that.

"Oh, um..." She thought for a moment, her eyes going even more askew than normal."Well, it's fun. Your wings hurt when you first learn, but then it feels great, it's a little like walking, except you're way high up!" She accentuated by raising her forelegs over her head, bumping her hooves on the ceiling of the tube. "Ow." She noticed his wings, folded neatly against his back for once. "When do you think you'll start flying?"

Spark drew in against himself at this question, but thoughts of his mother and Sapphire's words the day before came back to him. "Well..." The air suddenly pierced with a shriek. Having dreamt of nothing but her voice last night, Spark recognized it as Sapphire's voice. He found himself sailing over Ditzy's head, barely missing the concrete ceiling. He followed her voice, as did the rest of the class, into the classroom. There, in her seat looking both miffed and in pain, was Sapphire Snow.

She looked like she was simply rocking from side to side in her chair in an odd little dance, but it soon became apparent she was trying to get out of her chair, unsuccessfully. She cried in pain as there was a slow, steady ripping sound as she finally fell out of her chair. Someone had put copius amounts of glue in her chair and had just waited for her to sit.

Sapphire lay curled up on the floor, trembling in pain and clutching her backside. Spark Storm went to her side to access the damage. Much of her rump fur had been ripped out, and several long strands of her beautiful tail had been as well. A pair of chuckles broke the silence, and Spark didn't even need to see them to know they had come from River and Mint. He didn't waste a single second as he pounced on them both from across the room, his wings propelling him. Ditzy's question had been answered.

"Now let me get this straight, children." Angelica hovered over the three of them, pacing back and forth with aggitation in her steps. Four of her students had gotten injured today, one of them from a cruel prank. It was not a good day. "Spark, you're saying that these two glued Sapphire to her seat?" Spark Storm nodded quietly. It was difficult to see the black eye on the right side of his face. His teacher turned and glared down at her other students.

River's face was spotless, though his forehead looked like it had been stamped. He glanced away from his teacher, attempting a look of dignity. "Ms Angelica, there's simply no proof we did anything. Spark Storm just attacked us because it was convenient." Mint said nothing. He sported a fat lip and a bloody nose.

Angelica deliberated quietly for a moment. Rarity had offered to help Sapphire home, gently lamenting the damage to the Pegasi's beautiful fur. It had been a cruel joke, a painful one at that. However, it was true that there was no evidence of the two before her had anything to do with this. Still..."Well, then I'm afraid I can't do anything about it." Spark Storm looked up at his teacher, fury evident in his eyes. She held up a hoof to quiet him. "However, the three of you were fighting. I'm going to have to hold you in after class with me today."

River's eyes snapped open at this. This wasn't supposed to happen. No, not today! "Ms Angelica, I can't today! I...I have something to do!" Angelica looked down at River without pity. "I'm sorry, River, but maybe you should have thought about that before you got into a fight." River's anger was at the boiling point now. He had waited a long time to visit with his brother, and these insignificant ponies would -not- deny him. "I'm sorry, Ms Angelica, but I have important things to do today, and I can't be-"

Angelica brought up a hoof to silence him, venemous anger in her eyes. "Young colt, do you take me for one of the servants that your family employs? I do not work for your father, but he will most certainly be told that you were responsible for the disfigurement of one of my students if you don't cooperate. You are going to stay after school with Mint and Spark and you will write me thirty pages of 'I am not more important than anypony', single lines, back and front! And if you do not, your mother will be informed of this as well!"

River glared up at his teacher, furious. Finally, he sat back down and crossed his forelegs. He fought the tears threatening to fall, he fought to keep from crying in front of his teacher. He had waited so long to get some time with his family, any of his family, and now that was taken away because his teacher and his classmates were taking this little joke way too seriously. River swore to himself in that instant that he would make them pay for this.